Sakura plopped down on her couch with an exhausted sigh setting her feet on her table. Akuma sat next to her and held the remote up turning on the tv. They had a few drinks at the bar then decided to go back to the house.

"That was exhausting, maybe I should just sharpen my teeth and stop wearing my mask, do you think I would be able to scare people away with that?" Akuma laughed and rolled his eyes.

"There are people out there that look like Kisame, I am sure they are used to stuff like that already." They turned their heads after hearing the front door open and Sakura smiled at the sight before her. In walked Madara still with his mask on and carrying a peacefully sleeping Haku in his arms. Madara walked past them and toward the room he was staying in with Zabuza trailing behind. Zabuza looked more than a bit exhausted as he plopped down on one of the recliners.

"I don't understand where people get that kind of energy, I pretty sure we did everything this village has to offer, in just one day." He let out a long breath and sank down into his chair. Madara walked out of the room and quietly closed the door taking off his mask and sitting on the other side of Sakura. Sakura could see a small amount of joy through the grogginess in his eyes. If one looked close enough and long enough, they would have been able to see the slight upturn of his lips.

"You guys seem pretty tired, long day I assume?" Both nodded in unison and Sakura smiled softly. "I'm guessing you wanted to go home early but looked into those big brown eyes and couldn't say no?" Sakura guessed with amusement and laughed as Madara and Zabuza looked at each other uncomfortably. Haku had everyone wrapped around his little finger and he didn't even know it.

"What did you two do today, something interesting I assume based on what I had heard the ANBU talking about." Madara looked at them in an obvious attempt to change the subject. Sakura and Akuma looked at eachother with small smiles on their faces as they thought back to the Paint war.

"It was certainly interesting, we went to the paint war arena, a weapons shop, lunch and then a bar." Sakura recounted crossing her legs and placing her hands on her knees.

"Apparently Sakura knows many people in the red light district, including the leader of the Yakahisha Yakuza group." Sakura gave him a look of feigned innocence.

"You mean Rida?" She questioned and all three men rolled their eyes. "I had absolutely no idea he was the leader of a famous Yakuza, how horrible and I thought he was such a good person." She placed a hand on her heart and look into the distance. "Oh woah is me, I make terrible friends." He show of melodrama was stopped as she was smacked on the back of the head. She rested her head back looking at the person behind her and smiled. "Hey Kisame, have fun in Konoha?" She asked with a small chuckle. He smiled softly at her and nodded.

"Yeah kid it's a pretty nice place, a little too much on the warm side for me but it definitely beats places like Suna." Sakura grinned.

"Depends on what year you are there, they do after all have the best hot springs in all of the nation's." Kisame smiled a bit.

"Guess I'll take your word for it then." Kisame ruffled her hair causing Sakura to roll her eyes.

"What is with you people and ruffling my hair." Sakura pouted causing them all to smile a little. Kisame sat down with a chuckle as he looked at the rest of the guys then back to her.

"Face it kid, you will always be a short pink haired adorable girl, and there is nothing you can do about it." Sakura looked absolutely offended and she flipped out a knife pointing it at him.

"I could kill you with the flick of a wrist, all of you, it would be like nothing to me, I could kill everyone and everything." She stomped indignantly and glared at all of them.

"Awwww." All of them chorused mockingly. Sakura flopped back onto the couch crossing her arms over her chest and huffing in anger.

"I hate all of you." She spat childishly. At that they all began to laugh, Kisame definitely being the more animated of the four of them. Sakura suddenly became serious as she looked at them. Clouded pain swirled behind her eyes as she tried to do her best to smile with them. It was so peaceful and so perfect, why did it feel so wrong? She felt like her entire being was going against her actually being happy for once in a very long time. Her head began to pound as her heartbeat quickened. She felt like she was being suffocated in a cloud of darkness and pain. Her hand reached up and grinned her shirt hard as she began to sweat. Gasping for air she fell off of the couch her hands going to her head.

She saw it again, so many people dead, shinobi and civilians alike. She had seen so many wars and gotten her hands dirty, killed as many as most of the S-class rogues. This scene playing over and over in her head was different, it was the cause of her nightmares. She had never seen this war, never seen the calamity that caused it. It was so familiar yet so out of reach. She convulsed as she heard voices calling to her and people kneeling next to her. She felt herself get pulled into someone's arms as her vision became blurry.

Then she saw it, all of them, all of her friends and people she called family bloody and broken on the ground. She pushed herself off of the person trying to hold her and shunshined haphazardly outside falling to the cement. Gasping out for air as she dry heaved as tears began to cloud her vision. A soul ripping scream exited her lips as she became a sobbing heap on the ground. The front door was slammed open and the four boy ran outside panic written over all of their faces. Her suddenly freaking out like this was beyond weird for her. They had never seen her do anything like this. One thought seemed to run through all of their minds as they tried to get close to her.

