Author's Note: It's only 8:30am and I've had the biggest candy overload. Anyway, while I don't have a Valentine, the day is wonderful! I did the morning announcements and learned some stuff I already knew about the day, but it was fun relearning. Just a bit of info on the day, in the American culture. St. Valentine is the patron Saint of Love. He was martyred for marrying Christian couples. On the eve of his execution, legend has it that he healed the eyes of his jailer's daughter and before he died, he left a note to her saying, "Fare well, from your Valentine." That's just a bit of info about the day, I guess! You don't have to pay any mind! Anyway, here we go with the next chapter, starts off with Asami and Akihito, ends with my favorite character, Feilong! And if I didn't mention before, this is a FeilongxOC Pairing. He's paired with my OC if you're curious about his bio, there's a link on my page.
"Fine dining?" Takaba asked, as he began tampering with the suit Asami had somehow forced him in. "We can't just go somewhere normal…"
Asami stood, fixing himself in the mirror, straightening his tie and buttoning his jacket. His hair was still wet, due to the fact that he'd just stepped out of the shower. It was appropriate to say that the two had another tiny 'celebration', after Takaba returned home and discovered his gifts. That action resulted in both men taking showers.
"I have a feeling that your normal…and my normal are two different things."
"Yeah…I guess." Takaba joined him in the mirror.
"You like nice in a suit." Asami spoke, looking down at him. "It fits you."
"And you look nice in everything you wear…by the way, why are we going fine dining?"
"It's not necessarily 'fine dining'. It's an expensive restaurant in Shinjuku." He sighed. "You were the one who assumed that it was, 'fine dining'."
Takaba scowled. "I just hate the fact that you spend so much money on me. These gifts….dinner, Asami it makes me feel guilty because I just, I can't repay you."
Asami sighed, and placed his hand on Takaba's hair, ruffling it softly, he spoke. "Your presence here is more than enough for me."
It wasn't like Feilong was an ally with Asami, but during this time of neutrality, trades routes had to be made. Inevitably, Feilong found himself in Japan, during quite a festive time of the year. Valentine's Day, people called it, and even in the private meeting room he and Asami had found themselves in, he could still see how decorative Shinjuku was, being indulged in the day's spirit.
He presently stood, looking out of the window with his arms crossed. Asami sat at the table, glaring at him.
"People tend to be in great spirits today, here in Tokyo." He spoke, not too loud.
"It's Valentine's Day." Asami coldly replied. "Do you know anything about it?"
Taking offense to it, Feilong turned around. "Yes Asami, I do in fact know about this day. It's national." He sighed. "It's just surprising to see people so worked up about it."
"Well it would be 'surprising' someone as shallow as you." Asami stood up, disregarding the fact that his commented has offended Feilong. The Chinese man sighed, and turned back around to face the window. He cringed as he felt Asami standing directly behind him, breathing down his neck.
"Are you doing anything special for Akihito?" He asked, trying to change the subject.
"That's none of your business." Asami's tone turned dark. "Why do you ask?"
"Because I care. It would be a shame if you went through all the trouble to capture Takaba, and then you won't even acknowledge him on a day like this, when he needs you_"
Asami roughly took hold of Feilong's arm and turned him around. He had some kind of smirk on his face—not a welcoming one at all.
"It amuses me, how much you love to talk yet you don't know anything about love, or relationships. If you did, then perhaps your brother would not have tried to kill you, and that sick father of yours would still be alive."
Feilong's eyes opened wide. "How dare you_'
"I don't know what you were thinking, meeting me here. Are you really that desperate to get laid that you've come begging to me on your knees? You really are China's slut, aren't you? I almost pity you, knowing that you'll never know love neither will you have any kind of healthy relationship." He scowled. "Leave Takaba out of this because if you lay another finger on him, I'll kill you before you have a chance to run back to China with your tail between your legs."
"You are shallow, dead, incapable of love so don't try to lecture me about it, someone like you doesn't deserve love, you don't even deserve to live."
There was silence as Asami released Feilong's arm and dusted his hand off. "You're disgusting, I don't want to contaminate myself touching something like you. Good bye, this meeting is over."
With a heavy heart, Feilong walked down the streets of Shinjuku.
He was a sensitive man and Asami knew that, that's why he said the things he did, because he knew they would easily affect Feilong. He had been that way since a young age, sensitive and guidable. Because of those qualities, he had become very emotionally unstable.
