A.N. OK, so I really didn't want to start a new story whilst I had so many uncompleted, and especially since my muse for some of them has literally ran away...but this plot would just not go away. So here it goes. I really hope you all like it, reviews aplenty help give me the confidence to continue writing, so please review :-) (::) (::) (::) - COOKIES!

What happens when the first meeting between Bella and new wolf Jacob goes a little differently from the books? This will start from the point in New Moon when Bella confronts Jacob as to why he's been avoiding her. Will span from then into Eclipse with the return of Edward.


"There is, and always will be, only you."-Jacob Black

Prologue: Decision of the fates.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, Stephanie Meyer does. I only own the plot bunny.

Edited by the fabulous jlove34. She is such a patient woman! Sorry for such a long wait on the update, we were both busy. Without further ado, I give you the first edited chapter!

Bella POV

I was hurting again. The pain was all-consuming. It was as though my heart, no, my very soul was bleeding. I drove haphazardly in an attempt to ignore the blinding pain that was coursing through my body. After the emptiness of my house became too much to bear, I jumped into my truck and just drove, thinking that it would be better then being on my own in the house. I was wrong. I was glad I avoided and police involvement, as my reckless driving would've definitely attracted attention. My father wouldn't appreciate learning as much. I decided to pull over into a dirt track, as my thoughts became too much. I turned off the main road and parked out of sight. Outside of oncoming traffic, I was able to succumb to the torrent of emotions that racked through my body, without raising any alarms.

In the two weeks since Jacob had cut me out of his life, misery had been my constant companion. Truthfully, I had been hurting for months, now, and had nearly pulled myself free from my depression with his help. However, he had ripped that safety net from beneath me, leaving me crippled and alone. I allows my mind to wander back to that night-the night that everything had changed.

Jacob, and I had went to the cinema. Lunch that day had been awkward. Mike had, once again, asked me on a date. His persistence had been grating on my nerves for weeks. At least during my zombie phase, I had been somewhat oblivious to his constant (unwanted) advances, but now that I had been eating and talking again, I felt badly for ignoring everyone. So, I accepted. To his dismay, I turned to the remainder of the lunch crowed and invited Eric, Angelia, and Jessica, who accepted as well. Unbeknownst to Mike, I planned on inviting Jake, as well. I had no doubt that he'd jump at the chance to accompany me. I knew he adored me, but I just couldn't face the others without him. I was selfish, though. He was my security blanket-my constant, my sun, and I refused to give him up for anything. Unfortunately, as most best laid plans went, they had quickly gone awry.

Angela had, unfortunately, contracted the stomach flu, which in turn, had prompted Eric to decline, as he wanted to care for her. Jessica had also called at the last minute, and claimed she had a headache. Most likely, she had bailed because Angela and Ben weren't attending. After their disastrous prom date, she rarely associated with Mike alone outside of school. Therefore, that left me with two boys who fancied themselves as potential suitors. Because you know I'm just that drop dead gorgeous! Terrific! I had always considered Mike a good buddy, nothing more, but Jake, on the other hand, was my best friend. We had built bikes together and as a result, our friendship had grown stronger. I had cared for him more then I had ever cared for anyone. Honestly, I was scared to try again. I couldn't handle another rejection.

I sat uncomfortably for the first half of the film with both of them on either side of me, arms placed strategically on my arm rests. Both boys wanted to grab my hand, due to the nature of the film. It was a gory movie, though that no longer bothered me. I had witnessed worse. Thankfully, the tense spell was broken by Mike's sudden illness and subsequent exit from the theatre. Jake and I were confused, at first, but we followed him, arriving just in time to hear him empty his stomach. Jacob called him a marshmallow and I couldn't help but giggle along with him.

Giving Mike a bit of privacy, the two of us walked to the steps that led to the upper level of the cinema and set down. Jake promptly grabbed my hand, a natural thing for him, but it frightened me. It was a simple gesture, one that we had shared dozens of times, but it felt as though something has changed between us, and I wasn't ready for a relationship. It felt wrong to lead him on, whilst I was so hung up on him. I couldn't hurt Jake in that way.

We continued to talk for a few minutes, and I calmed down once he accepted that I wasn't ready for more then friendship. He promised he'd wait for me and surprisingly, I hoped he'd keep his promise. We stayed in our own little world until Mike rejoined us. His re-emergence caused Jake's whole demeanour to change. He was angry, furious even, and I had to stop him from physically harming Mike before he stormed out of the building, shaking uncontrollably. I haven't seen him since.

I sat upright as I regained control of my sobs. Billy said that Jacob had caught mono, and that he was highly contagious. I knew he was lying though, because mono wouldn't stop you from being able to pick up the phone, or answer texts. Thinking of Jacob led me to think of him and another sob escaped my lips. Jacob had helped so much with the pain. His warm, sunny presence had filled the hole that had been punched through my core. But without Jake, it returned, twice as bad, with twice the heartbreak.

My mind whispered his name...Edward. I fought hard to keep from saying it, to keep saying him. Edward. His name escaped my lips before I could stop it. I put my hand over my mouth to keep me from saying it again, and to keep another sob from wrecking through my body. Breathing deeply I thought of him again, and his image floated through my mind. I shook my head to ride myself of the image. I couldn't risk it. The mere thought of him drove me towards reckless behaviour, and I couldn't continue to do that. It was selfish.

Edward had been my first ever boyfriend, and my first love. From the first moment I laid eyes upon him, I was captivated. His dark eyes, pale skin, and perfectly coiffed copper hair had me trembling internally. From the get go, he had been standoffish, One minute he would talk to me, try to get to know me, and the next, he would push me away, declaring we shouldn't be friends. His mood swings were erratic, almost bipolar.

