This is by far the longest chapter I have ever written. Almost 4,000 words...

You're welcome.

Thank you SO SO MUCH for the reviews! The feedback really makes me motivated to update faster. Please keep them coming! I want to keep this going!

Also, HAPPY EARLY 4TH OF JULY MY FELLOW NORTH AMERICANS! That is why I updated this so fast because I won't have any time to work on it this weekend. I will be celebrating my pride for my glorious country. Also my birthday is Sunday so I'm just partying it up all weekend. I probably won't be sober for the next like 72 hours.


Warning: Extremely descriptive sex scene at the end of the chapter! That's mostly why this chapter is so long. I didn't expect to do this so early...but it just happened. You're welcome again. You have been warned!

Disclaimer: Refer to chapter one.


Chapter 9

When the General was finally done with her, he had her tossed back into her cell, keeping her dignity with him. Basso tried relentlessly to get something out of her; a word, a nod, a blink, anything. Instead, she sat there, wearing her battered and bruised heart on her sleeve. Esther wanted desperately to communicate with Basso, to give him some sort of reassurance, but she just couldn't. She found it to be physically impossible to open her mouth to speak.

Basso eventually just settled for sitting next to her, keeping his hand on her thigh as a reassurance, as if she was going to disintegrate if they lost contact. Esther didn't necessarily want to be touched by Basso, or by any man for that matter, but she allowed him to do so. She knew he was worried about her, and none of this was his fault anyway.

It was all hers.

If she would've kept her mouth shut, Basso wouldn't even be here. She would take being violated one hundred times if it meant Basso was at home, safe and sound. Finally, after an hour or so of a dead-panned, unemotional expression, tears began to fall down her cheeks. The numbness she welcomed whole-heatedly began to wear off, and she now started to feel the dull ache between her thighs, as well as in her spirit.

Esther pulled her knees to her chest and she buried her face in her hands, sobbing once more. She felt as if she has cried more in the past few hours than she ever has in her life. She just felt so exposed, so violated. If God were to take her now, she would welcome it with open arms. Right now, she didn't think she could allow even Garrett to touch her. After all, how could he possibly ever want her after his worst enemy has taken her? The thought alone made her cry even harder.

"Esther?" Basso said in a gentle voice. "I'm right right here for you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

Esther let out a few shaky breaths to calm herself. "Basso," she said in a weak voice, "this isn't your fault. There was nothing you could've done."

He let out an aggravated sigh. "What a slimy snake. No one wants him so he has to force himself on women. It's disgusting-"

A sudden commotion from outside the cell door cut Basso off. The building suddenly shook as if something powerful hit it. The guards outside were yelling and screaming about a fire, and to evacuate the building.

Basso bolted to the door and proceeded to bang on it. "Hey! You can't leave us! Get us out of here, you slimy gits!"

Esther didn't even blink. On a normal day she would be right up there with Basso giving the guards a piece of her mind, but she just didn't have the energy. She sighed and rolled her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. Basso banged on the door for a good hour before finally gaving up and sitting next to Esther again.

He placed his hand back on her thigh and gave her a wordless, sad smile, which she really wanted to return, but again, she just couldn't bring herself to.

Garrett struggled for breath as he moved through the smoke towards his objective. After looking through some papers, he found that Esther and Basso were fortunately placed in the same cell. He made his way down the hallway where their cell was until he found it. He opened it with haste and with a hint of a smile on his face, but it quickly disappeared.

"Garrett!" Basso got up from the floor and made his way to his friend. He had cuts and bruises all over his face and arms, and he had a limp in his walk. Basso's face grew serious and he leaned in to Garrett, talking softly so that only he could hear. "Esther...she...the General..." He sighed sadly. "I can't get her to talk, man. She's completely emotionless. It's like she's not even here."

Anger grew within him as he looked onto the said girl. She was unusually pale, and her once bright brown orbs were now dull and lacking of any emotion. He didn't have to ask to know what the General had done to her.

The building shook violently once again, breaking Garrett's gaze from her. He realized that they needed to get out of this building fast. He cautiously walked up to her and squatted down so their eyes were level. "Esther?" He said softly. "Esther we have to go, okay? Do you hear me?"

Her eyes remained starring ahead into nothingness. Seeing her this way scared him. She was always so full of life, either smiling or laughing. Now it's as if she was an empty shell.

Garrett reached out a steady hand slowly to touch her, stopping every so often so not to startle her. However, as soon as his hand touched her shoulder, she came to life, gasping and jumping away as if he had the Black Plague. She scurried away to the corner, her eyes wide with fear, but he could tell it wasn't fear of him.

