Hey guys, so this is the first chapter. Please review & tell me what you thought, the more reviews, the quicker the next chapter will come

Short Synopsis:

The world has been in a war for hundreds of years now. All because of the Fire Nation. Seventeen year old Katara Kalan has always been known in her tribe as the strongest and most powerful fighter. Being blessed with the power to bend water, and being the last one, an unlikely source seeks help from her. Katara is being forced to murder the Fire Lord. Little does she know murdering him isn't going to be that simple.

Enjoy! Don't forget to review!

I carry the vial of healing water towards the woman. Her face is contorted in pain as her eyes flutter open. Her eyes widen in shock when she sees me. I try to calm her down. I haven't healed in a while, it's been years in fact, but I can still do it. I can.

I crouch down beside her and brush the hair sticking to her forehead behind. She's elderly and reminds me of my grandmother which causes a shiver to roll through me. I lean down close to her, she winces from the pain, "Shh," I whisper softly.

It's been so long where since I've been needed to be comforting, the action is foreign to me. I roll my sleeves up and help the woman remove the bindings from her stomach. I try not to wince when I see the burnt flesh, but I narrow my eyes at the sight. Her breathing is shallow.

I bend the water from the vial and look over at the woman, "This is going to sting, hang in there." I say quietly. As I place the water on her stomach, her entire body jerks forwards. I hold her down my available hand, "Please, I need you to stay still."

Her face is pale as a sheet and she's sweating. Her tears mix with the beads of sweat lining her forehead. She lets out a yelp as I press both hands down on her stomach. I shut my eyes tightly focusing all my attention on the water in my hands. Imagining it healing her, imagining the flesh being rid of the black ashes.

I squeeze my eyes shut harder, trying not to think about the fact that she's elderly. Please. Please heal her. I open my eyes. She's taking in sharp breaths and she's struggling so much. I look down at her wound. I bend more water and press my hands down harder. A sob escapes from her lips. She whimpers and I hold my breath. She won't last much longer if this doesn't work.

Someone enters the tent form behind me. I feel a gust of cold air but I don't dare avert my concentration.

"Katara, we need you-"

I shake my head at the urgency in Sokka's voice. No. Not now.

"Katara-" His voice is on edge and I know something's happened.

I'm having trouble focusing.

"There's been an attack!" He yells at me. I feel my blood run cold and my hands shake as I open my eyes. She's stopped struggling. I inhale deeply as I look up at her eyes. They're open. Empty, lifeless. I couldn't save her.

I feel my throat begin to close up, "I'm sorry." I whisper.

I stand up on my shaking legs. I have never showed emotions in years, it won't happen now. It won't. I turn away from her and grab my bow and arrow and sling it over my shoulder. I place my sword in its sheath and put on my wrappings.

I don't glance back at the woman as I run out the tent. Sokka's already far ahead of me. I run faster so I'm beside him, "Where is it?" I ask through my heavy breaths.

Sokka points in front of him. I see a fire nation ship floating near the tribes. I inhale sharply. They're going to pay. I can already see the soldiers lined in their red armor, "Split up!" Sokka yells and we part ways.

Bending is useless in these attacks. The fire nation brings captive whoever they see bending. I am the last water bender. I am the hope for my tribe. The last hope. I push back a strand of my hair and sprint straight into the open field.

There are soldiers who are already coming towards me, but I'm ready. I pull out my bow and sprint further and shoot. Two guards down with one arrow. I load my bow and shoot. It hits another guard directly in the chest. A soldier comes towards me with his sword. He swings it and I duck and kick his feet out from under him, planting one of my many daggers in his chest.

I hear a child scream and it knocks me off my streak. She's being dragged away from by one of the soldiers. Anger pulses through me and I'm sprinting, feeling the eyes of many on me. I grab my sword and swing at the soldier. It cuts him clean across his lower abdomen. His hand wraps around his stomach but he pulls out his sword.

