AN: This is the last chapter! And it's kinda shorter than the chapters usually are, especially the previous chapter. I think it resolves everything though, and this was only supposed to be a One Shot in the first place. Obviously I got carried away, making it multi chapter. But I hope you liked it, and I hope you like this final chapter! Enjoy!


Thorin and Rhyn simply stared at Smaug's body for a long time, watching blood continue to drain lazily and pool around him. When the blood threatened to touch Rhyn's foot, he became aware that he was kind of covered in it. At least his lap was.

"Ugh. I don't suppose you brought a water skin with you." Rhyn muttered, glancing at Thorin.

"I did not. But it's still mostly wet, you could probably wipe it away." Thorin suggested, gesturing to the brown trousers Smaug had been wearing. Rhyn despised the though of anything of Smaug's touching him, but he wasn't going to use his own clothes. Some of which had been tossed over the side of the walkway. "I'll go retrieve them." Thorin proposed when he noticed Rhyn looking down at the piles of gold and his clothes. Rhyn made a noise of assent and started cleaning blood off of himself. Every movement sent a jolt of pain up his spine from his bum, but he did not let himself show his pain. Even if only Thorin could see it.

"Think the others heard any of that?" Rhyn wondered aloud.

"Doubt it. I told them to stay put near the door, and that is a very long way to hear from." Thorin replied, walking back up the stairs with Rhyn's trousers and coat. Luckily his shirt and undercoat were still on the walkway, and he pulled those on first. "Are you okay?" Thorin asked awkwardly, holding out the clothes he recovered.

"Just peachy." Rhyn muttered with hardly veiled anger. Then he sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." He murmured.

"I'm not surprised actually. You did just go through a traumatic experience. I was very snappy after Smaug took Erebor." Thorin told him, actually trying to make him feel better. Rhyn only nodded stiffly, clenching his teeth in pain as he stooped to pull his trousers on. "Oin will have an ointment you can use, for the pain. But the mental-"

"I don't want ointment, I don't want anything. And you will not tell any of them about this." Rhyn snapped, sending a harsh glare at the Dwarf King. Thorin was honestly shocked.

"You're not going to tell them? Not even Bilbo?"

"Especially not Bilbo. How do you think he would react? It's better that they don't know. Hell, I wish you didn't know." Rhyn finished pulling on his coat and tossed Smaug's trousers back over his corpse. He would put them back on the Dragon before the Company came into the treasury. He didn't want them to even guess at what had happened. "Look, I'm asking you, please don't tell them."

"You want me to lie to them."

"It's not lying unless they ask specifically you if Smaug raped me. All we have to do is tell them that he chased after me, cornered me, and you snuck behind him while I distracted him. You stabbed him, I cut his head off, and that was that." Thorin still didn't look happy. But then again, when did he ever look happy? "Just go get them, I'll put his trousers on and then I'm taking a nap. I've had far too much excitement today, thank you very much." Thorin didn't move towards the tunnel entrance, he just stood there and stared at Rhyn for a few moments.

"Okay. I won't tell them. But if you feel the urge to talk about it-"

"I won't, I can promise you that."

"But if you do. I guess you can talk to me." Thorin muttered the last sentence, like it was a real pain in the ass to think about having a conversation with Rhyn, much less one involving actual feelings and the like. Rhyn couldn't help but smile at that.

"Yeah. Sure." He agreed, if only to get Thorin to go away. The Dwarf King gave him an awkward nod before heading off into the tunnel. Rhyn took a few deep breaths before he knelt next to Smaug's body and worked the trousers back onto his body. They were appropriately bloodied to pretend they'd been there the whole time, but Rhyn was still worried. Bilbo knew him better than anyone in Middle Earth, and he would probably know Rhyn wasn't telling him the whole truth. But luckily, Bilbo had his own problems to think about.

Rhyn made true to his word and he found a nice little corner near the tunnel entrance to curl up in. Being in the fetal position actually made him feel better, and he drifted off into sleep very quickly. When Bilbo came running into the treasury frantically, eyes darting in every direction looking for his brother, he found Rhyn in the same position Rhyn laid down in. Curled into a ball, face set in a decidedly blank mask, and breathing deeply. Bilbo didn't have it in him to wake the Ranger, instead he smiled and took off his coat to lay over the Man. Rhyn always surrendered his coat if Bilbo needed it. The Hobbit didn't mind returning the favor.

"He looks exhausted." Bofur pointed out, coming to stand next to Bilbo.

