When Jet went to sleep that night, his mind was set on a small procedure that would be the closest to a 'plan' he could get.

Tomorrow morning, he would help out in the laundry room, steal a soldier's suit if he was lucky and then after three more days, he would meet Katara in the showers, if she had gotten the note, she would already be expecting him. He hadn't thought about that part very well, but it was the only place where she wasn't watched. He had poured over every map he could get his hands on while working in the Broiler room and there were multiple routes that would lead down to the showers, the closest one leading to a servants passage that could lead to a fairly simple getaway.

The only problem was hoping Katara had somehow seen the note and understood it. Sending her another one would be far too risky and he wouldn't dare to do it again.

When they met in the showers, he wasn't sure what to do from there. They just had to make it to the carts- they couldn't risk any more time by sitting to plan together, they had to act in that very moment, which would be fairly difficult considering they had their showers right after breakfast and it would be broad daylight when they would be forced to escape.

Once out of the cart, they wouldn't be able to stay in the Fire Nation anymore. He had already prepared a ship to leave- to the Water Nation- they had no other choice but to go there. When Commander Jane found out about what had happened- he would definitely not be welcomed back with open arms to the Nationless- unless they thought of something else. And staying in the Fire Nation was out of the question.

He hadn't thought further than that. The Fire Lord would surely lead an attack on the Water Nation sooner than Jet could imagine after he would find out that Katara had escaped, but maybe they could prepare an army?

He sighs and shuts his eyes; in all honesty, he had absolutely no idea of anything. Except that he had to get Katara out of here. And he would- even if it took his last breath away.

I had heard once that a human body can only bear a specific amount of pain until it breaks away completely.

When Sokka and I were young and we were injured, whether it was a simple scrape or a broken bone, we would always scale our pain. Putting the pain between 1 and 10. Both Sokka and I would always be insufferable as usual and claim whatever injury we had barely hurt.

The pain returns while I'm sleeping, and my eyes snap open when it becomes intolerable. My entire body clenches and the prickling flame spreads from my scalp, and folds over my entire body like a blanket and I shake.

I shake and tremble inside out as my mind clambers back and forth because this pain- this pain is a 10. Neither my pride nor my shame plays a part in the truth. This pain is the most my body can handle.

This is the pain that will cut my body off from this life.

This pain will be the end of me.

There are so many types of weaknesses a human being can go through. I've learned that through my time I've been alive, since the moment I opened my eyes and I will continue learning them until my eyes shut once and for all.

There are so many shades, so many different sides of weakness.

Maybe I'm not sure yet, because how can anyone be sure until they've experienced it themselves? But I feel as if I've experienced enough to know for sure I've been through multiple forms of weakness so many times in my short lived eighteen years of life.

A week ago, while climbing the wall, I was physically weak. A few months ago when I had first arrived in the Fire Nation, I was mentally weak.

Today I am both physically and mentally weak to a degree I've never reached before.

Stealing a suit was easier than Jet could have ever expected. June had questioned him the next morning about what he used to do for General Chan, trying to figure out where he could be of use. He had replied he helped with delivering meals and the laundry, and she wasted no time in ushering him off to the laundry room to help out.

He had met a fairly elderly woman who was more passive then he could have imagined and she didn't even seem to notice as he withdrew information from her from a few words of bantering back and forth. She had told him which suit was worn where, and he had stolen one guard suit, and she didn't glance at him twice.

He snuck the suit into the same broom closet he had discovered on his first night here, where his clothes and weapons were and stored the suit there.

He was prepared and he knew they would make it. He just knew it.

The Fire Lord watches, almost in slowed motion, as Ambassador Ghor enters his room, upon his request. He bows low and meets the young Fire Lord's gaze, "Your highness," He says softly.

"I have called you here to ask if you've received any updates on the attack," He says. It has been three days since he sent out two thousand of his best soldiers to take down the Earth Kingdom.

"Of course your highness," He pulls out a sheet of paper and begins reading, "General Zhi has sent this letter informing the progression of the attack, the Earth Kingdom's army isn't nearly as strong as they had expected, and he says that it will only take a few more days, at the least to take down the rest of their army and their King."