A ferocious expression marks his face and he swing with me, full force. Another soldier grabs me from behind and plants a dagger into my shoulder. I don't register the pain as I swing out form beneath his grasp and shoot right at his chest. I turn back to the soldier and there's a fear that sparks in his eyes as I flip the dagger in my hand. It goes through his neck, I ignore the cracking noise it makes as the point comes out from behind his neck.

I scoop the little boy up in my arms and sprint to the woman who's screaming. I shove him to her, "Take him, take him as far away as you can, take this and run. Don't look back." I hand her the child and a dagger and shove her and she runs.

I turn back, some of the soldiers are turning back. The pain in my shoulder is affecting my aim as I shoot another bow, it hits his shoulder instead of his chest. It's a life and death situation really, but I don't let it bother me.

Instead I sprint up to the fire nation ship. If I can just-

Someone grabs me, pulling me down to the ground. I grunt and elbow him hard in the mouth. His blood splatters on the snow beneath my feet. I dig a dagger deep into his spine and he's down. It's not part of the plan, but it'll eliminate any survivors form the fire nation.

They deserve it.

I slip into the ship before anyone spots me. I sprint down the long hallway to the control room. I stand behind the door and aim my arrow, taking a silent breath, I hit the captain in the spine. I step out from behind the wall to hear him struggling.

"Who- who are you?" He gasps, his blood pooling around him on the floor.

I don't answer him. I bend the water from my belt and slash it over the entire control panel. The ship makes a loud creaking noise. It's enough that'll prevent them from ever going back. I glance at the captain and watch as the light leaves his eyes. Serves him right. I pull out a dagger with my initials carved into it.

I crouch down beside the captain and push the dagger deep into his spine. Marking my territory. I don't turn back as I run out the ship. Sokka and his army have finished off the rest of the soldiers. Some of them are running to the ship. I stand back watching the cowards retreat. It doesn't take them very long to realize something's not right.

We kill them with no problem whatsoever.

I help Chan with the fire; his hands shake as he tries to light it. I hold out my hand, "Here, let me," He glances up at me, his blue eyes luminous above the flames, and hands me the stone. I have a fire going in no time.

I warm my hands and place my weapons in a pile beside me. Gran-Gran is already walking towards me, her face lined with anxiousness. Her expression is usually calm, she's well practiced in the art of losing herself, like me. But when it comes to Sokka and us she becomes the parents we've both lacked for years.

"Where is it? Where were you wounded?"

I sigh, "I'm fine, it was ju-"

She's already sitting beside me, pulling up my sleeve. I wince as she presses her cold hands to the wound. I flush as Chan averts his gaze. Seeing me so vulnerable is something no one is used to around here. She wets a cloth and places it on the wound. It burns but I keep my eyes open, staring at the fire. I try to forget about the old woman from this morning.

Gran-Gran shakes her head and sighs quietly, "The attacks are getting worse," She presses harder on the wound.

I ask her the question that I'm so used to asking about now; it doesn't even seem like a question, "How do you think father's holding up?"

She wipes gently at the wound and I can tell Chan's listening intently, his father also left with the fleet to help with the attacks against the fire nation, "I'm not sure," She finally replies softly. Her eyes are filled with dread and the sinking knowledge of absolutely nothing when it comes to father.

Gran-Gran wraps my shoulder and then pulls my cloth back down over it, "Come in for dinner." She glances at Chan, "You too."

She leaves quietly without another word. I swallow the guilt I still feel about the old woman and look up at Chan over the flames. He's been my friend ever since we were young. But these past few days, he's seemed…distant.

"How're you holding up?" I ask him.

He swallows, "Fine, how's your shoulder?"

The wound in my shoulder is nothing compared to the many injuries I've been faced with, I just shrug in response. There's a beat of silence between us.

"What do you think they want?" He finally asks.