"He just killed Smaug, wouldn't you be?" Nori rolled his eyes, and suddenly everybody remembered that there was a dead Dragon a few yards away from them. They all just kind of stared at it for a long time before anyone said anything.

"He looks much less fearsome in Man form." Gloin murmured.

"That may be because his head isn't attached." Dwalin suggested.

"Yeah, that's it. It's not because he's not a hundred feet in length." Gloin returned sarcastically.

"What are we going to do with him?" Kili wondered.

"Can we mount his head on the wall, like with a warg or a boar?" Fili proposed.

"No." Thorin immediately chimed. "Dwalin, carry the body to the front doors. We won't be able to put it outside, but at least it will be out of the way. I'll take the head." He ordered and moved forward to do as he said. "How many water skins are left?" He called over his shoulder. There was brief shuffling before Oin called out.

"Seven full, and half of an eigth."

"When Rhyn wakes up, give the half full skin to him." He figured it was the least he could do.

"Why?" Bilbo asked, worry in his tone.

"He did a lot of running, that's all." Thorin lied effortlessly, but it was only a lie in the sense that it wasn't the exact truth. Rhyn had done a lot of running, from what he understood. But it wasn't what he would want the water for. Bilbo accepted the excuse and trailed after Dwalin and Thorin as they went towards the gate. Once they were there, and had put the body down, Bilbo pulled Thorin back so Dwalin would walk ahead of them and out of hearing range.

"Is Rhyn okay? He hardly ever sleeps so soundly as he is now."

"He said he is fine. I did not pry." Thorin shrugged.

"He always says he's fine. I'll talk to him when he wakes. I could bear to wake him now. What about you? Are you okay?" The Hobbit asked, studying his Dwarf's face intently.

"I am perfectly okay Bilbo." Thorin assured him.

"Why is your head bleeding?" Bilbo asked with a quirked brow. Thorin brough his hand to his head and flinched when he felt the goose egg and dried blood there. In all the excitement of Rhyn being raped and then killing Smaug, Thorin had forgotten about the hit he'd taken and the chest he bashed his head on. And now that he was aware of it, his head was aching.

"Hit it during the confusion of fighting a Dragon. I'm alright, I promise. I'll have Oin look at it as soon as we return. But what about you? How are you feeling? Is your...condition acting up?" Bilbo's eyes lit up at that, and he looked excited.

"No! It's wonderful! I feel like I used to! Before my parents died! I think my condition is gone, or at least very close to being gone. I feel happy and...I'm not scared of being alone anymore. I mean, I have Rhyn and...I have..."

"Yes?" Thorin prompted, seeing Bilbo's hesitance.

"I" Bilbo said shyly, looking down at his feet. Thorin smiled and tilted his face back up. His warm grin gave Bilbo hope, and soon the Hobbit was smiling as well.

"You've had me for longer than you can imagine Bilbo." He promised before claiming Bilbo's lips in a kiss. "I believe I love you." He breathed against Bilbo's lips.

"I believe I love you too." Bilbo said joyfully, rising to his tip toes to steal another kiss. "Will you prove it to me? That you love me?"

"What did you have in mind?" Thorin asked, though his mind was already wandering. However, his wandering came to an abrupt halt as he remembered the terrible sight of Rhyn being taken.

"Well...Erebor is yours again. I'm sure you know the way to the residential rooms." Bilbo let off in a sly voice. "B-But I should warn you that...well I've never...shared a bed...with anyone." Bilbo stuttered out, blushing up to his ears and down his neck. As much as Thorin wanted to kiss Bilbo and carry him over his shoulder to one of the mentioned residential rooms, he just couldn't. Not with the memory of Smaug thrusting into Rhyn so fresh in his mind. Instead he smiled sweetly and shook his head.

"In that case, I want it to be special. Would you mind waiting a few days? Until I can make everything perfect?" Bilbo pouted, and it was a most adorable sight. But he nodded.

"I suppose if you want to wait, I can bring myself to be patient. I do hope you won't keep me waiting for too long." Bilbo purred, a devious smile on his face. It made his stomach coil in anticipation, but once again it quickly vanished. He had to get his thoughts under control! It wasn't like he was the one who was raped, for Mahal's sake!

"Not very long at all." Thorin agreed. Bilbo twined their hands together and they started walking back to the treasury. Thorin couldn't help but think as they walked. If his mind was still impossibly fixed on what happened, he could only imagine how Rhyn would feel when he woke up.


