Bella ran.

She ran until she reached their meadow and stopped by the creek, placing Edward on the sand. Stepping back, she studied him, waiting for some sign of life.

He lay still. His heart silent. His chest motionless.

Without normal human attributes, it was impossible to decipher the severity of his condition. Bella sank to the ground for a closer inspection. Edward's neck had been torn along the seam of his original injury. Tiny fractures webbed from the healing crack. She skimmed her fingers over the fissures and along his jaw, half expecting him to flinch or open his eyes.

He didn't move. He didn't even breathe.

Bella wondered if he'd always been so pale.


She cleared her mind and searched for his thoughts. If he were locked inside his head, he'd be thinking of her.


"Come back to me, please."

Careful not to injure him further, Bella pulled Edward onto her lap. He was hard as stone, yet his broken body appeared fragile. She ducked her head and brushed her lips across his neck. The cloying scent of his raw flesh caused a surge of venom to fill her mouth. Instinctively she parted her lips and swept her tongue over Edward's wounds. She didn't know if it would help, but she didn't know what else to do.

Becoming a vampire had left her feeling powerful. Invincible. Now all she felt was helpless. She didn't know how to help Edward, and there was nothing she could have done to save her father.

Charlie's fate would have played out by now. Bella didn't know if Carlisle was successful in healing him.

Or changing him.

Bella understood the impossibility of the situation. She wouldn't allow her hopes to rise. She knew what they'd find when they returned to the house.

Then a terrifying thought struck her: What if she had to return to the house on her own?

Bella pulled Edward closer, rocking as she cradled him in her arms.

"Don't leave me here alone."

Time slowed as she held him on the forest floor. The only sounds surrounding them were that of the bubbling creek and the breeze rustling through the trees. No animals foraged for food in the underbrush. No birds sang from the treetops.

There was no warning before Edward awoke. His eyes flew open, and he gasped as air filled his lungs. He flew from Bella's lap, swiveling in midair and landing in a crouch, a defensive growl on his lips. It would have been intimidating if it weren't for the way he swayed. He placed one hand on the ground to steady himself.

Recognition crossed his face as he stared at Bella. A smile formed at the corners of his lips, and then his expression turned solemn.

"Is this Heaven?"

Bella laughed to cover her sob. "No, dummy. We're alive!"

She flung herself forward and wrapped her arms around him. Edward collapsed against her.

"It's over?"

Bella nodded against his shoulder.

"My family?"

"They're okay. They're back at the house."

Edward struggled to make sense of the events that occurred. Everything had happened so fast: Bella leaving, his family fighting with each other…

"Your dad?"

Bella didn't answer.

Edward wished he had the strength to hold her tighter.


Edward was content staying in the meadow all day and night if it meant being close to Bella, but sooner or later they had to return to the house. Bella was the first to pull away.

"Let's go back. They're probably worried about you. We can hunt on the way."

Edward didn't need to ask for help. Bella shared her kills with him until he had enough strength to hunt on his own. He gorged on blood until his eyes were light gold and he was too full to take another drink.

They spent the walk back to the house in silence. Edward followed a few paces behind, lost in thought. He'd come so close to losing her. So close to losing everything. Now that the immediate threat was gone, he wondered where it left their relationship. He wasn't naïve. What they shared the previous night wouldn't have happened had there not been a threat to their lives. What he didn't know was whether they would pick up where they left off.

Edward wanted to ask, but every time he opened his mouth, no words came out. He was embarrassed and afraid of rejection. He wanted Bella to spare him the awkwardness and tell him what she wanted. He called to her in his mind, pleaded with her to put him out of his misery, but she didn't acknowledge him.

As they reached the clearing around the house, Alice came to meet them.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" she said as she gave Edward a gentle hug. "I was so worried."

Edward didn't miss the way her eyes darted to Bella. He didn't like the suspicion he saw there.

"What's wrong?"

Alice shook her head. Edward glanced at Bella. She looked at him with concern, having noticed Alice's strange behavior as well. If it was about Charlie, she wasn't ready to hear it.