The Fire Lord should be pleased, or at least impressed by the news, but he's not.

"Their attacks are weak and not nearly strong enough to fight against our army, and the King is beginning to relent, realizing his situation, but he hasn't surrendered, but many think he is close."

After taking down an entire Nation, what would happen after? He could spread the land of the Fire Nation towards the Earth Kingdom and begin rule there, but what about the remaining people, would he take them in as prisoners? Or would they work as slaves for the rest of their lives?

"Your highness?"

He looks up from the pen on his desk and nods for Ghor to continue.

He seems hesitant with his words, "Should- Should I send out orders to begin preparing an army for the attack against the Water Nation?"

He contains himself, gritting his teeth. He was the leader of this Nation, and he wouldn't let his emotions get in the way of doing what had to be done, "Once the Earth Kingdom is taken down and dealt with, I will deal with the Water Nation, for now, do as you are told."

His face reddens slightly and he bows again, "Of course, your majesty, that is all for now."

Fire Lord Zuko watches as he scampers off, a slight tremble in his back that must have been present ever since his father was ruler. Perhaps many of the people that worked for him still lived in the fear that he was exactly like his father, that he would turn out like his father regardless of what'd he been through.

But they were wrong- or at least he hoped they were.

When I wake up, the smell of food makes my stomach churn. It's a thick, sickening odour that never affected me until today. I'm not positive if it's coming from the food or from my clothes that have now grown stale from the dried vomit.

The girl is already eating her food, not even glancing in my direction.

Was it breakfast or dinner? My mind churns, trying to focus, but it's hopeless because the odour is unbearable. I push my hands against the floor, and try to use any amount of strength I have to push myself over, away from the vomit; my arms shake desperately and refuse to work as they fall limply to my sides.

I don't glance at my meal as I try to focus on my breathing, in through my nose and out through my mouth, exactly how I used to breathe when my lungs ached every morning from training. I repeat the motion over and over again, hoping to reduce the nausea.

My heart pounds in my ears as I feel the taste of blood in my throat once more, as if I'm slowly choking to death on it. I grit my teeth as the tang of blood, metallic and warm, begins rising up my throat. I gag as I feel my heart beat increase, but this time, nothing comes out. No blood or food.

I rest my throbbing cheek against the cool, stone wall in an effort to cool myself down, to make my stomach settle down.

But nothing seems to work.

Jet had left at the break of dawn, slipped out of the servant's chamber before even June awoke, taking nothing along with him. He hadn't even tried to give an inconspicuous goodbye to June. His feet move swiftly with the agility of a master warrior as he weaves in and out through the servant hallways he had been studying so carefully ever since he arrived here.

When he reaches the broom closet, he pulls it open quietly and slips in, shutting the door behind him. His heart races in the confined space as he struggles to pull off his clothes. His fingers search in the darkness for the soldier suit, and he tugs it on, trying to locate all the buttons and zippers that line the suit in the pitch black.

If everything went as planned today, they would be out by nightfall, sailing on the boat to the Water Nation. If everything went as planned, Katara would be safe- for now at the least.

He grabs all his weapons, strapping, buckling and tying them up to every inch of his body as he had done the night he had sneaked out of his house in the capital. He was ready that day and he was ready today. He wraps the sword around his waist and grabs the helmet, pulling it over his head so only a small part of his face is visible.

A large set of steel doors meet him, leading towards the North Wing of all the cells in the Fire Nation palace, where Katara's cell was located. When he hears the two guards that stand duty at the door, he tries to calm his erratic heartbeat, reminding himself he's dressed as one of them, and therefore he should act like one of them.

He straightens out, sending a level glance at both the soldiers.

"What are you doing, soldier?" One of the guards ask him, not suspiciously, but loud enough to make Jet sweat under his suit.

"I have been instructed to aid in leading the two prisoners from Cell 27 towards the showers today," His voice sounds strangely smooth, concealing his fear well enough.

The guards glance at each, as if unsure. One of them narrows his eyes, "We received no order to open the door to any new guards, what's your name?"

