Summary: Asami is a very tired and busy business man, so what is the likelihood of him even celebrating Valentines day let alone, acknowledging Akihito...getting him something? As always, the Crime Lord knows how to over do it and prove Takaba wrong.
Author's Note: Letting up on the angst for just a while longer, I mean even I get tired of writing it sometimes. Oh yeah! I've been gone for a while because I've just about now hit a massive, writer's block for the Finder Series and I think/hope writing this two-three chapter drabble will fix that. This story is actually two chapters, perhaps three depending on how I feel at the end, and the first chapter is of course centered around Takaba and Asami, the next chapter will be centered around Feilong and my OC Ryuisuke so...if you want to know about him there's a link on my page leading to his bio. Third chapter has to deal with another character that I think is overlooked, but it's a secret! So that being said, hope you enjoy this...and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Takaba assumed the equivilant to Valentine's day in America, was perhaps White Day in Japan. The two were months apart, but they were somewhat simliar.
However, after spending four years at an American University, Takaba became more accustomed to, 'Valentine's Day'. Despite being Japanese, the world Valentine, just seemed a bit more romantic, it held so much more meaning than just...White Day in which, he didn't t expect to get anything.
Regardless, White Day or Valentine's Day, came around every year, Valentine's Day more specifically, Febuaray 14th, and with it, brought a craze the entered even the deepest pits of modern day society. People would run around like headless chickens either trying to get something for the one they loved, or receive something from them. The day was meant to be a joyous one Takaba supposed, as he remembered how hardcore students were about it in highschool, chasing each other around like wild cats to prey.
Romantic, Funny, Happy were some words used to describe the day. However, those words would imply that one actually had a date, had 'sweet heart'. That their Valentine's Day would be filled with chocolates, roses, kisses...
The more Takaba actually thought about it, the bolder it seemed for him to actually assume, that he and Asami were well...a couple, that Asami loved him. It was sad, any way he looked at it, but Asami was just out of his reach despite their current living situation. While Takaba may have loved Asami he was pretty sure that the business man held no mutual feelings. Only foul play it seemed like, Takaba was a sad excuse for a stress reliever.
"A Valentines Day shoot?" Takaba stood in the room next to Momohara Ai-san. It was decorated with hearts all around, giant bears and roses scattered about the floor. Against the wall was a heart shaped chair with fluffy pillows.
"Yes! It's wonderful isn't it...just cute!" She beamed as she spun around, nearly toppling over her tall heels. She realized that Takaba was feeding off of her enthusiasm and frowned. "I hope I didn't disturb you Takaba, you're just the only person I knew who was flexible enough to come to my home to take this photo shoot!"
Takaba itched his head. ", I'm not busy, honestly!" And he wasn't, it wasn't like he had anything special planned for that day. Asami certainly hadn't led up to it. "By the way...this photoshoot isn't with any publishers...what exactly is it for? Your magazine_"
"A card." Ai-san replied. "A Valentine's Day card for my sweetheart!"
Takaba began fixing the film on his camera, getting it prepared for him to snap pictures. At that time, he wasn't aware that Ai-san was in a relationship with anyone. It was surprising, that she could keep it a secret but he supposed she did it for good reason. Paparazzi's wouldn't leave the poor man she was with alone.
"And, if I may ask, who is your_"
"Onada Mitsugo!" There was the obvious look of distress in Takaba's eyes, Ai-san took note of this.
"I thought he died in a lake? Didn't someone shoot and drown him?" Didn't Asami shoot him and throw him in a lake?
"They shot him and threw him in a lake to drown...I just had other plans_"
"Ai-san, you do know he tried to stalk_"
"He's in an asylum now Takaba. I put him in there for safety and because he's insane." She sighed and turned away. Frowning, she crossed her arms and began to slowly pace. "I know he tried to stalk me and he couldn't hurt me, but he loved me even if it was to the point of obsession. The fact that I was able to impact someone's life so much to that point, meant a lot to me even if it was...well...bad."
She smiled and turned to face Takaba. " Love comes in all shapes and sizes and it took a while for me to understand that. Mitsugo had some problems growing up, he was abused and well, people look up to celebs you know. I guess since he didn't have a childhood role model, he looked up to me and seemed selfish to throw that respect away." She took a deep breath and made way to the chair on the set. "Point blank, love may start off as something negative or even hurtful in the beginning, but whatever action occurred in the first place, occurred for a reason and," She smiled. "No matter how much you want to deny it, love is love, no matter how it's formed or how it came to be!"
For once in her life, it seemed to Takaba, that Ai-san had spoken about something other than makeup materials or beauty supply. She had said something meaningful and surprisingly, something that Takaba could make use of, something he could relate to. Though he didn't want to ponder on their similarities for too long, it appeared the two were in the same situation—somewhat. Ai-san was just a bit more willing to get her story out there, and it seemed a bit like she was the controlling factor.
