This is a missing scene from the story 'Project Miranda'. I'm a McFrances fan and since many of you who followed "Strange Bedfellows" and later "Project Miranda" complained about a missing scene between the marriage and the birth of the twins, I decided to get a crack at it. With HelenBeacham's permission I've borrowed her OCs Frances and Karen Nyland in this story.

You don't necessarily need to have read "Strange Bedfellows' or 'Project Miranda' to understand this AU story, for it is a two-part episode that stands on its own.

However in this story, Steve and Danny are brothers-in-law for having married sisters Frances and Karen Nyland. Kono is married to Adam.

And yes, there will be Steve whump. The investigative subject is of a delicate nature, so proceed at your own risk.

Here's a sneak preview:

"Steve we're here! Steve?" Danny shouted as he and Karen stepped into the house. Getting no answer they entered the rest of the way, he with a case of Longboards and she with a bottle of wine. "Strange. He said he'd be here."

"Well, his truck's parked outside," Karen observed. "He couldn't have gone far."

"Probably went for a swim or something," Danny dismissed as he closed the door behind him. "Let's go put the stuff in the kitchen."

It wasn't long after that Chin's Harley pulled up behind Steve's Silverado. Kono was riding in the back.

"Hey guys, come on in," Danny greeted. "The host has momentarily stepped out but make yourselves at home."

"Malia will try joining us later."

"That's good."

Karen returned from the lanai. "Well he's not in the water. I don't see him out there."

"He's not in the shower either. I don't hear it running."

"Could have gone for a quick run?" Chin assumed.

"Before dinner? That's not in his habit."

"Or perhaps he was called on an emergency?" Kono surmised.

"And he would have taken off on foot?" Danny said sarcastically. "Besides he would have let us know. I'll go check his room. Danny started up the stairs to his partner's bedroom and gasped in horror at the grisly sight that greeted him. "Oh God! Guys, get up here QUICK!" He dove to his knees beside his partner and groped his neck to feel for a pulse.

They all hurried up the stairs with their minds racing and hearts thumping at Danny's blood-curdling yell.

"Oh my God!" Karen slapped her hands to her mouth in sheer horror and asked hysterically. "Is he alive?"