Disclaimer: I do not own Person of Interest or its characters.

A/N: Hi everyone. Here's a new story that is not connected to my prior stories. This is AU starting with events in Season 2. You will notice that some of the events in Season 2 happened, most everything through In Extremis, but I changed a few events prior to that. The story actually starts two years after In Extremis. Hope you enjoy. As always, it will eventually be Careese. P.S. If you are waiting on the next chapter of Double Crossing, it should be up by the end of the weekend.

Chapter 1

Jocelyn Carter stared out of the jet's window at the sleet pelting the plane as it taxied down the runway. She glanced at the other passenger, still seething at being forced into this assignment. Thinking back to the way her day began, she could have never imagined that twelve hours later she would be on a plane returning to New York City. She hadn't been home in two years.

12 hours earlier

As Special Agent Jocelyn Carter drove the short distance from her house to FBI Headquarters in Quantico, Virginia, she sang happily along to the radio. She had just returned from a two-week assignment in Austin, Texas and she was thrilled to be home. Not only was she home, but Taylor would be finishing his first set of finals as a freshman at UCLA and on his way to Virginia for three weeks of vacation in less than a month. She swiped her card at security and quickly parked her car in the lot.

Strolling through the glass doors of headquarters, she flashed her badge and proceeded to the stairs. She easily bounded up the two flights and stalked past the reception area, waving to their assistant Janine. As she entered her office, she almost dropped her coffee when she realized three men sat waiting for her arrival. She recognized all three, but almost pulled her sidearm at the sight of one in particular.

"Welcome home, Agent Carter," her superior Agent Matt Richardson stated. "I'm afraid you won't be here for long. We have a new urgent assignment for you. Gentlemen, I'll let you brief Agent Carter. Safe travels." Without another word, Richardson exited Carter's office, shutting the door behind him.

Carter turned to the first man, stretching out her hand to him. "Agent Moss, it's good to see you. What brings you down from New York?" she asked.

"It's good to see you, Carter. I'll let our guest explain. I am just here to make the introductions. I'll leave you two. Take care, Carter." Moss then exited the same way Richardson had left, leaving Carter with a man she despised.

"So why shouldn't I pull my gun out and shoot you on sight?" she asked her visitor.

"Because, Detective, I mean Agent. I need your help back in New York."

"Since when does the CIA need the help of the FBI, Agent Snow?" Carter asked accusingly.

"As you know, I prefer to handle these matters internally, however, your Bureau became aware of this particular situation and insisted a FBI agent work with my team to neutralize the threat, or the Bureau would expose the Agency for operating on U.S. soil."

"I'm all for exposing the true nature of your beloved Agency, Snow, so why should I help you? And what is this so called threat that needs to be neutralized?" Carter questioned suspiciously.

"I requested you Carter because you understand the sensitive nature of what I am about to tell you and I think you will find you have a vested interest in helping me," Snow explained. Carter raised her eyebrows and silently waited for Snow to continue. "Former CIA agents and analysts living in New York are being targeted by a killer. Three have already been tortured and executed in the last week. I've found two more over the last month that I believe are the work of the same killer."

"So some of your agents, that I know didn't play by the rules, have enemies. Why should I risk my neck to save a bunch of killers that have probably murdered hundreds of innocents in cold blood?"

"First, Carter, not all the victims are agents. Some of them are mere analysts, just doing their jobs. Second, I have information that a mutual . . . shall we call him friend of ours might be the next target."

Carter put down the file she had been perusing as Snow talked. He had her attention now and they both knew she wouldn't refuse. "Fine, but get this straight, Snow. When it comes to him, you know where my loyalties lie and if this is a trap, I'll shoot you myself. When do we leave?"

"Pack a bag and meet me at Smith airstrip in Falls Church. We'll leave as soon as you get there," Snow stated.

Giving him a steely gaze Carter warned "You better not double cross me, Snow. If you do, you'll be sorry."