"Tell me, Alice," Edward said.

"I've been able to see your future for a while now. I thought Bella left. Everyone worried about what you'd do, but I could see you coming home."

"I would never have left him out there," Bella said in defense.

"We didn't think so, but it was the only logical explanation."

"You can see my future?" Edward asked. "How is that possible?"

"I don't know. Bella must not be blocking you anymore."

For the first time since Edward regained consciousness, Bella noticed the silence. She'd not heard his thoughts once, nor was she actively blocking him.

"I can't hear your thoughts," Bella said. "Try to read my mind."

Edward focused on her, attempting to pick up on her mental voice as he'd so often done before. Bella felt nothing.

"Can you hear me? Any of us?" Alice asked him.

"No." Edward thought back to the fight, to the final moments before Theodoros beheaded him. He'd wanted Edward because he was a mind reader. No—he'd wanted to be a mind reader. "It was him. Theodoros. He must have taken it from me. That's why he wanted you." He looked to Bella. "He was going to kill you so he could have your powers. He didn't even know what they were." Edward fought back the rage he'd felt earlier in the day. The nomad would have taken everything from him.

"He tried to read my mind," Bella said. "I could feel it. And then…" She looked at her hands. Phantom sparks still crackled through her fingers. Edward had once told her that he'd killed to protect his family. At the time it upset her, but now she understood. Killing Charmion had been easy. There was no guilt attached to ripping off her head. She hadn't even hesitated. "Once he died, everything was gone."

"And if he took your power…" Alice added.

Edward understood what they were saying, but he had a hard time believing his telepathy was gone for good.


As the three vampires made their way to the house, Jasper intercepted them. He placed his hand on Bella's shoulder, stopping her before she could proceed.

"You should probably stay outside. We did our best to clean up the blood, but whenever a human is in an enclosed space, especially with a fresh would, things can get a little potent."

Bella stared at Jasper in disbelief. She must have misunderstood. Carlisle said it was too late. She had convinced herself he was humoring her demands. But even as she told herself Jasper must be mistaken, she heard the labored rhythm of Charlie's heart drifting from the house.

"My dad's alive?"

"It was close, but Carlisle didn't give up. Charlie had a rough couple of hours; I'm sure you can imagine. He's resting now."

"I need to see him." Bella started for the door. Edward took her by the elbow.


"I'll be okay," she insisted. "I know what bloodlust feels like, and thinking he died because of me is a thousand times more painful. I can handle it."

Edward slid his hand down to hers. He gestured to the door. Jasper sighed before stepping aside.

The sound of Charlie's heart led them down the hallway and to the master bedroom. Bella clutched the doorknob and took a shaky breath.

"You don't have to do this," Edward said.

"Yes, I do."

Bella opened the door. Edward squeezed her hand as they entered the bedroom. In the center of the king size bed, Charlie slept peacefully. The blankets were twisted and crumpled—a sure sign of the suffering he'd experienced. Bella remembered the agony of venom all too well.

She let out her breath and inhaled slowly. Pain seared her throat, but she felt no urge to attack. Edward wrapped his free arm around her waist and hugged her close.

"You're doing well. I shouldn't be surprised."

"This is all my fault. You were right. He was better off thinking I disappeared. If I'd gone to Alaska like everyone wanted… if I didn't insist on keeping in contact…"

"Stop," Edward whispered. "He's safe now."

"But for how long?"

Charlie stirred. The vampires quieted, but it was too late. Their voices had already woken him from his slumber. "Bella?" He tried to sit, but pain shot through his body. He winced as his head fell onto the pillow. "Bella, is that you?"

"I'm here, Dad." She approached the bed. Edward reluctantly dropped her hand. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I went on a date with a firing squad." Charlie reached for her. Bella looked over her shoulder, waiting for some sign of what she should do. Edward stared back, hands shoved in his pockets. He looked exactly how he felt—like he was intruding on a moment that should only be shared between the two of them. Bella turned back to her father and placed her hand in his.

