Inspired by DisneyFanatic2364's Shakespony: Twelfth Night and The taste of Pomergranate by FanOfCartoons.

Twilight looked at her clipboard, calling, "Thirty minutes, every pony!" She looked backstage seeing her friends preparing, she moves to Rarity that has a grimace on her face.

She says to Twilight, "Oh darling, it's wonderful we'll be performing side to side, but why did my leading pony had to be… him!" pointing to Prince Blueblood who was being pamper by other ponies across the room.

"He was the only one who fit the part. Don't worry, it's just for tonight."

"I admit I had a crush on him but that was before I knew he was such a… Argh! Don't remind me of that night!" she goes back to finishing her makeup, while Twilight did a giggle.

Twilight moves to another sector of the stage, finding her brother and sister-in-law. "Ready for the opening?" she asks them.

"As we'll ever be." said Cadence.

"I can't thank you enough for coming down to this for us."

"Hey, Princess Celestia wanted to do something for Princess Luna's birthday, say just how old is she now anyway?" Shining Armor asks while putting on Ancient Grecian armor.

"You don't want to know…" said Cadence.

"Plus, she can be very sensitive about her age, given the time she's lost on the moon…"

A familiar voice in a sing-song tone called, "Oh, princess!"

"*Groan*… gotta go… have to see a spirit of chaos about who knows what…" she goes and enters a dressing room with a draconquus floating on a couch. "Yes, Discord?" she grumbles.

"Well, if I have to go out there to put my acting skills to good use, the least you can do is get a glass of water to keep my voice from going dry. I do have an important speech in the play that should be carried out well."

Twilight grits her teeth saying, "So you do…" saying outright, "But I have to get ready, too, you know!"

"By all means, of course! You have an important role after all!"

"Argh!" she clomps out of the room and went straight to Fluttershy's dressing room who was talking to the Breezies.

They chitter something, which Fluttershy replied, "Oh, you're welcome, and thank you for joining us tonight. Twilight and I agreed that visuals would be best if we had real fairy-like pony creatures."

"Fluttershy! Your leading pony is getting on my nerves! Can you please get the prima donna his water while I get ready?"

"Of course, Twilight, you're already doing so much for the play…" she flies off and gets the water. Then, with a determined look on her face, she opens the door seeing him on the floating couch and wearing sunglasses being lazy. She faces him midair, "Ahem. Your water?"

He peeks an eye out then takes off the glasses with a chuckle, "Ah Fluttershy, of course she would sent you to do her dirty work." takes the glass and drinks the cup causing the water to float, then throws the water making it explode.

"Shouldn't you get ready?" she asks him.

"My dear, we won't be on in a while, so why rush?"

"It's just… Twilight's already put so much effort into this… It is, after all, a celebration of Princess Luna's birth. It's Celestia's gift to her that we reenact her favorite play from olden times. The least we can do is be ready."

"Fine…" he snaps his fingers and he wore a toga, a wreath crown, and fake fairy wings on top of his real wings.

"Good, thank you, now I better go and get dressed."

"Hey, what's that?!" he pointed up.

"What is?" she looks, but in a flat second, Discord snaps his fingers and the next she knew, she had a toga on, a rose crown, and real fairy wings replacing her pegasi wings. "Discord? What did you…?" she tries her new wings.

"You like?"

"Well, yes… but… why the fake wings?"

"Because I figured you'd look better this way, and I was right! You, my dear, are ravishing…"

She blushes hard, "Well… thank you… and these are beautiful… just promise I can have my old wings back afterwards…"

"But of course." giving a bow.

Twilight's voice shouts throughout the backstage, "Okay, it's curtain time!"

"Um, Twilight?" came up a nervous looking Flash Sentry, "I know we're suppose to act together in the play, but I won't do anything that might make you uncomfortable."

"Oh, Flash, nothing you can do can make me uncomfortable, but I'm glad to see you care…" they lock gazes, until she shook her head, "Come on, we have to stand by."

The curtain went wide open showing Cadence and Shining Armor sitting side by side in thrones.

Shining Armor spoke up, "Our wedding draws near, Hippolyta. In just four days."

"I wait with great anticipation, but four days shall go fast. The wedding will be here before you know it."

"In the meantime, we should celebrate our soon-to-be union. Philostrate!"

Cheese Sandwich comes on in a flash, "You summon me, Master?"

