12/30/14 AN: I have a new beta named Fanfic gyrl she has edited chapters 1-3 of this so I'm udating them with her changes.
AN: This is a Harry Potter, Supernatural crossover. I have seen this story line done before but I hope this is a little different. This is between T and M due to violence and cursing. And later other things. Oh I also don't own any cannon characters. IF I did I would have a whole family of Winchester men as my personal sex toys. ;)
Harry Potter world is 10 years off. Cannon Dean is 1 year older than Harry. In this fic he will be 11 when Harry is born. That means Sam is 7 years older than Harry instead of 3 years younger.
My Supernatural knowledge is limited. The last chronological episode that I watched was when Death rose and all the dead in Bobby's town came back. I have seen a few more recent episodes and I go WTF IS GOING ON?! All I can follow in the most recent episode I watched was Cas is fixated on PB&J, Sam is a masochist, Cane is HOTTT, and I can't look at Dean (or the guy who plays him) and not hear Eye of the Tiger.
I will one day catch up on the series when: A: I move to a place with internet, B: the internet comes to BFE where I live, or C: Supernatural appears in the 5 dollar bins at Walmart.
Things will be changed, time line will be screwed with and the Supernatural crew may be OOC
-Rant over-
PS: This will involve a triad between Lily, John and James. Don't like, don't read.
James Charles Potter had a secret. Many of his peers would say it was a terrible shameful secret. But only two people knew. During his fourth year James had an accident that left him completely sterile. The only person he ever told was his dear wife Lily. In the Pureblood dominated world being sterile is worse than being a squib, or even a muggle. Had anyone known he would have been crucified.
After graduation when he convinced the woman he had always been in love with to marry him they ended up in the center of a war zone. Voldemort the Dark Lord and his armies of dark creatures and humans called death eaters were raining terror upon all those of non-magical decent. This naturally made James and Lily his enemies since Lily is a muggle born.
Lily knew if they didn't produce a child the Purebloods would use that as proof that marrying below Pureblood standards would end the old lines. So she hatched a plan with her husband. They decided to take a late honeymoon. They told everyone that it was to get away from the stress of war and that James was recovering form a recent battle. When in truth they were going to find a suitable sperm donor to give them a child they always wanted. Not only had Lily always dreamed of being a mother but the child would help the war effort and support their cause.
So nearly 2 years after graduation the couple headed somewhere that a British wizard would never think to look for them. America.
American muggles aren't that different from the rest of the developed muggle world but is like another planet on the magical side of things. Most places in the magical world run about a century behind their muggle counterpart. The exceptions are East Asia, which varies from community to community. In some parts of Japan and China the magical world is still in the Feudal Era while in others it sets parallel to the muggle. Australia which doesn't even hide it's magical side. And the Americas have a blended society much like it's muggle side. They are current but you can still see the roots that founded it's magical side.
Parts of America's history was left untold in the mundane histories. Such as, over half of the settlers from Europe were magicals fleeing the Purebloods rule. These people were from all 'blood types' muggle born, halfblood, and pure. There where also many of creature blood that fled European persecution. It wasn't till the witch trials in Salem that the magical peoples started to recede from the non-magical. Another part of the history of The USA that is told differently is the Trail of Tears. Many of the Native Americans that supposedly died actually just moved into magically warded areas to stay safe. The same thing happened with the African slaves that tried to escape enslavement on the Underground Railroad.
This had lead to the Americas being a diverse and some would call wild magical area. There are high concentrations of magicals and those that are magically aware. In the recent years this has lead to a new breed. They are usually not magical themselves but are neck deep in the strange and unexplainable. These men and women are just known as Hunters and they help keep the magical world in check.
Lily and James landed in Atlanta airport. James was like a kid in a candy store. He had never had much exposure to the muggle world. He didn't stand out like a loon but he didn't fit in either. But this, this was like nothing he had ever heard of. Had someone told him there were this many people on the planet he would have been skeptical but so many in one area his mind was boggled.
Lily rented a car for them and an apartment in a small town about 3 hours outside of Atlanta. They planed to scout the area and find out if there was a magical community near by. There wasn't much information on magical USA to be found in Europe. That was one reason they decided to come here. If there was one they would go there for help. If not they could use magic to falsify documents at a sperm bank.
They had been in town for a total of one day when something strange happened. A woman was driving down the road right in front of them when her car just flipped over 6-7 times in a row. Lily was shocked. She didn't know how that could have happened. The only thing she could think of was magic and if that kind of magic went unchecked she could understand why people were cautious about coming to this country.