He knew that he had done terrible things in the past, but did he really deserve to be called all those things Asami had referred to him as? He tried to make up for his flaws, he tried to seek redemption but it was hard when the people he loved, when the people he cared about kept leaving him.
His brother had not only left him, but wanted to rape him.
His father died.
His biological father died and tried to kill him.
Asami left him and loathed him.
Takaba left him and was afraid of him.
And for the man he wished he could call his husband…Well, he was in a yearlong coma and vanished just days after he woke up, leaving Feilong for good.
Here in Japan, he was alone, with no one. He would've even enjoyed Tao's company, though the boy could be somewhat annoying at times. He still loved Feilong and made that known, and that was what counted…what made Feilong happy.
Happy…well that was something he wasn't very used to, even with Tao's company. Feilong always had an issue with something or someone. Many times, he'd try to gain happiness, at the expenseof someone else—Takaba being the main one and he did in fact feel guilty about it.
However, during that whole ordeal he wasn't happy, he was very far from being happy. And afterwards, after Asami had ridiculed him and rescued Takaba, he was left to pick up the pieces of his shattered emotions. Some pieces still weren't completely glued together and he had no one else to blame for that whole situation, but himself.
If Takaba was light then, it appeared that Feilong was darkness—at least that's what Asami believed. And in a way, maybe Asami was right. When he compared himself to Akihito, they had many differences. Asami was attracted to Takaba because of his spirit, his wit, his life. During the time Feilong and Asami had some kind of relationship.
Feilong was mellow, distant, untrusting, dark, shallow, complicated, everything Takaba wasn't. He didn't like the idea of comparing himself to someone he either loathed and or was jealous of but, it was hard not to, especially on a day like this.
Everyone was hand in hand, walking happily down the streets.
Fielong felt out of place, as if he didn't belong. Love was something that…just didn't fit him. He tried to make it work, countless times, yet all his efforts just shattered in his face like shards of broken glass.
"What is someone as pretty as you doing here all by yourself?" The voice of a drunkard came from behind Feilong, carrying the scent of alcohol and smoke with it. The strange man placed his hand of Feilong's shoulder and lightly squeezed.
Reacting quickly Feilong turned and glared angrily at the man. "Unhand me, you scum." He spat.
The man, obviously intoxicated removed his hand and chuckled lightly. "How rude." He breathed softly, nearing towards Feilong's face. "I may be a stranger, but you seem rather lonely tonight. Isn't that why you're drinking, all alone? Perhaps we can go to my home and spend time together. Someone as pretty as you should be used to that_"
Feilong stood and angrily took hold of his wine glass. With a swift movement, he tossed the red liquid on the man before him. "You are scum, someone like you shouldn't" He paused, not sure whether to continue or not. He remembered how Asami's words had affected him, and as much as he disliked this man, he didn't want him to feel the same way.
"Good bye.." Feilong breathed softly as he turned around and left the bar. Initially, he went there to make himself feel better, but it just seemed all the worse.
Shinjuku was beautiful at night.
The buildings were brightly lit, and lamp posts gleamed in the moonlight, like some type of fantasy world. Despite the things that happened to him previously that day, just seeing everything the way it was, decorated and gleaming made Feilong happy.
He walked quietly by a restaurant that had calm music playing around it. He hadn't focused on it that much but the vast amount of people occupying the space caused him to pause and stare through the window. Obviously, wealthy people resided in there, as they ate together wearing their suits and ordering from the exclusive menu.
As elegant as Feilong was, he disliked being in areas where wealthy people occupied. He just didn't feel like he belonged-like he didn't in many places. The space wealthy people occupied tended to be filled with the air of greed. He just didn't like it, it seemed...
He lost his trail of thought as he stared through the glass window. He noticed two people, sitting at a table, not to close to the window. Both dressed, both happy with smiles on their faces...both in love.
A young photographer and an influential business man. Both from different backgrounds yet...they loved each other just the same. Light and dark, still produced something beautiful...something that Fielong could never have.
Feeling his heart drop, he turned away and left Shinjuku square.
Feilong never trusted staying in hotels.
Years ago he had bought a nice home in Japan to stay in whenever he ventured there for long visits. That night, he entered his home feeling like trash. He didn't wish to be pestered any longer, he only wanted to go home and go to bed. He'd head back to China in the morning.
When he reached the front door, he placed his hand on the doorknob and instinctively, twisted it. He was surprised when he discovered it was unlocked-he was usually on point when it came to locking his doors so he only assumed that someone else was in the house.
