Happy (early) birthday to CatastrophicAquarius, one of my lovely followers who reviewed nearly every one of the acts to "Coming to Terms"! She specifically asked for this to debut on her birthday, which is tomorrow, but I have duty tomorrow, so one day early, here it is!

I'm of the opinion (since I've literally never written a sequel before) that the best way to start off a sequel is with a bang. Aw yis.

Many thanks to CatastrophicAquarius, Katt Pawson, YaoiOverlord, Kyi Nekoyasha, moses. mang. 7, Avespa Strife, iDreamBig, Dave Stridick, obsessed01616, Leok, Rand0mAn0nym0u2, can we not, Heki564, FanficFinatic2, DarkBlueMahogany, Bitblondetoday, and pendaly for your reviews to the last act of "Coming to Terms"!

Writing this and seeing Eridan and Sollux again felt a lot like coming home. I did miss this 'verse.

Saturday morning

Eridan woke up before Sol the next morning and stumbled into the bathroom to shower. He hadn't showered the night before, meaning his hair was still stiff with product, and he felt generally nasty and in need of a shower—especially after all the sweating the previous evening brought with it. He grinned a bit to himself at that.

It wasn't so bad, all things considered. Yeah, it had felt weird at first, but once he got used to it, it ended up feeling pretty damn good. Cuddling up to Sol after had been nice, too. He'd never really thought of himself as a cuddly individual, but then again, he'd never really thought of himself as bisexual, either. Maybe it was just Sol's influence on him, but he didn't object to it.

Upon entering the tiny bathroom, he was pleased to discover that his boyfriend kept it clean. It definitely would have bothered him if he had another Cro on his hands, although based on the rest of the equally-tiny apartment, he shouldn't have worried.

He hunted for towels, stripped out of the sweatpants Sol had so kindly provided, and got into the shower. He scrubbed the gel out of his hair with Sol's shampoo. Honey-scented, he wasn't surprised to discover. Sol apparently didn't believe in conditioner, though, so he made a mental note to bring it the next time he happened to stay over.

Or I could buy some and leave it here, he reasoned to himself. After all, it wasn't like Sol would use it—although if he did, he wouldn't be upset. It might even be nice to run his fingers through Sol's hair after it was freshly-conditioned. It would make it that much softer.

He stepped out of the shower and quickly toweled off. Normally, he would blow-dry his hair, but he'd left his hairdryer at Cro's apartment and he knew that expecting Sol to have one of his own was too much to hope for. Besides, it wasn't like he was planning on going anywhere anytime soon. They'd probably stay in all day.

Eridan hoped Monday never came. He'd be content with spending a very long time here with Sol.

As he wrapped the towel around his waist, his stomach let out an unseemly growl and he realized just how long it had been since he'd last eaten. Sol would probably be hungry, too, but as he ducked back into the bedroom, he noted that his boyfriend was still fast asleep. Sometime in the forty-five minutes he'd been in the bathroom, though, Sol had scooted into the middle of the bed and snuggled into the warm spot that Eridan had left. That was kind of cute, actually.

He dug into his backpack for a notebook and a pen. As quietly as he could, he scribbled out a quick note to Sol and left it on the pillow.

hey sol wwent to go get breakfast ill be back soon dont wworry about me


For a moment, he briefly contemplated putting "lovve, eridan" but, considering Sol's tendency to read way too far into things (see: Cro's offhand comment referring to Sol as Eridan's boyfriend), he opted to leave it out. He didn't want to send Sol into palpitations just yet.

He was just strolling out of the bedroom when he remembered he was still in just a towel. Feeling stupid, he backtracked, changed back into the jeans and shirt he'd been wearing the night before (sans underwear and socks), stuffed his feet into his shoes, and donned his pea coat, twirling his keys around his finger. He took Sol's door key from where he'd tossed it the night before on the living room/dining room table and stuck it in his pocket as well so he could get back inside later.

