Sam walked into the main room and leaned against the sink head sagging.

He was fatigued.

All the worry of keeping something from Andy, her being kidnapped and almost killed along with Chris, the dead ends leading to Dov's death and now the bad guys were still out there-still after Andy and to top this sundae she was pushing him away now.

Sam sighed heavily and walked to the fridge opening it and looking for anything he could whip up for her.

He was debating somewhere between chocolate, ice cream or soup when he heard a slight thud. Sam's mind snapped into action and instantly he knew.

She was going to run because somewhere in her mind it made sense that the only way to protect him was to be away from him.

Sam stepped away from the sink and thought quickly glad for the years of not only being her partner but also her trainer.

He knew she would be waiting for him to come out the front door of the cabin. Sam walked back to the sink and carefully pulled the screen out before opening the second window.

Andy breathed a sigh of relief.

She had made it out of sight.

She stood to run and slammed into Sam.

A wave of panic swept over her turning to anger when she saw it was him.

"Going somewhere McNally?"

Andy looked at him defiantly.

"I'm leaving. I'm protecting you."

Sam stared at her.

"By running away?"

Andy was trembling as she nodded.

Sam stepped closer.

"You're not going anywhere Andy."

She shook her head.

"You're not my TO anymore. You can't tell me what to do."

Sam grabbed her shoulders.

"I'm going to be your husband."

Andy wrenched away and spoke shakily.

"Well maybe I don't want you to be."

Sam froze and quickly squelched the panic he felt.

He knew what she was doing and he wasn't playing her game.

Sam grabbed her again and spoke more firmly.

"Andy, there's people out here to want to hurt you. You're coming back in. You can make it easy or I can drag you."

Andy stared at him and slowly the anger drained from her face and she nodded letting him lead her back into the cabin and sit her on the bed.

Sam sat on the corner of the bed and watched Andy.

She had her back turned to him and lay silently clutching the pillow.

He didn't try to belittle her grief by speaking.

He knew the ache that was ripping her apart-the blame she was putting on herself. Sam ached for her to reach out-to say something anything the whole while understanding that she couldn't.

She drew a long shaky breath before speaking forcefully.

"I think we should postpone the wedding."

Sam swallowed hard and closed his eyes for a moment.

After everything that had happened he was back at start-losing her again. The pain of it was deafening.

Sam nodded and tried to speak. It came out husky.

"Ok. If that's what you want."

Andy just nodded.

Sam wondered if he just into the other room and leave her to her grief. Somehow he couldn't…he couldn't move.

Andy let out a ragged breath.

"Why would you want to marry me anyway? I'm nothing but trouble and you're better off without me."

Instantly Sam was on his knees in front of her. He pulled her to a sitting position and took her face in his hands.

"Andy, "

Andy's eyes were focused on his shirt.

"Look at me."

Slowly she lifted her tear filled eyes to his misty ones.

"You're the only thing that keeps me going Andy. I NEED you; I want to be with you always. I want to come home to you, I want to fight with you, I want everything we are every day for the rest of our lives. Please Andy."

Andy eyes began to overflow as Sam leaned in a kissed her tenderly. Andy gripped his shoulders and pulled Sam closer kissing him as if her life depended on it.

Sam hadn't felt this urgency from her since the blackout the only problem was this time his was feeling that same desperate-lonely-please-comfort-me-urgency that was obvious in her. Something in him was snapping he could tell as he returned her kisses and pushed her back on the bed lying beside her and pulling her to him. After a few minutes he pulled gently away and rubbed his nose across Andy's . He was trembling with emotion as he watched her.

"Andy, Andy please don't do this; Don't push me away again."

Andy opened her eyes and looked at Sam. His eyes were wet with tears and his voice was pleading.

"Don't walk away again Andy…stay. Stay with me McNally."

Andy pulled him to her again this time kissing him gently.

"Are you sure… I'm worth it…you might get killed if you stay with me?"

Her eyes searched his as he nodded and kissed her lightly.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you Andy, always."