"How long has she been hiding this?"

Akuma took a step forward and looked around seeing a few people looking out of their windows. He knelt down still keeping his distance from Sakura so he didn't freak her out.

"Sakura, it's me, it's Akuma, we are not going to hurt you okay, we are trying to help, will you let us help?" Sakura's head shot up and she looked at him with so much hurt and anger in her eyes it made him flinch.
"This is your fault, you did this, you brought me back, why did you bring me back?" She shouted her voice breaking. Akuma opened his mouth to speak and she grit her teeth. "Stay away from me all of you." Sakura disappeared leaving one man hurt and three completely confused and worried. Akuma grit his teeth as he stood up and clenched his fists until her felt his nails break skin.

"Hey, she didn't mean it you know that, our first priority should be-" Kisame was promptly cut off as Akuma turned around to face him. His eyes were blazing red and there was a sickening smirk on his face.

"Oh really, and I'm sure you know everything about her, why don't you go back to your little gang, fish face and play around with those other people that don't need you, because I'm pretty damn sick of looking at those longing stares and idiotic lovestruck smiles toward a girl who'll never actually notice you." Akuma tuned on his heel and walked away disappearing once he was out of sight. Everyone stayed silent and Kisame let out a long sigh and ran his hand through his hair.

"Well, that could have gone better." Kisame chuckled trying to lighten the mood. Though in his eyes you could see that he was very troubled, as were the others. They all turned as they heard footfalls going down the stairs in the house. Zabuza cursed under his breath as a tired Haku stepped out onto the porch.

"What's going on?" He asked clearly worried since he probably heard everything that had transpired. Zabuza put his hand at the back of his head and sighed.

"Just a bit of an argument, but it's fine now, people are just going to cool off." Haku gave him a knowing look. "Everything will be fine tomorrow, I promise." Haku nodded hesitantly and walked back inside.

"Should we go look for her?" Madara questioned clearly not having dealt with anything like this before.

"Right now she will be more likely to kill us if we got close to her than to actually let us help her, we will look tomorrow if she hasn't gotten back by then." Kisame suggested and the two other men nodded. They walked back inside the house worry clouding their thoughts.

Sakura Slammed into a tree and crumpled to the ground as she sobbed. She couldnt take it anymore, seeing those faces, so dead and mangled with terrified expressions. The same scene over and over again, they were dead. A scream ripped passed her lips as she held her head and choked on her sobs. Again and again she saw it, she felt their pain, and the pain of their deaths. The voice kept echoing through her mind again, but this time with a mocking and amused tone.

"You can't save everyone, you're too weak to save everyone, you'll never be strong enough to save everyone, they'll all die because of you."

"Stop it, stop it, stop talking, please stop." Sakura shook as she repeated those words. Ever so slowly her words began to morph into the ones in her head. "I'm not strong enough to save everyone, they'll all die because of me." She shook rocking herself on the grass as she tried to calm herself down. Her head snapped up as she heard footsteps coming toward her in the grass. She choked on her tears and looked at the person coming near her. He looked so confused and worried as he stared at her.

"Sakura-chan?" He questioned and as Sakura looked into those big blue eyes she couldn't control herself. She needed someone she could trust to be with her, someone who had always been there for her. She needed her brother right now, and she was so glad he had found her. She stood quickly running toward him and falling into his arms as he legs gave out on her. He went to the ground with her sitting down feeling more confused than ever. He didn't understand what was going on, but her knew she needed him right now. He awkwardly held her not ever having been treated like this by other people he wasn't sure what to do.

"Naruto, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, I couldn't protect you I'm sorry." Sakura sobbed into his chest. Naruto tightened his hold on her and looked down.

"What are you talking about Sakura-chan, you're so strong you've always protected me, I'm right here safe and sound aren't I?" He grinned at her warmly and Sakura could feel herself calming down a little bit. Suddenly she felt exhaustion overtake her as she closed her eyes. Naruto was always so calming, so happy and kind. He was even like that during the war, keeping everyone hopeful that everyone would end soon, and that they would win. No one would ever admit it, but he was the only reason everyone wasnt freaking out completely during the war. Something bad would happen and he would be there and relief would wash over everyone. He was their savior, their protector, their Hokage and Sakura would do anything in her power to make it like that again.

Sakura finally felt a little peace as she began to fall asleep thanking the heavens that Naruto had found her. The question of what he was doing there in the forest out so late completely slipped her mind. Once Sakura was fully asleep Naruto's eyes scanned the forest.

"You can come out now." Three ninja slipped out of the shadows and looked at the girl in his arms. One tilted her head to the side curiously and looked at Naruto.

