Thankfully the next three months passed by quietly. No decisions had been made about the future for either man yet. There had been many heart to heart talks but as Tony was getting stronger it became harder for either man to choose. Tony had managed to stay seizure free for the past three months and the doctors were optimistic that they found the proper medication cocktail to keep his seizures at bay. He was told that if he could stay seizure free for a year he would be able to drive again. That excited Tony more than anything else.

Jethro was torn about the idea of returning to work. He could see that Tony was getting stronger everyday. He no longer needed help with the basics of life. He had installed one of those chair lifts to help him navigate the stairs. Tony's limbs still showed the effects of all that he had been through. Physical therapy helped to recover some of the gross motor skills lost by the stroke but stairs were still a tricky task for Tony.

It took Tony tripping down the last six stairs and falling face first at the bottom busting his nose and lips for Jethro to decide on the chair lift. Tony fought it tooth and nail but after Jethro went to the store and found Tony sitting halfway up the steps holding his knee after his foot missed the step forcing him to slam knee first on the stair he agreed that a stair lift was probably a good thing.

Fall was a beautiful time in D.C and Tony and Gibbs began sitting on the back porch after breakfast enjoying watching Astor play and revealing in the elaborate colors the fall leaves were turning.

They sat in silence for a while then Tony tentatively spoke his words still slurred even after Speech therapy but they were much better, "Um, I have come to a decision about NCIS, after all these months of PT I think I am about as good as I am going to get physically and honestly that isn't so hot. I don't think NCIS is a place for Astor girl and I. I am going to take the medical retirement."

"What do you think you want to do with the rest of your life? You are still young and your body may not work as well as it use to but I know that head of yours is still sharp as ever."

"Pretty amazing after a decade of Gibbs slaps I still can put a sentence together right. You are right though I am not sure what I am going to do. I always wanted to be a cop. Not sure I can do anything else. How about you? When is NCIS going to get their superman back?"

"Not sure, I know you don't need me as much as you used to and I am so proud of how hard you have worked to get your independence back. I almost lost you this time. I am not sure I can deal with the job anymore. It is a dangerous job and we all know that, I know but the job almost took my son away from me and I just kinda want to slow down and enjoy the gift I almost lost."

Tony smiled and leaned his head on Jethro's shoulder. "Love you too. But I don't want to be why you don't go back though I know you love your job and you are the best at it. If you don't go back what would you do? I know you are older than me but you still have a bunch of years left in you."

"Well I was thinking about that. Was going to ask McGee and Abby to help me set up a web site and thought I could start to sell some of the things that I make with wood. I don't need the money. The house is long paid off and with retirement and my investments I am well set for the rest of my life but I think this would be a fun challenge and it would give me something to do and give me the time I want to spend with a special green eyed monster and black lab I like to hang out with."

Tony chuckled, "Green eyed monster that is a new one Boss I like it. It fits me. Well since you are thinking about making stuff to sell would you start with something for me first?"

"Sure, what do you want?"

"I am sick of this gross silver monstrosity of a cane that I use when going long ways, do you think you could use your wood magic to make me one that looks a little more Feragamo and a little less Sears. No offence but you know me I am a little more uhm…."

" Picky, Snobby, poodleish, GIRLY" Punctuating each word with laughter.

Tony sat with his mouth hanging open in mock distain but his eyes showed Jethro he caught he was joking, "I am none of those things, Picky MAYBE but not snobby or like a poodle and definitely not girly, gesh boss I just like the more refine things in life."

Jethro let out a snort of laughter, "I think a cane would be a fine first project for me but we still have to figure what you want to be when you grow up."

"Life version 2.0 for the both of us. Not sure what is a viable option for a cripple who you cant understand when he gets tired because he slurs too much and who is prone to seizures, I am not exactly a catch for anyone."

The head slap was expected, "You need to be proud of yourself Tony, you survived several attempts on your life, you fought like hell and you came back to us. So what you aren't perfect. To your family you are perfect in every way. As far as the career thing we will keep our eyes open and see what happens. I bet the two of us can come up with something. Now it is your turn to cook and your PT suggested, to my excitement, you should do your pasta and make ravioli to work on your hand dexterity."

"Yeah meant to ask you about that, what did you promise her to get her to make that suggestion for you?"

Jethro looked bashful, he was caught, " I promised her some ravioli on your next appointment."

Tony laughed and stood up, "Well then I guess I better get to work. But because you cheated I am going to put spinach in the cheese ravioli"

Jethro threw his hands up, "That is a fair punishment. You get to work on the pasta and I will get to work on the design for your cane."

Both men went in to the house and set to work.

Jethro went down to the basement and began to sketch out his idea of a designer cane. He smiled as he hear Tony rustle about in the kitchen then he noticed that the movement overhead had stopped, "You okay up there Tone?" Jethro's frowned at the silence and he thought for a minute, he just went to the head don't worry old man. His gut wouldn't stop churning so he put his plans down and took the basement stairs two at a time.