"Rhyn! Wake up! You've been sleeping for hours!" Bilbo shouted, very close to his ear he might add, and Rhyn practically shot up from his sleep. Bilbo laughed and sat down next to the Ranger, completely missing the winces and grimaces Rhyn displayed as he shifted up into a sitting position. "I was getting worried something was terribly wrong. Speaking of, how are you doing? Thorin said you said you were fine, but you always say you're fine and I never really believe you." Bilbo chattered amiably. Rhyn put on his best fake smile.

"I'm great Bilbo. Smaug is dead. The Dwarves have their home back. And we can be on our way soon." Only silence met his statement. With a sigh, Rhyn admitted what he had been suspecting for some time. "You're staying here." Bilbo bit his bottom lip and nodded.

"Thorin told me he loves me. And...I love him too. I want to stay here with him. And I was thinking...maybe you could stay here too." Bilbo looked at him with pleading eyes, eyes that Rhyn had never been able to resist until this moment. Because he didn't think he could stay in Erebor. Not after...

"I'll think about, okay?" Bilbo half smiled. At least it wasn't a no. Rhyn's eyes went from his brother to the walk way in front of them. Smaug's body was gone, but there was a big puddle of dried blood still remaining behind. Rhyn cringed just looking at it. But he very firmly refused to let himself think about the actual event.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Bilbo asked, worriedly. Rhyn looked at him, realizing Bilbo had been watching him intently and had probably noticed the cringe.

"Yeah. Smaug got a gew good hits in before we killed him, and they kind of twinge." Rhyn lied just as easily as Thorin had, only he felt no guilt for doing so. He knew he couldn't tell Bilbo what happened. Bilbo would relapse, for sure.

"You should have Oin look at them." Bilbo suggested, but Rhyn shook his head.

"No, I don't think they'll even bruise. What about you? How are you?" Rhyn turned the conversation towards his Hobbit brother, knowing it was the best way to avoid talking about himself. Bilbo beamed at him.

"Rhyn...I feel wonderful! The weight in my mind and in my heart is just gone! And I'm not scared of being lonely, and I don't think I could ever be sad again!" Bilbo rejoiced, and Rhyn could tell he was as good as he said. His brother was completely different from the Hobbit he'd brought to Rivendell months ago. He was healthy and happy, and he didn't need Rhyn anymore. He didn't need the Sindarin phrase, except maybe in his own mind. It should make Rhyn happy! But he felt impossibly sad, because without a need to check up on Bilbo, he had no reason to stay in Erebor. And he didn't think he could, even if Bilbo begged him to.

"I'm so happy for you Bilbo. Really I am. You deserve nothing less than to be perfectly happy." Rhyn put on another fake smile. Bilbo launched himself at his brother and squeezed him in a big hug. When the show of affection ended, Bilbo began rambling on and on about what the future would hold and how happy he was to have a home and a family. But Rhyn only heard so much of it. What was he going to do now? He didn't want to leave Bilbo. But he couldn't stay here. He couldn't imagine himself returning to his life as a Ranger of the North either. His mind immediately summoned the image of Legolas and Mirkwood, and a voice told him that it would be perfect. Close enough to Bilbo, but far enough away from Erebor.

His mind made up, Rhyn let himself focus back on what Bilbo was saying. He smiled and nodded and laughed at all the right moments, and if Bilbo noticed how fake it was, he didn't say anything. He just kept on talking, filling the space between them with hopes and ambitions. Rhyn had never been more pleased to listen.


Bilbo's idea of a perfect future came to shuddering halt with the announcement of the army of Goblins and Orc's that were marching on Erebor. Thorin was still in good mental health, spending more time with Bilbo outside of the treasury than he spent inside of it. And even when they found the Arkenstone, Thorin was only so excited about the discovery. They rejoiced and then the King disappeared to have his own personal celebration with Bilbo.

When Thranduil and Bard and Dain showed up with their armies, offering support for different reasons, Thorin was ready and willing to accept their terms. Dain of course was just doing his duty. Now that Thorin had the Arkenstone and the rightful rule of the mountain, Dain would be foolish not to come to his aid. Thranduil wanted a renewal of their trade agreement that Thror had broken years previously. Thorin found himself surprisingly willing to take him up on the offer. And Bard asked for permission and support in rebuilding Dale for those folk in Lake Town who hailed from the once great city. Once again, thorinw as more than happy to agree.