I grab a stick off the ground, snap it in half and toss it into the fire, "Me." I say, "The last water bender."

"How do they know- I thought your mother-" His voice gets caught on the word.

I stare into the flames, "There's plenty of ways they could've found out. They obviously had to know mother wasn't the last water bender, that's why they killed her." My voice is dry, stripped of emotion. Normal.

"And now they're after me."

Chan breathes heavily, "Why do they even want the water benders-"

"They're the fire nation," My voice is cold. My hatred for the fire nation runs deep into my core. "They don't need a reason to kill." I snap another branch and throw it to the ground, stepping on it. I get up from the log I'm sitting on and nod my head in the direction of the tents.

"We should go get some dinner."

I eat quietly next to Sokka as he eats noisily. The elders are having another heated conversation at the other side of the room. It's a usual practice now and there's nothing I can do to help it. There are only the elders and us. The kids.

Although I'm practically an adult, at seventeen, I sure don't feel like one.

That night, I lie in my bed and drift off to sleep, only to be awoken by a countless number of nightmares about the attacks and the old woman. I wipe the sweat off of my forehead for the fourth time that night and lie back down on the bed and shut my eyes trying to calm myself down.

The dreams seem to be getting worse as each night passes. I wrap my arms around my knees and bury my head in my knees. I miss dad and mom. I miss having them here together. The fire nation tore our family apart, with mom dad and dad out in war. They've ruined my life and many others. I hate the nation with a passion. They deserve to burn in the flames they've created.

The next morning, I'm out before the sun rises. I step out of my tent, breathing in the crisp morning air. Its morning's like these where I hate the fire nation the most, knowing this is the peace and serenity they are willing to destroy. It's disgusting.

I button up my parka, pulling the collar up to cover my mouth. The wound in my shoulder cries out in pain with each simple movement, but I've learned to completely ignore pain. I walk down to the colony tents. Numerous tents are destroyed, burnt, left in ashes. No one was killed, but there were many that were injured.

I'm the only healer left here. Although, Gran Gran doesn't approve of me healing people with my bending. She insists she can handle it all on her own- without bending. It makes me uncomfortable knowing how much responsibility she's being force to take up because of dad's missing presence.

I pull my sleeves back slightly to make some room to work. I pull a dagger out from the lining of my boot, whipping it through the air a few times. I bend down next to the watering hole that froze over again. I bury the knife deep into the ice and carve around it, pulling it out and digging it in deeper. The fish are always out in the early mornings.

Sometimes I wonder if all that I'm doing is even worth it. All my training, all my practicing. It never seems to be helping out at all. I bury the knife even deeper into the ice. Nothing in this damn world seems to be helping. It's just suddenly as if-


I whirl around to meet bright blue eyes. Chan.

I brush the stray hair off my forehead, "Hey." The sun is starting to rise, I can see Chan's face accentuated by the brightness of the sun reflecting off him.

"What are you doing?" He glances at me and then at the dagger in my hand. I stab it into the ground again and begin carving out a circle.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I pull the gloves off my hands and carefully remove the chunk of ice I cut out and toss it to the side, narrowly missing Chan. He gives me a blank stare before holding out his hand for the dagger, "Here, let me."

I don't give him the dagger. Instead, I begin digging even deeper into the hole I've created which is unnecessary because I can easily hunt with the size I have. He watches me for a long time, a tight expression locks his face. He finally crosses his arms over his chest, the hood of the parka flies off his head, revealing his light brown hair.

"No one died," He says softly, "You know that right?"

Irritation digs in me and I grip the dagger harder. A fish swims by, "I know." I reply. I reach over and grab my pole and stand up, narrowing my eyes at the hole, waiting for another fish to swim by.

"There are just a couple of injuries."

There a tight feeling in my chest as I glance up at him. I shake my head slowly, "It's not just a couple of injures Chan."