But still…Ai-san loved Mitsugo and Takaba assumed that Mitsugo loved her back. Love or not, he highly doubted that it existed in whatever he and Asami had. To imply that there was love, meant to imply that there was a relationship other than 'master-pet'. More than often, Asami had assured Takaba, that he was nothing more than a pet…a prize it seemed like.
Thinking about all of that, made Takaba feel even worse than he did before.
"Takaba?" Ai-san's sweet voice brought him back into reality.
"Yeah! Sorry, I spaced out!"
"I understand." She smiled. "Do you have anyone special that you'll be spending the day with after this?"
Takaba shrugged. "I really don't know…I don't think so." There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice, it seemed like Ai-san noticed this.
"What's wrong Takaba…is there something troubling you?" She walked up to him. "Relationship problems?"
"You could say that."
"Let's sit then." She tugged on Takaba's sleeve until they both sat down comfortably on the ground. His camera lay beside him, idly as Ai-san took a deep breath. "You're really sweet Takaba, and if anyone is giving you a hard time you should leave them because they don't know how lucky they are to have someone as special as you!"
Takaba dryly chuckled. "Thanks…Ai-san, it's just that…I don't know. It's complicated now. I really don't think this is going to be an enjoyable day for me_"
"After this we could go out or something!" Ai-san suggested. However, Takaba just shook his head.
"You go be with Mitsugo…" He smiled. "I mean, isn't this what this photo shoot is all about?"
She frowned as Takaba let out another dry laugh, hiding behind that fake smile. It seemed like Ai-san was easily convinced as her bright eyes beamed once again.
"You're right." She stood quickly and dusted herself off. "Now let's get to this photoshoot Takaba….and oh, let's just keep this between the two of us. I don't want anyone really knowing about my erm…current love life."
It was meant to be a straight walk back to the penthouse, but Takaba found himself wandering into the floral shop. Whether or not he wanted to torture himself with a scenario that would never be his or just smell the damn roses, he didn't know, he just wanted to get something, for Valentine's Day. It wasn't a surprise that many roses were already sold out, but Takaba was luckily able to get himself at least six roses for a cheap price.
Despite both his pitiful action and situation, he actually felt pretty good about himself, as he left the floral shop and joined the love crazed people on the streets. All around, people were dressed in red, carrying items with them that they'd either received or were going to give to those they loved.
Takaba sighed and continued on his trail.
Knowing that Asami wouldn't be home until perhaps two the next morning, Takaba took a small detour to a local park. It was a small one, with just a bench and a few trees, there weren't a great amount of people who ventured there which was somewhat surprising. On a day like this, Takaba thought that couples would be flocking the area to have romantic picnics or something of the sort. But it seemed like he was truly alone.
Takaba sat down on the park bench and clenched the roses in his hand. For the strangest reason, the sadness he had felt just moments ago replaced itself what some sort of anger. His heart began to race faster and his breathing increased as he only stared ahead, clenching the rose stems even harder.
It wasn't fair, this situation that he was in. It wasn't fair that he loved Asami and Asami probably didn't love him back. It wasn't fair that Asami was an influential man that had an image to uphold…it wasn't fair that Takaba would probably destroy that image if ever their relationship got out. The fact that Takaba was perhaps bad, for Asami's business, for Asami's image hurt the young photographer more than any of the physical pain inflicted on him either by Asami himself, or something/someone connected to him.
Takaba knew that Asami would never say it out loud, but it was somewhat obvious that he was supposed to stay a secret—their relationship in general that is, which led Takaba to finally draw the conclusion that…they just didn't have a relationship. If that wasn't the case, then Takaba wouldn't have been buying roses for himself.
Asami was a business man, a busy business man with power. Takaba had unwittingly thrown himself into Asami's life, so how could he expect to gain the same love he felt for Asami? By now, he was pretty sure that a vast amount of people actually felt love for Asami, and Takaba figured that he wasn't Asami's 'one and only'. That much was too good to be true. When there was business and deals to be sealed, everyone slept with everyone—Asami probably wasn't an exception to the rule in fact, he was probably the one who made the rule.
He tried to believe what Ai-san was true—what she had said about love, that it came in all forms, shapes and sizes. But the more he thought about it, the more unfitting it seemed in his situation. Takaba laughed humorlessly as he sat up and brought the roses closer to him. One by one, he plucked off petal after petal, throwing the stems on the ground until finally, he reached the last red rose.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Akihito." He thought as he stood, and made way back to the penthouse.
After drinking a little bit (for a couple of hours), Takaba found himself entering the penthouse just a few hours after five o'clock. He didn't drink enough to intoxicate himself because the day was already pitiful and depressing, he didn't think getting drunk would make it any better.
