:Hi everyone! Here's the final chapter that you have all been waiting for! I love you guys and I hope you enjoy it!:

One Month Later

"That's one sleep potion, right?" Yugi asked behind a brown counter, a smile on his face. His clothes resembled the ones he had worn a month ago, only now the black was replaced with white silk and a light blue cape that hung around his shoulders lazily and white boots, the whole outfit was slightly smudged with dirt and grass stains. He held a small green bottle in the palm of his hands, he held it out to the person across the counter. The person smiled at him happily and took it out of his hands, he handed Yugi a gold coin and waved goodbye.

A month had passed and Yugi had retired from being a summoner, he didn't wish to let anyone know of what he could do. He didn't want to become a priest magician, he didn't want to enslave other spirits, he just wanted to be at peace with what he had. Potions were always a strong point for him, as were the other kinds of magicians, but this made him feel much more comfortable and at peace. No hints were ever given away that he had ever been a summoner.

"Yugi, here's the basket of Valerian that you wanted." A high pitched childlike voice spoke from below. Yugi looked down and smiled as he saw Kuma holding a brown basket of herbs. He reached down and took it gently from the bear, he had gotten used to Kuma and found it a trustful companion.

"Thank you, Kuma." Yugi smiled and pet it on the head, as if it were a pet. Kuma smiled back and nodded before it skipped away towards the back. After Dartz had 'died', Yugi had inherited, not only the house, but plenty of money. With the money he had bought a shop to sell the potions he made, it was exactly what he wanted. Peace. Yugi rested his arms on the counter and looked at the cash register that was next to him, he pushed a button on it that opened it. It was filled with numerous kinds of coins. Yugi sighed and closed it, he looked around the shop. There were shelves of potions scattered with labels on them and people were observing a majority of them, he was popular amongst the magicians now.

He smiled and saw a figure at the somewhat see-through door. It opened gently and in came people that Yugi could do nothing but smile at.

"Hey guys." Yugi called out with a wave. His friends and their spirits had come by again. Yugi had explained to all of them the situation and why he had quit summoning, and they had accepted it with smiles and agreements. They were sad to have lost a fellow summoner but they were okay with it. Bakura and Seto focused on summoning still and were aiming to become apart of the government to help in war and such, while Anzu decided she too wanted to take a break from summoning and decided to attempt to learn how to control the elements.

The three had walked in, their spirits at their sides in their normal forms. Seto had gotten used to Joey and decided to allow him to roam around in his normal human form if he behaved. Joey behaved, however when he was caught flirting with other spirits, Seto would get angry and force Joey back into a dog form. Bakura, on the other hand, treated Malik the same as before, but he had decided to be a bit more lenient on being all work and no play, so now Malik and him got along far better then before. Anzu kept her spirit and treated her the same as before as well, they seemed to be close friends, you often forgot they were servant and master. As for Yugi...

"Hey Yugi!" Anzu spoke as she waved back, she rushed forward and went around the counter to give the small potion maker a hug that crushed his lungs. He laughed awkwardly and pet her back to tell her to let go politely. She loosened her grip but didn't let go, Yugi sighed but just turned to his friends.

"So, how are you guys?" Yugi questioned, smiling once again. Seto and Bakura shrugged.

"They're fine, just doing normal summoning stuff as usual." Joey commented, waving a dismissive hand. Seto glared at him but said nothing. Bakura looked around the shop.

"Business is as good as ever, I see." Bakura said as he looked at all the people in the place. Yugi smiled proudly at this.

"You should have seen it yesterday, is something going on today or something?" Yugi said. "A lot of people were buying love potions for some reason." Anzu pouted at him.

"Yugi, It's for the bonfire dance that's coming up in town square tonight!" Anzu told him, she let him go. "People want to dance with the person they love, so they obviously want to convince the person they like to dance with them!"

"By making them drink funny herbs." Malik commented with a disgusted face, Bakura nodded.

"Why would anyone even go to that?" Bakura questioned. "We're too busy to go." Malik nodded and smiled at his master. Anzu pouted at this.

"You guys aren't romantic at all!" Anzu commented, she looked at Yugi. "Hey, Yugi. Why don't you go with me?" She smiled as she pointed at herself. Yugi's eyes widened and smiled sadly, he shook his head.

"No thank you, I'm not into dancing." Yugi said, Anzu pouted. "I can give you guys some free love potions if you want?" Joey's eyes widened and he smirked as he threw an arm around his master.

"I'll take one if it'll make this guy smile." Joey winked as Seto growled with a small blush on his cheeks. Yugi giggled at that and shook his head.

"I doubt that would make him smile." Yugi teased, still giggling at the action. Seto glared at him but rolled his eyes after a moment and just grumbled.