"Esther," he said softly, moving closer.

"Garrett, please," she gasped, hiding her face. "Don't look at me, and for God's sake, don't touch me."

The Master Thief put his hands up in surrender, feeling a slight pang in his chest at her words. "Okay, sweetheart, okay. You got to come with me though. I promise..." He sighed. "I promise I won't touch you."

Her heavy breathing began to calm at his words, yet again, earning another pang in his chest. She blinked a few times before slowly standing up, nodding to Garrett that she was ready. He had to stop himself from pulling her to him. He's been constantly worried about her ever since he found out she was taken, and to see her in such a devastated state made him want to hold her.

But at the same time, he had never been so angry in all his life. How dare the General lay a hand on her. Esther was his and his alone, and he hurt her in the worst way possible.

Garrett was lost in thought and must've been glaring at Esther subconsciously because she began to recoil from him, fear returning to her eyes. Garrett opened his mouth to reassure her, but before he could even speak, the building gave another shake.

"Garrett," Basso warned.

Garrett simply nodded and motioned for them to follow him. Basso's mood changed drastically, and he couldn't stop talking about being able to see his Jenivere. Garrett gave him a regretful look.

Basso's smile faltered. "She's dead, isn't she?"

Garrett remained silent, confirming his suspicions.

"Ah, dammit," the older man said sadly. "I always thought I would be the one to kill her."

The trio continued moving towards the elevator, but when they reached it, Garrett hesitated before getting in.

"Garrett?" Esther said softly. "Why aren't you getting in?"

Garrett hesitated once more, glancing upward.

"Dammit, Garrett, don't do this."

Esther's brow furrowed. "What?"

The two men ignored her. "Garrett, it's a fools errand! You don't have to do this."

Esther grew frustrated. "Do what?"

"I know I don't have to," Garrett said thoughtfully. "It's who I am." Garrett hit the elevator button, sending Basso and Esther downward.

"We'll be at the Siren's Rest!" Basso called to Garrett, who gave a slight nod.

"Garrett!" Esther shrieked. "Where are you going? Don't leave me! Garrett!"

Garrett gave Esther a sad look before turning away.

"I'll never forgive you, you bastard!" She screamed as he disappeared from view. "Never!"

A few days have passed since they escaped the Keep, and still no word of Garrett. Esther was a complete and utter emotional mess. After retrieving Oliver from the Inn, Basso informed the girl of Gerard's fate. Esther surprisingly took that bit if information well.

She was too upset with a certain thief to really care about anything else. If she wasn't crying over Garrett, she was raving, claiming that even if he did come back, he mine as well be dead to her. Basso, however, had a little more faith in the man, and didn't give up hope just yet.

True to his word, him and Esther have been residing at the Siren's Rest in hopes of Garrett's return. Esther mainly locked herself in her room while Basso carelessly drank his life away.

On this particular day, though, Basso could feel in his beer gut that it was different. He tried numerous times to coax Esther out of her room, but she blatantly refused.

"Just come and eat something, girl." Basso refused to give up on her. "C. ome out for a bit. Go for a walk with Oliver! The fresh air will do ya both some good."

Esther shrugged, remaining at her window pane, staring out onto the water. "It's not like there isn't any air inside."

Basso frowned and decided to leave the girl to her own devices for now, shutting the door softly behind him. He made his way back down to the tavern and ordered another drink before sitting in a booth.

After a couple drinks, he felt a presence sit in the booth behind him, and Basso immediately smiled. "Well, look what the cat dragged in."

Garrett smirked, but remained silent.

Basso finally turned to look at him, immediately noticing the wound on his hand. "How's the hand?"

Garrett shrugged, looking at it thoughtfully. "Sore." There was a pause, as if he was hesitating. "Where's Esther?"

Basso chuckled, taking another drink. "The girl has locked herself away in her room, upstairs for the past couple of days." Garrett immediately stood up to seek her out. "I'd be careful if I were you," Basso warned. "Either she's grieving over you, or threatening to kill you if you ever show your face again."

Garrett smirked once more. "I think I can handle her."

Basso scoffed. "Yeah, that's what I thought too," he mumbled.

Garrett ignored Basso's last remark and made his way upstairs to seek out Esther. After finally finding her room, he gently knocked.

"I swear to God, Basso," Esther said from the inside, stomping to the door. "I don't want to go on a bloody-" she opened it and her body froze when she saw that it, in fact, was not Basso. "...walk."

