It's a take on something similar that has been done before, but I really hope you enjoy it.
UPDATE: It's 2016 and I'm feeling great! With that in mind, I felt I had to come back to the story and fix it up. My comprehension in English has skyrocketed the last time I was here in this fandom. Which is great, because I feel like I can give this story a shot again. This story is under revision now.
The strongest fighter in the world... Could he really call himself that? No way! Ryu was always the humble one who sort to fix any mistakes that he made when it came to his fighting techniques and precision. Was he perfect? No. Did he still need work...? Yes. He felt he did. What kind of man with bulging pecs and probably a huge di-
Ahem... He was walking in a gargantuan forest, surrounded by the various trees and wildlife. He was completely okay with it. It made him feel at peace. The nature, the scenery was so tranquil. He had traveled to many places on his journey to perfection, but he had to admit that this place, so far, felt like the best. Everywhere he looked, he could only see natural colors outlining the trees from the vegetation.
He found a clearing deep in the jungle. He decided it was the perfect place to make camp and use as a make shift dojo. He wasn't scared of the wildlife that could come after him. Because even if he wasn't that strong, he could still handle himself (He looked like he could handle a freaking grizzly bear for goodness sake!).
It was a bit late into the afternoon, but that was just the right time to start his habitual regime. As soon as he made camp, he went straight to meditating. He needed to calm his heart and mind before anything could happen.
"The heart of the battle," he whispered to himself - encouragement for a good self-sparring match. He started with slow movements. It was for his body to adjust and prepare for the strain on the muscles that was soon to follow. Gradually, his movements quickened and became more pronounced. Jab here! Hook there! Sweep this side! It was just the way he liked it.
Everything was going according to plan. The chirping birds, the distant sound of wildlife, made the experience all the better.
"Ryu, is that you?" The voice sounded like it was right behind him. Although Ryu felt a tad irritated for being interrupted, he turned around and, to his surprise, laid his eyes on his number one fan, Sakura, wearing thigh high shorts and a black tank top...randomly in the middle of nowhere with him.
"Sakura?" Ryu questioned in surprise. The hell was this? Why in gods name was Sakura here of all places? This place wasn't anywhere close to civilization! Not only that, how did she know he would be at this exact spot, at this exact time? To anyone, it was beyond suspicious.
"Bitch must be stalking us again!" A dark voice hissed in his mind. Ryu had to forcibly shut out his dark side before it continued yelling like a...well...Sakura. The Dark Hado had always been a problem to control. And the dark part of him had always been an annoyance when he didn't need it.
"Fuck you, bitch. At least I'm smart enough to know when someone wants to rut the shit out of us!" The voice shouted in his mind. Ryu didn't quite understand what his dark side meant by rut. Weren't animals the ones that humped each other? And what was this shit Dark Ryu was talking about? Did it relate to food? Shitake mushrooms maybe?
He cast the thought aside, deciding to focus on a rambling Sakura, who failed to notice his lack of interest.
"...and then out of nowhere, I see you here. What a coincidence, huh?" Sakura said innocently. Her big eyes practically undressed him. She didn't stop herself from licking her lips provocatively in front of him.
Dark Ryu made a sound of disgust. He was still deciding who deserved that sound more: stupid Ryu or I'm-gonna-rape-you-when-I-get-the-chance Sakura.
"Yes, it is" Ryu said, trying to act like he even heard what Sakura said. If he had to be honest with himself, he had no interest in her presence whatsoever. Maybe if they were both back in Japan. But this was the Amazon Forest... Admittedly, he still didn't question how Sakura was able to locate him in the Amazon Forest,.
"So... How have you been?" Sakura asked awkwardly while staring at her idol.
"Well, I have been training and I was hoping to have continued with that before you came along," Ryu said nonchalantly, never noticing that his words came out as more of a jab than a compliment.
Sakura felt like she'd been punched. Wow, she never expected Ryu of all people to say that.
"Uhhhh...How about we train together?" Sakura suggested...when she was sure she had nothing else to say.
Ryu frowned. He liked to train and travel alone. Having a sparring partner was okay, but he didn't really feel like that now. Unfortunately, he was Ryu, so he had no other choice but to accept a random offer.
