Chapter Sixty Four
It was several weeks after Bella left that I finally got out of the hospital and even then I was on crutches and would be for some time. They found that not only did I have broken ribs but some spinal damage too. Harry picked me up and took me back to his place, I couldn't cope on my own yet.
"Have you heard anything from Bella?"
He shook his head,
"No Charlie. She went to the house and collected her stuff, or all that she wanted. Sue tidied up and left the other bits out on the table for you. We check the house every few days and this was waiting when Jake checked it yesterday."
I took the envelope from him recognising Bella's handwriting on the front. Inside was a single sheet of writing paper.
Jasper and I got married a couple of weeks ago. I thought you'd like to know. I hope you are out of hospital now and on the mend. I guess you'll probably be at the Res for a while.
Take care Bella. x"
There was no return address and I looked at the front of the envelope which had a Seattle postmark but I doubted she had been the one to post it, so I guess she didn't want me to know where she was.
I put it on the table,
"Its Bella, she's married the Cullen boy. Are they still around? I didn't see Carlisle at the hospital."
"He's still in Forks but only working at the clinic now."
I nodded, maybe he could tell me where my daughter was, I'd feel happier if I could at least talk to her.
I'd already accepted Bella wasn't ever coming back before I saw Charlie's letter but it still hurt, my only consolation was that Edward Cullen hadn't got her either but he might know where she was or Carlisle would so when Charlie asked me if I'd drive him to the clinic to see Dr Cullen I agreed quite happily. We went to the house first and inside he saw the pile of photographs and laptop he'd bought for Bella on the kitchen table where Bella had left them for him. I could see it hurt Charlie but for now I was more interested in her whereabouts. We picked up a few things Charlie wanted, including the photographs then drove on to Port Angeles and parked up in the clinic lot. I grabbed Charlie's crutches for him and we went in to find Carlisle. We were in luck, he was in his office and he agreed to see us so a nurse ushered us through. He met us at the door and helped Charlie to a chair before sitting down himself,
"So Charlie, how can I help you? It's good to see you on your feet again."
"I had a letter from Bella. She told me she'd got married to your son Jasper."
"Yes she said she'd write to you."
"Were you there? At the wedding?"
"Yes Esme and I both attended. It was a very small informal affair."
"Where is she Carlisle?"
"She didn't give you an address I take it?"
"If she had I wouldn't be here asking you would I?"
"Then I can't help you. She asked me not to give her address to anyone."
"Do you have a phone number? I just want to talk to her."
"I can contact her and see if she'll talk to you but I can't give you hers she..."
"Yeah, yeah, she told you not to give it to anyone, I know. I am her father Carlisle,"
"I'm very sorry Charlie but it's not my decision."
"This is bull shit Cullen. Bella's his daughter and he has every right to speak to her."
Charlie looked at me gratefully but Carlisle just shook his head,
"Bella made her wishes perfectly clear Jake and I will not break her trust."
"What about Charlie's trust?"
"I think Bella spoke to her father about trust Jacob but as I said I will speak to her, give her a message."
"Charlie let's go, he's not going to help you. Maybe we can find her without his help."
Carlisle looked at me for a long moment then picked up the phone and I thought he'd had second thoughts but then I heard him,
"Quil, I have Jacob Black here with Bella's father and he is threatening to track Bella down. I assume this is without your approval?"
I had lost, there was no way that Sam or the others would allow me to trace Bella, it was over.
I gave Charlie his crutches and opened the door for him,
"I'll tell Bella where she can contact you Charlie. I hope she decides to ring."
I waited until I got home and told Esme what had happened before ringing Bella. I knew she wouldn't see Charlie, how could she now without telling him the truth about our world? But I hoped she would agree to speak to him. As I explained Edward came in with Emmett and Rose who had made their way back home. We wouldn't refuse them because they were our children but things could never be the same between Rose and the rest of us. She knew this and was very quiet leaning on Emmett for comfort and reassurance. He had become more serious himself, no longer the light-hearted teenager of old, it was sad but inevitable. Edward had also learned that life didn't always give us everything we wanted. He had told me he seriously considered attending the wedding but Carmen rang him and they talked for a long while. She seemed to get through to him in a way the rest of us couldn't and he too had changed. He was more reserved, spent a lot of time alone and I know Esme was hoping he would find his mate soon because like me she was concerned he might decide to go to Volterra, to start his life anew, we could only wait and see. I rang Jaspers phone so he could be with Bella when she spoke to Charlie, if she did.
"So Charlie finally decided to ask about Bella".
"In fairness Jasper she did tell him she'd be in contact. I think he thought she might ring him at the hospital. He's at the Res now with Harry and Sue Clearwater."
"I'll tell her Carlisle but its her decision."
"I understand. How are you anyway? Enjoying your new life?"
"Bella delights in everything so how could I not?"
When I saw Jaspers face I knew he had something serious to talk about.
"Carlisle just rang. Charlie has been to see him wanting to know where you are,"
I shook my head,
"No its too dangerous and I don't think I want him in my life Jasper. Not this new one."
"Will you at least speak to him?"
I thought about this and sighed,
"Yes. I guess I should."
I rang Harry's number from memory, I'd found my recollection of my old life clearer than most vampires but then I seemed to be a little different all round!
"Harry its Bella, is Charlie there?"
"Yes just a minute."
The phone line went very quiet for a few seconds then I heard my dads familiar voice,
"Bella? Is that you? I guess I should be congratulating you and Jasper. I'm sorry I wasn't at the wedding. Are you happy?"
"Yes very. How about you?"
"Oh getting there. The doctors say I should be OK eventually but I don't think I'll ever be fit enough for work. I'll have to find something new to do. Will you visit?"
"No I don't think so."
"Can I come see you?"
"Id rather you didn't dad for both our sakes. I'll ring you though."
"What if you have kids? You gonna stop me seeing them too?"
"There wont be any Charlie and I really have to go now. Please don't ask Carlisle to tell you where I am, I've asked him not to. It's over dad, we're both different people now. I hope you get better soon. Goodbye."
"Bella please..."
I put the phone down and turned to Jasper.
"Come on, lets hunt."
He took my hand and we headed out, this was my life now, the only one I wanted or ever needed.