Hi guys!
Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! I love reading them all and can't stress just how much they mean to me! Thank you for your continued support with this story!
So this is the last chapter! Never thought I'd get here but it's all down to your reviews and support! Thank you!
This story is intended to be a trilogy, and I have a very brief sketch of how things are going to work out, but since a third story is a long way off, I'll let you know the details closer to the time.
Chapter 50 – Unfinished Business
Unknown POV
I shift uncomfortably as the elevator creaks noisily in the shaft, all the levels of the bunker passing by in a blur. Next to me, the guard sighs and checks to see if his gun is still strapped to his belt, as if it would have disappeared in the walk from the pod to the elevator. We suddenly come to a jarring stop and I stagger, crashing into the wall of the lift. I flush, adjusting my grip on the file in my hands, making sure that none of the precious papers inside fell out. I don't want to know what would happen to me if I lost some vital information.
"This way" the doors open and the guard steps out into the room. I follow and then gasp, as I look up at all the levels of the bunker, stretching up as far as the eye can see. My head tips back, my mouth hanging open in shock; there must be at least 100 levels. The guard nudges me, an amused smirk on his face.
"This way" he says again and then he's walking towards a small corridor. Crowds of people dressed in grey uniforms walk on by, all silent as they let me pass through, barely looking at me. I swallow nervously, clenching and unclenching my hands. I take a deep breath as we enter the small corridor.
"In here" the guard swipes a security card against a small pad by the entrance of a door and then it slides opening, revealing a small meeting room. I take a deep breath and then enter, shy in front of the group of people in front of me. I hate being the centre of attention, especially with this group.
They're all as intimidating as I imagined they would be. There are about ten of them at least, all sat at a conference table, and all dressed in grey suits. But it's the woman at the head of the table that I can't take my eyes off. Her brown hair, streaked with grey, has been pulled into a bun and her lined face is twisted up into a frown. She's sat at the head of the table, a glass of water in front of her. Her eyes are piercing as they watch me enter the room.
"Close the door Commander" the woman stands and her voice is every bit as powerful as I imagined. The guard, or actually commander, does as he's told and the door shuts with a slam. I shiver by the entrance, wishing that I wasn't wearing my travelled stained clothes and had at least had a shower before this meeting.
"You have the file?" she looks at me and I head to the empty chair at the table, my knees weak with nerves. I'm trying hard to look professional but I'm not cut out for politics. I just get information; I just get what they want.
"Yes…ma'am" I reply, the word uncomfortable on my tongue. "I have it here" I pass forward the file in my hand, looking around at the other members of the table. Most are men, but there are a few women here as well. Everyone looks cold and hard; ready for a fight.
The woman takes the folder from me and flips through a few spare pages, her dark eyes scanning the pages quickly. She looks like someone, but I cant' seem to place the similarity. I banish the thought from my mind and instead focus on the meeting; I can't afford to be distracted. I nervously twist my hands together, taking a few deep breaths as the woman analyses the folder.
"Thank you" the woman smiles at me, probably the closet she's ever come to a genuine grin. She turns to face the rest of the table, shutting the file in front of her. Her eyes are filled with triumph but oddly sorrow too.
"Meryl's mission was a success" she begins. The table breaks out into grins and I hear a few short claps but the woman lifts her hand up, her face filled with sorrow.
"She and her men lost their lives. They were able to communicate with Victor 1 but it seems that the mogs were still able to find them. We are fortunate that they were able to talk with Victor 1 before their deaths" she explains, her face still filled with grief. There are murmurs around the table and I see one woman wipe a tear from her eye. I don't know who Meryl is and I have no idea who Victor 1 is, but it's clear that this piece of news is big. A nearby man angrily clenches his fist, the paper in his hand getting crumpled.
Another man at the table snorts. "Elder 1 was killed in Round 3! And Elders 2 and 3 were killed in previous rounds! Three Elders dead already! And we don't even know if they managed to persuade Victor 1? How is this a victory? This feels more like a massacre" he shakes his head and grumbles echo around the table. The woman purses her lips and folds her hands over the closed file.
"I agree, it seems that there were issues with Victor 1, issues that we will have to address at a later date. But it seems though that the targets are eager for change, as are we" she replies coldly. "There are many more winners this year than there have been in previous years" she looks down at the folder. "And we have information that we have never had before".
The members at the table lean in; interested. I'm completely lost; I have absolutely no idea what they are all talking about. I can also tell that any minute I'll be asked to leave because this conference is not for my ears. Besides, I don't want to be a part of this talk; these things are far too important for me. I just collect the information by meeting the right people, who give me some information that I'm forbidden to read. I'm just a traveller.
"Commander, please take our guest to one of our spare rooms" the woman smiles warmly at me, confirming my thoughts. "Thank you for this information. This has been a great help and you will be rewarded" she smiles again. I blush at her smiles and then stand shakily, my legs feeling like lead. All I want right now is a shower and a sleep; I've been travelling for a long time. Evading the mogs is hard work.
"You're welcome" I stutter, heading to the door, wiping my hands on my trousers. The woman turns to me again, a more professional look on her face.
"We'll brief you on your next mission in the morning. Commander Evans will bring you to Conference Room 10 tomorrow" she smiles briefly and then turns back to the other men at the table.
The commander holds the door open for me, gesturing me through, and then swipes his card to shut the door. It begins to slide shut, the conference room leaving my vision. Just before the door shuts I watch as the woman sits down, a triumphant smile on her face. The folder is open in front of her, the contents spread across the table for the other people to see.
"Lorien is changing and the Elders are rising. Our time has come"
I know that was incredibly short, but I wanted to end it on this note (and I also have a big essay due next week too :/ ). Any ideas who the woman might be? :D
I will update next week so look out for the new story named 'The Resistance'.
Hope you enjoyed and please review!