The Speedy Blue Pokémon!


By: Soniclover28

"Oh, ho ho ho ho! I've finally caught you and all your pathetic friends, hedgehog!" Dr. Eggman gloated.

"Kinda easy when you shoot tranquillizers at us!" Sonic snapped. The blue hedgehog was restrained by his hands, feet and waist by little metal capsules, except the one on his waist was belt-like. From there, the capsules were connected to a metal ring that hovered in the air. As were the rest of his friends, Amy, Vanilla, Cream, Cheese, Knuckles, Rouge, Cosmo and Tails.

"What are you planning to do, Eggman?!" Knuckles fumed.

"Oh, you always were so impatient! But, if you must know, I want to test out chaos control again!" Dr. Eggman laughed.

"You have all seven emeralds?!" Tails asked in shock.

"Why, yes, yes I do!" The fat man snickered.

"Please let us go! I don't like this game anymore!" Cream cried.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that, rodent!" Dr. Eggman smirked.

"Now, say hello to my newest creation, the Egg-Shooter!" the scientist then pushed a button on a panel and a big, red, cannon-like machine came out of the floor. It had the seven chaos emeralds lodged in slots at the top of the machine, and they were glowing brightly.

"Now, I need a volunteer! Cream, why don't you go first?" Dr. Eggman smiled evilly.

Sonic growled as Cream and Cheese's restraints carried them in front of the cannon.

"Cream!" Vanilla shouted.

"I'll be okay, mother…" Cream assured her.

"As a matter of fact… I'll send your mother with you, out of the kindness in my heart!" Dr. Eggman laughed.

"You're enjoying this way too much…" Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Maybe… But this is the best day of my life!" The scientist retorted.

Sonic just glared at him coldly.

"Okay, any last words? Good! So long, you meddlesome rodents!" Dr. Eggman then pulled a lever, and the cannon made a whirring noise.

Dr. Eggman's invention then fired a blue stream of light and enveloped the two rabbits and the Choa.

"Cream!" Amy cried. The mad scientist then started cackling in joy.

"It works!" he shouted.

"Sonic, would you like to go next? Good!" he chuckled.

"Any last words?"

"I hate you…"

"Wait! Before you go, I have a surprise for you!" Dr. Eggman exclaimed. He then walked over to a table with a syringe full of a blue liquid inside of it. He picked it up, and made his way back to the blue hedgehog.

"What is that? A flu shot?" Sonic joked.

"No, it will change you just a little bit… You'll have lots of fun with it in the world you're going to!"

"Wait, what- Aargh!" before Sonic could finish, Dr. Eggman injected the substance into Sonic's neck, sending a wave of pain through his system.

"Sonic!" Everyone exclaimed

The hedgehog suddenly felt dizzy, as his vision blurred. "Wh-what… Did you… do?" he asked, lightheaded.

"Goodnight, hedgehog!" Dr. Eggman laughed. Sonic's head started to spin, as he heard the faint voices of his friends calling out to him. The last thing he remembered was a blue flash before his vision faded to black.

Elsewhere, on an entire different world, Ash Ketchum was walking down a dirt path in the thick woods, with a pikachu on his shoulder. With him were his friends, Misty and Brock.

"Do you even know where you're going, Ash?" Misty questioned.

"Of course I do! We're uh… um…"

"We're lost, that's where!" Misty fumed.

"I'm sure we'll come across a town soon," Brock encouraged.

"I sure hope so..."

As if on cue, a swarm of beedrill then appeared in the trees, one by one.

"Don't move…" Brock whispered.

"Pikachu, use thunderbolt…" Ash whispered.

Pikachu then jumped in the air and yelled, "Pika-chuu!" Electricity then shot out of him, and enveloped the dozens of beedrill.

"Pika!" he jumped in triumph.

"Good job Pikachu," Ash told him.

"A-Ash… Y-you made them angrier!" Misty stuttered.

"Huh?" the boy then looked behind him to see the wild beedrill.

"Squirtle, I choose you!" Ash shouted as he threw a poke ball out in front of him.

"Squirt- Squirtle!" The turtle-like Pokémon exclaimed.

"Gryados, C'mon out!" Misty called. She also threw a poke ball, but it landed in the water, out then came a giant, dragon-like Pokémon. "Graaa!" it roared.

"Brock, climb on!" Misty exclaimed, jumping on the big Pokémon.

"Right!" the breeder then jumped on with her, and they dove underwater.

After a full thirty minutes of avoiding the wild beedrill, Ash and friends decided to set up camp near the beautiful lake.

"Ash, you and Misty go scout for berries, I'm going to use them to make stew," Brock instructed.

"Sure thing!" They replied. Misty grabbed a basket, and they headed off into the deeper woods.

"Oh, look, a Pecha Berry Tree!" Ash pointed out.

"Let's pick some!" Misty nodded. They soon got to work, and eventually filled the basket.

"I'll go take this back to Brock, and then we'll see if we can find other berries," Misty explained, as she turned to leave.

"I'll scout on ahead!" Ash called, before he lost sight of her.

"Okay!" she called back.

"Okay, Pikachu, it's just you and me. Tell me if you see any Oran Berries; I think we could really use those," Ash instructed.

"Pika," the little Pokémon nodded.

After a little while of walking, Pikachu spotted something out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head and gasp at what he saw.

"Pika! Pika-pi!" He exclaimed, as he jumped off of Ash's shoulder.

"What's wrong, Pikachu?" Ash asked. His eyes then widened in shock, lying in a clearing, unconscious, was a blue creature of some kind.

