*One Month Later*

"Hey guys! Look at this!"

Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy perked, rushing over to where Tails was. He was holding a small phone in his hand. "What is it?" Sonic asked.

"Looks like Ash and his friends managed to get us clearance to hang out in the open," he grinned. "He informed the leading authorities that we weren't Pokemon and that we had helped save Saffron City from Chaos."

"Then that means we can come out of hiding?" Knuckles exclaimed.


"All right!" Sonic cheered. "I was getting antsy about being cooped up out here."

"Finally!" Chatot sighed in relief. "We can fly again!"

"Does that mean we can see them again?"

Sonic nodded vigorously. Although he and Ash had been in contact for the past month, it wasn't the same as seeing each other in person; it never was. A lot had happened since they'd split up: May had gone off to Johto while Ash went off to Sinnoh, and they'd both gotten a wardrobe change.

"It's strange," Knuckles mused. "I wouldn't have thought May would leave like that. If anything, I thought she and Ash were dating."

"Dating?!" Sonic fell over. "Yeah right! I'll believe they're dating the day I meet my evil twin!" With that, he strode over to the edge, grinning.

"What're you gonna do, Sonic?" Tails smiled.

Sonic looked back and gave him a thumbs-up. "What I do best, of course!" With that, he jumped down and began running through the beautiful region of Hoenn, taking in the exhilaration of running without restraints. Soon, he came to a tall mountain that looked over the span of the region. He grinned and laid back. "This is the life."

That was when a glimmer in the sky caught his eye. Curious, he stood up and looked towards it. A large, multicolored phoenix-like creature soared overhead, leaving a rainbow in its wake.

Far from where he stood, at equal distances, a young, raven-haired trainer and a young, brunette coordinator saw the same thing.

That's it! This story is finally done! What'd ya think? Man...that ending from the movie really gets you every time. I never cried at it (not yet, that is), but I always choke up when I think about it.

If I owned Pokemon or Sonic, I would say something, but I don't, so I won't.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this story! Thanks for reading!