He hadn't travelled this far to be stopped by a couple of guards. He takes a dangerous step close to them, narrowing his eyes into slits, "My name should be none of your concern. I received direct orders from General Chan to escort them to the showers personally, and if you would like to question me about it, I'm sure he'd be glad to offer answers to your questions."

One of the guards seems taken aback by the use of such an important name. The other one doesn't budge, he gives Jet a hard stare and nothing more, "We cannot open these doors to any unauthorized visitors."

"Then I'm sure you can take this up with the Fire lord yourselves, and when he questions me as to why the prisoners weren't taken to their showers, I'll direct his anger towards both of you," He says, his mouth moving without permission from his brain. But maybe that was how this whole plan would work, a level flow of on-the-spot behaviour, "What are your names again?"

The shorter guards face whitens and he nudges the other guard, who still seems reluctant but nods slowly, "Very well," He steps aside and types in a series of numbers in the small number pad and Jet tries to look past his shoulder but doesn't get very far as the soldier sends a wary glare in his direction. A loud hissing noise is heard and the two large steel doors slide open, a gust of cold air slamming into him.

When he had come here a few days ago, he had entered through the back door servant's passage and the guards hadn't questioned him as he delivered the meal. The back door would have to be the only way they could take.

He walks through the silence of every steel, closed off cell. Four guards surround every single cell, and there's a number of cells that can't even all be caught in one frame of his line of sight. There's only a narrow path for him to cross through to Cell 27. The air is colder than it was at the entrance, seemingly to be growing colder with each step he takes. The guards watch him with suspicious glances and looks, but he ignores them.

He wedges past a few more guards and then he's standing in front of Cell 27. Katara's cell. The guards at her cell watch him in confusion and he clears his throat.

"I was instructed by General Chan to escort them to their showers."

The tallest, and strongest guard of them all speaks up, "We're not expecting any guards, but by all means, we could use all the help we can get. Do you know how to get to the showers?"

He nods quickly and gives them each a once-over. Two of the guards are far stronger than he could ever become, but the other two would be fairly easy to take out. He wouldn't- couldn't kill them. But he couldn't get his job without taking them out, and the showers were closed off. He could get the job done swiftly and quickly before anyone would even care to notice, and then he would take Katara down the servants hallway.

He takes a deep breath as the guard standing at the door steps aside to open it up.

This time, when I hear the door opening, I already know what's coming. Maybe I was catching on to this schedule well. Luminescent light seeps in as the heavy doors squeal as they slide aside and my eyes burn and fill with water so quickly, I have to turn away- making me painfully dizzy- and shut my eyes tightly.

Strong hands grasp my arms on one side and another pair hold on to my other side- somehow gentler than the rest of the soldiers. Two soldiers begin to drag me. My mind is blurred for a few moments before I slowly come to realize why the light from the door made my stomach turn in anticipation- not nausea- although it's still ever present.

The showers. The note. Today was the day.

But how could it be possible? There were so many guards swarming me from every single direction, how could someone even think to attempt to help me escape? It seemed physically and mentally impossible.

I hear rough voices around me, complaining about the mess I made and the mess that covers my clothing. As if they're arguing on who will take the disgusting one.

My hands drag across the cool ground of the cell, and my fingertips skim something. The choker. I hear the doors slide back once more and my fingers twitch, clasping around the choker and numbly dragging it along with me.

My knees scrape against the abrasive flooring and I cough once as something catches in my throat. The hands that hold me from my left side increase their pressure, and their fingertips dig into my shoulder blade painfully, making me groan.

The light dims around me, which can only mean we're being dragged closer to the showers, a closed off space where no one can watch us. I try to open my eyes, but realize I still won't be able to see much and decide to keep them closed as they sting in protest to even the mild lighting above my head. My fingers are still wrapped around the choker for a reason I can't pin down.

Would I use it as a weapon? Would I keep it as a memory?

I almost laugh at the second thought. A memory of what?