"Alright. We'll have a sparring match," he said.
Sakura beamed at him. It made him feel a bit uncomfortable when she kept glancing at his crotch.
So they sparred for a while. Ryu went easy on Sakura the whole time. He didn't have anything against her, but she was really slowing down his progress.
After about an hour, he decided to take a brake because she looked exhausted. They sat on a log in silence, and a bit of a distance from each other. Sakura seemed uneasy while Ryu felt at peace. Ryu didn't even notice the look Sakura was sending him throughout the silence. She started scooting closer to him, slowly at first, but gradually went faster until she literally bumped into him, hard. It was so hard that she bounced off him like a ball hitting a brick wall.
"What are you doing?" Ryu queried, raising a brow at her odd behavior.
"N-nothing, hubby-I mean Ryu!" Sakura squeaked.
He noticed her slip. Any sensible man would have pried about that.
"But you're stupid, so you're probably gonna let it go, right?"
The silence was back again.
"Fuck... Sometimes I hate being right about you."
"... Ryu?" Sakura inquired suddenly.
"Yes?" Ryu replied.
"...Have you ever had a girlfriend?" Sakura asked after a pause.
"Yes, I have plenty," Ryu said without a hint of hesitation.
"What!?" Sakura screamed. She stared at him, wide-eyed. Ryu was a player? How come she knew nothing about it?! Better yet, why wasn't she a part of the action?!
I don't give a damn if it's an orgy! I want a piece of that man meat, too! Sakura's perverted thoughts screamed at her.
"Does that surprise you? You are one of them," Ryu informed casually.
"Fuck! And I thought you were gay!" Evil Ryu laughed. Hearing his pathetic goody-two-shoe persona say words like that was absolutely priceless.
"I am?!" Sakura shrieked. She quickly thought up of anything that provided evidence to that claim.
Ryu fucking her on a pool table? No, that was a dream. What about a threesome with Chun Li? Nope, still a dream... Fucking the life out of her in Dan's dojo while the aforementioned man was right there but oblivious to it...? How she wished that one wasn't a dream.
Sakura paused. For a brief moment, she thought Ryu knew what he said meant. But one look at his face clearly indicated otherwise.
"No, Ryu, I meant-"
"Well, looky what we have here," said a female voice with an English accent.
"Yes, who would've thought we would meet you two here of all places?" another gruff voice added.
Ryu and Sakura turned around to see none other than Cammy and Guile.
"You two are also here?" Ryu asked, completely perplexed. Was there a tournament he knew nothing about?
Sakura scowled at their presence.
"Yeah, what a coincident, huh?" Guile said. He seemed completely nonchalant about the whole thing.
"Yes, indeed," Cammy answered as well. For her part, she eyed Ryu like a piece of meat. Her eyes practically raped his frame.
Ryu, for obvious reasons, didn't notice anything of the sort.
"Could we join you guys?" Guile asked, although he seemed a tad reluctant.
"No!" Sakura spat, surprising Ryu, but not the other two visitors.
"Aww, what's the matter? Afraid of something?" Cammy quizzed sweetly, her pink lips quirking into a smirk.
"I aint afraid of anything!" Sakura rebuked, sounding surprisingly furious.
"Damn, that blonde babe has a nice ass! It wouldn't hurt to tap that!"
"Ass? Tap?" Ryu questioned aloud.
Everyone heard him. And just like that, he became the center of attention.
Sakura was surprised. She never heard Ryu say those words. The whole thing sounded so innocently dirty that she didn't know whether to be appalled or turned on.
Provided that she had mysteriously embraced her perversion, she was definitely a little wet right now.
"Ass? Ryu, are you staring at my ass?" Even Cammy never expected Ryu to display bold tendencies.
"Why not? It looks like a nice, firm, fucking target!" The words left Ryu's mouth before he could stop himself. He wondered where all that came from. He didn't even understand what the word 'fucking' meant and he said it.
Dark Ryu chuckled quietly.
"Wow...That was hot," Cammy purred, adding extra sway to her hips as she drew closer to her intended scratching post.