He glances past my shoulder before fixing his gaze on me again. I can tell he doesn't know what to say next. There's a swishing sound and I bring the pole down, ignoring the pain in my shoulder, cutting right through the center of a large fish. I pull it out carefully, tear it off of the pole and toss it on the snow. It slides slightly, its blood marking the white snow.

"Hey," He starts, his voice hesitant. I turn around to face him.

He nods in the direction behind him, "Let's duel, it always tends to cool you down." There's a hint of a smile on his face.

I don't protest as I follow him towards the hut with the assortment of weapons. A part of me knows he's right. Just the smell of the leather and tarp makes my muscles relax. I grab a sword with a thick black leather sheath. I follow Chan out the hut as we both take our stances.

I dig the heels of my boots into the snow as I withdraw the sword. If there's one person that can actually pose a threat to me, it's Chan. Although I'm known by this tribe as the strongest warrior; Chan's not far behind me.

He pulls the hair back off his forehead so I can clearly see his blue eye, the left side of his lips curls up as he watches me, "You ready?"

I lean back on the heels of my feet and swing; he's quick on his feet as he easily dodges the swing. He steps out from behind the swing and grasps the sword in his hand. He swings his sword at me and I dodged it, bringing my sword out from behind me. I strike directly at his chest and he takes a step back. Wrong. You never take a step back.

Chan knows his mistake, but he recovers quickly as he jumps over another swing and grasps the handle of my sword. I swing with my fist, aiming for his jaw; I pull back slightly before it makes contact too hard. Still, Chan grunts and throws his weight against me. I'm shoved back but I regain my balance as I kick the insides of his knees hard, he falls to his knees.

I grab his sword before he can reach for it and I kick it out of his reach. He grabs at thin air. He gets right back up, taking a step away from me. He punches me hard in the stomach and my breath escapes me for a few moments. I don't let it get advantage of me; I take his unsteadiness to my advantage and kick him hard in the back.

He grunts and says something. I can't hear him. I pull my foot back to kick him once more, he rolls over and catches my foot before I can kick him. I wait for me to feel the impact of me landing flat on my back on the snow, but it doesn't come.

Chan holds my foot, his eyebrows suddenly drawn in. His cheek is scraped badly but I'm sure that's the least of his worries. He gently lets my foot go and I open my mouth to say something, he raises a finger to his lips and gets up.

He pulls himself up off the ground and grabs the sleeve of my parka, "A ship landed." He says in a soft voice beside my ear.

I shiver at the thought of another attack so close to the one before, "Spirits Chan, how do you know?" I whisper through gritted teeth, trying to control my breathing.

He gives me a sideways glance before pulling me to follow him, "The vibrations, a ship landed near the colonies."

I try to clear my thoughts trying to think of a logical answer for this. There was an attack before, never has there been an attack so close. I shake my head and stop walking, "It's not an attack."

He slows and glances back at me.

I shove my sword back into its sheath, "It can't be an attack. It doesn't make sense for the fire nation to be coming this quick without another motive. It's not them."

He stares at me for a long time as I begin walking away.

"Where are you going?"

"I have a hunch that-" My sentence is cut off short when I hear voices. I push myself up against the wall of the weapons hut. Chan follows my movements swiftly, leaning against the wall beside me. He narrows his eyes, concentrating as he tries to make out the words.

The sounds of footprints against the snow can be heard from where we're sitting. I listen for a few moments. There are about four of them by the sounds of it. The footsteps are hefty but uncertain of their surroundings. It's not the fire nation.

I press myself further against the wall, holding my breath. I shut my eyes trying to make out any words. There are a few mutters of disagreement. Then, a new set of footsteps. Light, agile, aware. One of us. Then I hear her voice, "Come in," she says softly, but in the natural authoritive tone I've heard far too many times, "You must be cold."

Gran Gran.

By the sound of her voice, she's not happy to see whoever these people are. I'm getting up on my feet before Chan tugs me down, "Wait," He says in a low voice, "Let them talk."

