Chapter one

It took only an hour after the fall of Voldemort for everyone to get their first shock, Albus Dumbledore was alive. First he had to prove he was really Albus Dumbledore, then he needed to explain why he made everyone believe he was dead, but the only thing he said about he's reasons was they were necessary and that explanation would have to wait for a few days. Albus had gone around to every person that had lost someone, spoke to them, held them while they cried and tried to comfort them as much as possible. He held Molly Weasley as she cried for the loss of her son, but he did ask Arthur if there might be a chance that Fred had any type of magical bond with someone, when the answer was no, Albus knew there was no chance of Fred surviving, but he never explained about that old piece of ancient magic since it would not have helped, it only worked if there was a magical bond between two people.

'Wait, George and Fred are twins, identical twins; that means they have a natural bond. We need to get Fred and George into the hospital now before it's too late.'

'It's already too late Albus.'

'No, I know of a rare spell that could save him if his soul has not left his body yet. Let's hurry,' Albus had Arthur lift Fred's body, then they raced into the hospital with George, Molly and the rest of the Weasley's following. Albus explained to Poppy and they instantly started with Poppy started the blood transfer while Albus did his spell. He smiled and stepped back as Fred woke up only to be hugged by his mother who ended up crying all over her son. Albus moved out of the hospital to give the healers and family room.

'Professor, does Harry know you're alive?' Hermione asked.

'I have not seen him, so I cannot be sure. Do you know where he is?'

'He was feeling a little out of sorts, so he headed outside to be alone for a while.'

'Then I'm sure I'll see him soon enough.'

'Albus, Charlie Weasley just brought Severus in, Poppy does not think he will survive,' Minerva said urgently then she had to run to keep up with Albus. Albus stared down into the pale face of his long-time friend, 'Isn't there anything that could save him Poppy?' Minerva asked.

'No, the poison from that snake has already gone through his system, the anti-venom would not work now, it's been too long. He's soul has maybe an hour or so before it leaves his body.'

'I might have an idea, do what you can until I get back,' Albus hurried from the makeshift hospital and headed outside. He walked everywhere and asked everyone if they had seen Harry Potter, no one had. Finally Albus realised where Harry might be, so he hurried into the forbidden forest and found him sitting in a clearing, 'Harry.'

Harry's head turned sharply at the sound of a familiar voice, 'I must be dreaming or dead, because we've done this Dumbledore and I came back, just like you wanted me to.'

'Harry, I don't have time to explain, but I am alive, for real. Now I need you to trust me so someone can be saved.'

'Someone's dying?'

'I can explain later, time is short, will you come with me to save him?'

'Um, yeah, sure,' Harry pushed himself to his feet, groaning as he did, 'Blimey, I ache all over.'

'Poppy can see to you very soon, we must hurry.'

'Okay,' Harry had no idea what was going on or if he was really dreaming, but he followed Dumbledore out of the forbidden forest and into the castle to the make shift hospital and behind some curtains.

'As you can see Severus was brought in, but right now he is dead. There is an old and ancient piece of magic that could save him, but it needs to be done before his soul leaves his body. I was just able to do it to save Fred, using George's blood since they were bonded before they were born.'

'Alright, but how am I supposed to stop his soul moving on, can't Madame Pomfrey do something?'

'No, it is passed any healers abilities to save him, but you can.'

'Me, how?' Harry stared down at Snape and even though he wasn't sure how he felt about this man now, he did help, so Harry did want to save him.

'He needs your blood, a lot of your blood which will make you fall unconscious but you will be fine after a few hours.'

'My blood, why mine and not yours?'

'I'll explain later Harry, there isn't time, Severus is losing his soul as we speak.'

'You don't mean what I think you mean Albus?' Minerva asked staring between Severus and Harry.

'Yes, I will explain later, this needs to be done now. So Harry, please trust me or Severus will die.'

'He did help, so I have to save him. What do I have to do?'

