The Speedy Blue Pokémon!

Chapter 13

By: Soniclover28

(Tails' P.O.V.)

It was like another dimension.

The sky was a pink and purple tint, and yellow energy crackled along the ground. The earth trembled, and the wind howled. Trees, snow, rocks, and dirt was being hurled in a seemingly never-ending vortex that spiraled miles into the sky.

Amidst everything, everyone was rooted to the ground as if invincible against any outside force from their body.

Turning my eyes towards the sky again, I watched in a mixture of awe and horror as a giant ball of black energy, and a giant ball of white energy swirled around each other in the sky.

They suddenly shot apart from the other, stopped, and charged back towards each other again. A deafening clash was heard, and a blinding light was briefly flashed before subsiding to reveal the two spheres of colorless color started circling on another again.

And then they took form.

The black ball stretched and morphed into what looked to be a giant, shadowy wolf—something I hadn't seen in a long time. The wolf grew spikes on its head, and I immediately recognized the creature to be Sonic's Werehog form. It roared and screeched in the sky, growing bigger and bigger until it was at least one-hundred times its original size.

The werehog suddenly sprouted giant, bat-like wings on its back, every beat of them sending a wave of dark energy into the air. A skeleton-looking mask covered its face, the only thing visible its iris-less eyes and gleaming fangs.

It gave a mighty howl, this time actually making me flinch and cover my ears. After they stopped ringing, the creature hovered in the air and awaited its opponent's transformation to finish.

The ball of light then started pulsing.

White, angelic wings burst from the ball, attached to an untransformed, humanoid hedgehog. Its eyes were iris-less as well, but its fur was white; not even his muzzle or belly fur was a different color. It stood on all fours just like the werehog, but it looked less frightening.

Until I realized it wasn't done transforming yet.

Long, deadly, sharp claws grew from the now paw-like feet of the powerful being, and its appearance changed to that of a snow-white panther. With wings. The tail of the cat-like creature elongated, lashing powerfully behind its owner. What I recognized to be saber-tooth-cat-like fangs appeared in the white panther's mouth, and it was finally complete in changing after growing the full height of its opponent.

It roared with the might of a lion, and crouched low to the ground, its white glow shining even brighter.

The werehog crouched in the air as well, its black aura extending.

And then, with a final snarl, both of the most powerful beings I'd ever seen hurled themselves at each other, and the world was bathed in a blinding light.

(Third Person P.O.V.)

Sonic had never felt so powerful.

His hands—they blew up thousands of feet of the ground with just the flick of the hand. And the snap of his fingers would repair the land instantly.

His feet—every time they so much as twitched, a gust of crushingly powerful wind would blast in every direction.

He felt invincible.

"Pretty cool, huh?"

He whirled around, accidently uprooting a large mass of soil and rocks, and immediately fixed it with his newfound powers. The land he now found himself in was bland. The ground was sorely dirt with no life in it, and stretched on for miles and miles. The sky was an almost eye-paining white, and Sonic realized that he must've been inside his unconscious…

…where he no longer had control.

His eyes widened when he laid emerald orbs onto iris-less sockets.

"You!" Sonic hissed, pinning his ears back.

"Yes, it's me," Dark Sonic rolled his eyes, seemingly annoyed at the other's surprise. Before Sonic could reply, however, Dark Sonic got into a fighting stance—his fighting stance—and smirked wickedly. "Enough with the chit-chat. Let's get to business."

With that, he lunged at Sonic with a battle cry, energy erupting from his body.

As if on instinct, Sonic was using his newfound abilities as if he had had them his entire life. He threw beams of energy, balls of light, gusts of wind, and chunks of earth at Dark Sonic—but was also met with these same attacks.

It was an endless gave of tag—every attack that was inflicted would only bounce off of the other, and then they would send an almost identical attack back.

"Alright, I'm done playing around," Dark Sonic growled. "Let's get this show on the road."

With that, the demonic hedgehog held his hands out, and the ground shook violently. Walls erupted from the ground, stretching hundreds of miles into the sky, and closing around Sonic in an almost claustrophobia endearing way. He only had about six feet of space in this new little room, and he immediately started trying to run up the walls.

Only to slide back down once water started running down the walls. He landed back on the ground with a splash, alarmed when he realized that water was pouring down the sides of the walls, filling his new space with water in a very quick pace. The water was already up to his knees, and Sonic found his heart pounding loud in his ears.

He clawed desperately at the walls, only to slide back down into the water, which was at his waist in a matter of seconds. The coldness seemed to seep through his skin and into his bones. He shuddered, and tried hopping out of the water again, but his fur weighed him down, and the water was now at his chest.

Every frantic beat of his heart seemed to send ripples throughout the water, and those ripples eventually turned into small waves. Those small waves turned into tsunamis, and soon, Sonic found himself being forced underwater.