I listen to him, which is rare to say the least. They enter the tent across from us, so they're still not in our line of sight. When I hear the door shut, Chan and I creep our way over to the tent and we lean against the back tarp, our ears pressed up against the tent.

I can hear low voices; I strain to hear something- anything of this conversation. I catch fragments of the conversation.

"-it's not something we wanted to do-" A female voice.

A few murmurs I can't make out.

"-it's not much of decision-"

"-the longer this goes on-"

Frustration sweeps through me. What are they talking about?

"How dare you," Gran Gran's voice.

"Sometimes-" I hear Gran Gran speak. Her voice cold like I've never heard it before, "I wonder which side of this war you're on." She doesn't bother keeping her voice low. There's the sound of a fist slamming on a table. I lean my ear against the tarp. Someone swears.

"-She's the only one-"

"We can guarantee her safety."

There's suddenly too many speaking at once.

"She'll be safe."

"It's the only way-"

"-Our last hope-" I cling to those words.

There's an eerie silence and then a thunderous yell, "No!" I bite down hard on my lip. It's Gran Gran. She has never yelled before. I'm up on my feet, shoving past Chan, pushing past the tarp of the entryway into the tent.

I stand in the center of the tent, eyes all centered on me and me only. I hear someone gasp. I take in my surroundings. Four people, three men and a woman. Definitely not fire nation. I can't make out what nation they're from. Their clothing is black, head to toe. The woman watches me steadily, her grey eyes fixed on mine. A shiver runs down my spine.

Gran Gran is already by my side, "You shouldn't have come here Katara-"

"What's going on?" My voice is a yell compared to Gran Gran's sudden soft voice.

Everyone in the room glances at each other. There's a silence I can't bear as Chan enters the tent. No one glances at him and I suddenly feel unease filling my stomach. Still, I stand tall as I look from Gran Gran to the unknown guests. I turn to her, "Who are they?" I ask her in a low voice.

I search her eyes. They're wary like I've never seen them before. As if all the stress and pressure has finally caught up to her. There's a lump forming in my throat. Before I think about what to say, I have my sword out, pointing to the woman who still watches me from her seat.

She doesn't flinch once, as if she doesn't believe that a girl like me could have the courage to use it, "Who are you?" I ask her, my voice low.

Her grey eyes shift for a brief moment to the three men around her and they stand up, by her side. Pathetic. She has bodyguards, "Lower your weapon." One man with a short beard says to me. I glance up at him and resist the impulse to laugh in his face. Me. Lower my weapon. Not a chance.

I glance at Chan, who's watching everything, as confused as I am.

Gran Gran stares at the bodyguards, her lips pulled into a tight line across her face. I suddenly can't take the question any longer. I slam my fist on the table in front of me, "What the hell is going on here?" I yell.

The woman's lips form a tight smile, "You must be Katara." Her hair is short and blonde, her lips painted with red. There's something about this woman I have the impulse to hate.

Gran Gran clears her throat, "Katara," Her voice is strained, "I think it's time I've introduced you to some of our…friends." She sighs heavily, "Put your sword away."

I don't take my eyes off the woman, "Not until you tell me who they are and why they're here."

There's a silence in the room that speaks louder than any words that could ever be spoken. I try not to feel myself growing dizzy, "What is it? What's happened?"

The woman stands up suddenly, her placid expression watching me, she holds out her hand, "My name is Jane Waters,"

I stare at her hand.

"I'm the leader of the nationless."

I take a deep breath and stare right into her eyes, "There's no such thing."

She tilts her head and smiles again, "I can assure you Katara, there is." She glances at her hand still floating in midair before dropping it, realizing I'm in no mood for friendly greetings, "As I was saying, I'm the leader of all the nationless. In other words, all of those who have been banished or have left their Kingdoms."