Charlie opened his mouth to speak, but he froze once he squeezed her hand. He applied more pressure, observing how the tissue, which had once been soft and forgiving beneath his touch, refused to yield. Bella held her breath, waiting for shock or disgust to kick in. Charlie's throat bobbed as he swallowed, and then he tucked her hand against his chest. His heart pumped wildly against her palm.

"I don't want to know what happened, do I?" he asked.

Bella smiled in relief.

"Trust me," she said. "You don't."

Charlie looked past her, to where Edward stood in the corner. Even after everything he'd been through, he refused to fear the boy—the vampire—who'd stolen his daughter away.

"You taking care of her?"

Edward thought about his answer. He'd promised to protect her, but after everything that had transpired, he didn't feel he was doing a very good job.

"I believe it's more accurate to say she's taking care of me."

"Humph." Charlie laid his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes. "Some things never change."


When Charlie slipped in and out of consciousness, Edward guided Bella from the room. He could tell by her infrequent breaths and stiff posture that being around a human was taking its toll.

"Let's take a break. Get some fresh air."

They stepped onto the porch. The crisp night air came as a relief, and Bella sucked it deep into her lungs. "Where is everyone?" she asked.

"Giving us privacy." Edward gave a general nod to the woods surrounding the house.

Bella gazed into the trees. She didn't see or hear anyone. "How can you tell?"

"Because I've been on that side before. They'll come back later."

The stress of the day was catching up to Bella—the not knowing, the helplessness, the fear and anger and guilt. A sob built in her chest. "Is it really over?"

Edward wasted no time pulling her into his arms. He crushed her against his chest with all his strength, knowing there was no chance of harming her in his weakened state. It was as much for his own comfort as for hers.

"I can't believe we're still here," he said. "You saved us."

Bella shook her head. "I couldn't have done it alone."

"If you hadn't chased off Charmion, Theodoros would have killed us all. She was breaking our bonds. Without you…" Edward suppressed a shudder. "I can't believe Alice never saw her coming."

"She did." Bella stepped back, forcing Edward to release her. His face clouded with confusion. "Alice saw Charmion, but she didn't know what it meant. I guess my involvement obstructed her vision. She even drew her."

"You saw it?"

Bella nodded.

"Show me." Edward started for the door.

"But it's in her room!"

"So?" He said it like privacy was a silly concept, and for the skill he used to have, she supposed it was.

Bella followed him to Alice and Jasper's room. Once inside, Edward looked at her expectantly. She crossed the room to the small desk. Haphazard piles of loose papers, colored pencils, and graphite sticks were strewn across the surface. Bella flipped through the collection of drawings on the corner.

"Here it is."

As she slipped the drawing from the stack, another slid out and drifted to the floor. The colorful sketch against the stark white paper captured Edward's attention, and he bent to pick it up, the picture of Charmion forgotten.

"What is it?" Bella tugged on his arm for a closer look. On the page, a couple stood in a loose embrace. His chin rested on the top of her head, her cheek against his chest. Their eyes, both a brilliant shade of gold, stared forward. The detail was perfect, as though the background had been cropped out of a photograph. The subjects were unmistakable. "I thought Alice couldn't see my future."

Edward couldn't take his eyes off the drawing. He didn't think he could bring himself to return it to the desk. It embodied everything he wanted them to be. The emotions behind their faces felt so real, and maybe if he threw logic out the window, he could believe this really had been one of Alice's visions. She wouldn't mind if he kept it. Besides, one day it would be nothing more than a pile of dust.

"It's not a vision," he said. "It's wishful thinking."


"How does it feel, being the world's only vampire to get killed twice?" Jasper asked.

Edward's fist thudded against Jasper's shoulder in a weak attempt at a punch. "I feel fine," he lied.

"Are you sure about that?" Emmett teased. "You look like something the cat chewed up and spit out before dragging in."

