Don't kill me! Sorry about this insanely late update. I've been having trouble figuring out where to go with the story. Hopefully a good storyline comes to mind! Enjoy the chapter! Sorry it's a bit short. The next one will be much longer!

"What was that about?"

Carl tore his gaze away from Ashley's retreating form to glance up at Mikey, who raised his brow questioningly.

"What was what about?" he played dumb, staring down at his boots.

"That," like it clarified anything, but Carl understood. "I thought you guys were like…friends?"

"We are."

Ron crossed his arms. "Then what's with the cold shoul-"

"Just leave him alone about it," Enid spoke up to his defense. He lifted a corner of his mouth in thanks. She nodded.

"Fine," Mikey raised his hands up. "Whatever."

"You guys wanna come over for some lunch?" Ron asked. Carl could tell he was still shaken up about his father, but overall, his death left the family happier. "Mom's making mac-and-cheese."

"Hell yeah," Mikey nodded. "You guys coming?"

"No thanks," Enid declined, standing up and brushing off her legs. Her long brown hair reminded Carl of Ashley's. "I'll see you guys later though."


He shook his head slowly. "Nah, I'll pass. Thanks."

Ron shrugged. "More for us. See ya."

The two boys made their way down the sidewalk, leaving Carl with Enid. It was silent for several moments, for he did not know what to say. He was distracted.

Enid could see that.

"I'll leave you alone. See you later," she waved. He watched her walk away as well.


He didn't understand why he treated Ashley like that. He remembered the wounded look on her face when he didn't acknowledge her. He just…he didn't know what to say, or how to face her after…

After he freaking kissed her.

What was he even thinking? They didn't need to start anything like that during the apocalypse! A relationship would complicate everything they had, it would ruin the connection they spent weeks constructing.

And he just had to give in to his hormones.

That had to be it. He was just…going through puberty or something and a pretty girl was so close to him and…

Even in his head it seemed ridiculous.

Pursuing something more with Ashley couldn't be an option. He liked their relationship. He liked being able to trust her with everything and having a friend during this time in his life. She would always understand him more than Ron or Mikey or anyone else ever could.

He would just have to stop being a little kid about it and talk to her like nothing ever happened.

Two days later, Carl was bored out of his mind. He couldn't even remember a time when he wasn't on the move or fighting for his life. For the first time in over two years, he was just…sitting.

Just this simple act was astounding. He felt the wood beneath his legs, the gentle breeze whisper through his hair. Part of him wondered if this was wrong. It kind of felt wrong; to be safe and sitting in solitude when countless people were on the move and running for their lives.

But then another side argued that he deserved it. Two years of being alert and on guard for threats, two years of suffering through tragedies. Damn right he deserved to sit like any other fourteen-year-old.

Glenn passed by, a skip in his step.

"Hey, man," the man greeted at the sight of Carl, playfully tapping his hat. Carl swiped at his arms, chuckling earnestly.


Ever since they arrived at Alexandria, Carl slowly began to notice the growing… What was a good word for it? Friendship? Affection?

Affection was probably it. If they were still outside these walls, the only greeting they would need was probably just a simple head nod or meaningful glance. Here…people acted like best friends.

Carl wasn't sure how he felt about it. He liked the connection he had with his group, but since their arrival, he felt more distant from them.

From Ashley.

"No school today?" Glenn teased.

"Shut up," he shot back.

"Hey Carl," Maggie approached them with a smile from further down the sidewalk. She turned to Glenn. "Ready?"

Carl watched with fascination at the simple look the two gave each other. It only lasted a second, but so much was conveyed in Glenn's soft look at his wife. He told himself relationships were impossible to maintain now, but there was proof of the opposite standing right in front of him.

And now they were kissing.

"Ew, get a room," he cried, playfully sticking out his tongue. He'd rather have them believe he was still an innocent, naïve kid instead of knowing his actual problems.

He chatted with the two of them for a few moments, topics ranging from Deanna's party that night, to Carol's consistent baking, when suddenly he saw motion by the walls of the community.


He barely noticed Glenn and Maggie's farewell as he watched Enid climb over the fences and disappear over the other side.

'I thought she was over this,' Carl internally groaned. He understood her need to be out there, but it was ultimately safer within the walls. He didn't know why she always left her safety to run in the risk of constant danger.

He barely thought twice before standing up and hurrying as covertly as possible to the climbable fences.

He kind of missed the woods.

Leaves crunched loudly beneath his boots, and the smell of pine and dirt was everywhere around him. Streams of sunlight filtered in through the overhead treetops, casting dancing shadows and shapes across the forest floor.

It was quiet around him, besides the occasional bird chirp. His sharp eyes darted around, looking for Enid's form in the distance. Nothing.

It was too quiet.

He let himself relax, feeling his muscles unclench and inhaling a deep, calming breath of woodsy air.

A snap of a twig and fingers gripped his arm.

Carl reacted instinctively. Not two seconds later did his concealed blade appear to press against his assailant's neck.

"Looks like your reflexes are still good," Ashley spit out wryly. Her silvery eyes looked cloudy, dark.

Carl stared at her for several beats, and quickly sheathed his knife. "What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same question," Ashley shot back, cocking a hip.

