Jake swung through the vines,happy and side him, Izzy and Cubby swung too. Between the trio, they each held rare gems with Skully keeping an eye out for a temple as he swooped through the skies. Time was of the essence."I see it!" Skully suddenly sqwarked.
"Lead the way Skully!" Jake yelled, jumping off the final vine and continuing the quest on they reached the temple,three whips if magic settled in to the stones in which the gems belonged in. However,no one noticed. The crew drew closer. "Ugh,my head feels dizzy..."Cubby moaned.
"Mine too..."Izzy added,clutching her pressed his hand to his forehead.
"Me three." Jake staggered to the stones.
"We have to finish this quest for Peter Pan and Tinker Bell." He demanded shakilly yet boldly.
"For Peter and Tinker Bell!" The other two chorused in a similar tone. They placed the gems in to place in which clicked and glowed. Jake was about to yell "We did it!"but all he managed was a groan before passing out.
"Jake!" Cubby tried to run over but he too fell to the floor, unconscious.
"Jake! Cubby!" Izzy screamed. She was now terrified. Her head throbbed and made small blurs in her vision. What was happening? Izzy wished in her fading senses that she more time to out but a grey cloud filled her head and sharpened her vision to black.
The whisps snaked around the trio and lifted them through a portal where a new quest lied. From the shadows, an evil cloaked figure smirked, eyes maliciously, and stepped in the light, whisked away.

Skully landed just as an evil demonic laugh rang out and the whisps faded. He gasped and tried to fly after the source but he was too late. He crashed in to a wall,damaging his wing. Skully only knew one thing. The crew were gone and he'd do whatever it took to bring them back from wherever they vanished to.


The Cutie mark crusaders, (more commonly known as the CMC), were sitting in their tree house, talking about cutie marks. "We've tried talent shows, paintin',match-makin',racin' and even cookie makin' yet none of us have a cutie mark!" Yelled Apple Bloom.
"You could try being a chicken" Sweetie Belle suggested mischievously to Scootaloo. The orange pegasi looked disgruntled.
"I'm not a chicken!"
"Are too"
"Are not!"
"Are too"
"Are not!"
"Yes you are!"
"No I'm not!"
"Uh huh"
"Nuh uh"
"Are too!"
"Are not!" Just as Sweetie Belle was about to retort back,a big earthquake shook the en big whisps of light zoomed down from the sudden dark skies. Three were separated and landed below the tree house but not in the sight of the crusaders.

Ponies darted out of sight until it finished. The fillies opened the door and peeped out. On the ground lay two colts and a filly. The filly was a peach coloured pegasus with her brown mane tied in to two pigtails (bunches?)and earings. On top of her mane, a pink bandanna could be seen. Beside her, the white earth pony colt with his scruffy orange mane had a blue bandanna on his e third young male was a unicorn. His spiky,jet black hair had a red bandanna resting behind it. It was slightly torn. Over his dark blue coat, he wore a outfit for a pirate as did the other two.
The filles gasped and rushed to their aid. Grabbing the hooves of the strangers, they half carried, half dragged them back to the tree house. As this scene unfolded, the cloaked figure from earlier smirked and trotted off. The plan had only just begun...