In case if you were wondering, yes this is a new chapter of Loneliness. Please enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own or profit from any Intellectual Properties belonging to Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Sunrise or Viz Media especially InuYasha.

The night had fallen outside and there was barely any sound. InuYasha had sat inside the whole cave. Patience wasn't his best side but he managed to spend the day anyways. Well… after bantering for quite some time… actually for the whole the whole day, the barrier was finally down. And he was glad that it was down. After all if it were to be permanent he couldn't even imagine how he could live another 200 years of his life locked up in that cave.

With the anxiety bothering him down to his soul, InuYasha stood up.

"You are going." The eagle asked.

"Yes, I know they are alive. That's why I am going after them before it is too late." InuYasha said. "It's time."

InuYasha was just about to take his step forward.

"Idiot" The eagle said.

InuYasha froze with his body giving an awkward position where his legs and hands are bent and he was standing like a scarecrow. Except, that he had one of his legs hanging in the air.

For some reason, it felt like a position that an anime character would do. Oh! The writer just realized he had been going off track from his story. The writer would like to apologize. So onward with the story.

Then InuYasha stood normally. His body was giving off a very dark aura.

"What did you just say?" InuYasha asked in rage as he turned around with his shaking right fist raised to the level of his chest.

But then at that moment, he calmed himself down. He realized that he had been very impatient and had been ranting all day. He then gave a light punch to himself near the cheek and then dashed off outside.

"Is the barrier really gone? Is it really the time?" InuYasha asked himself again and again.

His answer was a yes as he dashed through the area where he was repelled by the unbreakable barrier. Moments later he was out of the cave.

InuYasha was glad. He was finally out of the imprisonment and he was now finally free. He was free…

Somehow, those words repeated inside his heads again and again. He was free. That meant, he didn't have to run after those two. He didn't care what would happen to them. He could run off and find the truth behind his dreams.

But NO! It's not right.

He swore that he would assist them till they reached the lake. He had to get them back. He had heard the entire story from Nobu and he knew what Suzume was capable of. He couldn't risk them or else, anything bad could happen if they get captured.

With no more hesitation with him, he took a deep breath and then he dashed forward. Then he leaped down towards the land below.

"What do you think the priestess would want with this man?" he heard a voice.

"I don't know. Lady Sen hasn't told us anything." He heard a second voice.

Nobuhiro could hear these two people, but he couldn't see anything. All of his key senses were functional. He could hear and he could fee. Hell, he could even smell. But he couldn't see anything because his eyes were covered by a cloth. On top of that, he couldn't even move because he was completely bound to the shackles that did not allow him to move.

Where was he? Probably back at the village. Listening to the word 'Sen' made it concrete proof that he was captured the villagers of the previous village. Why did they bring him here? He had no idea why. He didn't even know what happened before that because he was unconscious. By the time he woke up, he found himself all in shackles.

Why were they doing this? He had no idea. But he didn't care about himself. He could just die and then just revive anytime. At that moment, he remembered the person who was supposed to be with her.


What happened to her? Where was she? What did they do to her? These were the major questions he was asking himself. He had to. What if they did something to her? She was a mermaid. What if she would be captured and killed?

Nobu stirred at that moment and then the metal shackles made a tingling noise across the room, cellar, corridor… wherever he was at.

"Huh! What was that?" he heard the previous man say.

"The boy has woken up from his slumber. I think it's time we should let Lady Sen know." He heard another man say.

"Then you stay here. I will go and let her know." The first man said.

Then there were echoes of footsteps going outside.

Somewhere in some house, Suzume was sitting in a room in front of a priestess who claims to be her sister.

"So you are my sister?" Suzume said.

"Of course I am. We were parted long time ago." Sen said.

"But how is that even possible? I thought you were all dead." Suzume said.

"Only the two of us survived during that time. The rest were all killed." Sen said.

Then Sen moved towards Suzume and then kneeled right in front of her.

"But none of that matters anymore because now we have finally reunited." Sen said.

Then not sparing a moment, she hugged Suzume.

Suzume on the other hand was confused. She didn't know what to say or do. This priestess claimed to be her sister. But how did she even survive? But now that she came to think about it, how did she herself survive that night.

After a brief moment of hug, Sen pulled herself back.

"Don't worry sister. Now I will not let anybody harm you, neither that man nor this world." Sen said.


She suddenly realized. Nobu wasn't there in the room. He wasn't anywhere around. He was kept captive?

"Where is the man that was with me?" Suzume asked.

"Why do you ask sister?" Sen asked.

"Where is he?" Suzume asked.

"He is in captive." Sen said.

"Captive? But why?" Suzume asked.

Sen then stood up and then turned around.

"Because I want to prevent the catastrophe that he will bring upon this world." Sen said.

With these words, she began moving outside.

"Catastrophe? What do you mean? Nobu can't bring down a catastrophe." Suzume asked.

Sen suddenly stopped in front of the door.

"You will not understand it sister."

With these words, she went outside.

"HEY WAIT!" Suzume yelled.

But then at moment, Suzume couldn't feel her legs. It felt like they weren't there. She could see her legs, but she just couldn't feel them. Did she put some spell on her?

Suzume could do nothing. She just stared at the door in disbelief. Why did Sen, the woman who claims to be her sister, do such a thing? She had no idea.

Sigh! So guys, it has been one year since I began writing fanfiction and it has already been one year anniversary for Loneliness. Now that would have been a good thing if I at least had kept this story updated and if I hadn't done a short random update. But then again everytime I try to write, I just go blank with the choice of dialogues and screenplay. So yeah guys, I am hopeless for not keeping this updated. Even this chapter I wrote has got nothing. Just a few useless babble and that's it. So I will not ask for any apologies, please feel free to hate me as much as you want.

However, that does not mean that I have given up on the story. I wouldn't boldly claim that there would be 3 arcs if I were to give up on it. So I will try my best to update as far as possible.

Please do leave a review and let me know what should I do to improve my writing and also let me how bad this chapter was because I will admit it this is not good at all.

Until then, see you all next time.