When he got upstairs he heard scratching at the back door, "Astor girl what are you doing outside? Where is Tony?" Astor barked and grabbed at Jethro's pants and started to pull on him. He reached down and patted her head and commanded, "Go and I will follow okay Astor took off to the side yard Jethro rounded the corner of the house and his heart fell into his shoes at what he saw. He guessed Tony had let Astor out to take care of her business while he went to the side yard to pick some herbs for his pasta filling when his good run of no seizures came to a violent end.

He ran to the unconscious man and knelt down beside him, cradling his head in his lap. When he lifted his head onto his lap he felt blood. Jethro looked down where he had been laying and noticed one of the blocks that they used to create the raised garden had blood on it. Jethro stripped off his sweeter and held it onto the back of Tony's head and then he pulled out the cell and dialed Ducky.

After calling Ducky Jethro let out a sigh, "Nothing can be easy for you can it son?" Jethro held pressure on the back of the head with one hand and carded his other hand through the younger mans hair. Astor sat beside her Tony and just whimpered. Tony began to come out of the seizure about 15 minutes latter. His eyes shot open and then he winced at the pain in his head.

Jethro rubbed his cheek, "SHHHH, you hit your head take it easy okay, Ducky should be here soon to check you out okay?"

Tony shut his eyes but a tear escaped and ran down his cheek. Jethro saw the tear, "What is wrong are you in pain? Do I need to call and ambulance?"

Tony looked into Jethro's worried eyes, "No ambulance, I am sorry it is my fault."

"What is your fault?"

"I forgot to take my meds this morning, I remembered when I was out picking some oregano and was going to take them when I got back in but well you can guess the rest. I am sorry. I am so stupid. I ruin everything. Things were going so good."

Jethro popped him on the forehead, "Knock that off do you hear me. You made a mistake, Lord knows we have all had our share of them."

Before he could continue Ducky was coming around the corner of the house. "Well youngman lets see how that head of yours is doing. How do you feel? Do you think you can sit up?"

Tony nodded and Jethro helped him to sit up. Ducky tisked and poked at the back of his head and then Jethro and Ducky helped the young man into the house.

Twenty minutes later he was bandaged and given a clean bill of health. Tony had disappeared into his room and Jethro sat at the table with Ducky, "He forgot his pills this morning Duck could that alone cause a seizure or should we take him to the hospital?"

"Jethro the boy is fine. I would certainly say a phone call to the lad's doctor is in order but I assure you forgetting ones seizure medicine is most definitely a way of inviting a seizure. I wouldn't worry too much. You know I read an article about the new technology out there to help people who have to take medicine multiple times a day. I shall look into it. I wouldn't worry though. Now we have established Anthony is fine, how about you?"

"I am okay Duck. I guess with Tony going so long between seizures I was lulled into a kind of complacency but I wont let it happen again, he is too important. This helped me feel better about the other big decision in my life I know you are wondering about. I have decided to take my retirement and sell some of my wood projects online to keep myself out of trouble."

Ducky patted his old friends hand, "How about young Anthony. Will he take a desk job or do something else? I know our esteemed Director offered him a nice medical retirement package."

Jethro shrugged, "Not sure yet Duck, I do know he is taking the retirement. He told me so this morning. He realized that he has gotten about as good as he is going to get physically, which is amazing considering he probably shouldn't even be here but he isn't able to climb stairs or sit in one place long without getting stiff and he gets really tired and still suffers from some pretty doozie migraines. He realized working a 40 hour a week job just isn't possible for him anymore but he isn't sure what he wants to be when he grows up he said."

"I didn't know the poor boy is still suffering the migraines, what did the doctors say?"

"That there was some damage in the brain and between the damage and the seizures it was to be expected. They gave him pills but if it gets really bad they have this medicine in a thing that looks like an epipen that I can give him that knocks him out but he wakes up pain free."

Before Ducky could respond Astor came in the room and began to pull Jethro like before. Jethro immediately ran up the stairs to Tony's room and found him lying on the bed curled up with his back to the open door. Astor ran ahead of him and was sitting in front of the crying man and licking his face. "Thanks girl, I love you too. I am sorry I was stupid and forgot my meds what are you gonna do with me…"

"I will tell you what we are gonna do.." Tony jumped at the voice not realizing Jethro was there. Jethro gave him a little grin, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. To answer your question we are going to figure a way you never forget your meds again and we are going to be okay. It was a mistake we all make them."

"We all make them yeah but this one caused me to have to restart my seizure free count. I was a quarter of the way to being able to drive again and …"

"And what? I know you miss driving your Mustang but we do take it to therapy now so you still get to ride in it."

"I was counting down to be able to drive because when I can drive then I wont be as much of a burden anymore. I have cost you so much, and I just want to stand on my own to feet again. Hell I couldn't even make you pasta without screwing that up."