"I asked first," they were being freaking five-year-olds. Carl huffed, dropping his head back and peering up at the treetops through narrowed eyes. He wasn't prepared for this. He didn't know how to handle this situation with Ashley. God, he really could have used the girl talk with his dad growing up, but it was kind of too late for that.

Carl looked at Ashley again, who seemed uncomfortable. He hated this. "I thought I saw Enid jump the fence, so I followed. I guess it was just you."

Ashley released an incredulous snort. "Yeah. Sorry, it's just me."

Shit. He didn't mean it like that.

Ever since he kissed her, the atmosphere between them changed. He wasn't sure if it was making him feel more distant from her, or if it was making him even more hyper-aware of her presence. Either way, it had to stop.

Carl lowered his head, opening his mouth to sputter out some excuse for his attitude.

A knife wheeled past his face.

"What th-!"

Was she that mad at him?! Carl spun around at the sound of a thump.

A Walker lay prone on the forest floor, Ashley's blade protruding from its rotted forehead.


"I guess your reflexes aren't that good," she quipped as she stepped past him, pulling her knife out and sheathing it. Carl caught her arm.


He heard her suck in a deep breath before slowly raising her eyes to meet his.


He tried to plead with her with his eyes, to tell her things he didn't know how to explain articulately. He wanted her to understand.

"You kissed me."


Carl didn't expect her to be so upfront about it. But that was her. Ashley did what she wanted.

"Yeah," he breathed. Her silver eyes pierced through him.

"You wish you didn't," she continued.

"Ashley, please. Just-"

"Just what?"


Their little tense bubble popped with the sound of twigs snapping and dead feet dragging across the leafy ground.

He turned his blue gaze on her, and nearly winced at the scalding glare she had. He wanted to fix things. Now everything was just worse.

Just as quickly, her scowl dimmed into something unlike her. She almost looked…sad.

"There's only two. I got it."

She shrugged out of his grip, and Carl watched with frustrated eyes as his friend handled the stumbling Walkers.

Friend? Was she still his friend?

Ashley unsheathed another knife from her pouch, twirling it in her hand a few times before whipping it forward. He could barely follow it with eyes until it sunk into the Walker's head with a sickening thump.

His stomach suddenly tightened. Something was wrong.

The second Walker was faster and closer than Ashley anticipated. It stepped forward, mangled hands reaching out to sink into her flesh. A wretched growl escaped its rotted lips.

Ashley reached for yet another blade, but glanced down when she found nothing there. Carl could see her shoulders tense with panic as she quickly backed up.

"Shit!" she yelped, stumbling over a twig nearly hidden on the leafy floor.

Carl leaped forward, reaching for his gun to find…nothing there.

'What the hell?! I forgot my gun?' he thought incredulously.

The Walker reached her. Ashley fought back, kicking out a boot hard to snap its femur in half. It slowed down, but that wouldn't stop it. Ashley was a strong girl for her age, but Carl didn't want it anywhere near her.

Frantic, he looked around the woods. Something. There had to be something here.

The first dead Walker. Ash's knife!

He ran toward it, but a distinct thump halted his movement. No more growling.

He spun around.


"What the hell are you two doing?"

A bloody rock was gripped tightly in his father's hand. Rigid blue eyes, ones that matched his, glared angrily.

Carl didn't even hear his father's approach. He should have heard something, even over the Walker's snarls.

Ashley crawled out from the dead body above her, blood spattered across her cheek. She avoided both of their gazes.

"Well?" his dad spit out. He tossed the rock to the side.

Another glance to Ashley. Carl didn't want to get her in trouble. "I…I wanted to walk around out here. Ashley followed me to get me back…"

Even to Carl, the excuse seemed utterly stupid.

"Rick, I'm sorry I-" he held up a hand to interrupt Ashley.

"Stop," he sighed, shutting his eyes for a second. "Both of you just…let's head back."

Carl bit his lip, compliantly following his father back toward Alexandria. Ashley walked silently a few paces ahead of them.

The crunching leaves distracted him from his storm of thoughts.

God, he knew he had to fix this. Everything felt off and wrong and-

A hand on his shoulder.

"Carl, what's going on with you…with Ashley?" his dad murmured in a serious tone.

"What?" he asked sharply. He never expected his dad to ask that question. Even he didn't know how to answer that correctly. "Um…"

"You both seem so out of it."


"Nothing, Dad."

His father narrowed his eyes, turning him so they stood squarely. "It's not nothing. I saw that. You left the walls and didn't bring any weapons. Ashley only had two knives with her, and I've never seen her with less than six. You head's not in it, and if you two are going to be running off like this, I need to know you're prepared. Mentally and physically."

Carl swallowed, nodding in understanding. He was completely right.

His dad sighed, patting his shoulder and steering them toward Alexandria. He eyed the walls in apprehension. "I have enough to worry about with preparing everyone in town for this world. I don't want to have to worry about you, too."

"You won't," Carl uttered firmly. "I'll figure it out. Ashley and I will be fine."


He only hoped.

Again, sorry for the late update. I hope you liked this chapter. Please don't hesitate to let me know any of your ideas on where I could go with this story. Do you want me to skip forward to where the show currently is? Or is it a better idea to develop Ash and Carl's relationship before I start any action? Let me know and leave a review!