"I think he looks good, all things considered." Rosalie gave Edward a giant hug, an unusual show of affection for the two of them. "I'm glad you're okay," she whispered in his ear. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier."

"Don't be. It was out of your control."

"I know, but I still feel bad. We all do." She stepped back, looking him up and down. "Is it true? Your gift is gone?"

Edward's eyes scanned the surrounding forest. Bella would be far enough away by now, and still—nothing. He had spent years resenting his ability. Good or bad, it affected every aspect of his life. It was as a part of him; it defined him. He wished for it to be gone, knowing the benefits that would be forfeited. Now, as he stood among his family with Bella nowhere to be seen, the silence was surreal.

He took a deep breath, preparing to confirm what his mind had yet to accept.

"It's gone."

"Are you happy?" Esme asked.

Edward thought about Bella, and whether he could ever be happy in life without her.

"Yeah," he said. "I think so."

"He's happy," Jasper said. "He's just too busy processing everything to realize it."

Edward shot him a dirty look.

"Jasper, be nice." Rosalie spoke sternly, but playfulness danced behind her eyes. "It must be hard for him to be a plain, old, boring vampire after all these years. Don't rub it in with your ability."

"You're lucky I don't have the strength to hit you too," Edward threatened.

"You won't hit me, because you know I'll hit back."

"Bella would kick your ass when she gets home!" Emmett laughed.

Rosalie's mouth dropped open. "And you'd let her?"

"I ain't messing with no newborn, babe. You're on your own with that one."

Edward's smile faltered.

"She would, you know," Jasper said, picking up on his brother's apprehension. "I think deep down she's protective of you."

Edward shook his head and opened his mouth to argue.

"She took you out of my arms and ran away with you," Alice interjected.

The information took Edward by surprise. "She did?"

"Yes. She didn't ask, she didn't hesitate. I'm certain she'd defend you against Rosalie."

Edward smiled again as he let that knowledge sink in. He'd given little thought to how he ended up alone in the woods with Bella, only that she didn't want to be near the house while Carlisle worked on Charlie. He looked toward the tree line again. "I wish they'd come back."

"Give them some time," Esme said. "You know how hard these things are for Carlisle. He needed the escape. They'll come home soon."

Edward understood better than anyone. Tasting human blood was taxing—physically and emotionally. The only time he'd ever seen Carlisle frayed was after he'd changed someone. Healing Charlie had been no exception. He hated letting Bella go, but he could tell she wanted to talk to Carlisle in private, and their separation was the perfect opportunity to test his gift.

Jasper placed his hand on Edward's shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. "You should hunt."

"I'll hunt with Bella."

Wanting to be alone, Edward retreated to his room, unprepared for the scene before him. Rumpled sheets and tattered remnants of clothing served as evidence of the night before. He approached the bed and smoothed the wrinkly sheet with one hand.

Her bed, her bedroom, she'd once said. For the first time, it felt that way. Her scent surrounded him. He couldn't imagine having the room to himself, without her in it.

Edward removed Alice's drawing from his back pocket and flopped on the bed. He unfolded it and flatted the creases, taking one last look before letting it slip from his hand and onto the floor. He closed his eyes and lay back, waiting until he could see her face once again.


"Thank you so, so much," Bella said, not for the first time. "I owe you. I don't how I'll repay you, but I will."

"You aren't indebted to me, Bella." Carlisle grabbed hold of a low hanging branch in their path and pulled it out of the way, allowing Bella to pass. She ducked beneath it and waited on the other side for Carlisle to join her. "You're family now. We help and protect one another. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have lived to see another day. I did it because it was important to you. It was the least I could do. I'm glad I'd assumed wrong. There's still so much we don't know about the effects of venom on the human body."

Bella recalled how she and Edward had found Carlisle in his study, hunched over the desk, head in his hands. Tension radiated from his body. He jumped when Edward asked if he was all right. As she watched them talk, she was fascinated by the reversal of their roles. Carlisle had always been calm and collected. Even when he and Edward had fought, Carlisle emitted an air of authority. It was strange, seeing the way Edward consoled him as though it were second nature.