Once his resolve broke, I understood reason behind his behaviour, why he refused to stay away. His strange behaviour conduct had peaked my curiosity. I googled some of the things I noticed about him; for example: his eyes. They shifted from black to golden within the course of a day. I swore he had gotten contacts, but he refuted my observation, claiming the fluorescent lights were to blame. Later, I discovered that he was a vampire, and the colour change had been caused by thirst. He told me my blood was like heroin to him-more potent than any other. Thankfully, he and his family fed upon the blood of animals. They had called themselves vegetarians. To his credit, he had tried to stay away. He hadn't wanted to hurt me, but he had been too weak to resist. Soon I realized, as I had with many encounters with my former boyfriend, that he was dangerous. That had been entirely naïve of me. I was simply a magnet for trouble, drawing his kind to me like a moth to a flame, resulting in both severe injury and almost my death.

Then, on my eighteenth birthday, Alice, his sister, threw me a wee party, against my explicit wishes. Alas, I was to be ignored. As I feared, the whole thing had resulted in disaster. I was opening my-presents that I had adamantly discouraged- and I got a paper cut. I was barely able keep my hand from shaking as I tore into the ornate paper. It was my fault, really. I had always been a naturally clumsy person, but in the presence of such graceful creatures, I felt even more insecure. In normal situations, a paper cut was a minuscule problem unless you were in a room full of vampires-one of whom was the newest member of the 'vegetarian' lifestyle. And then, it was a problem of epic proportions. The first drop of my blood caused Jasper, Alice's husband, to lunge at me. It all happened so fast that one moment I had been at his side, and the next he pushed me backwards into a table of plates, spilling more of my potent blood. He couldn't forgive himself for harming me after that, and three days later, he left me, taking his family and any trace of himself with him.

I shook my head again, ridding the thoughts of him. I couldn't believe Jacob had done this to me. He knew what I had went through before. He had been there-stood by me, for goodness sake. I hastily wiped my eyes, started up my truck again, and backed out of the dirt track. I turned towards Jacob's house, anger rolling within my gut, and stomped my foot on the accelerator. My truck lurched forwards as it hit sixty-one miles per hour, and I followed it until my stomach hit the steering wheel. I momentarily lost control when a new pain burst though my stomach. Trying my best to ignore it I continued on slower this time. I headed for La Push, ready to confront my best friend.


Nerves hit me as I drove up to his house. I breathed deeply in attempt to regain control over my body. I was trembling with nerves, and I closed my eyes, willing my body to stop shaking. Upon opening them, I watched as Jacob walked in front of my truck, my mouth hanging open at the sight of him.

Jacob stood with his back to me, and fought the urge to turn towards me. The boy I'd one known, had grown at least six inches, since I'd last seen him, placing him at best guess, around 6'4. He had gained a serious amount of muscles, like masses, and in two short weeks, I worried, in my absence, that he might have taken anabolic steroids. His hair, the long, luscious black locks that I loved. The ones that shone in the sun, curled slightly, and framed his strong face beautifully, was gone. Now there was just a short crop of hair. His face looked as though it had aged ten years. Gone was that sweet sixteen-year-old boyish charm, leaving in its place a hardness that I was unaccustomed to seeing upon his russet skin.

The rain pelted down upon him and soaked his hair and body in a tantalizing way. The water clung to every contour of his delectable physic, making me shudder at the sight. Jacob wasn't wearing a shirt, which was strange considering it was only 41 degrees, and Billy had said he was terribly ill. Mono my arse! That angered me. Frankly, the sight of him pissed me off so much that I flung open my door, ungracefully flung my body out of my truck, and stomped towards him. I was a woman on a mission and honestly, I wouldn't be dissuaded.

"Jacob!" I shouted, he flinched at my angry tone. I reached out to him and tried to turn him to face me, but he remained immobile. He refused to look at me. I blanched. Was he repulsed by me?

"I thought you were too sick to even pick up the phone, never mind being out without a fucking t-shirt on!"

"Go away, Bella," he whispered. His tone wasn't malicious, per say, it was more of a sad tone. However, a sob still slipped from my lips as a thousand knives pierced my soul. I grabbed hold of myself again, and hung my head. I could still see him fighting with himself, he wanted to comfort me but something was held him back.

"You promised me that you wouldn't hurt me-that you wouldn't ever leave me." I whimpered. I hadn't meant to say it as such, but my mind betrayed my actual words.

"I am keeping my promise...by staying away," he choked out. He tried his hardest not to break his resolve, though I had a suspicion that he hadn't meant it.

"You're not!" I yelled. Anger replaced my sorrow once again, and my mind finally took control, my mouth following suit, spewing forth all the things my heart held dear. "You are breaking my heart. I can't control the pain. I-I am terrified of loosing it!" I screamed.

He turned to me in that moment with pain in his eyes and finally looked at me. My vision tunneled, and I was unable to see anything apart from him. His eyes shone with shock as his legs gave way, and he fell to the floor with a thud. My body followed suit and fell beside his, our eyes unwilling to break contact. I stared into his gorgeous brown orbs, and saw something that I hadn't seen since he left- pure unconditional and all-consuming love. Images flickered through my minds eye, but they all went by too fast for me to understand what they were.

"Ja...Jacob," I stuttered. He blinked as I broke his train of thought, and he looked at the ground and then back at me. "What just happened?"

He opened his mouth to speak, to explain. I waited with baited breath, half expecting him to tell me to go away again. However, before he could say a word, I heard someone yelling his name, cutting him off and sending him into a panic.

A.N. So tell me what you think. Do you like it? What do you think she'll do when she finds out? Reviews! (::) (::) (::) (::) - MORE COOKIES!