"Who's the girl Naruto-chan?" Naruto sighed and held her tight.
"This is my best friend Sakura, she's a really strong ninja, like you Miki-chan." Naruto seemed proud as he boasted about Sakura. Miki raised her brow as she stepped forward taking her Piandao off of her back. She flipped it in her hand once and moved forward trying to poke Sakura with it. Miki blinked in amusement as Sakura was up and slashing at her with her Katana. Just as Sakura was up she was down to the ground again with exhaustion.

"You sure about that Naruto-chan, she seems pretty weak to me." The boy on the right side of Miki said with amusement.

"You, aren't threats." Sakura panted and laid down on the grass. Miki laughed at that and the boy that had spoken grit his teeth.

"You wanna see a fucking threat-" He was cut off by Miki laughing again.

"Oh calm down Nari, she is right, we aren't threats to her at the moment, we are after all Naruto-chan's friends." He tsked and walked away.

"Whatever I'm going to go get a drink." Miki rolled her eyes.

"You going with him Tonda?" Miki questioned the other boy and he sighed.

"I probably should, to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid like he always does." Miki grinned.

"Probably a good idea, I'll stay here with the brats." Tonda nodded looking at Sakura panting on the grass as Naruto sat next to her worry written over his face. Sakura's breathing began evening out and she looked at Naruto then at Miki.

"Naruto, who are these people and why are you out in the woods in the middle of the night with them?" She questioned sitting up straight as mother mode went on. Naruto scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Um, I met them when I was six, they were staying in the building next to mine while on a mission and I... stole Miki's wallet." Sakura looked at Miki and then Naruto.

"Yeah the brat got one past me, I didn't even know he stole it until I saw him running away, and let me tell you this kid knows how to evade people when he wants to, I caught up to him though, and took a liking to the little brat, been training him for five years, we just got back from a mission last week, it was a long one, which is why we haven't been here lately." Miki explained as she flipped her blade expertly in her hand.

"Well then, do you mind if I take your apprentice away from you for a while, I have some things I'd like to teach him." Miki shrugged as she slashed her blade.

"Like I care, I don't control him he does what he wants." She began balancing her blade on her finger and Sakura nodded.

"Alright, Naruto tomorrow we'll start training early, I have something to show you." He looked at her hesitantly.

"Are you sure you're up for that tomorrow after what happened?" She turned her head slowly toward him and he gulped.

"Ask me that again Naruto, and you won't wake up the following morning." He put his hands up defensively and chuckled nervously.

"S-sorry." Sakura sighed and stood up still slightly shaking.

"I'm sorry if I freaked you out, just um..." Sakura struggled to begin to explain anything to Naruto. If she said too much he would be suspicious and if she said to little he would think she was lying to him. She bit her lip and looked at Naruto nervously.

"It's fine Sakura-chan, you don't have to tell me." He stood up and grabbed Sakura's hand pulling her up with him. Naruto began to drag Sakura through the forest back towards Konoha. Miki looked at the two and shrugged her shoulders following behind them and sheathing her sword.

"Um, where are we going Naruto?" Naruto turned his head slightly as he walked and grinned at Sakura.

"Ramen always cheers me up, so we should go to Ichiraku's so you won't be sad anymore." Sakura was a bit taken back by this, but smiled ever so slightly. It made her think back to the times Naruto and her used to go for Ramen every week. Back in her timeline they were best friends, almost like siblings. She was more than happy that it was becoming that way again. Though she frowned when she thought back to her plans. She was going to leave him, and no doubt Sasuke would leave the village as well. She needed someone to stay with him, so he would still be happy. She needed to make sure he still had hope and someone close to him here to support him. Sasuke was the only option she could think about, she needed him to stay. She was shaken out of her thoughts as Naruto exclaimed excitedly that they were there. She forced a smile to her face as they sat down and Naruto practically bounced in his seat.

"I can't believe they are still open it's almost twelve." Sakura mumbled under her breath.

"They stay open until two am." Miki said as she slung her arm over Sakura's shoulder making her flinch. It was different, even if it was such a small difference she noticed.

"Why is it different?" Sakura drummed her fingers on the table and bit her lip. Unbeknownst to her Miki had heard her and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. As they order Sakura began to think about what she had said to Akuma and she sighed. She didn't fully mean it, she was just terrified and took it out on him. She ran a hand through her messy hair and stood up. She grabbed her bowl and scarfed down her food setting it back down on the table. Stuffing her hand in her pocket she took out money to pay for the her and Naruto.