"I know it wasn't easy for you," she said.

"Being a vampire isn't always easy. Our heads and our desires don't always agree. And neither do our hearts." Carlisle gave her a knowing smile. "Despite the circumstances that brought you here, I'm glad you are. Wherever you and Edward take your relationship is up to you, but thank you for choosing us."

When they returned to the house, Bella thanked Carlisle once again. She returned to the room where Charlie slept and stopped outside the door. His breaths were slow and even. She smiled to herself, knowing he would be okay. Tomorrow he would be on his way home, good as new. They'd be able to see each other now that she knew she was strong enough to be around him. Maybe she'd even be able to hug him before he left.

Bella continued up the stairs. The door to Edward's room was ajar, and she pushed it open. He lay on the bed, eyes closed, hands clasped behind his head.

"What are you doing?" Bella approached the bed. She picked up Alice's drawing from the floor before sitting on the edge.

Edward sat up and scooted closer, propping himself on one arm. "Waiting for you." He watched her face as she inspected the drawing of the happy couple. What he wouldn't do to kiss her at that moment, to take her in his arms. But he didn't want to overstep any boundaries. Memories of last night would have to be enough until he figured out where they stood.

Bella peered at him out of the corner of her eye. "Why are you smiling?"

Edward pursed his lips as he thought of what to say. He gestured to the sketch in her hand. "When you first saw that, you thought it was our future."

"Right." Bella frowned in confusion.

"You wouldn't have made that assumption if you didn't think it would happen."

Edward was right. Her first conclusion was that Alice had seen a glimpse of their future. She accepted it without question. Without argument. Without apprehension. Forever was a long time, but deep inside, she knew she would spend it by Edward's side. A weight lifted from her chest as she acknowledged it, and the anxiety about her future dissipated.

Edward leaned closer and nudged her cheek with his nose. Bella giggled as he nipped at her jaw. The sound warmed what was left of his heart. He pulled the drawing from her hand and tossed it on the floor before pulling her down next to him on the bed. Their arms wound around each other, and he breathed in her scent.

Bella tilted her head to look at him. Bruises marred the otherwise perfect skin beneath his coal-black eyes. "Do you want to hunt?"

"No," he said. "I have you in my arms again. I'm not moving from this spot. We have plenty of time to hunt."

"Forever," she murmured.

"That sounds right to me." Edward placed his hand on Bella's cheek. "Do you remember when you asked me which I wanted more, you or the silence?"

Bella nodded against his shoulder.

"I guess I get both after all."

Edward closed his eyes and pressed his lips against hers. Bella welcomed the kiss, and he knew it was just the beginning of their small but perfect piece of forever.

The End





First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who joined me for this story. Thank you for reading, reviewing, and messaging me on Twitter and Facebook. Your support means the world to me.

Hobo, Joo, KB, and Liv (in alphabetical order because I love them equally)—you guys are awesome. Thanks for everything.

And a very special shout-out to jeaboo1. May you never move.

When I finished HERE IN THE GARDEN OF SIN almost 4 years ago (zomg where does the time go?), there was so much of these characters and their world that I wanted to explore, but I didn't know where to begin. I decided to write this sequel not knowing if anyone would read it or even care, but you guys came back for more torture. I hope you enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If you'd like a PDF or ebook copy, please visit my site: gardenofsin dot net. Look for the download page. Clicky link is on my profile. If there are going to be copies floating around on the Internet, I'd rather them be the pretty copies I made. NOW WITH LESS ERRORS!

Next on the agenda is the riveting conclusion of ADORE, ADORE. No, I haven't abandoned it. It was pulled from FFn, but you can find it on AO3 and FP. Again, clicky links on my profile. After that I'll be working on VELVET BEACH, an angsty HS fic, because doesn't that sound fun?!

If you aren't already, follow me on Twitter: o_oza and jillaineleigh

Until next time...