Title: Glitter and Gatsby.

Author's Note: Okay, hello! So I've noticed that there are quite a few romantic fictions out there, with Gatsby & Nick in the center, but I thought I might add my two cents to see if anybody is interested in reading my little attempt at Natsby. Now, here's a warning, this will be my first time writing a romantic relationship between two men. So, please stay with me, and enjoy.

Summary: What if Gatsby had fallen for the other cousin? This is the story of Gatsby's courting of Nick.

This story is AU in timeline and events. Daisy never ran over Tom's mistress (Myrtle), The event's at the Plaza hotel never happened (Tom never found out about Daisy's feelings for Gatsby), and Daisy and Gatsby have not yet started a physical relationship.


Gatsby's POV:

It was a beautiful day. The bright summer sun was beating down on the relatively large village of West Egg. Almost all the occupants of the place were in bathing suits, taking advantage of the numerous beach spots West Egg had to offer. Others preferred the more relaxed setting of the local park. Although there was one man, who wasn't feeling the summer excitement.

Jay Gatsby, as he was now known, stuffed his hands in his suit pockets. To the casual observer, he must've looked for all the world like he had his wits about him. He'd once been told that he always looked cool, so cool. But despite his demeanor, his mind was in shambles.

His gaze was focused on something outside the generous castle he'd purchased for himself, beyond the gates, and into his neighbors front yard. Nick Carraway, a man he'd met only a few months prior (2 to be exact), was sitting on his porch. Nick's nose was buried deep in a thick book. Probably covering topics about investments, and bonds. From the moment they'd met, Nick had always seemed to enjoy the written word.

His neighbor was dressed in a light white dress shirt, with a brown checkered vest placed over top. Nick's sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and Jay could see the sun beating harshly down on the other man. He was immediately overtaken with the urge to rush over to the small cottage with an umbrella, offering some comfort to Nick. But- Jay knew that action might alarm the other man, so he stayed in his position by the window. Silently watching.

Suddenly, Nick's eyes connected with his through the window, and Jay quickly raised a hand in greeting. He swore he saw Nick's eyes light up with an emotion he couldn't place. Nick waved back eagerly, and then returned to his studies. Pen scribbling furiously over paper, his wonderful brown eyes moving rapidly over the printed words.

Gatsby had come to adore the other man's friendship, his loyalty was a true blessing. He'd never met someone quite like Nick before. Somewhere along the lines of their close friendship, Jay had come to realize his feelings for Nick had become horribly blurred. Somewhere between the time he'd met Daisy for tea at Nick's small- but incredibly humble cottage- and now. He'd come to..have romantic feelings for the other man. He knew it wasn't proper, wasn't acceptable. But Jay Gatsby had never let something like that stop him from his goal.

And his goal was Nick Carraway.