Well Winter break is pretty much over! For those in NY, NJ, and Connecticut I hope we actually have school on Monday (Haven'thadcomputerinamonthXD)! Enjoy!

"Guys I welcome you to our anger management session!"

Nya smiles as everyone looks at the table behind her. The table has applesauce, cups of water, cups of hot tea, books, and marker. Zane and Lloyd exchange worried looks. Why would Nya want to do an anger management course on a beautiful day like this?

"Now I know you're wondering why we're doing some anger management thing," Nya says, "it's because I want to see what pushes your buttons! Maybe you hate bugs and you want to exterminate each one of them. Maybe it's someone's attitude makes you want to punch them in the face!"

Misako frowns, "Nya, we've been trained to be patient. We do work serve a Count and his Lady after all."

Nya throws a cup of water in Misako's face. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Excuses! Excuses! Let's see what will push you on the edge!"

Misako takes a few deep breaths. Lloyd and Garmadon slowly back away from her. Zane, P.I.X.A.L, and Cole look at each other with blank expressions. Nya growls at the three of them.

"Are you guys planning something?" She asks.

Zane opens his mouth but Lloyd beats him to the punch. "Nya! You have HOT TEA! The burns will hurt! You have books! Words HURT Nya! Applesauce... is a chocking hazard!"

Cole looks at Nya, "Lloyd don't have a panic attack. Let's play along with her little game."

Cole walks up to the table. He takes a cup of tea and drinks it.

"Ginger tea? You're evil! This stuff can irritate the eyes!" He says with a smirk.

Lloyd gasps, "I want some!"

Lloyd dashes to the table. Nya grabs a book and smacks him with it. Misako and Garmadon watch in shock as Lloyd falls onto the ground, face first. Garmadon grabs on of Misako's arms. Misako face slowly turns red.

"Maybe we can do something else? Maybe we can practice crying? We could watch a sad movie! Titanic would be nice!" P.I.X.A.L suggests.

Nya picks up the marker from the table, "I have a better thing in mind.

"Alright so you have $10,000 in your possession. Please spend your money wisely."

Kai takes the money out of Count Jayson's hand. Gale looks at the money with a giant smile on her face. She jumps up and down in excitement. Kai rolls his eyes while Jayson smiles at her.

"Kai you can learn a thing or two from Gale here. She's eager and full of energy!" Count Jayson says with a smile.


Kai, Gale, and Jayson runt to the eight-foot mirror to see Nya drawing on Zane's face. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Cole was helping Lloyd off the ground while Garmadon is talking to his wife, who looks upset. P.I.X.A.L is covered from head to toe in applesauce.

"What is Nya doing?" Kai asks with a hint of anger in his voice.

Nya picks up Zane. She turns around and tosses him at Cole and Lloyd. The three of them hit the table, making the table collapse. Kai and Count Jayson laugh while Gale stares at the scene.

"Whatever she's doing, I like it!" Count Jayson laughs.

Gale speaks, "Is she trying to get herself killed? It's likes she's trying to get into a fight! I should know... high school was full of this garbage!"

"Maybe she's trying to fight all of them at once?" Kai says.

Misako kicks her husband in the face. She runs up to Nya with her hands balled into fists. Nya smiles and kicks her in the stomach, which sends Misako flying into the window. The window breaks and Misako falls right on top of the three onlookers.

"Ugh! Misako you need to lose some weight! I feel like a pancake!" Kai complains.

Misako looks at Kai with an evil glare, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I'm going to..."

"Mom, calm down!"

Lloyd runs into the Count's office. He has a black eye and a few scars. Misako's evil glare turns into the smile of a three-year old.

"Lloyd! You're okay! I should get the First Aid Kit..."

"What were all of you doing outside?" Gale asks.

Lloyd laughs nervously, "Nya is trying to get us angry... and it's working! Dad's punching trees while P.I.X.A.L tries to get the applesauce out of her circuits. Cole, on the other hand, isn't doing anything. Before I left to get my Mom, Nya was hitting him on the head with a hard book!"

A huge grin grows on Count Jayson's face. He is obviously enjoying the sight of Cole in pain. Lloyd notices the grin and cocks his head in confusion. Kai and Gale give each other worried glances. They need to come up with something quick.

