This idea has been bugging me all night since I beat Crysis 3 and saw Prophet have the nanosuit's powers without wearing it.

In this story, The events of Crysis never happened and the Ceph are creatures of science. Don't criticize me, my stories are bound to get ridiculous.


Jiraiya pushed him off a cliff.

What the hell?

Why was it that his "learning" always seemed to throw him into life or death situations?

These are things Naruto would have been thinking if he wasn't panicking. Seeing the ground of the not so bottomless pit approaching him, Naruto decided to call on the demon to help him, he had practiced entering his mindscape before, but never had he had to do so this quickly.

It was surprisingly easy.

He stood before massive gates with glowing red eyes behind them and a tiny little paper tag holding the gates shut. The eyes focused on him and a deep chuckle resonated through the chamber. "Well if it isn't my incompetent container. No doubt to try to gain my chakra in an attempt to save yourself from the fall, hmm?"

"That's right. If I die, you die. You've been living in my body for twelve years. Time to pay rent" said Naruto. A knowing laugh was his answer, "I have no interest in helping you. While it is true that we will both die, only you will stay dead. I on the other hand will merely reform and be resurrected in a couple of years. Your death is in my best interest."

Naruto was terrified. If the fox wouldn't let him use his chakra, then he really would die! Naruto's panic forced him out of his mindscape.

Naruto had just enough time to see the ground approach him before he smashed into it with a boom.

Jiraiya peered down into the fissure, waiting for some sign of his student's survival. Channelling chakra to his eyes, he looked down to the bottom of the fissure.

Only to see the corpse of his student.

"Oh no, no no no." Jiraiya said as he quickly summoned a large toad and used him to reach the bottom in a matter of seconds. Jiraiya jumped off the toad and landed next to Naruto. He looked for a pulse and found none, same with the breath.

Naruto was dead.

Jiraiya picked up the boy sadly and hopped up onto the toad.

Just as the toad was preparing to jump, a segmented tendril shot out of the ground and wrapped around the boy's arm, pulling him out of Jiraiya's grasp. More tendrils emerged and wrapped around the Naruto just as Jiraiya tried to grab him.

The ground split apart and the new crack glowed red from far beneath the surface. Hundreds of tendrils showed themselves and pulled the body into the ground while simultaneously creating an electric barrier that burned whien Jiraiya tried to smash his fist into it, but otherwise didn't waver. And just like that, the ground closed up with a bang, leaving Jiraiya and the toad alone. "I have to report this to Sensei." Said Jiraiya. He jumped on the toad and the toad began climbing up the side of the fissure.

Once they reached the top, Jiraiya jumped off the toad and dispelled it, running as fast as his legs could carry him, using shunshin occasionally. In a short amount of time, he arrived at the Hokage tower. Running up the stairs, he barged into the Hokage's office to see Sarutobi reading a familiar orange book. The oh so mighty Hokage rushed to put his porn back in it's drawer, but then he saw who it was who barged in, "Dammit Jiraiya! You almost gave me a heart attack."

"This is important, you know how i said i was going to train Naruto by throwing him off a cliff, and you told me not to?" Jiraiya asked. "Jiraiya..." the Third said warningly, but the sage ignored it, "Well i did it, only Naruto didn't awaken the kyuubi like I thought, he kept falling and smwshed into the bottom. He's dead."

Hiruzen's killing intent spiked to an all time high, "You're telling me that not only did you kill the jinchuurikki of the fucking KYUUBI, but you killed a boy who was like my own grandson to me, and then you have the balls to tell me that to my face?!"

Jiraiya's gaze softened, "I'm sorry, I thought i could teach him with the same extreme methods that i taught Minato, but it seems like Naruto wasn't cut from the same cloth as him. But that's not the only reason why I am here, when i tried to recover the body, a bunch of these metallic tendrils came out of the ground and took his body into the ground."

Hiruzen was horrified, "Are you sure they were metal? They weren't just shiny?" Confused, Jiraiya nodded, "They were metal all right, and they made a barrier i couldn't even crack out of electricity. Do you know something?"

Hiruzen nodded, "During the days of Hashirama Senju, there was a race of creatures many shinobi called the Ceph, due to the fact that they looked like cephalopods. They were an odd mixture of flesh and machine, a race of creatures far more advanced than anything we've ever seen. I never saw them of course, but i do know that they would have an Emissary, one seemingly human, and that they would never help out in any human matters, but the Emissary would. The Emissary had a type of special armor that made them an invisible, silent killing machine when they wanted, and an unstoppable juggernaut when they didn't want to use stealth."

A new voice made itself known, "We also collect genetic mutations in humans in exchange for our technology."said a very deep and somewhat mechanical sounding voice.

Both Sarutobi and Jiraiya jumped to the opposite corner of the room from where they heard the voice. The three hidden ANBU in the room sprang from their hiding spots to defend their leader.

"Good instincts. Too bad it wouldn't have saved you if i had chosen to kill you. But that's not why I'm here." Said the person who had appeared out of nowhere behind the desk, "I am Legion, the Emissary from the Hive, and I have been instructed to tell you that the one you call Naruto is being reconstructed with our technology as a test of sorts. Rest assured the experiment will conclude within a couple days, he will be awake in time for your Chuunin exams."

The person, Legion, was covered from head to toe with a black hooded cloak. Only his forearms were visible, and they looked like they were covered in some black muscle structure, with metal knuckles and joints.

"He will be given knowledge. After all, we can't have the vanguard of our return to the surface be a complete idiot now can we?" With that, the Emissary turned invisible and jumped out the open window.

"Cat, where is he?" Asked Sarutobi. Cat, the only ANBU with long purple hair, held her fingers in the half ram seal and searched for a minute before saying, "He's gone. I can't find any trace of him."

I'm piloting this because I don't know if people are going to like this or not. Also, should I give Naruto the ability to use chakra or should he solely use the energy from the hive mind? Yes he will be connected to the hive mind.