There's the sound of doors sliding and I increase my grip on the choker, trying to cover it with the palm of my hand, not wanting it stolen from me like my other necklace. If I really was somehow being rescued today, I didn't- couldn't leave it behind me.

I'm tossed to the ground and I grunt as my face smashes against the stone ground. I taste blood again, but try to open my eyes. I blink through the stinging and glance up at the girl, who's standing under the shower, not pulling her clothes off or showering but watching the closed door with a stiff expression on her face.

I struggle to get onto my knees, even that amount of movement makes me cry out from the pain and I turn my head to look behind me. The door is shut- just as I had expected, but I hear something just as suddenly as the door had shut. Kicks, thumps and groans coming from behind it and I feel my breath hitch in my throat. Every scream is muffled, as if by someone's bare hands, but I can hear them.

Ringing through the walls and shaking my skull. I ram the choker into my shirt.

After what seems like an eternity or three seconds, the door opens.

Jet breathes heavier and harder as he reaches for the knob on the door. The soldiers were all on the ground in an assortment around him, with some sort of injury that prevented them from getting up from the pain. One had a dagger in his side, one knocked out with a few mighty blows to his face, one dazed from an arrow in his shoulder, and one who was groaning from a knife hit in his spine.

He wipes his mouth with his sleeve before getting up on unsteady feet, ignoring all the blood that pools around his feet and the muffled curses that all direct towards him. It was only a matter of time until more guards would come. He had only a few minutes at the most.

He opens the door, hoping to God she had received the message and wasn't actually showering. He had held her, with the help of another soldier and tried so desperately to hold back the gasp that had impaled him when he had caught sight of her in the darkness.

Weakened down to the dust of her bones, she was shaking like an insane child and every small movement seemed to cause her great agony. Her hair was messed and tangled and hung in strands over her face, and her clothes were soiled from blood and vomit and when he had touched her, grabbing onto her shoulder, she had groaned. And then there was another girl sitting in the back corner, concealed in the dark and he hadn't even bothered glancing at her. His focus wall all on the only person that mattered at that moment and he had thought in that small moment that nothing could have been worse than seeing her in there- in that condition.

But seeing her here- sitting up on her knees in the faint light of the shower room, was worse than anything he could ever imagine. All her wounds were clearly visible in the light, except the ones that were-thankfully- covered by her clothing.

Her face was bruised, so badly, he could barely make out her expression. Her entire body trembled at him standing in front of her and she cowered back, struggling to open her eyes. God above- what had they done to her?

He felt weak in the knees as he stepped towards her, counting down the seconds in his mind. He had to keep himself composed for long enough to get her out of here- before they could harm her any further.

But what he saw in her eyes wasn't recognition- but was fear. She tried to scramble backwards as he stepped closer to her, but he grabbed her arm, gently but deftly and her eyes widened. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out. His heart thrashed against his chest, he had to get her out of here.

He spoke her name in a daze, through a cloud in a dream, "Katara-"

She began struggling and he grasped her other arm. He had never thought that of all his obstacles with the plan- the state of her health would even be one that qualified. He was so utterly stupid. She could barely hold herself up, how had he expected her to help in the escape?

He pulls off his helmet, long enough for her to catch sight of his face. Something crashes down on her face, overpowering all the bruises and scars that cover it and her eyes widen further. Her chest rises and falls.

"It's me," He says quietly, pulling her towards him as slow as possible- so not to frighten her. She's still trembling, even as he wraps his arms around her to try and comfort her, "We're getting out of here- right now- and then you'll be safe."

She shakes.

He pulls back to get a closer look at her face and as he opens his mouth to say something more but out of his peripheral vision he sees a shadow he never noticed emerge from the dark behind her trembling figure.

I didn't know what to say to him as he pulled off his helmet. I had never felt such relief crash down on me so quickly, as if all the days spent in the cell were worth seeing him. He was here- he would save me. I would live.

Jet was here, and he would get both of us out.

As he pulls back and I try to squint to see the details of his face, I see his eyes narrow at something behind me, fixating on a figure and I dreadfully turn around to see her. The girl, standing so effortlessly with an expression that could only be described as amused. She smiles, her lips curling up sickeningly.