"Count Jayson was telling us... a... story before you came up Lloyd! When you said that Nya was hitting Cple on the head with a book... it reminded him of... the mother... slamming... textbooks on her son's head!" Kai explains.

Lloyd and Misako look at each other, "Why would a mother slam textbooks onto her son's head?" They asks in unison.

Gale laughs, "It's an old folktale! You know... folktales have themes and messages at the end! We just want to... gain some wisdom from our dear Count here!"

Misako gets up from the floor, "Okay... I'll come back upstairs to clean the glass off the floor, when Nya finally finishes her session."

"Aren't you going to stop me? You're bleeding!"

"I've received many cuts and bruises before. What will make this one any different?"

Nya continues to fund the hardcover book on Cole's head. Cole doesn't try to stop her. Nya starts to get annoyed. Why won't he lash out at her? Is he trying to get her upset? If he is, then it's working!

"You don't even want to cry? Don't you want to punch me? Misako tried to hit me but I kicked her and..."

Cole glares at Nya, "Why should I waste my energy on yelling at you? Worse things have happened."

Nya growls, "Let's see you be calm after..."

Nya falls on the ground and the book lands right next to her. She looks up to see an angry Misako with her son behind her. Lloyd picks up the book and flips through it. The longer he flips through it, the more his eyes widen.

"This is a 2,000 paged Webster dictionary from 1920! Man that library IS old!" Lloyd says.

Nya sits up, "What's that for Misako?"

"Nya! Don't you know when you're going too far! We shouldn't be bleeding because of your little session!"

"But I watched a cartoon and it gave me the idea..."

Zane sighs, "This isn't a cartoon! This is real life Nya! In cartoons, the characters can get hurt in one scene and be perfectly fine in the next! they could die and come back to life! But this is real life! Once you die, you're DEAD!"

"Don't be so hard on Nya."

Everyone faces Cole in confusion.

"She was going to kill you! How can you be so calm?" Garmadon asks.

Cole sighs, "I've felt worse things then a book hammering my head."

"See? Cole forgive me!" Nya syas.

"No I don't. You pretty much violated everyone here while you had fun. I'm not supporting you for your wrongdoing."

Garmadon claps his hands, "Keep on preaching!"

Misako grabs the dictionary out of Lloyd's hands and throws it at her husband. Nya feels the atmosphere intensifying. She really went overboard this time. This might top the time she accidentally blew up part of the castle!

Nya looks at Cole and sighs. Maybe it's time she actually does some work for a change. Cole didn't get angry but he'll be happy to see that she's going to take full responsibility. Nya gets up from the ground.

"I'm... sorry. I'll make it up for each one of you! I'll clean up the glass, I'll cook, I'll fix everything! Oh! I will even bandage you guys up! Whatever you want, I'll do! Everyone gets a break for the rest of the day!"

Zane and P.I.X.A.L gasps, "But you..."

"Yes I know I did burn the kitchen down once!" Nya says.

Garmadon and Misako look at Nya, "And don't forget you..."

"Yes! I know I flooded some of the floors while I was doing laundry. The damage wasn't that bad!"

Lloyd smirks, "Remember the day..."

"OK I UNDERSTAND! I remember the day when I had too much wine and I made part of the castle collapse! But that was years ago!"

"Actually Nya that was all of last month." Zane points out.

"Well that doesn't matter!" Nya points at Cole. "I'm going to show you how much I can do! I'm going to be the perfect little lady! I'll cook, clean, and be sweet! Just like your typical housewife!"

Nya puts the table back up. Misako and Lloyd walk over to help her but Nya glares at them. They stop moving and Nya starts to put the fallen items back on the table. Nya places a book on the table, causing the table to fall on her. Everyone runs over to her.

"Nya are you okay? Do you have any injuries?" Zane asks.

"No... I'm just getting started!" Nya says. "There's a first time for everything!"

Garmadon sighs, "I'm going to rewrite my will..."

Believe it or not this actually happened in real life! Yes Investigation Discovery is a legit source :D

Ninjago Bloopers may be uploaded sometime early next week!

Have a good/night!