"Later" ended up being nearly an hour as he waited in line at a small bistro called The Broken Yolk down the street, placed his order to go (he had no idea what Sol would want, so he got coffee and a vegetarian omelet for himself and another omelet and an order of pancakes just in case Sol gagged on the eggs), and finally wandered back to the apartment.

Nothing had changed since he'd left, so he figured Sol was still asleep. He set the apartment key and their bagged breakfasts on the table and peeled off his coat when Sol wandered in, wearing nothing but his boxers and Eridan's ring. He didn't even have his glasses. "Oh, good, you're awake," Eridan said, draping his coat over a chair and gesturing to the food. "I got break—"

He was cut off when Sol closed the not-substantial distance between them and kissed him, cupping his face with both hands. Eridan let out a faint gasp before melting into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Sol and letting himself lean into the taller boy.

It was nice to just stand there with Sol against him. They fit together well, and even the allure of his omelet wasn't enough to pull him away from the kiss, not just yet. It had been a long time since he'd felt so comfortable with someone besides Fef and he reveled in it. Sol's bare torso was still warm through Eridan's shirt and the cold from outside made him want to snuggle into him.

One of Sol's hands began playing through his hair and Eridan suddenly remembered that he hadn't put any gel in it after getting out of the shower. He'd completely forgotten to put it up and he'd gone out into public with it hanging into his eyes—but Sol was reverently stroking it, so he found he didn't mind much. It didn't look bad, after all, just different.

He nibbled on Sol's lower lip and Sol sighed against his cheek and all at once, the whole tone shifted. Eridan dug his nails into Sol's back and pressed his hips to the other boy's and couldn't help grinding against him. Sol didn't seem to mind—his other hand found its way to the hem of Eridan's shirt and tugged it up and over Eridan's head, knocking his glasses askew, but Eridan just pulled them off and set them on the table.

"I take it you're not hungry," Eridan joked against Sol's lips.

Sol's mouth quirked up in a half-smile. "Not for food, anyway. Not right now."

A thrill ran through Eridan when he said that. It had been a long time since anyone had wanted him, either—he'd missed the feeling. He'd missed wanting someone with that same intensity, too. He'd missed Sol. "I know what you mean. I could hold off on breakfast." It would be cold by the time they got around to eating it, but that was why microwaves had been invented.



The journey back to Sol's room was a blur. He almost tripped trying to take off his shoes, but Sol caught him just in time. Sol started working on his jeans a few feet before the doorway, lightly dragging his fingers over Eridan's half-hard dick, but stopped when he realized that he'd gone commando.

"It's okay," Eridan murmured, keeping Sol's hands in place. "I don't mind."

Sol nodded slightly and finished unzipping Eridan's jeans. The pants ended up on the floor right outside the bedroom and Eridan shivered slightly from both cold and nerves but pressed himself up against Sol to keep warm.

They pulled the blankets up over themselves when they crawled back into bed and Eridan tried to relax—he'd enjoyed this the night before, after all—but as Sol reached for the lube that was on the nightstand, he still trembled a bit. At least until Sol leaned over him and kissed him again, cradling the back of his neck and soothing him. Sol would be careful. He always was—almost too careful.

He let out a ragged keening sound as Sol slid his first lubricant-slicked finger inside him, and then a second. It didn't take as long this morning to get him spread open, and by the time Sol had three fingers sliding almost obscenely easily into him, there was a heat twisting through his gut and he couldn't stop moaning. He was utterly incapable of staying quiet and he hoped Sol had thick walls but he was quickly descending into the realm of not caring at all who heard him.

Sol was murmuring in his ear, white-hot praises that raised the hair on the back of his neck, unable for all his control to keep the edge out of his voice. Eridan could hear it and he felt the unmistakeable hardness of Sol's cock pressing against his thigh through his boxers and why the Hell is Sol still wearing those? He knew what would happen next and he wanted it, he knew without a doubt that he wanted to go all the way with Sol.

He bit his lip and clenched his fist, trying to keep himself contained, but when Sol dragged his fingers firmly across his prostate, the same spot he'd hit so sweetly the night before, he whined and sank his nails into Sol's thigh. "Please," he whimpered. "Sol..."

