I'm sorry that it took me a while longer than I had actually planned, but here is the last part to Insight. I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter.

Let me know if you do ;)

My side is screaming pain and no matter how I try to sit, it just won't lessen. It will though in a few hours. No need to see a trainer, they'll only keep me there unnecessarily long or send me to a fucking hospital and no way, I'm not gonna go to a hospital. It's a fucking bruise, nothing more and nothing less.

Roman... always worried Roman, trying to talk me into going to a trainer for a check-up. He's looking at me now, has when I came around lying beside the ring. Those beautiful eyes looking at me, finally, after what felt like a hundred of years as he checked on me, saying my name in deepest worry. The one that is still lingering in his eyes. And I wish... I wish that the note of affection I have heard mingling into the worry wasn't just wishful thinking. I can still feel his hand cradling my head, my face and those strong arms wrapped around me to help me walk to the locker room.

Those hands are now resting on my knees, warm and soothing, begging in a way, and all I wish for is that he would lay a hand on my aching side, because I know it would take the pain away. I want those arms around me, want to hide away in them. But there's nothing like that and I'm telling myself to be content with him kneeling so close to me, being worried. Touching me, looking at me. Being there.

He's there, I repeat silently. He's there.

I almost feel guilty, because despite the fact that I'm not up for spending my night at the trainer's room or a hospital, there's also a dark part of me that refuses to let someone have a look, because as long as I'm here, aching, being stubborn, I know Roman isn't going to leave my side. And if hurting means to have him close, then I'll be damned to make the pain go away.

God, I'm really pitiable...

I allow my eyes to seek his and... soft. They are deep and he's looking at me with that wonderful soft expression which always makes me wonder how it must be like if he looks at someone he's in love with. I catch myself as I lean forward a bit, drawn in by those eyes and cover it with a quiet groan, dipping my head forward and the tears which rise in my eyes aren't only from the pain I feel in my side, but also from the one that blazes in my heart.

And then he whispers my name and the tears burn a little hotter in my eyes...

It is Dean's voice that cuts into the moment, because I have totally forgotten about him being here, too, and he's saying that he'll go get a trainer.

„Fuck, no," I groan, but I know he'll go, no matter what I want or not.

And he'll take Roman away from be by doing it.

I faintly hear Roman murmur a thanks. I know he just wants to hear someone say that I'm okay and I almost laugh at how contradictory this is. Here he is, being worried about me when he usually doesn't want to even look at me?

And then Dean speaks again and... it feels like my world shatters to pieces.

„Oh, and guys? I can see it, the whole world can see it. I'm talking about those silly pink candy hearts which bubble all around you when you steal those ridiculously clandestine glances from each other. And don't tell me you don't know what I mean. Do us all a favor and do something about it."

I can't breathe. My heart stops and for a painful moment I'm sure it won't start beating again. Dean knows it. He knows it. And he's said it aloud, has revealed my carefully hidden secret... Panic rears suddenly, wiping any pain aside and dizziness and heavy sickness hits me full force and all I want is to run away from here, from this... I don't want to see Roman look at me in disgust, I don't want to see the look of feeling utterly betrayed on his face. I couldn't bear if he hates me.

A naive part of me prays, begs that this is just a bad dream, one of those nightmares when you wake up the last possible moment. But I don't wake up. And I know that this is all too real to be only a dream.

I'm gonna lose him... I'm gonna... lose him...

And then... something sinks into my panicked mind. Dean hasn't spoken to just me, but to both of us. I blink. And can't believe it. I'm not sure if I really want to see the look on Roman's face, but I can't not look at him and so I hesitantly meet his eyes again.

The expression I find on his face causes my heart to sink. There is realization and underneath a mixture of shock, surprise and I fear that Dean has not said it to both of us, that I have only imagined it. And I want to gaze away again, but I can't. I can't...

It is out now. Dean has ripped it's cover away, has bared that what I feel for Roman has become more. The desperate part of me clings to the tiniest of chances that Roman... might feel the same. Maybe, just maybe... But the sober part of me keeps saying that there is no chance.

Romans says nothing and it scares me. He just looks at me with this expression I can read yet not. He also doesn't move, kneels there like being frozen. And maybe he is too shocked to move, because he tries to understand that his friend has a thing for him.

And this very moment I wish my heart would really stop beating. Forever...

We're alone in the room now and the quietness is heavy, my panic and fear suffocating and I know there's not much I can do but run away... or go through the door Dean has kicked open.