The air around me thickens and I try to breathe.

She crosses her arms and Jet is suddenly pulling back from me and I try to push closer towards him, but he's slowly getting up on his feet. His arms don't hesitate in reaching out and pulling me to my feet- somehow shielding me. My knees give out, but he wraps a strong arm around my waist- holding me up.

"We always seem to meet in the strangest places, don't you agree?"

I open my mouth to respond, but realize she isn't talking to me. Her eyes are focused on the figure holding me up. She's talking to Jet. She's talking to Jet?

Jet seems at a loss for words as he watches her with wide eyes.

Her smile grows, "Does Jane know about this?" She asks, a playful lilt in her voice.

My mind dizzies. What is she talking about?

"I'm sure she'd love to know. Her only son- deliberately working against her own plans," She places her hands on her hips, "How pleasant of you Jet. Betraying her for a peasant who isn't worth more than the clothes on her back.

"I honestly expected better from you."

Jet inhales sharply, "What are you doing here Azula?"

Azula? Was that her name?

She laughs and then shakes her head, motioning around the room, "What does it look like I'm doing?"

I suddenly can't take it anymore. It's selfish and stupid, but I can't bear to hear her voice any longer. The guards will be coming soon enough once they've found out we're missing and I won't waste my only chance of escaping from this hellhole on this girl.

Before I know what I'm doing, my eyes slide down to the dagger in Jet's hand, his fist is clenched so tightly around it. I dig my fingernails into his hand and snatch the dagger and throw it with any strength I have and I hear Jet gasp and Azula's eyes widen for such a brief moment, before she's struck in her shoulder, my aim dreadfully off.

I grab Jet's arm, "We have to get out of here."

When he meets my gaze, he's both bewildered and utterly grounded, but he shuts his mouth, nods and grabs my arm, "Can you run?"

I'm not sure I can even walk, but we're wasting time. I nod and Jet hesitates, glancing back once at Azula who's struggling against the wall, before handing me his sword, grabbing my arm and kicking down the door.

Clear his thoughts. That's exactly what Jet does as Azula's hit and she collapses to the ground.

They sprint out from the door of the shower and begin running down the dark hallway that leads to all the other showers. The servants hallway isn't far from here. The showers lead further and further down in a spiral until it leads to the hallway.

Jet pulls Katara along, being utterly shocked by her action, but clearing his thoughts once more. They had to get out of here, and that was his first priority. Katara stumbles behind him and each time sends a jolt of pain through his arms. Her legs don't seem to be working as well as Jet had hoped and she's gasping for air, but neither of them slow.

And then they hear yells, so many of them behind them and the heavy boots of guards. Jet's heart beat picks up and he pulls Katara once more, willing her to go faster. If they got caught down here, there'd be no possible way of escape. They just had to get down to the servants' hallways. Jet runs faster, willing his legs to work at lightning speed.

The arrows are shot with painfully precise aim as Jet ducks, pulling Katara down along with him as they both crash to the ground- arrows shooting past their heads with such speed that could have beheaded them in moments. They get up, and take off in a run, the arrows are released over and over again and the guards are gaining on them, yelling so loudly, the echoes strike almost as hard as the arrows.

Jet is gripping Katara with one hand and holding a dagger in the other. She's falling behind and he constantly usher her forwards, but she trips multiple times. An arrow whizzes right past her face and she screams, Jet pushes her to the side as a series of more fly from nowhere, landing all around them as he tries to shield her. She cries out, and panic consumes him as he jumps to the conclusion that she's been struck.

But when he whirls around, he sees why she had screamed. Three soldiers charge down at them with such speed and intensity, Jet takes a step back. But he doesn't think twice as he throws the dagger in his hand, it hits one of them in their legs. He grabs another knife and throws it, nailing him in the shoulder, and the third guard charges at Katara. She swings, the sword cutting him clean across his stomach and he falls to his knees. Katara trembles, her shoulders rising and falling.