"Yeah?" he asked softly, his breath hot against Eridan's ear.

"Sol... fuck me... please..." He probably sounded desperate and pathetic but he didn't care—he was burning and only Sol could stop it, only Sol could keep him from drowning in his desire.

He exhaled sharply. "You sure?"

Eridan briefly considered trying to be witty, but he didn't have the brainpower for it. "I am everythin' but unsure, ass. Are you gonna fuck me or not?"

Sol leaned back, grinning, and gently withdrew his fingers. "I think I can handle that."

Eridan grinned back and sat up, throwing an arm around his boyfriend to kiss the side of his neck. Sol let out what was most likely an involuntary giggle and shimmied out of his underwear, awkwardly turning his head to return a kiss of his own; his lips ended up in Eridan's hair, and the shorter boy was grateful he hadn't put any product in his hair this morning.

"Ready?" Sol breathed as he squirted more lube in his hand, and Eridan nodded. His nerves were starting to return, but he wasn't nervous enough to want to stop. Sol wouldn't hurt him. He knew he'd be okay in Sol's arms.

Sol kissed his lips lightly. "Lie back, okay? It's still gonna feel weird."

Eridan nodded again and did as Sol asked. He kept his eyes locked on his boyfriend as he slicked up his cock and leaned over him.

"Stop me if it hurts too much, okay?"


Satisfied, Sol balanced on one elbow as he used his other hand to guide himself into Eridan.

He kept his eyes open, and he was so glad he did. Sol's eyes locked with his and it made the moment even more intimate and sweet. He whimpered but didn't tell Sol to stop—he didn't want Sol to stop. He loved the way Sol felt inside him, filling him with heat, and he wasn't used to the sensation, his brain was melting away, but he could definitely get used to it. He pulled Sol down and bit the curve where his neck met shoulder, and suddenly Sol let out a shaky moan and started moving, slowly beginning to thrust into him, and Eridan whined, closing his eyes but still clinging to Sol.

"Oh, God, yeah, fuck, please—harder—fuck, feels so good, keep goin', oh, my God—fuck—!" He became dimly aware of the words pouring out of his mouth and into Sol's skin without conscious control but he couldn't stop talking even if he wanted to. Sol groaned every time he was fully hilted inside him and it was better than he'd imagined that night not too long ago when he jerked off thinking about Sol. He dizzily wondered what Sol would say if he knew Eridan had masturbated to thoughts of him and decided to tell him later, if only to see his reaction. He couldn't tell him right now, though—he could barely summon the brainpower to do more than spew obscenities and bury his nails into Sol's back and hope that he left a hickey. After all, Sol had left enough on him that he figured it was time to return the favor.

"Eridan," Sol breathed in his ear, and he couldn't call to mind a single time that he'd ever called him by his full first name. Ampora, sure, and ED, lots of times, but he couldn't remember one time that Sol had ever called him Eridan. It was hot, though, and Eridan smiled to himself.

And then Sol gave one, two, three quick, hard thrusts into him and the grin slipped off Eridan's face and that familiar heat snaking through his stomach went lower and Sol was still giving those brain-frying thrusts into him and for a few seconds, Eridan felt like he was floating and his mouth finally released Sol's skin and he was moaning, squeezing Sol's sides with his knees, and he was coming (How? He didn't even think it was possible, not after only a few minutes—he wasn't that easy, was he?) and twisting his fingers into Sol's hair and everything seemed to melt away.

Sol panted against his chest and Eridan realized that burn hadn't quite gone—Sol must have come, too. He eased out of Eridan and they both groaned softly, but their eyes locked again and Sol smiled, reaching up to brush Eridan's bangs out of his eyes. "Now I think I want food."

Eridan snorted with laughter.

Saturday afternoon

It still ended up being after one before either of them got back out of bed. They both fell back asleep and Sol must have woken up a few minutes before him because Eridan woke up to Sol returning with the pancakes and an omelet on one plate and the other omelet on another. All of it was steaming—Sol must have put it in the microwave—as was the cup of coffee he handed to Eridan, and they ate in silence, stacking their plates on the nightstand when they were done.

