Wishing for Sunny Skies

Chapter 1

It wasn't cold nor terribly hot out. Perhaps a bit musty, but that was to be expected in mid-June. It wasn't the cramped space of the cupboard that upset him, he thought lip quivering as he feebly picked away at the edge of the door.

"Please, uncle. Please," a small sob escaped him which he held his mouth tight shut. Crying wasn't allowed. He shifted again, straining his eyes to where he knew the door lay wishing, hoping beyond hope that he could chance some light. It was the darkness, the darkness that his uncle was sure he was bathed in that made him feel as though he could not breath, could not think. He had been locked in the cupboard for longer than normal, and his uncle had tightly tucked a towel around the crack at the bottom to ensure no light came through.

Loudly, like a stampeding elephant, the man stormed from the kitchen where he had been reading his papers over some afternoon tea, over to where he locked his nephew away. The large man wrenched the door open and grasped his meaty hand around the scrawny boy.

Large green eyes shining with unshed tears pleaded up at him, and he threw the boy down hissing,"What. Did. I. Say. About. Crying?!"

Breathing deeply, so as to try and control his sobs he stammered," Freaks like me don't get to cry. I am sorry, so sorry uncle Vernon. I just, I hate the dark so much. Please. "Harry huddled on the floor, staring at where he thought his uncles feet where. It was so bright, it having been midday and light was pouring through all the windows. He smiled inwardly, knowing he was in trouble for begging, but to be allowed some light and out of the dark cramped cupboard was worth it.

His uncle went from red to purple, and the boy shrunk. He knew he had been asking a lot from the man , the man who constantly reminded him that he had been taken in out of charity since his good for nothing parents died in a car crash. But the darkness in the small cupboard had been suffocating, to say the least, and he yearned for the sunlight. But ever since Thursday at school he had been promised an extended punishment for his freakishness.

He honestly had not meant to jump so high- for how else did he make it to the top of the school while Dudley and his gang chased him? Dudley had loudly claimed later on that Harry had been saying spells, and casting magic, to which Harry pleaded with his aunt and uncle that he 'knew' magic was not real, and he 'knew' things like that were not allowed in the Dursleys'. Though it had been only a week before he had been caught reading 'The Lost Years of Merlin' by his aunt Petunia, and he felt as though he were still being punished for that.

Now it was Sunday. He had gone straight into the cupboard after school Friday, and had not been allowed out until now. His aunt had left with Dudley to go shopping and his uncle had opted to stay home and get some of his paperwork done before having to return to work the next day. Harry had been trying really hard not to cry, but the thought of his cousin, whom only a little while ago, had been been allowed to go out and be free to go outside, he couldn't help but pity himself.

"I-I am sorry," he attempted to say more but was cut short as his uncle cuffed him over the head hard. He hit the wall and whimpered going tightly into a ball. His uncle rarely hit him anywhere that could be seen by the school or neighbors, only when he was really upset. Harry shivered as sensed the fat man attempting to control his rage but it seemed to be impossible, as for the boys tears were now flowing freely down his face.

"Shut up, shut up, shut. Up! "The man grabbed the boy and punched him in the side several times before throwing him to the door.

Harry wasn't sure how it happened; just that he knew that he was going to be beaten and was frightened. It was rare his uncle came up to the point of rage beyond a smack or two, sometimes a swift kick to the ribs, but once before he had been beaten so hard he was out of school for the week and had to work hard to conceal the limp afterword's. That had been when he had only been a year ago shortly after his eighth birthday. Memories of that came back and he just remembered reaching for the door, wishing so deeply, with his whole being that he could be anywhere.

Somehow the door opened, even though it was the opposite way it was supposed to open, and he went flying through. Tumbling he found himself coughing on dirt and leaves, sputtering. The light was bright to his eyes so he was unable to see, he was shaking but he didn't let that stop him from stumbling up to his feet and attempting to run down the road.