Over the next 3 days things started to get weirder. People were dieing in freak accidents and strange things were happening. On the forth day in Sunnydale, Georgia a strange man in an Impala rolled into town. There was just something about him that caught the Potter's attention. It was almost like the moment a rabbit knows it's been spotted by the fox. Only they weren't scared. Fortunate or not one of the things James and Lily have in common is they are very, very curious.
The Potter's first encounter with the fascinating and admittedly hansom stranger was not a pleasant one. Lily woke screaming when she felt someone trip the wards around their bed. James was up in a flash and only his lightning reflexes saved him from being shot by the man in their room. The man stood at the end of their bed with a shotgun.
"What the hell!" Lily shouted. "Are you out of your mind?!"
"No I'm here to end you witch." He said with a growl as he pointed the gun at James.
James ever one to put his foot in his mouth. "Hey man I don't have the right parts to be a witch." He said jokingly with that stupid smile of his.
Lily sighed. "James! There is a man pointing a gun at you. Could you please for just a moment be serious?"
"Of course not honey. Sirius is still in Britain." He joked again
Lily gave him a look, and then looked at the man that broke in. "Alright you can shoot him."
"HEY!" James whined. "You're suppose to be on my side."
"I am when you are not being a idiot." She said with a huff.
The stranger lowered his gun and looked at the young couple. There was no denying there were beautiful. The man looked like an aristocrat while the woman could easily have been a Play Boy pin up. That was one of the things that led him here. They just didn't seem to fit in. But now he was having doubts. "So you're not witches?" He asked
Lily blinked at him. "I would say yes but I think your term witch and ours is different."
"Lily won't be that kind of witch for another 26 days." He leaned closer to the other man and stage whispered. "Her cycle is very regular."
"James Potter! How dare you discuss my cycle with a stranger that just a moment ago was trying to kill us." She shrieked at him in anger and embarrassment. She turned to the other man. "Why don't you have a seat and we can work this all out." she told him pleasantly.
Once they were all seated in the kitchen the man got the ball rolling. "Did you or didn't you sell your soul to a demon for magic?"
"Do what now?" Lily asked eyebrows in her hairline
"You mean that happens? I always thought the unclean were children's stories." James said
"Unclean?" The man asked
"Yeah it's a kids story." James said. "My mom told me that long ago when we lived along side the muggles, people with no magic, that they became so jealous of our abilities that they tried every way they could to get magic. Until one day a muggle standing in a cross road begged for their god to give them power. But no god answered. A shadow answered. The shadow asked what their woe was. They promised to give them what every they wanted in exchange the person got all the powers of the shadow. This left a dark taint on the person slowly twisting them until the shadow had consumed them. Then the shadow would come back and swallow them whole. The taint was how they got their name. They became unclean."
the man sat back thinking about it. "That sounds about right. Witches get their power from selling their soul to a demon. In exchange they get demonic power. But all demon deals have a time limit. When the limits up the soul is taken to hell."
"That's awful." Lily said. "Who would do such a thing? The only thing I could think of that would be worth my soul is my family."
"You're saying you didn't sell your souls for power?" He asked
"Nope" James replied. "Born and bred with it. We have always had power. Mine started acting up when I was 5. I turned my horse pink and blue striped for throwing me."
"I first did magic when a bully stole my book. I just wished for it and the book teleported back to my hands. I was about 6." Lily added.
"And how do I know you're telling the truth?"
"You don't. You just have to trust us." Lily told him flicking her wrist to put the pot on to boil. "So you think these weird killings are the work of an unclean witch?"
"Yeah. That or a demon one."
"Why don't we help you find this thing and take care of it?" James suggested. "We do have experience with evil and this just sitting around is getting dull."
"I do have somewhere to get back to." the man said thinking. "Fine you can help but if it turns out your evil then I will kill you."
"Duly noted, will be shot if I do my maniacal laugh." James said
Lily snorted. "You mean the one were you sound like a little girl that saw a spider or the one that makes you look like a nutter?" James pouted at her. "You haven't told us your name yet."
"John. John Winchester."
"Nice to meet you John. James go prepare the spare room for John. We are going witch hunting tomorrow." Lily told her husband with a truly evil smile. John Winchester decided in that moment he didn't want Lily Potter as his enemy.
An: Don't know where this came from but I really like the idea. The first few chapters will be from before Harry is born. In the next chapter or two the boys will come in.