Opening the door, he took his gun from his holster and entered the living room. The lights were on, something else that Feilong would've made sure to turn off and in addition, he heard someone in the kitchen.
Slowly and quietly, he crept into the kitchen, making sure not to make a sound. When finally, most of the area was clear to him, he realized that there was in fact someone in his kitchen, with a large white coat and his back turned. He was occupying the dining table.
Feilong extended his arm and placed his finger on the gun's trigger. "Turn around." He ordered. The man stopped abruptly letting his hands fall to his side and sighed. From what Feilong could see of his back view, he had grey shaggy hair, unkempt and well...the man himself look disoriented.
"Turn around!" Feilong ordered again. "Or I'll shoot you. I've had a shitty day, don't push make my mood worse than it already is."
"Fine." The man slowly sighed. He turned around and faced Feilong, causing the Chinese man to drop his gun instantly. Feilong's eyes widened as his heart began to pump faster and faster.
"You came back?" He asked, breathlessly. "F..for me?"
"Well...we are married right?" He smiled, moving his grey bangs out of his face, revealing his calm hazel eyes.
"You've been gone for a year!" Feilong spat. "I thought you left me!"
"Me? Leave you? I'm sorry…but you have a bit too many emotional problems for me to pack up and_"
"You were gone for a year, Ryuisuke! You just left…you didn't say a thing! Right after you woke from your coma you decided to leave. For a while…I...I thought you were angry because of the incident with Takaba and your brother, and well…I thought…" Feilong became nervous, shaky even. He trailed off, tripping over his words and making wild gestures.
Ryuisuke, only smiled and walked towards him.
"Originally I told you I was going to be gone for six months for research. Remember, I was leading a team of other Bio-chemist and we were faced with some legal issues dealing with the handling of chemicals and organic goods. Believe it or not, to sort all of that out and to return to Japan, with the research and chemicals I intended to retrieve in the first place, took roughly six more months. I know I should've called you, but in the area we were in security was high, they didn't trust us and personally I believe we were imprisoned for a while without them actually calling it 'prison'. Smart people they are in Russia." He laughed for a while, but sighed when he saw the look on Feilong's face.
"I know I'm probably the world's worst husband...but…I didn't forget about you_" He quickly turned around and rushed back to the table taking something from it. "Happy Valentine's Day." He held a bouquet of red roses as he towered over Feilong with that calm smile on his face.
Feilong stared, looking at his husband for the first time in months. He was still dressed like a doctor, with his button blouse and terribly colored tie. He wore his grey slacks and green sweater vest with brown dress shoes. He was just as goofy was he was the day he left Feilong.
"I'm sorry…" Ryuisuke spoke again, realizing that Feilong was just staring. "I_"
Feilong put his arms around Ryuisuke and held him a tight embrace. Ryuisuke stumbled back, somewhat surprised by the taller man's strength but he gladly hugged him back.
"Thank you for coming back…"
"Why wouldn't I? I love you, you know that! Did something else happen to unsettle you, you seem a bit distraught." He frowned.
Feilong stepped back, and wiped some tears from his eyes. He shook his head before taking his roses. "I'm fine, really I am. Thank you." He sighed. "But I didn't get anything for you."
"Oh that's fine."
"No it's not. What do you want?"
Ryuisuke rolled his eyes. "If you're going to insist then…can we go somewhere to eat? Maybe to get…I don't know…Ice Cream? Don't worry, I'll pay regardless."
Feilong crossed his arms. "It's my treat? What's the point of us going out to eat if you're buying the food?"
"Well I mean, it'll make up for being the world's worst husband_"
"I have more money_"
"Money doesn't matter tonight, I'm supposed to_"
"Feilong." A silent pause. "Fine, we'll discuss it when we get there."
"It doesn't matter, I always end up winning our disputes anyway." Feilong spat.
Ryuisuke frowned and rolled his eyes as he followed Feilong out of the door. "I can't argue with you on that one."
So Feilong may not have been 'perfect', in Asami's eyes and the eyes of many others at that. However, he was perfect in the eyes of the one he loved, and that was really all that mattered.
The End.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Hope you liked it because I did! Feilong is of course my favorite character! So please review, tell me what you think. I know it was confusing, but I kind of have a relationship in my head between Ryuisuke and Feilong and I just chose to execute it in this story!
So, it's five minutes 'till midnight, five minutes till Valentine's Day is over, so let me hurry up and post this! Like always, I don't own the Finder Series!