The three armies had plenty of time to discuss and come up with a foolproof plan before the goblins and orcs arrives, and therefor when the battle started, it went their way from the get go. When the eagles and Beorn arrived, it was to a winning battle, which quickly ended after the addition support came. There were heavy losses on both sides, but not nearly as heavy as they could have been if cooperation between Men, Elves, and Dwarves was not as good as it was. And none of the company met a grim end.

Rhyn stayed in Erebor for a few weeks, until the Elves announced they would be returning to Mirkwood. And he broke the news to Bilbo that he was leaving with them. Of course, Bilbo was sad, and he cried, but he did not break down as he once would have. He still had Thorin, and Rhyn would be relatively close by. And the Ranger promised he would come back the moment he received a summon.

Once Rhyn left, Bilbo spent his time helping Ori restore the great library of Erebor, spending his nights curled up with the Dwarf King. Thorin had a short battle with Gold Sickness, but he was quickly recovered through the joint effort of Bilbo, Balin, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili. From that point on, he avoided the treasury and gave all matters of coin to Balin to consider and decide. As well, he locked the Arkenstone away in the deepest vaults of the treasury. Somewhere he could find it if it was needed, but still not have it hang over his head every day.

Bilbo and Thorin were immesurably happy together. Any time Bilbo felt like he was slipping into depression, or maybe on the verge of an episode, he would think the Sindarin phrase and seek out one of the members of his family. Whether it be Thorin, or a member of the company, or one of his new Dwarf friends who came from the Blue Mountains and the Iron Hills. As well, he often took walks to Dale to spend time with Bard and his family. He was never alone, and he never returned to a state of mental distress again.

Bilbo missed his Ranger, but true to his word, Rhyn would return whenever called for. The two brothers kept in good contact and Rhyn never failed to offer support or advice for Bilbo. All in all, the Hobbit was blissful. And when he turned 78 and received word that his nephew needed a home, he was more than happy to invite Frodo to Erebor. The young Hobbit came over in a caravan and stayed happily there with his new family for years. At some point, a certain ring would find it's way into their lives, but they got through it just as they got through everything. Never alone.


AN: Intermission! So that's the end of Bilbo's arc. I'm going to add on to Rhyn's though. If you don't care what happens to Rhyn, you don't have to keep reading. If you'd like to know, by all means, feel free. If this is the end for you, thank you for reading! And thanks for any form of support you may have provided! And now, how Rhyn's life went.


Rhyn was exhausted when they reached the Elven Palace in Mirkwood. Legolas led him to his room and he promptly passed out, sleeping for almost an entire day. In all fairness, his life had been all go and no stop for far too long. After the incident with Smaug, he had been concerned with making sure Bilbo and Thorin would be okay together. He knew Dwarves' had some kind of sickness they could fall ill to when around gold, and he was not going to let Bilbo get hurt because of it. But he was pleasantly surprised to find that Thorin handled everything with honor and grace.

After that, the battle had falled on them, and he was still aching to his bones from that. The week long march back to Mirkwood had not helped anything. Add on top of all of it the fact that his mind was beginning to tear itself apart, and he had a very good reason to be exhausted. He was trying not to think about what Smaug did to him, but he couldn't dig the dragon's claws out of his head. He couldn't forget the things Smaug had said, or the way his body had betrayed him. As much as he wanted to forget...he just couldn't.

The worst part about all of it was he knew Legolas could tell something was wrong with him. The Elf gave him the oddest looks, and Rhyn could see him and Thranduil whispering together some nights, both their eyes glancing at him in intervals. Once they got to the palace, it only got worse. Rhyn was expected to be at meals with the Elvenking and his son, since he was a guest (albeit for an undisclosed amount of time) and every time he would just sit awkwardly and eat in silence while Legolas and Thranduil apparently had conversations without using a single word. It was spooky really.

Legolas tried to figure out what was wrong exactly, asking him questions in the hopes of getting Rhyn to accidentally spilling something. But Rhyn grew up with Rangers. He knew a thing or two about avoiding emotions and conversations about emotions. He was doing pretty good at avoiding. Until two weeks in Mirkwood rolled around and Legolas randomly appeared in his room. The Elf Prince took a seat by the fireplace and simply looked at Rhyn until the Ranger sighed and took the seat opposite of him.

"This is a surprise." Rhyn murmured. It was pretty late, usually Legolas would be asleep by this time. Rhyn himself hardly ever got more than a few hours of sleep. And the sleep his did get was never very restful.

"We need to talk Rhyn." Legolas stated bluntly.