'Poppy, get Harry ready to transfer his blood to Severus, I will perform the transference charm.'

'Mr. Potter, remove your jacket and shirt, then on the bed please.'

'I have to remove my shirt?' Harry looked away from everyone, he didn't want anyone to see, so when he turned his back on everyone he quickly cast his glamour then took his jacket and shirt off before lying down, 'Now what?'

'It's a lot like how the muggles give blood from one person to another,' Poppy quickly moved her wand over Harry's arm, a small thin tube was forced into the small cut she had made in Harry's arm before doing the same with Severus, 'The blood is flowing Albus.'

'Harry you will feel very light headed which will eventually make you pass out, you will be fine, trust me.'

'I do,' Harry watched as his blood moved along the tube from his arm and into Snape's then saw Dumbledore moving his wand in weird and complicated patterns, first over him then over Snape, then back to him and back to Snape. By the fourth time this happen Harry's eyes rolled back and he fell into unconsciousness.

'How long Albus?' Minerva asked.

'Another couple of minutes,' he said but concentrated on his charms and the blood flow from Harry to Severus, 'There, done.'

Severus gasped and his eyes flew open as he sat up, 'Albus, what have you done?'

'I invoked that old piece of magic to save your life. Poppy you can remove the tube and stop the blood flow now.'

Severus noticed the tube in his arm and whose arm it was attached to, Harry Potter. He had known before he turned his head, the boy was the only one that could have brought him back.

'Albus, you can't be serious?'

'Would you rather be dead Severus, especially with your past and where your soul would end up? It was too soon for your soul to be renewed, it would take a lot more years before that can happen.'

'I will perform the healing spell over Mr. Potter, it will take an hour or so before he wakes. I'm also going to cast a diagnostic charm to check for any injuries that sometimes Mr. Potter never gets around to telling me,' Poppy cast her charms and a golden light seemed to surround Harry. She watched, along with Albus, Minerva and Severus as they saw a piece of parchment appear in the air above Harry Potter, a quill was moving over the parchment, writing but a voice started to speak the words that was written. Shocks from the people surrounding the bed was evident, the bed that held the wizarding worlds hero.

Albus cast a quick silencing charm around Harry, along with Minerva, Poppy, Severus and himself, then spelled the curtains around the bed to make sure no sound was heard nor could anyone join them. The words was heard by those around the bed shocked and saddened them and could not believe what they were hearing.

'Past injuries to one Harry James Potter, three times he had concussion due to a cracked skull, once being done by a beaters bat, once when he fell or was pushed against a brick wall, once as something solid and round hit his head. Left arm, shoulder dislocated, twice his wrist had been broken and his fingers broken four times. Right arm, wrist broken once, arm broken above elbow when forced back and twisted, fingers on is right hand broken six times. His sternum broken twice, a punctured lung, bruised kidneys, two separate breaks to his pelvis. His right femur broken twice, his right ankle broken twice, his right foot broken once, his toes on his right foot crushed twice. His left ankle broken twice, his left foot crushed, breaking every bone in his foot and toes. His testicles sliced open, severing the tube, maybe impossible to father children. His shoulder blade and back badly cut due to whipping and his anal passage ripped open multiple times,' the voice finished speaking and the parchment floated down and landed on the end of Harry's bed.

'I need to check something,' Albus uncovered Harry then moved his wand, his clothes disappeared then a shimmer went over his whole body. Harry's glamour disappeared and everyone gasped at all the scars that marred his young body. Albus quickly cast his spell which put the glamour back then redressed Harry, 'He's been using a glamour to hide his injuries.'

'Who did all that to him Albus, Voldemort?'

'No, some of those scars are very old. So it looks like his muggle relatives abuse him and it started when he was very young. Poppy, check those injuries to make sure they are all healed right, you know how hopeless muggle medicine is.'

Poppy sniffed, nodded then slowly cast her charms, 'They are healed, but not enough, he must suffer from a lot of pain. He will need a course of potions for at least a month.'

