Dear Readers,

Hi, it's the author here. I figured I'd clear some things up, as many of you have requested for me to do so. For one, no, unfortunately, there will be no more updates to the story 'Another Beginning'. Starting high school has taken up much more of my time than I'd originally expected, and more importantly, I no longer feel attached to the story and have lost my momentum a long, long time ago. I understand it wasn't right of me to continue posting these somewhat half-assed chapters from time to time, but I simply hadn't had the courage to really cut it off completely. This was one of my first works on this website, and I'm truly moved by how many of you actually read my writing. Still, I look forward to publishing more stories in the future.

Now, onto the actual story itself. Besides the plethora of problems with the writing I am only now coming to realize, I recognize that a lot of you are quite confused by the plot. Due to abrupt updates and lack of planning, the last chapters haven't exactly been informative. I apologize for the lack of care put into the story during these last few chapters.

However, I'd like to pick up the same premise again and re-write this story, hopefully with improved characterization and plot, as well as language. I can't guarantee that there will be regular updates, but certainly more frequent than one chapter per year. I'd like to explore some slightly darker themes in my writing, but rest assured, the general idea will remain the same. This way, I'd have an opportunity to clear things up for all of you.

Again, I'd like to thank all you wonderful readers who have supported me so far. It was unfair of me to string you along these last few chapters. The new story will be titled 'A Chance Through Fate', and will hopefully be published within the next few days. I hope you look forward to it!