He opened his eyes, determined not to panic—though his mind was racing at mach two. He looked up, and couldn't see the surface. There was blackness all around, but he could see himself and his fur clearly; there was light coming from somewhere.

Sonic looked around, water swishing around in his ears, as he searched for the source of the light. He spotted a faint glow in the distance to his left, and immediately started towards it. He felt a dull stinging in his lungs as his need for air prodded his mind, but he pushed it away as he focused on moving forwards.

He started making sloppy, awkward strokes in the water, but couldn't seem to go anywhere; if anything, he kept sinking.

The thought terrified him.

He was who-knows-how deep in water, and the only light he could see seemed miles away. The stinging in his lungs heightened to a burning sensation, and Sonic started to panic—really panic.

He started to thrash wildly, trying as hard as he could to propel himself forwards, but he was running out of air, and his movements slowed to slow, uncoordinated movements.

He was growing dizzy, and his mind was starting to fill with cotton.

He finally let loose his precious air in a request for more, but water only flooded his body, and he started choking on the very substance around him.

He was drowning.

He was terrified.

He was dying inside his own mind.

And he had no control.

Tails was mortified.

The white panther, which Tails was silently rooting for, had been holding off well at first, but now it lay at the feet of the werehog, gasping for breath.

The two creatures had been standing at their hind legs, locked in a full-out boxing match. They fought tooth and nail, but hardly any scathes were inflicted upon the two powerful beings. However, the werehog had suddenly let loose a vicious snarl, and his fangs flashed a deadly purple glow before they dug into the panther's throat.

The panther had tried to swing back at the werehog, but he had dodged, and the winged cat fell to the ground, yellow light pouring out of the wound. The werehog stood over the panther, snorting and howling in victory.

The winds picked up speed, and the sky grew a menacing black. The vortex that surrounded the entire mass of land seemed to grow even more deadly, and Tails could've sworn he'd seen a few unfortunate pokémon in the mix of debris in the swirling storm.

The panther cried out in its final breath, and let loose a heartbreaking, soul-aching yowl. It was long and sorrowful, and something in Tails welled up, and he let a few tears dribble down his cheeks.

He didn't know why he was crying for the panther, but something inside of him had shattered when the panther fell limp, and closed its iris-less eyes. It suddenly fell from the sky, and started plummeting down to Earth.

Then Tails understood.

That werehog was not just an animal. It symbolized Dark Sonic and his evil ways, and what he was doing to Sonic.

That panther was no ordinary animal, either. It symbolized Sonic's purity, and what Dark Sonic was doing to him.

Tails screamed his brother's name—screamed it so loud he lost his voice. He knew what he was seeing, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

The panther was dying. The panther was falling into defeat. The panther had lost…

…And so had Sonic.

Sonic felt a searing pain in his neck, which jolted him out of his daze from the loss of air. He blinked his eyes open, confused when he was still surrounded by water, and placed a hand upon his throat.

His ears perked.

Sonic had heard a voice echo through the water.

But that was impossible… He was the only one here…wasn't he…?

He heard the echo again, and swung his head around in the water to gaze behind him.


Sonic didn't see anything but the black water surrounding him, but he strained his ears to pick up any more noise that could be heard.

And then the flashbacks hit him like a ton of bricks.

"Get on your knees like the scum you are!"

"Do you honestly think you can defeat me?! I know you better than you know yourself, Sonic!"

"You are in the one place where you are in control, and yet, you have no control at all!"

Sonic blinked.

That had been from his previous meetings with Dark Sonic.

The one place he was in control.

The one place that Dark Sonic had only needed.

His mind.

It was his mind.

It was his mind.

Sonic looked at his hands, and whispered into the water, "This isn't real…"

The words didn't come out as bubbles, but they echoed through the water.

"This is my mind… This is…" Sonic's face hardened into that of determination. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath—yes, a breath—and when he reopened them, he saw that the walls had crumbled around him, and the water was nowhere in sight.

Sonic smirked.

"Time to finish this."

Sonic flew into the air, and held his hands out in front of him.

If Dark Sonic fed off of his fear and anger, then what happens when…?

Sonic reopened his eyes, and saw his ultimate dreamland.

Chilidogs floated down gently from the heavens, landing in giant piles on the tops of the rolling green hills that stretched in every direction. All of his friends waved at him from the ground, each holding a chilidog of their own—and they look happy.

He looked downward when he heard a muffled scream, and looked to see Dr. Eggman in a straight jacket with duct tape over his mouth inside of a prison.

He had finally been caught.

The world was at peace.

That's all he had ever wanted.

Sonic smiled, and everything flashed white.

