Reviews for A Case of Crazy
PurpleFairy11 chapter 4 . 4/26/2014
this is really good I like the different concept of the story
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 4 . 4/19/2014
Rhyn... Denial is not healthy.
Thank you, Legolas.
Good day, good night, and good luck.
Teapot of transformation chapter 4 . 4/18/2014
Great story. Thank you.
SexyStardust chapter 3 . 4/14/2014
wow, i seriously love Rhyn. i usually dont read stories with OC's in them but he is just amazing.
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 3 . 4/12/2014
Good day, good night, and good luck, Bilbo, Rhyn, Thorin.
Robinschatz chapter 3 . 4/11/2014
I found the chapter in any case interesting
and it is always nice to read what Rhyn would do anything for Bilbo

I found it a little sad that it is at the moment so focused on Rhyn
above all, I get a little the feeling that all the good That has done Bilbo
is now somehow taken over for the most part of Rhyn, I find that a bit of a shame
but maybe is this to me just so before , so I mean it definitely is not bad

and Rhyn is a great character's and the chapter was good in any case and I found it really great that it's gone to Thorin and Rhyn and how Thorin has behaved

but most of all I'm excited about Bilbo or better yet Bilbo and Thorin

but in any case this is a really great story and I look forward to when it goes continues )
Teapot of transformation chapter 3 . 4/11/2014
Great story. Thanks for updating.
Robinschatz chapter 2 . 4/5/2014
Thorin is yes really nasty what he says after he finds out with Bilbo's disease

Bilbo's really cute in this chapter
but Thorin comes across really nasty, even if he cares only about Bilbo ensures
I hope at least

I am very curious what will happen especially with Smaug
mainly because Bilbo alone to Smaug must , and I'm curious how it will turn out

especially when Bilbo has one of his episodes when faced Smaug is
eiulo chapter 1 . 4/1/2014
I really like this story so far! Great first chapter.
vampygurl402 chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
Good fic! Please update!
Teapot of transformation chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
Interesting story. Would like to see more.
Robinschatz chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
wow the story is really interesting

Bilbo can one really feel sorry , but I find it really endearing that Gandalf now worries about Bilbo , and the use of Gandalf was really funny where he thinks Bella Donna would yell at him when he would leave Bilbo

okay and the set was really common * By the time Bilbo and the Rangers reached Rivendell , the Man what about ready to push Bilbo off the walkway and into the river below . * xDDD

but it's really sweet the scenes with Bilbo and the Ranger
the Ranger is really sympathetic

Thorin is indeed very friendly over when he sees the first time Bilbo but that's typical of him
I find the scene interesting when he observed Bilbo and the Ranger / overheard
and Thorin thought this are also really cute

I really like it when Thorin is jealous xD
and the embrace is indeed correct later awesome
I 'm really curious how it goes continues
especially between Thorin and Bilbo

and I'm curious if the other dwarves and Thorin still get out what is going
on with Bilbo , it really is a great story )