They're running again, the air rushing past them and Jet can see the hallway, and he practically carries Katara. The soldiers behind them would either think they had turned left to run further down or used the hallway. He prays that they'd expect them to turn left and he shoves the door open as both Katara and him collapse to the ground like a pile of arrows.

She's breathing heavier than he thinks is healthy and he grabs her, pulling her up, "Are you alright?" The question is stupid because she's clearly not.

She's trying to get her words out, but her eyes seem to be struggling to focus. She nods quickly, pointing ahead of her, motioning him to continue running. He wraps an arm around her as they take off again. They had to run towards the North exit of the palace, where the carts were taken in and out of the palace walls.

His lungs ache from running, but he only increases his speed, lugging Katara along. They run through the darkness of the hallway, Jet having a fairly good idea of where he was going, and gladly they didn't hear any sounds of them being followed. Even if they were, he had a pretty good idea they had a head start anyways.

My entire body cries out in pain from every single step I take, but I just have to push through this and then I'll make it. I'll be safe- we both will.

We slip out through the musky, dark hallway. I'm surprised Jet even knows his way around the palace. How long has he been here? There's painful silence as we walk into the halls of the main palace, nearing the doors to exit the palace towards the North exit. I suspected we'd be using the carts as a means of escaping.

Jet stops abruptly, holding out his hands just as he pushes open the doors that would lead to the fresh air of the outdoors, "Wait-" He breathes, "I'll make sure it's clear- stay here-" Before I can protest, he slips out through the doors, leaving me utterly revealed.

I fall to the ground, not being able to hold myself any longer and that's when I see him, turning the corner, dressed down fully in an Elite soldier suit and a stern expression on his face. Haru. I try to scramble up and back out through the door but his eyes lock on my figure just as he turns into the otherwise empty hallway.

I feel myself collapse even further somehow.

His eyes widen and then narrow with an expression and emotion I've never seen on Haru. I feel my throat closing up as I desperately grip my sword, praying for Jet to fly through the door and carry me away before Haru can take a step closer, but I can't move, my muscles scream and wail as I try to even move my arm to hold my sword out in front of me- in some sort of defence.

His eyes are unbelieving for so many reasons and I feel suddenly awful. Suddenly guilty and sick and awful all at once, and I can't bear to look up at him any longer. I avert my gaze and watch as his boots take a step closer to me- hesitantly.

"Is that really you?" His voice is sceptical of my presence, and I try to raise my head to meet his gaze, but it hurts too much- both physically and mentally.

"Haru-" I rasp out weakly but he cuts me off.

"How could you!" He yells so loudly, his body shaking from anger, his eyes boring into mine; I want to tell him to shut up because someone will hear. And where was Jet? But all I'm able to do is shake from his words- or from the pain- or from both.

"Please-" I try to say again, but he takes a step closer to me and my heart climbs in my throat as something cool, sharp and metal is pointed directly at my chest. I tremble as I look into my friend's eyes that seem to be swimming in emotion.

Even if I had the energy to- I would never kill him. Maybe he could scrounge up the courage to actually use the sword in his hand- but I wouldn't- couldn't ever be able to.

"I trusted you!" He spits and his face turns red, "I believed you! How could you?" He's yelling even louder now and I feel tears filling my eyes as I look up into his hazel ones. I can't speak, my throat is far too clogged with emotion.

I drop the sword from my hand, holding up my hands in surrender and he shakes, anger rolling off his body, his eyes so fierce and alive. The last thing I see is the expression on his face. I was his enemy. I was no longer his friend nor his ally. I was nothing more than a filthy traitor to him.

It all happens in a blur that I watch through my tears, Haru taking a step closer to me, the sword digging into my chest, the sound of the door flying open and Haru and I both glancing up at Jet just as he aims an arrow. And then my scream that seems to echo for years as he releases, hitting Haru unswervingly in the chest.

He staggers backwards, so unsteadily on his feet and then he crumples to the ground, the light leaving his eyes like a candle being blown out before bed and all I see is the smoke as blood pools around him. I'm screaming- I'm screaming and thrashing and struggling against Jet's arms as they desperately try to get a hold of me.