"See you soon, Agent," Snow said smirking as he exited her office. This little problem of a rampant killer was going to tie up two of his biggest loose ends and Agent Jocelyn Carter was going to ensure that this time he was successful.

As Snow slithered from her office, Carter leaned back in exasperation. She knew Snow wasn't telling her the entire story, not even close. She continued to contemplate the strange meeting when her phone began buzzing. She looked at her phone and frowned. It wasn't receiving a call, so where was the source of the noise? Suddenly, Carter realized what must be making the sound. Frantically, she searched through her purse, grabbing the burner phone that hadn't rung in two years. She breathlessly answered, "Carter."

"Detective?" a familiar voice asked. If Carter was being honest, she had hoped to hear a different voice on the other end of the call.

"It's me, Harold. I have a feeling I can guess what you are calling about," she responded.

"Joss, would you meet me at the Reflecting Pool? This is not a conversation we should have over the phone," Harold Finch responded.

"You're in D.C?" Joss asked incredulously.

"Like I said, Detective. . . I'm sorry. I guess it is Agent now. This is something that needs to be discussed in person."

"Alright, Finch. I'll leave for the City now. It will take me some time to get there."

"I'll be waiting," Finch stated and then disconnected the call. Joss remained stunned at the reemergence of her past. After two years of silence, two figures from her old life had cropped up, but not the one she had spent too much time thinking about.

A couple of hours later, Jocelyn Carter spotted Harold Finch hunched against the cold. The Reflecting Pool was deserted on this cold December day. Harold had one hand jammed in the pocket of his camel hair overcoat. The other glove clad hand-held Bear's leash. As Joss approached, Bear perked up in greeting. At least the dog hadn't forgotten her like his master apparently had. "Hello, Harold," Joss stated in greeting.

"How are you, Joss?" Harold asked as the former NYPD detective turned FBI agent stopped in front of him. Joss rubbed Bear's head affectionately before turning her focus to his human companion.

"I'm fine, but I'm assuming you're here regarding the CIA agents being targeted in New York," Joss responded cutting straight to the crux of the matter.

Harold raised his eyebrows in surprise at Joss's response. "How did you know, Joss? I assumed the CIA had kept it an internal investigation."

"Apparently, someone at the Bureau caught wind of it and threatened to expose the CIA for operating on U.S. soil unless the FBI was kept in the loop."

"Do you think it would be possible for you to get assigned to the investigation?"

"Much to my annoyance I've already been specially requested as the FBI liaison."

Harold felt a sense of dread because he knew the answer to his next question. "Who is leading the investigation?"

"None other than our old friend, Mark Snow," she responded grimly.

"Joss, I came here for your help, but I am having second thoughts. You need to stay as far away from Snow as you can. He is plotting something if he arranged to have you assigned to the investigation. I fear it is something to do with our friend" Finch said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I know how to handle Mark Snow, Finch. I learned my lesson when it comes to him. Whatever is going on, I'll have a better chance of figuring it out if I'm on Snow's team." Joss paused before asking her next question. "Harold, where is he?" she asked quietly.

"I'm afraid Mr. Reese discovered he might be a target and has distanced himself from his former work. He won't return my calls and has had no contact with our associate, Ms. Shaw or Detective Fusco."

"Finch, are you telling me he's gone off the grid again?" she asked.

"Not completely. I can sometimes track him. He has not disposed of his phone which gives me hope he has not broken ties with us completely. He is, however, using countermeasures to prevent me from knowing his exact movements," Harold explained.

"Finch, I'll try to keep you informed on what I can, but I think it is probably best if he does make contact that you not mention I am helping. I still don't know what happened two years ago, but clearly John has no interest in any friendship or help from me. We should probably keep this between us."

"If you think that is best, Joss. When are you heading for New York?"

"As soon as I leave you. I'm going to pack and then I'm supposed to meet Snow at an airstrip in Falls Church."

"Be careful, Detective. I'll be in touch," Harold said as he slowly walked away.