Tails was still screaming when he saw the panther's eyes shoot open, and he started beating his angelic wings in the midst of the howling winds surrounding it.

The werehog never saw it coming.

The panther hissed and tackled the werehog in the sky. The werehog yelped in surprise, and flashed a dark purple before gathering its bearings again. It snarled, and went all out on the powerful cat before him.

The panther, however, let his lips curl into a smirk, which Tails thought he recognized, oddly enough, and a blinding white light erupted from the giant being. It swallowed up the werehog, and it passed over the sky, the land, and even Tails.

When the fox opened his eyes again, he no longer saw a swirling vortex, or chunks of earth swirling around, but he was planted back on the mountain top. Though the sky had changed to a deathly pink and red, it looked more like a sunset hidden by the clouds.

The panther and the werehog were no more, but were instead reduced to a ball of black and a ball of white. The black ball was much smaller than the white ball, and flickered desperately to retain some of its energy, which seemed to be leaving it bit by bit.

"Dark Sonic!"

A strikingly familiar voice boomed, making Tails gasp.

"Your reign of terror ends here!"

The balls suddenly plummeted closer to earth, hovering only about fifty feet off of the ground. The giant balls of energy took form again, and, for the first time in his life, Tails saw Dark Sonic and Super Sonic standing apart from each other.

"Sonic!" A voice cheered from somewhere.

Tails looked behind him to see Amy running towards the scene, shortly followed by everyone else.

Super didn't seem to hear her, and only narrowed his ruby eyes at his evil incarnation.

"You…" Dark Sonic hissed, his entire form shaking, "You pathetic soul… You are nothing without me…! Nothing!"

Super Sonic smirked, and energy started cackling around his hands, "That's where you're wrong. You're the one who needs me to survive, and now that we're separated, you're growing weak. Soon, you'll be nothing but dust on the ground."

"No! I refuse to die like this!" Tears were streaming down Dark Sonic's cheeks in desperation. "It's not fair! You can't do this!"

Sonic's arrogant smirk turned into that of a sad smile.

"Goodbye, old friend."

With that, the golden hedgehog hurled a blast of white energy towards Dark Sonic, and, without so much as a sound, Dark Sonic bowed his head in defeat, a more tears sliding down his cheeks, before the light swallowed him.

It was so blinding, so powerful, that everyone covered their eyes and turned their heads away.

In a matter of seconds, the light dissipated, and when everyone opened their eyes again, what they saw made their jaw drop.

A small hedgehog that looked to be the age of seven was standing in front of another hedgehog that was standing in full height at the age of sixteen.

The sky was completely normal again. It was night time, and stars were placed beautifully in the heavens, while the moon cast light down on the mountaintop.

"Bye, Sonic. It was fun playing with you!" The little hedgehog smiled through the tears that fell from his eyes.

"Right back at ya', little dude," Sonic winked, giving the pup a thumbs up, "Now get back to your parents before they get worried."

"Oh, yeah! They're waiting on me!" An excited glint lit the pup's eyes, and two other hedgehogs appeared behind the child.

Stars adorned their entire form, and a happy, sweet aura radiated from them.

The pup spun on his heels upon feeling their aura, and burst into tears of joy. "Mom! Dad!" He cried, lunging at them, his arms open in a request for an embrace.

The transparent hedgehogs wordlessly smiled, and hugged their little pup, who was laughing in tears of joy. They suddenly all arose, the entire family holding each other's hands, and they all looked at Sonic.

"Bye, Sonic!" The pup called again, and the parents waved sadly.

They smiled in gratitude before slowly rising into the air, their pelts melding into the midnight, star-filled sky. Three more stars suddenly appeared in the sky, and they twinkled brightly in the heavens while shining down upon the earth.

"Bye, mom… Bye dad…" Sonic whispered, gazing into the sky. A tear slid down his cheek and hit the ground silently as he clenched his fists.

"Sonic…?" Tails breathed after a moment.

Sonic's ear twitched, and he sniffed and rubbed his eyes before turning around to his friends.

His face held a smile. A true smile.

"Sonic!" Tails cried, tears starting to stream down his cheeks. He threw himself into his big brother's arms, sobbing into his chest.

Amy soon joined in on the hug, and the entire group gathered around the hedgehog in greeting.

"Everything's gonna be okay," Sonic told them in a soft voice, "I promise… It's gonna be alright…"

At first, no one knew what he was talking about, but then, his golden glow gradually returned, and Sonic disappeared from Tails and Amy's arms.

Everyone wordlessly looked up to the sky to see a golden light appear in front of the Egg Carrier—that had somehow survived the entire ordeal—and they smiled.

Sonic would keep them safe.

Me: Welp... I hope you liked! I'm sorry for the long wait, but I hope to get the next chap up before Christmas! R&R, please! Bye!