"Hello, Esther," Garret said softly.

Esther stared at him wide-eyed and shocked. "You''re not dead."

He chuckled. "No."

"You're alive."


She continued to stare at him as her face slowly turned into a scowl. "Where have you been?" She shoved him in the chest roughly, catching Garrett off guard. "Do you have any fucking idea what you have done to me?" She hissed. "You go running off into a burning building after a fucking safe that no one was even sure existed! You..." She shook her finger at him angrily. "I hate you!"


Esther shoved him again. "No! I'm done! I can't be with someone who is willing to put there life on the line for stupid money! I thought..." Her face scrunched up into what Garrett couldn't help but think was a cute scowl and she shoved him again with a small war cry. "Go! Get out if here! Go-"

Garrett cut her off and shoved her into her room, slamming the door behind them. He pushed her against the wall and smashed his lips onto hers in a hungry kiss. Esther immediately clutched him to her and kissed him back desperately. Garrett growled and started to kiss down her soft neck as his hands reached around and started to grope her butt, pulling her crotch against his.

Esther felt his hard on and she immediately jumped away, the thoughts of what the General did to her ever present in her mind. How could Garrett even want her? She was dirty and used.

Garrett looked at her with his brow furrowed in confusion. "Esther?"

Esther breathed heavily and tears began to fall down her cheeks. "How could you want me after...after what happened to me?"

Her broken words caused his heart to break along with hers. She thought he didn't want her? How could she possibly think such a thing? He's never wanted anything more in his life than in that moment, looking at her. "Esther-"

"No," she interrupted. "I promised myself that I wouldn't make you touch me after...after what the General did to me. I'm...I'm disgusting."

He sighed and sat on her bed. "You're not making me do anything, Esther. I..." He struggled to find his words. "I want to touch you."

She blinked in surprise. " do?"

"Yes," his said, his voice and eyes filled with need for her. "You mean a lot to me, Esther. I thought you would figure that out by now."

"Even after the General raped me?"

Esther's words surprisingly hit Garrett hard. He suddenly felt guilty for not being there to protect her. He sat on her bed and let out a sad sigh. "Esther, nothing could ever make me not want you."

Esther's heart swelled with his words, and she decided that she wanted him now more than she ever has in her short time knowing him. She slowly hade her way to him, his eyes roaming her body cautiously but full of lust. Ignoring the fluttering butterflies in her stomach, she pulled the skirts if her dress up and straddled his thighs.

She leaned in to kiss him, but paused before doing so. "Then make me yours, Garrett," she said as seductively as she could muster.

Garrett's eyes darkened and he kissed her brutality, wrapping his hands around her to once again grab her full butt. Esther moaned into his mouth and started to grind into his hard on, earning another low growl from The Master Thief. She felt a sense of power and pride flow within her, knowing that it was her that was causing Garrett to lose control this way. Garrett suddenly and swiftly flipped them over so that she was on her back and he was on top. Esther never really liked to give up charge during sex, but she didn't mind at all surrendering herself to Garrett. In fact, she found herself even more turned on by the fact.

Esther moaned loudly as Garrett once again began kissing her neck. Her hands gripped his shoulders and she wrapped her legs around his waist in a desperate attempt to pull him closer to her.

Garrett kissed his way up her neck to her ear. "You like that?" He said darkly, causing Esther to shiver.

Unable to find the words, Esther nodded vigorously in response.

"What do you want, Esther?" He started to nibble on her ear, once again forcing Esther to forget how to speak English. The young woman whimpered desperately, making Garrett chuckle. "Esther," he whispered seductively in her ear. "What. Do. You. Want?"

Esther was completely beside herself. She never expected him to be so vocal during intercourse, and she especially didn't think he would be into dirty talk. He found a sensitive spot on her neck and began to nibble, causing her to arch her back and cry out. "God Garrett, stop teasing me!"

"Answer the question."

She took a deep breath to collect her thoughts. "I want you."

He continued kissing her neck as he began to undo her dress, gently pulling it from her body. "What do you want me do to, Esther?"

Esther cried out once more as he took her nipple into his mouth. "I want you to fuck me!"

Garrett groaned and sat up, removing his clothing to reveal his toned, well muscled but not overly muscled, body to Esther's hungry gaze. She reached up and raked her nails down his chest to the hem of his leather pants and began to undo the laces. She gasped as she pulled out his well endowed appendage, and out if habit, she got on her knees to perform oral.