"Stay away from him, you bitch!" Sakura warned venomously.
"Oh god," Guile said, rolling his eyes in exasperation.
"You know, Ryu, if you really want to 'tap' this ass, I'd be more than happy to let you," Cammy offered. Her sultry tone angered the already raging Sakura.
"What the fuck, Cammy?!" Sakura screamed.
"What is fuck?" Ryu asked curiously, innocently even. He hardly listened to his dark side, but for him and everyone else to use that word so often made him feel out of place. What did fuck mean? And why did people like using that word often?
"...I think he's serious," Guile said, once he was able to get over the shock.
"I could show you?" Cammy suggested huskily.
"Guile, what's wrong with her?!" Sakura shouted. To bad all she could get was a helpless shrug.
"I'm very keen to learn," Ryu told Cammy. It sounded interesting, the whole prospect of fuck, or fucking? From what he gathered, it seemed to be an activity of sorts.
"Come, I'll take you to a more...private location." Cammy made her way to Ryu, intending to grasp his hand and seal the deal. But she was promptly tackled by a fuming Sakura.
"I've had enough, you bitch!" Sakura shouted as she fought with Cammy on the grass-filled ground.
"Well, I'd least I know how to get some without using my fingers!" Cammy shot back.
Ryu was just confused. Why were they fighting? Did he say something wrong? It certainly seemed like the case. He wanted to stop the whole thing, but he couldn't move due to the hand that landed on his shoulder. He looked behind him and saw Guile shaking his head.
"I think it's better if you just left them, Ryu," Guile said.
"Someone could get hurt," Ryu reasoned.
"Nah, don't worry about it. I'll handle it. Just get your stuff and continue on your journey. I don't think it will be a good idea to stay here since you're the cause of this."
"I understand." In truth, he had no freaking clue of what was going on, but was reassured that Guile had the situation handled.
He packed his things quickly and took a glance back at the fighting girls. He strayed his gaze to Guile, who gave him an uplifting thumbs up. He gave one in reply, and left the scene altogether.
"... Dude, you're such a bitch! You could've fucked both of them right then and there! God, man, what about that ass! That nice, firm ass!" Evil Ryu sneered at this man. Two willing girls that were ready to jump his bones and he chose to leave instead? What a fucking douche!
"Grg! Ryu, no! Please go on a date with me!" Sakura screamed at the retreating figure. It was no use, for his was out of earshot.
"His gone," Guile notified.
Immediately after Cammy heard that, her aggressive and seductive behavior shifted rapidly to remorse and guilt.
"I'm really sorry, Sakura." Cammy shot to her feet, refusing to even look Sakura in the eye.
"No," Sakura whispered, defeated, very horny, but defeated.
"Well, it couldn't be helped really, Sakura. It was bound to happen sooner or later." Guile's critical statement wasn't at all reassuring to the young fighter.
"...Mission complete," Cammy muttered. She stared at the ground, a deep mortifying look on her face. God, what would Chun Li think of her? By now, she should be completely furious with her for her actions.
Cammy moaned like a puppy, squinting her eyes shut. The way she acted... Oh Lord.
"Please forgive me Chun," was the only thought in the blonde's mind.
Red curtains covered the wide screen. We could clearly see a stage. It was dark for only a moment before the lights beamed at the area. Three figures were visible in the middle.
"Ryu, Ryu, Ryu... Where did I go wrong with you, buddy?" Ken questioned into the microphone he held. He shook his head in mock disappointment, as if he couldn't believe how his best friend acted.
"Oh man! That was pretty awesome!" Ibuki screamed in excitement into her own microphone. She stood right next to Ken.
"... Why the hell am I here?" Guy, the third person on stage, questioned in distate.
"I find myself asking the same thing," Ibuki muttered, although she already knew that Guy's shinobi training made it easy for him to hear her words. Still, it's not like she gave a damn.
"Hello, everybody! I'm your handsome host, Ken Masters!"
" And I'm you hot host, Ibuki!"
Ken and Ibuki stared at Guy impassively.