"Come on, we need to go." Seto mumbled to Bakura. "We need to go buy some more chalk." Seto smiled slightly at Yugi and waved, Bakura did the same as the two walked out, leaving Anzu and Yugi alone with the customers. Anzu looked at him and smiled, Rebecca was resting on her shoulder, asleep this entire time.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me tonight?" Anzu questioned. Yugi nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I have something to do tonight anyway." Yugi told her. "The love potions narrowed down our supplies a bit, so I have to make more." Anzu nodded, understanding that he needed to restock. She looked away for a moment and sighed.

"Is it just that, or is there another reason?" Anzu spoke sadly. Yugi's eyes widened and looked away for a moment. She looked down.

"Is it because of Ya-"

"Yugi! I can't reach this vine, can you come help me?" Kuma yelled from the back of the store. Anzu and Yugi looked toward the voice and looked back at each other. Anzu smiled sadly at him and nodded for him to go. Yugi nodded and waved at her, saying goodbye. Anzu sighed once more and walked to the door.

"I can't compete with a spirit, can I?"


Yugi stood in his old master's study, leaning over a table and mixing together herbs he had gathered. He had turned the study into an alchemy lab where he made potions and placed them in boxes to sell the next day. Kuma stood to one side of the room, arranging herbs in orders of which potions they went with. Yugi looked to the bear.

"Hey, Kuma?" Yugi spoke, the bear turned toward him.


"Where's Yami?" Yugi questioned, a slight sadness sneaking it's way into his tone. The bear looked up in thought.

"He said he had to go do something this morning and hasn't come back yet." Kuma answered. Yugi sighed and looked at a clock he had set up in the room, it was 7:00 pm...Yugi jumped as he heard voices and loud fireworks from outside his house. Yugi put down his equipment and walked to the window in the room, he looked out it. He had a large view of the town square and saw a bonfire with people dancing around it, laughing. He didn't see his friends there and smiled, they really were busy...Anzu wasn't though. He felt bad for rejecting her, but she should have known he wouldn't have gone with her. She knew how he felt, how Yami felt...Yugi placed a hand on the window and looked out sadly, watching the people and somewhat regretting saying no to going.

Yugi jumped as he felt strong arms wrap around his waist and pull him toward a warm chest. He looked down to see a bouquet of blue and red roses in the hand of someone, he felt someone breath into his ear.

"Sorry I'm late." A deep musical voice whispered in his ear. Yugi sighed and relaxed into the arms of the person. Yugi turned around in the arms and wrapped his arms around the person's neck.

"It's fine, Yami." Yugi responded with a relieved smile on his face. Yami smiled back and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. Yami stepped back and held out the bouquet, Yugi giggled and took it.

"What's this for?" Yugi questioned as he rose the bouquet to his nose and sniffed it, it smelled fresh. Yami shrugged and made a gesture with his hands, on a nearby and not-so-crowded table, a small record player appeared. Yami had left that morning, knowing that that day was a day to have fun, so he had made sure to surprise Yugi. He had ordered Kuma to leave as soon as he sneaked in through the door. Yugi looked at the record player and suppressed a giggle, they used radios now, not record players.

Yami made another small motion with his hand, and the record player began to whisper out a sweet gentle tune. Yugi's eyes widened slightly at this as Yami bowed and held out a hand to him. Yami had worn the same outfit as so long ago, now he had white gloves adjourned with it and he had kept his cape on. Yugi blushed at this and held the bouquet to his chest.

"May I be honored with a dance, Yugi?" Yami spoke formally, Yugi hid his face and nodded. He placed the bouquet down on the window sill and took Yami's hand, Yami gently but firmly grasped it and pulled Yugi to him a fluid motion. Yami guided him gently across the floor, not missing a beat with the music, his hand on Yugi's waist and one holding his hand. Yugi had placed one hand on Yami's shoulder and was keeping up fairly well for a person who had never danced before, it was true, never had he danced like this. Yami twirled him around slowly and chuckled as Yugi giggled at this.

The song ended softly, the two boys stopping in sync with the music. Yami held him, despite the song ending. Yami stared down at him lovingly and smiled.

"I apologize for not being here the whole day." Yami leaned down and placed his forehead against Yugi's. "But once I had heard about the dance, I knew you wouldn't go. I couldn't let you miss that, so I prepared a dance myself." Yugi smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, Yami." Yugi whispered happily. Yami chuckled as he recollected everything that had happened in the past month, he had been summoned, bound, understood, fought against, and loved. Yami couldn't have been happier, he was dead but he couldn't help but feel as if this was something that would last forever. Yugi was thinking similar thoughts, he had been used, tricked, betrayed, and now he was being loved by a mistake that had started all of this. Yami leaned down and captured Yugi's lips, cutting off all but one thought that had coursed through his mind.

Not all mistakes are as bad as they seem.

:I hope you enjoyed The Magician's Mistake, like always there will a poll of all story summaries that are on my profile. The poll will last a week and I will upload the next story almost immediately after the poll is closed! I love you all and I'll see you all in the next story! Bye! 3: