Harry Potter was cursing fate at the moment. Year after year something had to happen to him. First year had the philosopher's stone (and Voldemort). Second year had a giant bloody serpent (and teenaged Voldemort). Third year had werewolves (and Voldemort's follower). Now the boy must deal with some medieval tournament that was canceled after a bunch of people were killed. If the dream he had this summer and the recurring theme continued, which he thought it was, The disembodied Dark Lord was going to somehow involved with this year's attempt at Harry's life.
If all this that happen wasn't bad enough, he became a bloody social pariah again. This time not only was the entire school against him, but also the young sorcerer's 2 supposed best friends had betrayed and left him as well. Looking back, it didn't surprise him all that much that Ron did it. The ginger always had a jealous look when certain things were brought up. Our hero had always noticed it but he never addressed it because he didn't want to chance losing his first human friend his age.
Hermione was what surprised Harry. The young brunette had been a constant in his life. During the chamber incident while yes Ron had stuck by him as well. She was trying to help him clear his name while the redhead did have a slight look of fear when around Harry. It was she who helped him with Sirius and time travelled with him. This tournament made even the so-called brightest witch of her age leave him.
Harry was currently quietly fuming while hunting through the massive Hogwarts library for something that might allow him to survive the 1st task. A task that he didn't know what was going to happen. He didn't care about winning, just living. He was against 3 opponents who not only had 3years of life and magical experience on him. They also all grew up in the magical world. Cedric was one of the top students in his year. Krum went to a school that was known for their classes teaching dueling and the more borderline dark spells. Fleur not only had nonhuman heritage, but also Beauxbatons was founded by Perenelle Flamel and taught subjects like enchanting and alchemy. He didn't even have to read to know these facts, the schools gossip rings gave him all that and more.
'focus Potter' Harry thought. He went and looked at the shelves of tomes, and…. nothing. He didn't need to know how to clean cauldrons properly or the different laws various past ministers gave us. 'Just what type of organization system did this place have?' exasperated Harry started to move to a new section when he stopped, feeling something, he looked up and sitting upon a shelf rather high was a black leather-bound book. Reaching up, just being tall enough to do so, and grabbing it, looking at the title
An Alchemist's Apprenticeship by A.P.W.B.D
Staring at the book our hero thought 'why the hell not.' Taking it to a nearby empty table he sat down and open it to the first page, he started reading.
'Alchemy is held by many as just a fancier version of transfiguration or potions. Someone who has greed in their hearts would say it's a long and tiresome way to acquire massive amounts of wealth. I am here writing this to tell the curious reader that all these assumptions are both very wrong and also very right. Listen to this young man's tale as I take you through learning under one of the greatest minds currently walking this planet, Nicholas Flamel….'
Harry continued reading for several hours until Madame Pince found him and told him to leave as the library was closing. He promptly checked the book out and left for Gryffindor Tower.
Author's note:
Sorry its been years between college, work, life and just plain procrastination. Hopefully with graduating and finally getting a laptop I might actually continue this story. I know the chapters are short. I'll admit this is the first time writing something that isn't class or music related. If you see any mistakes or see anyway to improve please let me know