"You all done now? You want me to get a sword for you to fall on too?"

Tony looked miffed and more than a little hurt at that statement but Jethro continued, "If you are done with the self flagellation we can move forward from here. Ducky told me he was going to work on some new ways that will help remind you to take your meds and as far as a burden (head slap) don't be an idiot. When have you ever known me to do anything that I did not want to do? I don't know what it is going to take to get through your thick head I love taking care of you. I don't care if you ever drive again, or work a day job or make freaking pasta again you are here breathing. I can hug you or smack you and I can watch movies with you and have my boy with me, none of that other stuff matters a hill of beans you got that?"

Tony looked into the older mans blue eyes and saw the same thing he had seen for the last few months, something he never saw in his natural fathers eyes, love and devotion. Tony could do nothing but fall into his arms and allowed himself to be hugged.

Ducky stood in the doorway and smiled at the scene in front of him. Father and Son not by genetics but by the heart. He cleared his throat, "Well since Anthony hasn't had a chance to make his pasta yet how about you two allow this old man to take you out to Momma Rose's for dinner?"

Tony looked up and smiled, "Sounds good to me."

Jethro looked at Tony, "Sounds good to me if you do the pasta before your next therapy. If I show up to therapy without your pasta I am a dead man." The three men laughed and got ready for a well-deserved night out.

Dinner was lively and full of conversations. Momma Rose herself came out to great the men and gave Astor a plate of meatballs. She asked about his health and his job. Jethro told her about both of them retiring and him selling his wood projects and how we have to figure something out for Tony here to get into. Momma Rose looked at Tony and matter of factly said"Why don't you sell your pasta, You can come in to my kitchen during the day when we are closed and make up some of the specialty pasta that you do so well. I would love to offer them special in this restaurant and I know other restaurants would be interested too. You could even sell it at the Farmers market, you could work at your own pace and sell what you make and if you got ill and needed to stop for a while then we take the specials off the menu no harm no foul."

Tony looked at her like she had four heads, "You really think I could do that? You would let me use your kitchen? Why?"

Momma Rose smiled, "Yes and yes to your first two questions and to the last question I am a business woman and an Italian, I do not have the time to get creative with my pasta and you brought me samples of some of the pasta that you experimented with and they were amazing. Selling in season organic pasta using products from local growers, well that is just a good business decision in today's world. So what do you think? Do I start creating a special menu?"

Tony's face lit up, "YES! I have therapy on Friday can I come over with some samples and ideas for the first batches of pasta?"

"Sounds good. Friday is business but now we celebrate." A few minutes later everyone raised their newly acquired glasses of Champaign, Jethro toasted, "To new life and new adventures"

One Month later "Astor Jets" specialty pasta was a HUGE success taking D.C by storm. Jethro and Tony had all their friends over to the house to celebrate. Tony had a buffet of all his current pasta and some new pasta he was working on out for everyone to eat. The quiet house was soon filled with laughter and many compliments were given to the chef. Abby spoke up and asked, "So Tony why Astor Jet? Where did you come up with that name for your company?"

Tony smiled, "Well Abbs I am glad you asked, there are so many people that have stood by me and helped me through the last year but there are two that I can honestly say I would have not made it without them. Astor, the smartest most amazing service dog ever, and Jethro, the most amazing man I ever met. The name is a combination of their names I shortened Jethro's to Jet just because well you know." Everyone laughed at his attempt at and explanation but then he silenced everyone and brought out a bag, "Jethro, you have not only taken care of me but you have shown me that I was loved. You have been a father to me when my biological father has not. I could never repay the debt of gratitude that I owe you but I hope what is in this bag at least shows you a glimpse of how much I love and appreciate you."

Jethro tentatively took the bag and looked inside. He carefully pulled out the beautiful cherry wood box and opened it, inside was a set of 30 chisels all different shapes and sizes and when he closed the box he noticed the plaque on the lid and read it out loud. "I was falling a part and you came along and loved all the pieces back together. Thank you and I love you Dad. Life 2.0 the next great adventure together." You could tell the emotion was nearly about to choke Jethro and by the time he finished reading it there was not a dry eye in the place.

Jethro fingered the words on the plaque gently thinking about what to say. Tony was beginning to worry that he over stepped when Jethro just pulled him in for the tightest hug he ever had and whispered in his ear. "Thank you son, I love you so much and I am so proud of you" Tony smiled and hugged him back.

So much had happened since that initial hit to the head. The Tony and the life he had before was gone and would never return but for the first time in a long time he was excited about the future. Life 2.0, he never liked sequels they were never as good as the originals but he had a feeling this was going to be one sequel that he was going to love.

The end

(Thank you thank you thank you for sticking with me and reading this story. Also thank you for all the amazing comments, you well never know how much I appreciate them.)