"... Yeah and that's... Guy, if you can even call that a name," Ken said dismissively, earning a subdued glare from the silent bunshin user.
"And you're watching?" Ibuki prompted.
"Date That Loser!" Ken and Ibuki finished in unison.
Guy just folded his arms.
"Now for those of you who don't know anything about it. This is a dating game show where anyone will do whatever it takes to go out with my best friend and buddy pal, Ryu," Ken said.
"The loser!" Ibuki chimed.
"*Ahem* Yeah... and if they can get Ryu to ask them out on a real date, then they win ten million dollars and a date with my main man. The prize money used to be one million but with inflation rates, yadda, yadda, yadda; you know what I'm talking about," Ken droned with a grin to the camera.
"There's a catch, though. The person trying to get the date will have to be able to get through two people who will be sent to sabotage any chances they got at getting Ryu to ask them out," Ibuki said.
"That's a mouthful, Ibuki!" Ken laughed. He turned to his second partner and offered a little civility. "Anything you wanna add, Guy?"
"Tch! I'd rather not," Guy replied indifferently.
Ken's brow twitched, "Listen here, you-"
"And on to the pris-I mean contestants!" Ibuki quickly cut in, diffusing the tension.
The lights shifted to a place next to and just above the stage. There, we could easily see a large cage holding a number of seated individuals.
"How the hell did we get in this mess?!" Gen asked, alarmed.
"The food that we ate... must have been drugged," Viper said, rubbing her temples. Fuck, she had a killer headache.
"I told you we shouldn't have gone for that stupid free food but noooo, someone was 'hungry'!" Sagat spat, glaring at Adon.
"Flip you! I never told you to come along, Nigga," Adon dismissed.
"What you say, Motherfucker?" Balrog interrogated from his seat.
"I wasn't talking to you, Shitface," Adon said.
"Very interesting spectacle, don't you think, Chun Li?" Rose asked her seated neighbor. She clamped her mouth shut when she noticed the very foreboding aura surrounding the Chinese woman. She must have been still seething from the tape they watched.
Cammy...? Rose thought plaintively. You're in shit.
"Well, something like this is expected from the likes of you two," Vega nonchalantly joined Balrog and Adon.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Balrog growled.
"Well... you are both very ugly, so it isn't a surprise to see you act that way," Vega explained.
"... The fuck? Is he always like that?" Adon asked the boxer.
"Pretty much," Balrog shrugged. Hey, he couldn't do anything about it.
"Anyway!" Ken drawled, diverting attention back to the main stage.
"The reason we can't really fight back against the producers is because they made us eat food that had a special computer chip in it that relays...disturbing images, if we start becoming troublesome." Ibuki shivered.
"Mainly pictures of Bison and Honda in bikinis," Ken clarified, making all the other characters shiver just by the thought of it.
"What the hell!? I thought that was a dream!" El Fuerte yelled, getting weird looks from everyone.
"I didn't find it that disturbing," Bison stated.
"... I have no idea what your preferences are, but have you ever thought of how disgusting it is to see you in her bikini?" Makoto questioned, eyes narrowed.
"What was that child?" Bison asked with an evil grin.
"I said-"
"That's the end of the episode! Who will go after Ryu next? Will they get a date out of it? Will there be drama? Will there be suspense? Will there be-"
"You vote for it! And stay tuned! This is just the start!" Ibuki cut of Ken's rant. She ignored his death glare.
"On?" Ken prompted. He and Ibuki were both looking at Guy in anticipation.
"...*Sigh* Date that loser," the shinobi's dejected voice didn't score him any points.
God how did he get himself in this mess?
"YAY!" Ken and Ibuki cheered nonetheless.
"Until next time," Ibuki winked.
The stage faded to black.
If you don't see this message on other pages, then they're still WIP. Give me a break, guys, this was on of the earliest stories I wrote. And I wasn't that good at projecting humor before.
But! It's a whole different story now. This story hasn't been updated or maintained in a LONG time, but after reading some reviews, I felt I should give a little more effort. I saw a few votes for characters in later chapters, so I'll take that into consideration.
By the way, yes, I can have a very dirty mind at times. Lol!
On to the next page!