'Does he have to remain in here Poppy?' Minerva asked but the others all heard how choked up her voice was.

'No, he just needs to come see me every day. I doubt Mr. Potter would remain, it was impossible to keep him in one of my beds all the times he found himself here.'

'Can something be done about the abuse they afflicted on him Albus?'

'It is very hard to prosecute muggles Minerva, but I will see what I can do. Severus, how are you feeling?'

'Fine, but I still wished you didn't do this. You know what this means now, don't you?'

'Yes, naturally I know what it means. We will have to explain this to Harry though, I do not think he knows anything about this type of magic or that it was made.'

'I only did it as a favour to Lily, because of our friendship. I never thought I'd have to go through with this.'

'None of us did, but as I said, your soul is not fully light yet. If you died now, you would end up with those of the dark.'

'I realise that, but now, Potter,' Severus stood up, 'What is going on anyway, where is the dark lord?'

'Dead Severus, Harry killed him,' Minerva said, 'I want some answers regarding the torture of students under your care?'

'I saved their lives Minerva, surely even you saw that. If I did not allow certain punishment then Amycus would have killed those students but not quickly. He liked his torture and would have enjoyed torturing any student that was known to be Potter's friend. Albus asked me to keep them alive, I did, but I had to make them believe I was following the dark lord's orders when he said he didn't want them dead.'

'A lot of parents are not going to be happy with you Severus. Have you seen the state of Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnegan?'

'Yes, of course, but as I said, they are alive. Surely even their relatives will prefer some bruises to them being dead.'

'Let's discuss this later, Severus and I will put out a statement regarding all that has happened. Minerva, I think everyone could do with some food before we start documenting the damage to the castle.'

'Very well Albus,' Minerva stared at Severus for another minute then left the makeshift hospital.

'Thank you Poppy, why don't you file that document then see to your other patients, I will be staying with Harry.'

'If he needs anything, let me know.'

Severus waited until he was alone with Albus, 'How do you think he will take this news?'

'Oh, he will not take it well at all, at least not at first. So try not to antagonise him Severus. I think you just saw proof that he was not a pampered little prince you always believed he was.'

'No, he wasn't treated as a celebrity as I believed he was. He has surprised me though, first being able to hide his abuse, then to finish off the dark lord. But how did he survive if the dark lord is dead?'

'I let him kill me,' Harry groaned softly as he slowly opened his eyes, 'So I'm still unconscious, first Kings Cross station, then the forbidden forest and now in the hospital, why do you keep appearing to me Dumbledore?'

'Harry, I am not dead, I never died that night on the astronomy tower. Severus and I had that all worked out beforehand.'

Harry pushed himself up, 'Then why did you leave me to do all that alone? I was clueless. I had no idea where they were or how to find them.'

'But you did, you proved that when you destroyed him. There is a reason I left you to do it alone, but we can talk about that later. Now do you remember what I asked you and why you are in the hospital?'

Harry screwed up his face before he glanced around, 'You're alive.'

'Yes, thanks to you,' Severus said.

'So this blood thing worked then, brought you're soul back?'

'Yes, your blood is what saved me.'

'Okay, well, I'm glad I was able to help,' Harry turned back to Dumbledore, 'Why though, you said you would explain why it had to be me?'

'Yes, but I think we should talk about that in my office. First though, it might be wise for you to shower and get into some clean clothes, maybe some clothes that aren't ripped or stained with blood.'

'Then I have nothing to wear, all my clothes are ripped and dirty. I've been living rough for months. I'll work on buying some when I can, for now just a shower would be good. The Gryffindor rooms are destroyed, so where can I shower?'

'You can use my bathroom Potter, being in the dungeons, it survived the fighting.'

Harry sat there with his mouth hanging open as he stared at Snape, but he did hear Dumbledore chuckle. Oh that man confused him so much and sometimes made him mad, but right now all he wanted was to get clean, eat and sleep, then he might be able to work out what the hell was going on.