"You're not breaking up with me are you?" Rhyn joked, trying desperately to difuse the tension in the air. Legolas remained stony faced though.

"What happened to you after you left Mirkwood?" Legolas demanded. Rhyn shrugged.

"Went to Lake Town, made friends with Bard, pissed off Thorin some more-"

"Rhyn. I adore your sense of humor, I really do. But you know this is serious. And you know I'm not going to go away until you talk to me." Rhyn looked away from the Elf's face, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he thought about possible ways to get Legolas to drop the whole thing. "It's tearing you apart. Whatever happened to you, I can see that it's still happening. In your head. My father sees it too."

"What makes you think talking about it will help?" Rhyn asked quietly.

"How can you believe it wouldn't help? You saw Elrond heal Bilbo, and how did he do it?" Rhyn muttered under his breath but admitted his defeat.

"By talking. The thing is though...I don't want to talk about it."

"How is not talking about it working for you? Honestly, can you say that you're getting over it? Because I can see clear as day that you're not." Rhyn clenched his jaw and curled his hands into fists. "Please, Rhyn. I can't bear seeing you like this. Please talk to me." Silence descended between the two for a frighteningly long moment. Legolas feared maybe Rhyn was just going to ignore him and hope he went away. But then the Ranger sighed and closed his eyes.

"It happened after we got to the mountain. Somehow I caught Smaug's attention, and he decided that I was going to be his whether I wanted it or not. He raped me." Legolas felt the words like physical blows, each one driving another hit into his gut. Especially the last three. He knew something terrible must have happened, but he never thought...not that.


"He was still thrusting into me when Thorin stabbed him. At least he didn't...finish. Small victories right."


"You know, the rape isn't even the worst part. The worst part was that my body liked it. He...he knew this specific spot inside of me. He knew that if he hit that spot, I would be forced into arousal. I didn't think anything could hurt more than being taken by him, but just thinking about the sounds that he forced from makes me feel sick with myself." Legolas could hear the pain in Rhyn's voice. The desolation and the self disgust.

"Rhyn, it's not your fault. None of it was your fault. You know that." Rhyn forced a humorless chuckle from his lips, shaking his head.

"Then why do I feel guilty exactly?" Rhyn finally opened his eyes again, and Legolas was shocked to see tears threatening to fall. The first time Rhyn had come to Mirkwood, and he and Legolas spent long days walking together, he had proudly proclaimed that he had never cried in his life. He was a Ranger after all. He had no use for crying.

"I don't know. The mind is a terrible thing. But we can help you Rhyn. We can. If you want us to. Elves are great healers, after all." Legolas tried to smile reassuringly, but he couldn't seem to make it look real. Not that Rhyn blamed him.

"You really think they can fix me?" Rhyn asked quietly.

"If you let them, yes I do. And I'll always be right next to you if you need me." Another silence fell and remained heavy in the air between them until Rhyn looked up, his eyes meeting with Legolas'.



Sort of Epilogue-

Rhyn gets the help he needs from the Elven healers, but he still has nightmares on occasion. He never tells Bilbo about what happened, but he and Thorin argue about it from time to time when Rhyn visits Erebor. Despite the arguing, Thorin and Rhyn grow to like each other and become great friends. But not quite as great friends as Rhyn and Legolas.

At one point, a few months after Rhyn starts staying in Mirkwood, they admit their feelings for each other, but agree they should remain only friends. Rhyn is only a mortal, and he's too messed up emotionally to be with anybody, especially the immortal and composed Legolas. Though there are a few nights where, after intense drinking, the two tumble into a bedroom together. One is always gone before the other wakes, and they never talk about it, beyond sly winks at the dinner table which Thranduil pretends not to see.

Rhyn stays in Mirkwood his whole life, though he does go to Dale and Erebor as often as he can to visit Bard and Bilbo. He's happy enough, despite everything that had happened to him in his life. And he has plenty of friends to surround him in the odd moments he's not happy. Overall, he's glad that he went on that stupid journey with his crazy little brother. Even if it did end bad for him. If he hadn't gone, he would never have met the people he now adores. He lives long and happily, ending his days in the presence of those who he loves, and who love him, most of all.



AN: Done! I'm sorry to just sum a lot of stuff up, but I have other things I work on, and I needed to finish this. I hope you don't hate me too much for ending it quickly, but yeah. That's that. Thank you for reading and for any form of support you may have given, be it reviewing or following or favoriting. Bye!