Silently, he opened the door and removed his shoes, not focusing on any particular thing as he did...Wait.
After months of living with Asami, he had grown accustomed to looking down at the ground as he removed his shoes to see if Asami's would be there. Usually, that wasn't the case as the older man would return home at unspeakable times, today however…things were different.
Asami is home? He asked himself, realizing the man's shoes lined perfectly next to his. But it's only eight thirty…
The door opened suddenly, revealing a tired looking Asami. His hair wasn't gelled up like it normally was and he lacked his tie and suit jacket. His blouse was unbuttoned just a bit at the top and his arms were crossed. He still had on his normal black slacks and surprisingly his shirt was still tucked in, regardless he looked…tired.
"So you're back already? I thought it was you." He spoke in his same monotone voice.
I'm back already? Takaba thought angrily. You're the one who gets home at three o'clock_
"So that must be for me?" Asami asked, looking down at Akihito, narrowing his eyes on the rose. Before Takaba could protest, Asami reached his hand out and grabbed it. "Thank you, Akihito."
"Wait…" Takaba took hold of the older man's arm. "What are you_"
"It is Valentine's Day, right?"
"Yeah…" Takaba replied in sort of a daze. He remembered?
"I'm thanking you for my gift, assuming it is my gift." Asami drew his arm back. "Wouldn't you like to see your gift Akihito?" My gift? He got me something? Absentmindedly, Takaba followed behind Asami and entered the living room. He wasn't sure what to expect because before now, he was pretty sure that Asami didn't even care about him, at least not in the way he wanted.
But as he entered the living room and saw sitting on the sitting table, something he couldn't afford in even a life time, his whole view on Asami changed completely. There were roses of course, and certainly not a single rose, but a vase of them…almost thirty of them, wrapped in a ribbon and soaked in cool water. Next to the vase sat what looked like a box of expensive chocolates.
Sitting in front all of that on the table was a large box, with a picture on it…A picture of a camera…not just any camera…an 'EOS C300 Cinema Camcorder Body'.
"Asami…that's…that's thirteen thousand, nine hundred ninety nine American dollars." Takaba could barely find the breath to speak.
The business man sat on the couch still observing his rose with great interest. He rose an eyebrow as he stared at Takaba from his place. "I knew you would like it. You've been talking about it for a while. And the roses and chocolates are imported from India, it's funny how I came across them…"
Asami trailed off, still holding his tiny gift in his fingers. Takaba only stared at the table that had his gifts and felt his body tremble. It wasn't just the items that Asami bought Takaba that shocked him, but , Asami's reaction towards his own gift. He wasn't angry, or let down he was just happy…happy with something small, perhaps a little broken but nevertheless Asami loved it. Just like he loved Takaba. Takaba didn't have to be rich, wealthy, powerful or anything of the sort for Asami to notice him, Asami loved him just the way he was, bruises and all. While their relationship may have started off negatively and through their journey they had faced terrible hardships, there was no doubt some type of love existed there, a genuine love that surprisingly overshadowed what Asami had done in the past, what they had been through. Like Ai-san had said, things happened for a reason, Takaba bumped into Asami for a reason and inevitably, a true love had formed between both them.
Takaba felt like an ass for judging Asami the way he did. It wasn't fair, it wasn't right and it certainly wasn't true. While Asami wasn't a saint, he had a heart and Takaba completely disregarded the fact that Asami cared about him so much that he'd neglected to get him a gift, though he figured Asami wouldn't have minded Takaba didn't get him anything.
As guilt overcame him, tears began to stream down his cheeks. Asami who still held his rose, stood up and walked over to Takaba. "Do you not like it?"
"No…no…" Takaba replied shaking his head. "I love it, I love everything it's just that you…you…ugh! You got me something more expensive than my whole life's salary, expensive roses and imported chocolates…and I only…I only brought you a rose?" Asami presently stood in front of Takaba and frowned.
"I didn't expect you to get me anything extravagant." He softly replied. "You gave me something that matched your personality. Simple, sweet and beautiful. I wouldn't expect anything more, I'm very happy with my gift."
"I'm a man of simple things Takaba." He leaned down and gave the photographer a kiss on the forehead. "Happy Valentine's Day."
Next chapter is a small continuation of this chapter as the two go out eating and then it goes into Feilong's drabble. WELL, IF YOU GUYS DIDN'T NOTICE, I KINDA FUCKED UP THE DATES! WHITE DAY AND VALENTINE'S DAY ARE MONTHS APART SO I FIXED IT! That being said, I hope you all like it and if you wanna hate on my for mixing up my dates (I'm not talking to the ones who've reviewed this story already btw), then whatever, just something else for you to call me out on.
Anyway, I'll post chapter two later today!