Garrett gripped her shoulders to stop her, and her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "Not tonight, Esther. Tonight is just about you." He gently shoved her onto her back once more and kissed his way down her body till he got to her heated core. Esther mewled and writhed as he kissed her thighs teasingly before finally reaching his destination.

Esther's mouth dropped open to a silent "oh" and her back arched. Her hands immediately latched onto his head to hold him in place. "Oh...oh fuck..." She gasped and moaned shamelessly as his mouth made love to her nether lips, giving her the most incredible pleasure she had experienced thus far. His long fingers gently gripped her hips before snaking their way up to cup her breasts, and her hands immediately placed themselves on top of his, giving a gentle squeeze.

Garrett growled into her flesh and became more aggressive, pushing her closer and closer to the finish line. "I'm so close," she gasped, and Garrett immediately stopped, much to Esther's disappointment.

He chuckled darkly at her shocked expression. Her whole body seemed to glow, and her lips were swollen from kissing. Her face was flushed and her curly hair was unruly, but she looked absolutely beautiful. "Relax," he said, kissing her sensually. Esther moaned as she tasted her juices on his tongue and lips. He pulled away and put his lips to her ear. "I want to be inside you when you cum."

Esther moaned at his words and bucked her hips in a desperate attempt to receive the friction she needed. "Please..."

Garrett didn't need any more encouragement.

His hand reached down and he lined himself up with her entrance and looked at Esther. She was preoccupied, looking down and waiting to watch him slide inside. Her jaw dropped and her brow furrowed as he finally pushed.

Esther's eyes rolled to the back of her head and her head fell back onto her pillow. "Oh, Garrett..."

Garrett growled and he paused his hip movements. He brought his hand up to grip her neck gently. Her eyes snapped open in surprise, but remained silent. "Say my name again," he demanded.

Esther's shocked expression slowly turned into a seductive gaze that had Garrett's blood boiling instantly. "Garrett."

Garrett growled and thrusted his hips forward until they slammed into hers. Her nails dug into his back and she screamed out in surprise. Garrett groaned at the feel of her surprisingly tight walls. "Fuck..." His hand moved from her neck to grip the hair on the nape of her neck as he buried his face into her shoulder. After a moment he began to move his hips at a slow but forceful pace.

Garrett was never one to like an overly-vocal woman during sex, but he found himself loving the loud cries and moans escaping Esther's sinful mouth, and he loved it even more when it was his name. His grew to a faster, harsher pace making the headboard hit the wall with every thrust. He pulled his face back to gaze down at her.

Esther's eyes were screwed tightly shut and her mouth was open, letting out a continuous moan.

"Look at me," he growled.

Esther opened her eyes and gasped at the primal and possessive look that resided in his features. She bit her bottom lip, suddenly growing self conscious of how loud she was being.

"No one will ever again see you like this," he gasped between thrusts. "Only me. You're mine."

"Yes," she moaned. "Yes." Feeling the familiar coil wind up in the pit of her stomach, she couldn't help but scream.

"Cum for me," Garrett growled softly in her ear. "I want to feel you." His words alone were her undoing. Her walls fluttered around him as she came, screaming his name over and over in utter bliss. Garrett pounded away at her, desperate to feel his own release.

Esther lazily opened her eyes and stared up at his concentrated face. "Garrett," she moaned softly. "Please." She longed to feel him release himself inside her. She was even more desperate to feel his than she was her own.

Garrett's eyes snapped open and locked with hers. After a few more harsh thrusts, his brow furrowed and his jaw slacked as he stilled above her, letting out a strangled groan as he finally reached his own euphoria. Esther gripped his face and pulled him down for a kiss as he came down from his high.

After thrusting one last time, he pulled out of her heat and collapsed on his back next to her. Esther immediately snuggled up to his side and let out a contented sigh, feeling completely sated and happy.

"Am I forgiven?" Garrett said teasingly.

Esther smirked and lifted her head to look at him. "I'm not sure. You may have to try again, just in case."

She squealed as Garrett pushed her on her back, his already semi-hard cock poking her thigh. "Gladly."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Oh my...I wasn't planning on writing a sex scene this chapter but it just...happened. I was really nervous about it, considering I have NO IDEA what Garrett would be like during sex, so I kind of just guessed. I hope it was to your liking!

A couple things:

-Esther's line, "It's not like there isn't any air inside", was taken from Edmund in "The Chronicle's of Narnia" movie.

-I know that Basso didn't take the elevator to escape the Keep, but that's how it is my story. Sorry if that bothers some of you.

Um...I think that's it.

Please remember to review! It doesn't take much of your time and it is greatly appreciated!