Then Eridan climbed into Sol's lap and kissed him and neither of them got back out of bed for another three hours.

Saturday evening

They pulled themselves together long enough to get dressed (Eridan borrowed a black tee, a pair of jeans that were just a little long in the leg, and a beanie to hide his no-product, just-had-sex-twice hair), go out, and get more food before they came back to the apartment. They sat in front of the bed and watched The Exorcist as they ate, laughing at the ridiculous deaths and the projectile vomiting.

The rug burn on his knees and elbows long after the credits rolled was well worth it, although dragging his boneless body back into bed before he fell asleep was a chore. Sol's arms around him made up for it, though.

Sunday morning

Eridan woke up before Sol again the next morning and briefly considered going out for breakfast, but he was sore from the day before and decided against it. He knew Sol had cereal or something laying around—he didn't need a hot breakfast (except for coffee—that he definitely needed).

Fortunately, Sol's minimal cooking skills extended to oatmeal and toast, and while it wasn't The Broken Yolk, it beat going hungry, especially after all the calories they'd both burned on Saturday. Eridan stayed in bed like the prince that he was and let Sol bring him food.

Halfway through Hot Fuzz, he was distracted by Sol's hand on his knee, working its way up to his thigh and in between his legs, and he was so preoccupied with screaming Sol's name until he was hoarse that he didn't realize the movie had ended until hours later.

Sunday afternoon

"Help me clean up these dishes," Sol said, nudging him with his foot.

Eridan groaned and rolled over. "You want me to do dishes? I think I can barely walk."

"That was like four hours ago. It wasn't that bad." Then a slightly worried look crossed Sol's face. "Was it?"

Eridan grinned. "Sol, I dunno if you realize this, but you kinda got the whole 'monster dick' thing goin' on. I'm thinkin' about callin' you Equius, actually."

Sol went red and buried his face in his pillow. "I didn't need to be reminded about that guy's horse cock, thank you."

"Ah, I can probably take the dishes to the sink, but if you think for one second that I am washin' a single one a' them, you got another thing comin'."

"I'm washing, you're drying. You helped dirty up these dishes."

Eridan couldn't deny his logic (no matter how much he wanted to), so he pulled himself out of bed and helped Sol with the dishes. The only problem with that was that neither of them had bothered to put on pants in the meantime, so by the time the dishes were washed and half-dried, Eridan was sneaking up behind Sol and biting on his neck, running his fingers over Sol's "monster dick."

Sol sprinted back to the bedroom long enough to get the lubricant, but they ended up fucking on the kitchen floor and Eridan pretended he didn't feel a perverse sense of satisfaction about that.

Sunday evening

It was stupidly late. He tried to slip into the apartment as quietly as possible to avoid waking Cro, but it was a useless gesture because Cro was still awake, sitting in front of the TV with his head still bandaged and his face in a devious grin.

"Hey, little monster. Where've you been all weekend?"

"Sol's," Eridan answered quickly, suddenly hyper-aware of the missing ring that had been on his right ring finger. Sol still had it. Eridan secretly hoped he would have it for a good long while.

"Really? You have fun?"

Cro was still grinning and Eridan's giddy mood was rapidly waning. He did not want to deal with this bullshit right now. "Yes, I had fun. Now, I am goin' to sleep." He stood up a little straighter and went to his room, pointedly ignoring the way Cro snickered at his slight, albeit noticeable, limp. There was no way Cro didn't know what Eridan's definition of "having fun" meant now.

He closed the door behind him, locked it, and grinned. He'd had sex with Sol (multiple times), and he'd liked it.

Fef was going to flip out.

In which Eri and Sol finally do the fondue.

Five fuckin' times.

This story is now in my rotation for fics, so the next to be updated is "When Blood Sings," followed by "Just Go With It," and then this one. Lather, rinse, repeat.