Title: I think i'm Obsessed

Summary: Phil from Produce inserts himself into the animaniacs world. Like we haven't seen a hundred other writers do that.

Tagline: A First-Person satirical take on the glut of self-insertion fanfiction.

Rated: T for Teen

Disclaimer: Animaniacs is owned by Warner Bros. & Amblin entertainment. It was created by Tom Ruegger and Steven Spielberg. Some of the names used are that of the staff members who worked on Animaniacs, and have no knowledge of the use of their names in this fanfiction, and therefore have not given permission.


Chapter 1 - In the Beginning...

God created the heavens and earth. Wait, wrong book.

Call me Ishmael. Wait, wrong book again. Just call me Phil, that works fine.

It was on that fateful day when I showed up at that broken down gaming shop. And it wasn't to play Black Ops 2 or Minecraft or whatever the annoying 9 year olds were playing.

"I see 2 games over in the display case i'm interested in." I told Eugene at the front desk.

"Ok, i'll be right over." He reached into his desk and pulled out his keys.

I waited with impatience for Eugene to get up from his poor chair that he had been putting so much weight on. He slowly got up, leaving the sound of creaking, as if it had been decades since he last arose from the seat.

"Ok, which 2 games?" asked Eugene

"TTA; Plucky's big adventure...and Test Drive 5." I replied.

He pulled the Test drive 5 game from the stack and I pulled Tiny Toon Adventures; Plucky's big adventure from the stack. I knew one of the those games was a masterpiece which I had bought for my computer at the age of 10, but the other one? I was waiting in anticipation as to what would await me when i brought the Tiny toon adventures game home and placed it in my playstation 2 console.

"Ok, you're left with 2.70 on your account." Eugene informed me of my remaining credit.

"Thanks!" I waved goodbye as I walked back out into the cool, yet sunny spring evening in downtown Chilliwack, BC. To my left, the street was under construction, to my right, was the route back to my apartment. I slipped my purchase into my pocket and began to walk home as the sun set to the west.


I had arrived home as 7:30 appeared on my smartphone. I had watched a Sarah Silverman stand up routine earlier that day, and was desperately craving a dose of comedy. And who better to deliver it than the cartoonatics at Acme looniversity?

My palms sweat more bullets than I had ever sweat before as I placed the disc into the slim, black PS2 console. I fished my Ps1 memory card from my old video games box, and replaced the PS2 card with it. then, I turned the game on.

After going through the traditional start-ups and avoiding a dreaded red screen of death, the image of Shirley McLoon appeared on screen, telling me the game was loading. Then, it happened.

The game had been butchered brutally! The theme song was wrong, the Characters did not have voices, and the music was so poorly done, I felt like the 5$ I spent on what was supposed to be an incredible experience was wasted. Still, I thought maybe the game might have had something down the line. I continued on.

The game began. I was in control of that green duck, Plucky. Poor Plucky hadn't done his homework, and he was planning to build a time machine to go back in time to finish it. So it was up to me to control him with the dualshock 2 and help him build the machine.

After 5 minutes, I gave up. The game was so badly made I couldn't go any further. I didn't get any of the pieces, which were the most common household objects. It almost made me wonder if plucky even had the mental capacity to do anything productive. Aside from making people laugh.

But then I began to think - What if I took those 5 common household objects, and built my own time machine? It was a long shot, but since I had nothing else to do that night, I figured it would be worth a chance.

The 5 household objects were as follows - A Bicycle, A copy of Forrest Gump on VHS, a coffee mug, An outdated sports video game, and a digital Alarm clock from the 1990's.

After 10 minutes, I had all the parts assembled and everything attached properly. The Bicycle was the main part, the coffee mug held the fuel, which was water. The copy of Forrest Gump could've also been a copy of Jerry Maguire or Jurassic Park, but I would've settled for my copy of 3 Ninjas; High Noon at Mega Mountain if it called for it. anyways, the VHS tape was removed from the cassette and wrapped around the bicycle chain, the outdated sports game was placed in the rear axle, and the digital alarm clock was placed on the handlebars. And with a little basic hacking I would be able to pick a Year, month, and day when I wanted to reappear.

The clock was set to March 9th, 2014. I tried to think of a good date. But the only thing that came to mind was Animaniacs.

"Let's see...Animaniacs debuted on September 13th, 1993. I would've been 3 years old then. Would I re-appear in the Animaniacs world or the human world? Would I be able to connect with the characters in their world if I went down to Burbank? Would I have to somehow go through the animation cels that the guys at Warner animation would've been making?" I asked myself.

After much planning, I filled the old coffee mug with water from the tap from my kitchen sink and set the clock to September 13th, 1993. Then I began to pedal the bike I was on.

The pedals began turning faster, and faster, and eventually, I was going so fast I didn't know how my legs could work so hard.

Then, a large flash of light temporarily blinded me, yet I continued to pedal.
