Ok, so sorry for not updating in a while. I have meh other stories and I'm starting a Mini story on my Oneshots page. Its called new beggings. It invovles Cow juice, mine craft, Teachers, and Bullys! Post pp Story. You should check it out! :3 Also, I am not getting as many followers for this then I did my other ones, so yea. But Imma gonna continue!

Over the night, before Lancer had left, He had informed the Fentons on his condition. No, he didn't tell them that. But he told them as much as they needed to know, mainly that he would survive. But just barely.

Mr. Lancer also informed them to call him if anything major happens, he was trained in first aid of course.

The next morning, Danny woke up. His baby blue eyes opened, and he yawned, before he suddenly realized he was on the couch... Not his bed... Why was he on the couch again?

Danny shot up, the blankets falling off of him, but only freeze up when a searing pain shot through his chest. He groaned and grabbed his chest, only to realize... He didn't have a shirt on. He had massive claw-like marks on his chest, but if they had happened that night? Why went they healing? If anything they should be mere scratches by now! He began to hyperventilate, he didn't remember anything! When did this happen? Why? Who? Were!?

Calm down Fenton! He scolded himself. Something happened that you don't remember. But what?

He looked around him, ignoring the pain. He noticed Tucker was sleeping on the floor. Ok, He was a part of it, what about Sam?

He scooted down under his blankets, clenching his teeth, the pain wasn't only on his chest, but in his back, and head. His head felt like it had been run over by a train. It hurt to even think about it. Danny forced himself not to make a sound, fearing that he would wake his parents or Jazz. After he had cocooned himself he reached down a hand and forcefully, but gently, hit Tucker.

Tuckers amber eyes shot open at once, noticing Danny's small raven head peaking out of his blankets. He quickly sat up before shoving a boatload of questions at him.

"You're moving! That's a good sign... Howdoyoufeel?Doyouneedsomethingtoeat?AreyouOK?Howdidyousleep?Doyouneedmetogetsomethingforyou?" He ranted.

Danny slapped a hand over the boys mouth,

"what the hell happened last night!?" He whispered harshly.

Tuckers eyes widened and he ripped away his friends hand,

"You mean you don't remember anything? At all?"

"No!" He spat. "Let me say it again, what the hell happened Tucker?"

Tucker frowned. "I don't know if I should be the one to tell you."

"What! Why!? I think I have the right to know why I'm torn to shreds and lying on a couch!"

"Danny!" A goth girl shirked from the bottom of the stairs.

"SAM!" The boy yelped as he fled under his covers. He began to cough violently, Before Jazz showed up.

"Danny's awake!" Jazz cried. "I'll go get mom and Dad!"

"Wa-*cough* No!" He studded.

Sam rushed to Danny's side,

"Oh my God! I thought you were going to die back there at the Nasty Burger!" Sam moaned. "Tucker! Is anything wrong with him!?"

"Well yea theres something wrong with him! But he also dosent remember-

There eyes turned to Danny, who was sitting up. Perfectly still. He was just, glaring into the nothingness.

"Anything..." He finsihed.

"See mom! Dad! Hes..." Jazz tumbled down the stairs, with her mother and father behind her, but only to stop at the sight.

He was in some sort of trance, but what struck their hearts with fear was that his eyes instantly became glazed over, he looked dead, and lifeless, although you could see his faint breath.

"Danny boy?" Jack waved his hands in front of his face. But he didn't move.

Danny POV

I don't know what's going an, but all I know is that I'm floating around in something made of glass, I'm on my back, I can't move, speak, or even breath. I'm suffocating, but then again I think I'm already dead. I don't understand. The water feels cold, And my HAZMAT suit is soaked. My thoughts are the only thing I have.

One second, I was lying on the couch in my house, then the other, I'm in the ghost zone, in some sort of container, I'm so paralyzed I can't even move or blink my eyes. The chlorine stings them.

Am I in two places at once, I don't understand. Nothing makes sense. I don't know what to do. Somethings comeing. The chemicals are stinging my cuts. It hurts. But I can't do anything. It hurts.