"Thank you for the food Naruto, I have to go apologize to someone, I'll see you tomorrow at training ground seven, thank you Naruto." Sakura instinctively ruffled Naruto's hair as she began to walk away. She stuffed her hands in her pockets and let out a long sigh. Her mind traveled back to smoking as she looked up at the dark sky. She bit her lip as her hand fiddled in her pocket feeling the paper box. "Dammit." She mumbled under her breath as she took the box out of her pocket. She opened it up and took a cigarette out of the package and put it between her lips. She hadn't smoked in a while but always kept the package with her just in case she needed a fix. She lit it and inhaled the smoke then blew it out into the night air. She sighed feeling sickened by herself for once again giving in to the temptation that she was never strong enough to overcome.

"Those are quite harmful things you know, especially for one so young." Sakura's eyes widened as she heard that oh so familiar voice. She turned her head and contained her emotions as she faced the man addressing her.

"Unusual for you to be out at night with no escort, you never know what dangers wait out in the night councilman." A flicker of amusement flashed through his eyes for a brief moment.

"I have come to speak with you on a few matters." She raised a brow and put her hand on her hip.

"I'm surprised it took you this long to seek me out, Danzo." Sakura flicked her cigarette to the ground.

"You seemed busy with your team, I decided to wait until you were less occupied." She laughed dryly and fixed him with a cold stare.

"Sure you were, but I don't have time right now and won't for a very long time, actually you know what just take this as me declining your offer to speak with me." Danzo narrowed his eyes but Sakura saw the slight upturn on his lips.

"It was not an offer." Sakura smiled at that.

"I don't think you understand councilman, I have the entire underground of the criminal world that owes me quite a few favors as well as the fact that I am dating the king of a country, you can't touch me, even if I didn't have those backings, what you can do as a councilmember is limited, and whatever men you send after me to gather intel, will just end up like the ones that thought they were so expertly hidden in those trees." As Sakura said the last part two clones appeared beside her each dropping two bodies to the ground. "Oh don't worry, they're only unconscious, but send anymore after me, and those ones will have a much worse fate." The clones disappeared in puffs of smoke as Danzo's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I do not think you understand what it means to blatantly deny a request from a high leading member of the Konoha council." Sakura smirked.

"I'll await your next move then, goodnight councilman, watch out tonight, I hear dragons might be lurking about." She turned on her heel and waved halfheartedly behind her. She shunshinned toward her house and stopped at the front door. All of the lights but the living room one was out. Sakura sighed again and debated on whether she wanted another cigarette. She shook the thought from her head and walked to the door and unlocked it. Taking a deep breath she stepped inside to see Kisame on the couch with Zabuza watching tv.

"Uh hey guys, do you know where Akuma is." Her voice seemed to startle them as they turned their heads quickly toward her.

"Sakura, are you okay, what happened earlier?" Kisame stood up and walked over to her. She rubbed her arm guiltily and bit her lip trying to look away from him.

"I-I'm fine, do you know where he is though, I need to apologize." Sakura explained and Kisame sighed.

"He disappeared after you left." Sakura nodded her head and sighed again.

"I'll be back in a bit, sorry for worrying you guys." Before either of them could say anything Sakura disappeared.

Akuma's fist smashed into a demon's jaw who went down faster than anyone could blink. His eyes were blazing as red as the fire that burnt around him his dragons flew through the battlefield decimating everything in their path. He had no idea why he was so pissed off but he definitely knew it had to do with Sakura. He was pissed enough to actually do his job for once, what the hell was she doing to him.

"Dammit." He cursed loudly as he slammed his knee into another demon's chest knocking him to the ground. He panted as he looked around seeing no other enemies left to deal with. He had been tasked with putting a stop to the endless civil war that raged on in hell. This task was handed to him thousands of years ago, but no one ever made him enforce it. For the last four or five thousand years he had been doing nothing but lounging and doing nothing. Then the war here began to spread to the outside world, and his boss couldn't have that. Akuma plopped to the ground and put his head in his hands.

"What the hell am I doing?" He groaned as he thought back to the deal he made with Sakura. He had no idea why he made that deal, in truth he really didn't need to. His only task from his boss was to kill the demons before they got to the surface. He didn't need Sakura to do that, it just made it more complicated involving her. Though for some reason, when he saw her she seemed so familiar. It felt so wrong to just let her stay dead, it broke his heart for some reason. It was the most frustrating thing in the world meeting someone for the first time and feeling like you had already spent eternity with them. Everything about her just seemed to remind him about a past he had no memory of.

"Sir, Sakura-san contacted Koon to try and look for you, would you like us to send her a message for you." Kyofu asked and Akuma shook his head.

"Tell her I will see her at the Chunnin exams, I should at least do a little bit of my job." Kyofu scoffed and looked at him.

"Thousands of years dodgin your responsibilities and now you skip speaking to a girl to do it, you two must not be on good terms, either that or you are going crazy, more than you already were." Akuma rolled his eyes.

"Send her the message, we have work to do." Kyofu nodded and disappeared.