A/N Okay, well here it is! My first story!

Sadly, JKR and Warner Bros. owns all the rights and us little people own nothing :L

James woke with a start. Lily, his heart raced as he quickly rolled over to look next to him in the bed for the one person he could not live without. He saw her sleeping figure facing away from him, but he could still see the outline of her large belly. Our child, thought James with a smile.

Our son, he thought again, but this time slightly less happy. He was ecstatic about having a child, but present climate was not good. The wizard calling himself Lord – well, you know- was at large. A world at war was no time to raise a child.

After the loss of his parents a couple months ago, James had realized all that they had done for him over the years. James knew looking back that he had not been an easy child, and he only hoped that he and Lily would be able to do as good a job as they had.

James did not think himself ready to be a dad. He had only left Hogwarts a mere two years ago. It seemed like only yesterday he, Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtail had been planning their latest prank. While Lily would be the first to say James had matured a lot since Hogwarts, James was less sure. He wanted to be back inside the halls without responsibility, without a care, without worry. That time, sadly, was gone.

"Lily," James whispered. He did not want to wake his sleeping wife, but he needed some comfort.

"What's wrong, James?" She asked groggily, rolling to her other side so she could see him.

"I'm not ready, Lily. I'm going to be a terrible father, I can already tell."

"Shut it already, James," Lily said. James had been so over the moon when Lily told him they were going to have a baby, but as her stomach had grown so had his doubts.

"Lily, I'm completely serious!"

"And so am I. You have nothing, I repeat NOTHING, to worry about. You're going to be a great dad. Don't you see how much the children like you when we go to Diagon Alley?"

"Yeah, but Lil, you don't know what I was like when I was little."

"He has my DNA too, James."

"Hopefully he'll get my good looks, but your eyes and behavior."

"Like you, Remus, and Sirius would be happy if he didn't cause at least a little mayhem at school."

"I'd be fine."

"No, you would be disappointed, and you know it. I do hope he has your hair though; I don't think my hair would look as good on a boy."

"Oh, Lily."

"You know, Sirius told me to tell you that you don't need to worry about the baby. He can tell you're upset and he said quote 'I'm right here ready to turn him into exactly what we want. I'll get him high on sugar if little Lily flower doesn't want him to be.'"

"Well, I might've been a little over-the-top the other day. It was after the battle, and I just… I was scared. There was an innocent Muggle woman who got killed, I all I could see was you there in her place."

"James, stop worrying, ok? If you're afraid about the baby, don't think, because I know once he gets here you're going to spoil him. He will be your second in command, you'll see."

"You're right of course, Evans. And it's not just going to be you and me raising the kid; Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtail are going to help break the kid, too."

"Our baby will be fine, Potter. You're the father."

"G'night, Lily. And with you as a mother to fall back on, there is no chance he will be anything but the best." And with that, James Potter turned away from his wife to finally get some sleep, the blazing fears put out for now.

A/N: And how was that? If you want to tell me there's a little box down below... :)

3 Beth