He stumbled off for a few moments, his sight adjusting enough to make out a tree before collapsing in a fit of tears at the base of it. He held his mouth, trying to sob silently as possible in fear of his uncle finding him. After a few moments, he forced his breath to even though that didn't stop him from trembling like a leaf. His eyes fully adjusted, and he was surprised he could see perfectly fine even without his glasses. Blinking his surprise made him forget his tears, or the reason why his face throbbed

It was clear he was nowhere near Privet Drive, he doubted he was even in Little Whinging anymore. Not a house was in sight, no roads or cars. Straining his ears he didn't hear any noise associated with living in the city, and the air smelled fresh. Looking around he also noticed Autumn leaves had fallen and a crisp breeze caused him to shiver in both fear and cold.

"Where am I," he murmured to himself, all too used to one sided conversation. He pushed off the tree gently and called out," he-hello. Anyone there?"

He glanced side to side and shivered rubbing his arms. It had been summer only moments before, so he was only wearing a baggy t-shirt and khaki shorts that had fit almost like pants since they used to belong to Dudley were now in a pool about his feet-his belt must have came loose he concluded so overcome with all that was happening he missed that, even though the shirt had normally be a bit large on him, it now fit him like a dress. He also was bare foot considering he had been inside.

Taking a step he stumbled and blinked something about his movement had signaled to him something was off. Or perhaps it was how close to the ground he was despite the fact he was nine, though never tall, he knew he should have been farther up.

Looking down he saw his legs had become short stumps, as were his arms. Closing his eyes he forced his breathing to be steady as his mind raced. He ran a hand through what was now long glossy hair and felt a whimper come to him, though he beat it down-no crying! He was not going to panic!

Obviously something happened, something out of this world. His imagination soared that magic could perhaps truly be real, that somehow he had magicked himself away, that all those years of dreaming and wishing were not in vain.

Looking around he called out again, not missing now how his voice was small and soft, like a bell lightly chiming," Is anybody there?"

Seeing as how no one was going to answer him he began walking, though he found that he suddenly became even more clumsy than usual, starting back the way he thought he came from, hoping that he would somehow cross some threshold and return home to his uncle pondering. If magic where real, and he had suddenly transported himself away, why was alone? And why did he look and feel like a toddler? What was uncle Vernon going to say?

He suddenly tripped over the long tee and sniffled trying to keep his sobs under control. Did he even want to return to uncle Vernon, if he was able to return to Privet Drive that was. Biting his lip in a nervous manner he glanced about. It seemed to him, even if he did, he was nowhere close to home. He hugged himself harder, walking owns the grassy plane, and somehow he knew he would not go back. At least not yet. No he would stay here, wherever that was. But he didn't care much, despite the feeling of guilt twisted in his stomach at remembering that his uncle and aunt had at least been generous enough to feed, cloth, and house him when they had only wished for one child-Dudley- and had only taken him in out of kindness. He pushed the voice at the back of his head that tried to reason that there was no kindness in his relatives' actions.

Harry walked looking about the plain lands. There was the occasional trees here and there, but besides that it was mostly just grass, rock and earth. This made it easier to see farther distances, and Harry was presently surprised to see smoke in the distance off to his right.

He paused before turning his stride that way, ignoring the pain in his feet when he stepped on some sharp rocks. There was someone over there! He didn't know what he would say, or how he would explain that he had somehow appeared outside of his home, in a body that felt right to be in, but he knew couldn't be his own. Harry didn't even give these things a second thought, the knowledge he wasn't going to be alone to fend for himself in the unknown wild was enough for him.

Authors note: So what do you think? I am already writing two LOTR/HP crossovers, but unlike the my other two this one is going to be there for almost pure fluff. I already have this one and the sequel planned out, and chapter two is already half written. =) I just want to hear from you guys to hear what you think.

So is Harry headed off to a friend? A foe? Who do you think awaits the young boy? And yes, if you haven't guessed, Harry is an elf. =p I just enjoy doing that too much! 3 Also if you guys haven't read any of my other stories or my profile, I like yaoi, and I really like seeing Legolas and Harry end up together. Of course they will not in this story, but the sequel for sure =)

Well I'll post the second chapter later. I just wanted to hear your thoughts. =)