Jake saw nothing. He gulped in fear as his body was guided forwards. "Can somebody-" He began

"Somepony." Apple Bloom corrected.

"Somepony, tell me what is going on?"

"You'll see..." Sweetie Belle and her fellow crusaders chuckled. Jake just sighed, figuring questioning it would be a bad idea. He could hear a ramp come down. He was then guided upwards.

"Almost there..." Scootaloo eagerly told them. A door shut and light flooded to Jake's eyes as white hooves were moved from them. He gawked at the tree house interior with its colourful walls and comfortable furniture. "Ta-da! Welcome to tha' CMC Clubhouse!" Applebloom beamed, waving a hoof at the area. Jake, Izzy and Cubby gawked at the interior of the clubhouse in awe. The walls were decorated with various drawings that inspired them for some reason and the floor was a nice ocean-like colour, making Neverland seem was a podium with a blue badge that had a golden, cape-wearing pony. Suddenly the CMC, ushered Jake, Izzy and Cubby in to a line. "Welcome to your initiating ceremony in which you'll be welcomed to embark on adventures to find your cutie marks!" Sweetie Belle beamed from behind the podium, reading from a long sheet of paper. They all cheered loudly before Sweetie Belle turned seriously to Jake and his crew, making them gulp .

"Do you three pledge to be a good friend, chum, pal, amigo,buddy-"

"Sweetie Belle! I thought you changed it to make it less boring and you to sound less like a dictionary." Scootaloo complained.

"Uh... Oh! Yeah, I did!" The young unicorn giggled as she looked further down the parchment. "Do you pledge to be loyal to the Cmc? To be helpful and kind to any member? And to support each other despite what appears as a cutie mark?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Each of the new recruits yelled, saluting the same way Applebloom and Scootaloo were.

"Then you have officially joined the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Streamers exploded everywhere as three capes were tossed on to Jake, Izzy and Cubby. The trio looked astounded by the capes before giving each other high hooves." This is the best day ever!" Cubby shouted, grinning. Jake plastered a fake smile on his face as his thoughts drifted to home.

Peter paced around the room, his eyebrows furrowed in deep thought and many ideas flashed his mind. He just couldn't wrap his head around the idea that his best and only pirate crew had been kidnapped. Worst of all, both of his allies had been taken out of the action. Skully was injured with a broken wing and Tink' s magic wasn't strong enough to make a portal like the one Jake's parrot had sighed, stumped. He only wished they'd be safe and sound.