"I did, go forth across the land and make merriment wherever you go."

"Yes, sir!" he salutes and heads out.

"There we go," he puts his hoof around her, "so every pony can be happy as we are…" they touched faces until a bickering arouse and on came three ponies and a donkey.

"What is the meaning of this?!" demands Shining Armor.

"Lord Theseus," spoke Cranky Doodle, "My niece, Hermia," pointing to Twilight, "is set to marry Demetrius." pointing to Blueblood, "By my consent as her uncle and guardian."

"With all due respect, Uncle, I love Lysander…" giving a loving glance to Flash who slightly blushed, but smiled proudly. "I will marry only him."

"So we come to you, Theseus, to settle this matter. I must point out the law that a mare must wed according to her father or guardian, which is me, and I say," turning to Twilight saying in her face, "You marry Demetrius!"

"What a dilemma…" said Cadence, "What is your decision, soon-to-be husband?"

"Hmm…" he goes deep in thought, making a pondering face, causing every pony to look on him in eagerness, finally he said, "The law is clear… You will marry Demetrius."

Twilight's jaw dropped while Flash did a sad face, and Blueblood looked smug. However, Cadence was appalled.

"Ha! I knew it!" exclaimed Cranky, "Come, Demetrius; we have wedding preparations to look over." he and Blueblood left the stage. While Flash comforted Twilight on the side of the stage.

Cadence got off her throne.

"Where are you going, my love?" asks Shining Armor.

"I can't believe you did that…" she said with a look of despair.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that you are about to be happily married to some pony you love and yet you force someone else to wed some pony they won't love!"

"It's not my fault, the law states that the choice belongs to the mare's guardian, I had no choice but to enforce it…"

"And how is it different we wed?"

"The law doesn't apply us. We are free to make our own choice."

"That's not fair! I say we cancel our wedding until this issue is resolved!" she stomps off.

"What?! But Hippolyta!" he rushes off stage.

The spotlight focuses back to Twilight and Flash. Twilight does fake sniffles.

"Don't cry, my love; we'll figure something out." said Flash.

"How?" she asks him.

"If no pony agrees to us being together then we must run far from here and elope."

"Elope? Yes! Why didn't I think of that?!"

"You were too grief-stricken, and for a good reason… All hope was nearly gone of us being together…"

"But that will soon change… To the woods we hide tonight."

"Keep promise, love… Look, here comes Helena."

Rarity enters looking crestfallen. Twilight goes to her.

"Helena, why are you so upset?"

"Isn't it obvious? Demetrius loves you more!" she bursted into sobs, "I love him, but he refuses my love!"

"I wish he didn't…" said Flash, "Then we wouldn't be in this mess…"

"I, in return, refuse his love, but he still persists." said Twilight.

"As I do to him…"

"Fear not, soon he will have to return your love."

"How so, Hermia?" looking to her with hopeful eyes.

"Lysander and I are eloping tonight, I figure you should know, as you are my best friend and it's possible we'll never see each again…"

"Oh…" the two mares hug, "I wish you and your love the best…"

"Thank you, we're going to need it." said Flash as he took Twilight's hoof, they both blush to this. Then they exit the stage.

Rarity waves them off, "Tah-tah!" then faces the audience. "I should be happy… but jealousy consumes me… I am thought as fair as she, but Demetrius doesn't think so… He admires her while I admire him. If only I could show him that Hermia will never give him love like I could… Wait… if he sees that she's willing to elope Lysander, and then maybe… he will realize she will never be his and turn to me! It's perfect!" she did an excited squeal, then runs off.

The stage goes black for a bit then comes back on revealing a cottage, where Apple Jack, Spike, Rainbow Dash, and the CMC gather.

"Are we all here then?" asks Apple Jack.

"Yup, that's all of us." answer Spike.

"Just a quick roll call in case; Frances Flute."

"Yo." said Rainbow Dash.

"Tammy Snout."

"Right here." said Apple Bloom.

"Robin Starveling."

"Here." said Sweetie Belle.

"And Snug."

"What up." said Scootaloo.

"Great, now as you all know, the Duke is getting married in less than four days, we need to practice our performance of Pyramus, but we can't do that until we have our parts down…" glaring at Spike.

"I'll get there, Petra Quince, I promise!"

"But you don't seem believable, Nick Bottom." said Rainbow.

