A/N: SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT ON THE UPDATE! I had a lot of things going on, and special thanks again to itsokaamichin14 for helping me big time on this chapter. Thank you guys for reading and supporting this story. Reviews/comments/questions are always welcome.
The noises around Elsa doesn't seem to bother her as she can't hear them. She isn't aware that she's asleep, only knowing that she isn't dead. Darkness surrounds her, not giving her a clear picture. Walking forward she tries to trust her instincts, but her gut isn't reacting, not giving her that sense of security. The key instinct that has helped her survived the battle up till now is failing her. Feeling terrified Elsa runs forward, not knowing where she's going, does nothing but keep going forward, hoping to reach an exit or a light. She stops for a moment, trying to figure out what's going on. Slowly Elsa hears a voice that isn't her own, coming to realize the voice that is crying is her girlfriend.
Unable to recognize anything she's saying, Elsa felt the sharp pain in her stomach, just hearing that familiar voice in that kind of emotional pain. Unaware of why she hears her girlfriend in so much pain, Elsa running as fast as she can, figures out that she's getting nowhere.
Anna's crying keeps getting louder, ringing in Elsa's head louder and louder until she, herself starts screaming. Wanting Anna's crying to stop, Elsa starts screaming, and crying uncontrollably.
Registering that Elsa is nowhere near reality, she curls up in fetal position, wishing it would all go away. She doesn't want to keep hearing her loved one screaming in a pain. If anything she had to be the one to soothe her pain. But she wasn't getting anywhere. And Anna's voice feels light years away.
After what seemed like a few minutes Elsa opens her eyes, to a familiar room. As soon as everything cleared up and she wiped the tears from her eyes, she becomes fully aware that the room is Anna's dorm at OKU. She didn't care that she wasn't in a physical body right now. All her ears can tune into was the sound of her girlfriend crying. On autopilot, her transparent body wandered to the origin of her girlfriend's sobbing. Going into the room where the sound is coming from, she saw the redhead on the floor. The redhead was hunched over, a hand over her mouth but it was futile in trying to keep in the screams emitting from her throat. Another hand was gripping a piece of paper that Elsa could've sworn she saw holes through them.
But why was she crying?
Anna is...is suppose to be happy.
Confused on why her girlfriend is crying, Elsa tries to rush over to her aid only to find out that she can't physically touch her, nor that Anna can hear her. She can only stay there motionless, unable to touch Anna, wanting to console her.
Damn it! Anna...Anna I'm here...
Elsa doesn't want to live a life, if it meant not being able to have the barest contact with her girlfriend. Silently weeping, just being there in the same room as Anna, gave Elsa a heavy heart.
I'm here Anna...
She didn't know which day it was. She didn't know what was the difference between up and down. She didn't know what it meant to look to the sky and drink the light. She didn't know what it meant for darkness to consume her.
But what she did know was that in that piece of paper in her hand, was that she felt her other half of herself was shattered beyond repair.
The sounds of her cries, almost sound inhumane. Her throat burned from the long hours of non stop crying. Her cheeks stained with unwashed tears, not giving a damn if her makeup was ruined. Eyes clenched shut, not wanting to look at the world, seeing how it can just move forward, when her life just seemed to stop. Strength left her and she crumpled to the floor unsure how to stand anymore. But in all the fucked up world that she's in right now.
The ground seemed like the only thing that seemed constant.
The distraught red-head only had to read to the first line to realize that something was wrong.
The term: Confidential, on the postmarked envelope already gave her a bad feeling. she never received mail alone that came straight from the military without Elsa. Even then it was still addressed to Elsa. Imagine her panic when it was meant for Anna.
The rest of the letter didn't matter.
She was on the floor after the first line.
Miss Anna Westergard, We the Officers of the United States Navy, send you thoughts of peace and courageā¦.
Anna through her tears laughed. Laughed at the irony of it all. The time Elsa enters the military is the time that something goes wrong.
She rolled over to her back, and stared at the ceiling. Nexthing she knew. Her room was in disarray. Clothes strewn across the living room. Make up and hair products scattered on the floor. She was sure she saw something in pieces, but she couldn't bring herself to care.
Only a thought passed through her rage filled mind.
How could this happen?
Reality started to sink in.
To her?
Dread took its place inside the crevices of her heart.
To us?
Then she sank back down to the ground, and curled up against the wall the paper still in hand
How could this happen to me?
Anna S. Westreguard
Rm: 1127
Oaken University
Corona, California 91914
This is a formal letter regarding the situation of Petty Officer 2nd Class, Elsa Arendelle.
Miss Anna Westergard, We the Officers of the United States Navy,
Send you thoughts of peace and courage, and would like to regrettably notify that, Petty Officer 2nd Class, Elsa Arendelle, has been severely injured in the line of duty, and now resides in a comatose state in a classified military base in the Middle East.
As per request from her Commander, I, Chief Kristoff Bjorgman, has already asked my fellow comrade Eugene Fitzherbert to give you an envelope full of papers regarding the custody of Elsa Arendelle a couple weeks ago. We already searched for Next of Kin but was unsuccessful. We hope you signed the papers, as you are Petty Officer's Arendelle only emergency contact.
As stated, Miss Arendelle has appointed you as next of kin (not blood related) through the Military Power of Attorney prepared and executed pursuant to TITLE 10, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 1044B, by persons authorized to receive legal assistance from the military services..
Details following this specific document will be sent shortly after you receive this letter, to prevent any criminal activity endangering Petty Officer Arendelle's life.
Feel free to message me personally, if I there is anything that I can do for you. My warmest love and wishes are with you and may God bless you.
- Chief Kristoff Bjorgman of the United States Navy