He pulls me up roughly and practically carries me out, my eyes capturing a photograph of Haru's dead body as the tears begin to flow down my face freely.

The moment Jet had released the arrow, he knew he had made the wrong decision. Katara had screamed- a strangled and muffled scream that he wondered if he would ever be able to forget, and he covered her mouth with his bare hand and the soldier had fallen to the ground.

He never wanted to kill anyone- but he had acted on instinct, thinking Katara's life was at risk.

He carries her as she struggles against his hold, but he doesn't release her. He had killed someone she had known- someone she was close with. He had made another mistake that Katara would practically never forgive him for, and another mistake he would never forgive himself for.

He had killed him.

His mind churns as he continues carrying her. He could have shot him in the leg, or in the arm to distract him long enough to get Katara, but he had killed him. Why? What had possessed him to release the arrow? He grits his teeth. What had possessed him to kill the soldier? Images of his body crumpling to the ground skim through his mind.

They near the stable that holds the carts and they both slip in silently. Katara's crying, or at least, the tears are still streaming down her face, but she doesn't make a sound. He doesn't even need to explain how they're going to escape. She slips into the bottom of the cart herself, knowing fully well how to get in- and hooks onto the bottom herself and somehow finds the strength to hold herself up, but her hands keep slipping.

Jet reaches over and positions himself so he's holding her up as well, wrapping an arm across her body to keep from falling to the ground when the cart will begin. She seems to inch away from his touch, but he doesn't pull away, he only grasps her tighter and they wait.

Sitting in the silence and dread of the person he had just killed as they wait for a horse to be hitched on to the cart.

He had killed him. He had killed Haru. Not even thought twice about what the situation was before releasing the arrow, the sharpness cutting right through his suit and coming out the back end with such power. In my eyes, he falls over and over again to his death. The blood continues pooling around him. He had killed him.

I'm holding back so many screams that are strangling me and the tears don't stop streaming down my face. Haru was dead. He was gone. He was murdered. Haru was dead.

The cart starts with a jerk and Jet reaches over to hold onto me, but I feel nauseas as he touches me with the same fingers that had released the arrow that had killed Haru. I try to shut my eyes, trying to will the image of his body away, but I tremble in a way I've never trembled before. He was gone for good.

I would never see him smile, him laugh, his eyes crinkle every time Ty Lee made fun of him. He was gone for good.

I try to grasp the idea, but can't seem to hold onto it as the ideas grow far too powerful for me to hold in the palm of my hand, struggling against my grip and flying out into my throat to crowd up in a scream.

Jet had killed him.

Jet is surprised to see Katara already understanding that they would have to climb up to the top and then back down to the bottom, when he opens his mouth to speak, he realizes she's already climbing up in silence, the tears still falling like rain across her cheeks, slipping off her face. He climbs up behind her and then they both sit in silence. A silence that Jet can't bear.

"We'll be getting off in half an hour, all of these carts today are being shipped to the docks," Like June had told him when he had questioned her about it. June. He couldn't help feeling bad for lying to her and betraying her. What was she doing now?

When she doesn't reply, he presses on, "I already have a boat arranged, it'll already have enough supplies for us, we'll have to leave the Fire Nation immediately and we'll be going toward the Water Nation."

Katara still doesn't say anything, she slides to one side of the cart and seems too numb to even move as she wraps her arms around her quivering knees and rests her head against them. Her hands are torn apart in many places, her arms seemingly to be clawed at and her bare feet- her bare feet?

Jet feels sickness settling in his stomach. She had ran through all of that in bare feet? Before he knows what he's doing, he's ripping his boots off and sliding over to her and she doesn't even seem to notice his presence, she doesn't lift her head as he gently lifts up one of her foot, trying to place it in the boot, but she pulls away from him weakly.

An action that would have been angry if she wasn't already so weak.

He swallows hard and leaves the boots beside her, before he moves to the other side of the cart and watches her tremble, watches her try to hold back her sobs, watches her try to contain herself.

Jet watches her, wondering how many mistakes he's made in her eyes and in his own.