But running away isn't an option for me. I never has been. And so I keep trying to breathe as I do what I always do. I face my fear. Holding his gaze I try to sit a bit straighter, try to square my shoulders, although it makes the pain in my side worse. I don't care. If this goes wrong... there's nothing I care for left anyway.

„I love you," I say then, willing my voice not to fail me, although it is far from being as steady as I want it to be.

There, I said it. My heart pounds so hard now that it's squeezing all the breath out of me and I feel like passing out any second. Something shifts in Roman's eyes, something I can't grasp and his hold on my knees becomes tighter, but nothing else changes. He kneeling there like a still life. I know that my eyes are pleading him to do something. But he does nothing.

„Can you please say something?"

It's only a whisper, because this time my voice fails me. He closes his eyes then, dips his head a bit forward and I can see his jaw muscles jump. I can't stand the sight any longer and so I close my eyes, too, waiting for whatever would happen. After what feels like a little eternity but might only have been a second, I hear him move, feel his hands vanish from my knees and I'm sure he'll leave now.

There is a touch on my face. Almost shy at the beginning and once again I fear that it's only my imagination, but it's not. Warm hands cup my jaw and thumbs brush so tenderly over my cheeks that I want to cry.

„Seth?" he says just above a whisper. „Look at me. Please."

My heart clenches as I slowly open my eyes. And it clenches once again as I find... a tear... on Roman's face.

It shouldn't be there, that tear, staining his beautiful face. My hand moves before I know what I am doing, reaches out to him to wipe the tear away and my poor heart stubles in my chest as he turns his face into the contact.

And then his hands dive into my hair as he leans in, gently tugging me closer and... he kisses me. His lips cover mine firmly, lips that are so much softer than I would ever have imagined them to be, and I can feel a soft touch on my bottom lip as his tongue travels over it, asking for permission. For a second I'm sure I'm dreaming... but I am not. This is Roman, kissing me.

It's odd that my heart calms down now, but it does. The pain, it is wiped away, and with it all those bad feelings fade, leaving only a faint memory of a bad dream behind.

With a sigh I open up for him, feeling him hum in response as our tongues meet in a shy dance, all soft stroking, slow and addictive. His kiss, it is sweet and innocent, loving and so infinitely tender that I forget how to breathe... It's freeing a tingle in my belly, sends a jolt through me and leaves a sweet ache in my chest behind that grows as his hands smooth over my hair to the back of my head to cradle it, to hold me even closer. That golden an pristine feeling I have for him, the love, it flares until it's ablaze, bright and sparkling and it's spreading throughout my chest, throughout my whole body and it makes me forget about everything.

All there is... is this man.

With a tiny sound, something between a moan and a sob, I bring my hands up and bury them in the black mane I craved to touch like this for so long now that it feels like a whole lifetime. It feels like velvet between my fingers, so perfect.

I feel him inch closer to me as he deepens the kiss even more. In it lies a longing that I know, the one I have felt for so long myself. I let myself fall, surrender to him because I know he's there to catch me.

There is a dull burning in my lungs at the lack of air, but fuck, I don't care. I don't want this kiss to end.

One of his hands brushes down over my neck and my chest, settling on my sore side, reminding my body that it should hurt, but before the pain can come back, his touch soothes it away. I knew that his touch can do that...

Eventually we have to part and with a smile on his lips that makes my body hum and my heart sing, he looks at me in undisguised... love. If I had a breath left, he would take it right out of me now. The grey eyes are sparkling silver now, deep and intense, not only looking at me, but seeing me and I can do nothing but gaze into those mezmerizing orbs. So beautiful...

Closing his eyes he rests his forehead against mine. I feel fingertips trail over my cheek with the tenderest of touches, before I feel the hand on my knee and I can't help myself, I allow mine to rest on it, hooking my fingers under the big palm, while my other hand finds a hold on his vest to keep him close.

„I love you, too," he breathes then.

The words engulf me like a cocoon. I want to cry, I want to laugh and I want this moment to never end. This moment now, it is perfection.

A desperate little sigh drops from my lips as I hear voices coming from the closed door, but Roman steals that sigh away with a soft kiss, before he sits back on his heels. His other hand leaves my sore side and settles on my knee just as the door opens, revealing Dean with one of the trainer's in tow.

I look up to my teammate who is gazing at us with a special happiness glinting in his eyes which I haven't seen there before and I don't know how to thank him for what he has done.

The trainer kneels down in front of me and immediately starts his check-up. I don't care, because Roman sits down beside me and as the man turns away from us for a moment, I feel a kiss being breathed to my temple.

Peace and joy settle over me as Roman keeps holding my hand and if the past minutes have been a taste of our life together, then I can only say that my life... it has just begun...