Author's Note: Well, when I finished my last epic, I hadn't intended on starting the new one quite so soon, but the muse had other ideas. Hope you enjoy this latest offering!

Chapter One

"Do you have your pajamas, Bubs?" JJ asked, looking through the suitcase that her six-year-old son had packed for his weekend with his dad and his dad's girlfriend, Cameron.

"I don't need them, Mama," Henry protested, searching through the toy box in the living room for his Batman action figure. "Daddy keeps pajamas at his house."

JJ nodded, absently. Despite the separation and subsequent divorce over the last eleven months, it still hadn't sunk in to her that Henry had a life completely independent of her with Will. A life that included a bedroom that JJ had never seen, his father's new girlfriend, who she had met briefly only a handful of times, and apparently, pajamas. As much as they pained her, it was still better than the bitterness that had settled in their marriage after her kidnapping due to her work with the State Department. She had promised that there would be no more secrets between the two of them, but it was a promise that she couldn't keep.

"Mama, I can't find Batman!" Henry whined.

"Did you check your backpack?" JJ questioned, her eyes twinkling.

Henry sighed, dramatically, before running off to check his backpack. He returned with it, triumphantly. "You always know where all the toys are. You're the best mama in the whole world."

She kissed the top of his head. "And don't you forget it." She smiled at him when the doorbell rang. "Looks like your dad's here."

"Daddy!" Henry squealed, throwing the door open. He leapt into Will's waiting arms.

"How are you, JJ?" Will asked in his New Orleans drawl.

She shrugged. "I can't really complain. And you? How's Cameron?"

Will blushed at the mention of his girlfriend's name. "Good, real good. And, no, she has not moved in yet."

Cameron's residency status was an on-going conversation between the two. JJ knew Will well enough to know that he was chomping at the bit to move in with Cameron, but was waiting for Cameron to decide when they should. JJ insisted on being informed as soon as they made the decision so that she and Will could come up with a game plan on how to tell Henry.

"You ready to go, buddy?" Will asked his son, who was hopping from one foot to the next. Henry nodded, enthusiastically. After a brief tug of war with his mother, Henry put on his winter coat instead of the spring jacket he had in his hand. March was still too early for jacket, even if it was decked out in Spiderman.

"Have lots of fun, Bubs," JJ told him, giving him a hug and kiss. "Be good for Daddy."

Henry nodded. "I will."

Will gave him an indulgent grin. "He always is. We'll be back after dinner on Sunday. See you then."

"Bye," JJ replied. She sighed as she closed the door before heading towards her office. She planned to spend the weekend working as she usually did. She was able to work out a deal with the BAU where she worked mostly out of the office at Quantico instead of out in the field, unless a case called for it. This freed up the rest of the time to work the more high profile cases as she handled more of the consulting ones and allowed her to retain primary custody of Henry. She also worked it out so that she was home every day by four for Henry in exchange for working extra hours over the weekend. As Will had Henry every weekend, that was no great hardship.


"Jack, come eat your pizza," Hotch ordered, gently.

"But, Dad, I want to show you my paper," Jack protested from the front door. He was furiously searching through his backpack.

Hotch bit back a sigh. It had been a long week. The team had only just returned from Baton Rouge that morning and he was immediately pulled into meetings to justify kicking the police chief off of the case. It seemed the chief had connections somewhere and despite testimony from both police officers under him and the city director over him agreeing with decision, answers were demanded. As thrilled as Hotch had been to see Jack, he was rapidly losing all energy and began to long for bedtime.

"We can look for it later," Hotch promised. He did sigh when Jack didn't stop his search. "Did you check the front pocket?"

"Yeah, it's not there," Jack replied.

Hotch drummed his fingers on the table. "What about in your suitcase? Is it possible that it got mixed up in there?"

Jack shook his head. "Aunt Jessica packed my suitcase and she didn't have my paper."

"Could it have fallen out in the car? Or left at Aunt Jessica's?"

"No," Jack drew out. He lit up suddenly. "I remember! I put it in my coat pocket so I wouldn't forget it." He ran to his coat and pulled out a piece of white paper. "Hey, Dad? How come you never know where I put anything like Aunt Jessica always knows?"

Hotch took a sip of his water, ignoring the tug on his heart. "I guess it's a mom thing."

Jack giggled as he settled back in his chair. "You're so funny, Dad."

"Yeah? Remember to tell your uncle Dave that," he mumbled. Hotch watched as Jack took a few bites of pizza. "So, what's so important about this piece of paper?"

"It's the results of my scientific experiment," Jack announced proudly.

Hotch fought to keep the smirk from his face. "What scientific experiment?"

Jack breathed out, slowly. "Okay, it's not really my experiment, but I helped Sam with his." Sam was Jessica's oldest best friend. "He has to do one for school. So did Mikey, but he did his with fruit."

"What did Sam do his on?" Hotch asked, patiently.

"Blood," Jack glanced around, unsure, "types. Blood types. Yeah. He stabbed my finger to get the blood." Jack held up his finger to show Hotch the band-aid.

Hotch frowned. "Did Aunt Jessica know about this?"

Grimacing, Jack shook his head. "Aunt Jessica wasn't home when we did it. We're not in trouble, are we, Dad?"

"No," Hotch told him, "but next time get Aunt Jessica's permission before you do any experiments, okay?"

"Okay," he agreed. His face screwed up as he tried to remember everything that had been done in the experiment. "Sam put my blood on some paper and then he did something else and then he told me my blood type."

Hotch grinned. "And what is your blood type?"

Jack thrust the paper at his dad. "It's 'A', see?"

"I see," Hotch replied as his insides turned cold. The paper contained a photo copy of the blood test kit. If it was accurate as Jack maintained, his blood type was indeed 'A'. The only problem was that Haley's blood type had been 'O' as was his own. If Jack was an 'A', then he couldn't possibly be their son.