I pull on the boots when Jet tells me to after a few moments. I jump from the cart when he tells me to. I follow him through the docks, keeping my head lowered, as he tells me to. I don't question him as we near the docks and he begins speaking about the ship had arranged.

It's not large, but it's not small. It's a medium sized, shabby boat with the main deck and a bottom floor. I listen to him as he tells me to board using the ramp, telling me he'll be up in a few minutes, and I feel numb as I climb onto the bottom floor, taking one last glance at the Fire Nation. I don't even bother trying to ask or find out how he managed to get a boat or how he managed to get all the supplies on the boat.

Keeping to his words, I hear his heavy footsteps, even though he's bare footed now, as he climbs up the ramp. He doesn't come down to the bottom floor thankfully, and I realize someone else is coming along as I hear another pair of feet, wearing shoes.

When the boat starts, I listen to the vibrations beneath my feet before finally looking around the bottom floor. There's a small place to eat and a small room, when I open it, I find a small bed and boxes of supplies and another door within the room- likely leading to a washroom.

I walk back out and sit on the foot of the bed, feeling every single thing I've ever felt in my three months crash down on me painfully, like the waves of the ocean we travel on, the waves that move beneath my feet and I'm impaled. I'm left startled by everything that's happened to me- how drastically my life has changed in only four months and how much I've lost and how much I've gained and all the people I've met and all the people I've left behind.

After an hour or more- I still can't seem to find any indication of time- I hear Jet's footsteps as he climbs down the stairs leading towards the bottom floor. It doesn't take him long to find me in the bedroom, and when he does, his expression is an indescribable. His eyes move up and down my body- I'm left bare in every single injury I've endured and it's all out in the open for him to see- and stop at my face, meeting my eyes.

He had said we were set to go back to the Water Nation. Back to my home. But what was the point? I had left promising I'd bring back father, and I was coming back with nothing but scars.

Somehow the silence between us it louder than words that could have been spoken and he sits down beside me and I look down at the ground- it's compiled of wood but its chipping and cracked in multiple places.

The way he's watching me- as if I'm something broken that can't be fixed, makes me believe him in more ways than one. I've lost and failed at so many things in life, but nothing is worse than this. I've survived. I've lived through this all. But at the same time, I wonder if it would even had made a difference if I made it out alive or not.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me, finally breaking the silence.

Another thing I've come to realize is how much I hate those words.

I decide to speak the truth, "Terrible," I reply.

He watches me gently, "I'm sorry," He says quietly, his voice sounding damaged and frayed, "For everything." Those four words mean so much more than what they should have meant to me and as I watch him leave, I feel something growing inside of me.

I had seen the hope in so many faces when I had first arrived in the Fire Nation. A hope for a better world, a hope for a new world. A hope for the ending of this war. His footsteps dim to silence.

If I've survived this all, I've somehow emerged stronger, more powerful if anything. I've arisen wiser, as if I was reborn into a new world where I wasn't living among the lies of our world.

I knew what was wrong with our world.

I knew the truth.

And I wouldn't rest until I fixed it.

What did you guys think?

I know this was a major cliffhanger- but I will begin posting the sequel to this story in a month or so- just bear with me! I'm hoping you guys continue reading this story because I guarantee you it'll get much- much better!

I don't know where to start with thanking each and every single one of you. Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed, favorited, followed and enjoyed this story, every single review and favorite meant so much to me because I honestly never thought that so many people would enjoy reading a story I wrote, but thank you so much to all of you who even read a word of this story, or who left one review, every single world meant so much to me. Thank you so much for all your support, criticism and suggestions. I love all of you so much!

Please leave a review telling me what you thought of this chapter because I really want honest reviews and tell me if you thought the ending would have or should have been different- tell me what YOU thought should have happened. Please leave a review and leave any thoughts on this chapter.

Once again, thank you so much for all the support and I was honestly astounded when I saw that this story had over 40 000 views! That is so amazing and I honestly can't believe so many people have even bothered to click on this story. Thanks again, all of you are so amazing and I can't put into words how thankful I am for every single review, favorite, view and follow.

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