It was bruised and battered, purple needles were scattered on it, and it looked in pain. "We have to help it!" Ash exclaimed. He slowly walked towards the blue figure, but stopped, as a rustling behind him caught his attention. He turned to see a male Nidoran, growling at him.

"Pika…" Pikachu growled.

"Nidoran… Nido, nido, ni," it laughed, talking to Pikachu. The purple Pokémon had a toothy grin on its face, as it casually walked over to the blue creature, and snorted at it.

"Pi! Pikachu!" The yellow mouse growled again.

The Nidoran then tried to tackle Pikachu, but he dodged and got on all fours.

"Pikachu, use iron tail!" Ash exclaimed. Pikachu's bolt-like tail then turned to metal, and he slammed it on the purple Pokémon. It yelped, and ran away with a terrible headache. "Now, let's help this thing," Ash said, walking over to the creature.

He examined it a little better up close, and noticed it had rodent-like features. Quills stuck out of the back of its head as well as its back, it also had peach fur on its muzzle, arms, belly and on the inside of its pointed ears. What surprised Ash the most was that it seemed to be wearing white gloves, white socks, and red tennis shoes with a buckle and strap on them.

He carefully tried to pick it up, but it tensed, and its quills seemed to flare. Ash froze for a second, and waited until it fell limp again to carry it back to the campsite. Once he arrived, Brock and Misty were surprised to see him carrying some kind of creature.

"What is that?" Misty asked.

"I don't really know, but it needs help…" Ash replied.

"Alright, prop it against that tree over there, and I'll get some supplies," Brock told him. Ash did as he was told, and placed him against a tree.

Brock soon came back with a bag full of potions, berries and other materials. "Okay, let's see here…" He kneeled down to the creature's level and examined it. "It's been attacked by poison sting, see the purple needles?" Brock explained, as he plucked the purple, stick-like objects out of the creature's skin. The blue creature grimaced in its sleep as Brock pulled the last poisonous needle out.

"There, now, I need a few pecha berries, a bowl, and a spoon," Brock told them, taking out each item from his bag. He put three pecha berries in the bowl, and started mashing them with the spoon. Once he made it into a good paste, he tried feeding the creature a spoonful of it, but it turned its head.

"C'mon, don't you wanna get better?" Brock coaxed, as he tried again. The creature hesitated for a moment, but slightly opened its mouth, as Brock slipped the spoon in. "There we go; now just a bit more and you'll be better in no time!" Brock smiled.

While Brock was busy with the strange creature, Ash took out his pokedex, and tried to find a file on the strange creature. Unfortunately, all the monotone voice told him was, "Unidentified Pokémon…"

"Do you think it's a new type of Pokémon?" Misty asked.

"Maybe, and if it is, I'm gonna catch it!" Ash exclaimed, getting a spark of excitement in his eye.

"Guys, c'mere, it's waking up," Brock said, quietly. The blue creature opened its emerald eyes a bit, but they widened upon seeing the group of travelers.

"S-son?" It sputtered nervously.

"Pi- Pikachu! Pika, Pika pi!" Pikachu seemed to be explaining something to the weird creature.

"Son? Sonic?" it seemed to have asked.

"I think it's called a 'Sonic', guys," Brock suggested.

Pikachu nodded to the breeder, as if to say, "Exactly."

The blue creature, now called Sonic, suddenly seemed tense; he shot upright, landed on all fours, and started looking around frantically.


"Son- Sonic!"

"Pika?! Pikachu!" the little yellow Pokémon exclaimed.

"What is it Pikachu?" Ash asked. Pikachu started pointing to Sonic, and then made some other hand motions to them. Brock and Misty were downright confused, but Ash seemed to know exactly what Pikachu was trying to tell them.

"He's looking for his friends?" he asked. Pikachu nodded, and looked at the blue creature, who was still looking everywhere he could reach.

"Poor thing… I wonder how they got separated…" Misty said.

"Hey, Sonic!" Ash called. To Ash's surprise, the blue creature looked at him, as if that were his name. He shook it off and said, "We'll help you find your friends!" Sonic looked at him in shock, but gave a big smile as his tail started wagging. He then tackled Ash to the ground happily, and nuzzled him in the chest. "A-alright! Lemme up!" the boy laughed. Sonic did so, and started playing with Pikachu, while Brock finished making the stew.

Not too far from the lake, a certain two tailed fox, pink hedgehog, and green seedrian were starting to wake up from an unwanted nap.

"Amy? Cosmo? You're here too?" Tails asked. "Yeah, I guess… Hey, where's everyone else? Where's Sonic?!" Amy exclaimed.

"Calm down, Amy. I'm sure everyone's around here somewhere," Cosmo assured her.

"I hope so…" the hedgehog sighed.

"Where are we, anyways?" Tails piped up.

"I have no idea… This part of the forest doesn't look familiar…" Amy replied, looking around.

"Well, time to go find our friends, and go beat Eggman again!" Amy stood up, stretched, and started marching off in the direction of the lake.

"Do you even know where you're going, Amy?" Tails asked.

"No… but I just feel like we should go this way!" she exclaimed.

"Fine, let's go, Cosmo," Tails sighed, helping Cosmo up.

'Please be okay, Sonic…' Amy thought, as she made her way through the thick vegetation of the unfamiliar forest.

Me: Okay... before anyone starts... I'm going to say this... *deep breath* Most characters are going to be out of character for a while, and also, this chapter sucked so badly I almost didn't post it. Yes, I know... I'm ashamed DX These first four chapters have been sitting all alone for a while, and I recently started working on them again... The drama and stuff that is coming will also change some of their behaviors... I apologize again and hope you keep reading!