Somethings coming, I don't know what to do, I need help, but nobody can help me. Its metel. It has a flame on it's head. I think its.


He got me. Oh my god hes going to dissect me. I want to scream for help, but I cant. Please. Help me. Somebody, Clockwork.

The was startled when Danny suddenly toke a heavy breath. I was horse, but he was okay.

"Danny!" Sam screamed and ran to his side.

Danny blinked. Once, Twice. Before become self-conscious of himself.

"Sam!" He ducked under his covers again. "I. Don't have a shirt on.."

"Your a boy, it doesn't matter." She spat. "What just happened!? Are okay!?"

His parents rushed towards him. "Danny! We were so worried! What happened last night!? We herd it was a ghost named Skulker but-

"Skulker." Danny whispered. He shuddered at the memory. His mother sat down at the edge of the couch.

"Danny, Are you feeling alright?" She asked calmly.

"No, I have giant rips in the middle of my chest and I have no idea how it happened!" He cried. "Tucker! What happened."

Tucker gulped. "It was at the Nasty Burger yesterday." He said. "Skulker, he was grabbing people and stuffing them into bags, You tried to stop him but it was a trap. When he lunged for you Mr. Lancer tried to protect you, he through himself in front of you,

"Waitwaitwait. Mr. Lancer?"

"Yea. He was there, he also saved you life. You told us to get out because he had something up his sleeve today, We took him with us, but he saw you, ya know, do it behind the glass part of the door. He had the ghost gauntlets."

"You don't mean that he knows,right?" Danny began to panic.

"He knows." Jazz added solemnly.

"Ohhhhhh nonononono... this isn't happening." The boy began to rock himself back and forth.

"Wait." Jack said. "I don't understand, what dose he know that we don't?"

"You wouldn't understand." Tucker commented.

"Danny stop! Your only going to get yourself worked up!" Sam pleaded.

"But he knows! I can't go back to school! He's probably telling everyone at school right now!" He moaned.

"Danny, He personally came and told me that he knew, I don't think he'll tell anyone." Tucker comforted.

"But, I dont understand, how did he save my life?" Danny wanted to him to finish the story.

"Well, He said he was a veteran in the Vietnam War, he was trained in first aid, We were going to go back and help you, but when Lancer herd you scream he just ran, I never knew he could be so athletic, When he ran in, You, as you are know were crumpled on the ground, bleeding everywhere." He paused, remembering how horrible it was. "Skulker, he was also holding you, the other you, only you looked, well, dead, your eyes glazed over and just, scary, He had the ghost gauntlets. When he left, Sam began screaming that you were dead, but Mr. Lancer didn't believe her, he ran over and, like I said, saved your life."

But when he the family looked back to Danny, he was once again, frozen.

Danny POV

It's happening again, I'm back, In my ghost form, He toke it from me! Clockwork already told me I'd fade if I got split, that was after the dream catcher incident. He said that its like pulling my DNA apart, meaning its taking my genetics away, relation to my family, or any part of me. I didn't tell them. I didn't want them to worry. But I think they already know.

I can move my head, And blink, but I'm still suffocating. It dosent have an impact on me, no matter how long I don't breath I wont pass out, I'm getting used to the feeling. Theres metal against my skin, its ripping part of suit. It hurts. I'm on skulkers shoulder, he taking me somewhere. He hasn't noticed I'm conscious. It hurts. But I know It'll be over soon. I hope.

I can see his suit is making tiny sparks as the water drips of me, he dosent notice though. I still don't remember what happened, but I know what did happen. I'm going to fad from everything, And unless I can get myself back, I can't stop it. Soon, my friends and family will forget me, and I'll become transparent. I'll be on my own. I don't wan't to be on my own. I dont think Sam and Tucker understand how much I need them.

Hes bringing me into another room. I can't tell what it is, but, if hes going to destroy this half of me, its game-

DUN DUN DUN. Okay, I finished it! WOOA. That tooka while! Now imma gonna go back and do a revise on mah other chapters. DONT FORGET DA GHOODA. Oh, and if you can guess what happening, write it in the comments below! ;3