"Yeah, how are we supposed to impress the Duke if you're not acting like a lover?" said Apple Bloom.

"Let's try the scene where you, Pyramus, meet your love, Thisby." suggested Apple Jack.

"Do I have to play her?" complained RD, "She's such a boring character."

"Yes, now quit your whining and get performing."

Spike got out note cards and rehearse from them, not giving any emotion, "I see a voice now will I to the chink. To spy an I can hear my Thisby's face-"

"Stop!" shouted AJ, "This is what you call romance?"

"I can't help it! I don't know how to be romantic. I've never been in love or any pony was in love with me."

"So you're saying if you can find the means to be in love, you can do the part?" asks Sweetie Belle.

"I think so."

"Go then! We're short on time and if you can be romantic before the wedding, we have saved the show!" proclaimed Apple Jack.

"Not to mention our necks…" breathed Rainbow.

"I won't fail! Next time you see me, I'll be the best player there is!" he walks off.

"Should one of us follow him?" asks Scootaloo.

Apple Jack sighed heavily, "We might as well all go…"

The lights went black then coming on revealing a forest set, which Fluttershy and Discord came on with the Breezies.

"Face it, Oberon, we're lost!"

"We're not lost," summoning a map, "we just took a wrong turn."

"How are we supposed to attend the wedding if you can't even navigate through these woods?! You're the king of the fairies! You're supposed to know your way around!"

"Relax, my queen; we still have a couple of days. Don't worry so much."

"I don't see how you can't be. Sometimes I wonder if you truly care about my feelings…"

"Be still my heart! How can you say such a thing?! You know my love for you is strong!"

Fluttershy could have sworn she heard sincerity in his tone, but pressed forward with her lines. "If what you say is true, then you must prove it to me."


"I don't know, but I will stay away from you until you can show me you care…" she and the Breezies started fluttering away, and Sea Breeze went up to Discord blowing a raspberry at him.

Once they were gone, he grunted, "Ha! She thinks she can get the upper hand on me, think again! Plucky!"

In a puff of smoke, Pinkie appears hanging by a rope. "Yes, Sir Oberon!"

"I have a need of your assistance…"

"How so?"

"My queen, Titania, claims I do not care for her feelings… Ah, but I will teach her a lesson thinking she has hurt my feelings by betraying our marriage… Get me the flower that can cause any pony to fall in love at the first thing they see…"

"Done and done!" in another puff of smoke she disappears.

He gives a smirk until his ears perk up hearing a voice, he hides behind shrubs while Blueblood and Rarity come on.

"So where are Hermia and Lysander? I'll see to it that my bride returns while her kidnapper is imprisoned for life!"

"Don't you get it?! She doesn't love you! But I told you this to spare the heartbreak you would have to endure later!"

"As kind as that was of you, but she will love me…" he moves on.

Rarity states in a quiet tone, "But… I love you…" she solemnly follows him.

Discord ponders on this, "Hmm, interesting…"

Pinkie then comes back, "Okay, I got the flower!"

"Excellent! Now, my servant, wait here while I sprinkle the flower's pollen on my queen. Then when I return, I have a mission for you…" he snaps his fingers and he was gone.

The lights dim for a moment giving Pinkie the chance to leave. Fluttershy comes on with the Breezies gathering around her and they sit by a glossy lake.

They chattered something, then Fluttershy answered, "Don't say that, I think I was being too hard on him… He can be a bit forgetful, but he is sweet and does love me so very much… It's just a matter of how far it goes…" she does a fake yawn, "Well, it's time for me to rest, would you sing me a lullaby?"

They gave random yeses, and then started squeaking a soft tune, as Fluttershy slowly closed her eyes. When they were done, they, too, slowly fell asleep. Discord pops in then.

"There she is… the most beautiful creature in the woods…" he brushed her mane, which Fluttershy had to keep still from trying not to smile to that feeling. "I almost feel bad to do this, but she did bring it upon herself…" he shakes the flower, and the pollen was on her face. He mocks a bow, "Until tomorrow, my queen." he pops out.

The lights go out again then come on, this time Twilight and Flash came on.

"I think we walk plenty tonight, don't you?" asks Twilight.

"Yes, it's safe to say we're away from danger. Let us rest here until we can move on." Flash lies down and his eyes droop.



"Good night…"

"Good night…"

Both fall asleep.

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