She leans back against the table, her pale hands wrapping around the edges of it, "I've been a long time…friend of your nation. It really is a pleasure to meet you, Katara. I've been waiting to meet you for a long time."

I cross my arms over my chest and glance at Gran Gran, who's wearing an unreadable expression. Chan stands back, his eyebrows drawn in, watching the whole show.

"I figure you're not someone for introductions, so let's get to the point, shall we?" She narrows her eyes slightly, "As you know, the fire nation has declared war against every single nation. There's chaos spreading all over this world and it's because of one person in specific-"

"The Fire Lord," I cut her off.

She nods, "He has recently passed away, you must have heard?"

I nod in response to her question, "His son took his place."

She examines the nails on her fingers, painted red like her lipstick, "Precisley. We have given this new fire lord time. Time to do the right thing. Time to change things. Time to bring the nations back together and stop this war." She slams her hand, palm down on the table.

"Nothing has changed, nothing. And we must put a stop to this."

I don't know which side she's on. I'm having trouble reading the words she offers me.

"I'm sure you agree with this Katara?" She asks me, her eyes focusing on mine.

I don't hesitate for a moment, "Of course."

"You would like to help take the fire lord down? Put an end to this war? Am I correct?"

I steady my gaze, but don't dear bring my guard down, "I'm listening."

She smiles again, "If I'm correct, you are the last water bender left in this nation." She says it like a statement, not like a question, so I don't bother answering. Her grey eyes watch me, analyze me, "That's why, we want you Katara."

Gran Gran opens her mouth to say something, Jane holds up an authoritive hand for silence, "Now before I give you any details, I need to know where your priorities lie."

I shift my weight.

"Are you willing to help us in taking down the fire lord?"

I nod, "I've already agreed to that."

She combs her fingers through her blonde hair, "Our plan is to send you into the heart of the fire nation. Send you to become an elite soldier in their army. From there, we will assist you in every possible way we can, in taking down the fire lord. As you know, the fire nation is ever dedicated to their fire lord, but since the new fire lord, is young and not yet trusted at the most by his nation, he is ever vulnerable to our attacks."

I clench my hands into fists, "You want me to go to the fire nation and murder the fire lord?" My voice is tight. Just the thought of the fire nation makes me feel uncomfortable. Being sent there? It was something unimaginable.

She nods, "Exactly."

And the only thought that comes into my mind is selfish, "Why me?" I say aloud, "What makes you think I'll trust you? You and your group that I've never even heard existed before this?"

She leans back against the table; her grey eyes don't seem at all conflicted. It makes me uncomfortable. I can usually read everyone's expressions. I can easily analyze what thoughts are going on in their minds. But I can't read her. She's a blank slate to me.

"You are the only water bender left, which is a great area of strength to us and a great area of vulnerability to the fire nation. You must see our reasoning for choosing you. In reference to your question about trust, we can't make you trust us. That's something you'll have to decide for yourself."

I narrow my eyes at her, "How do I know that you don't have another motive? Other than ending this world?"

She watches me then smiles, "You're a smart one Katara, I give you that." She crosses a leg over the other, "What other motive could we have? We don't belong to any nation; we have nothing that ties us to this world. What other possible reason could we have to murder the fire lord other than ending this war?"

She leans forward a bit, "You may not realize this Katara, but you coming with us and listening to our instructions is in the best of your interest," Her eyes gleam ever so slightly. I glance at Gran Gran, her face is hard. She's angry.

I feel my insides tighten, "What makes you so sure I'll come with you?"

"I am positive you will come with us," She says in a low voice.

Her words test my patience, "I wouldn't be so sure if I was you."

She smiles again, "Oh really? Before I tell you what I'm about to tell you, I need you to remember who the real enemy is," Her voice is suddenly soft, as if I'm a child she's speaking to, "Can you do that?"

She searches my eyes for a moment before speaking, "I had a feeling we would need to take some extra precautions before asking you, but I can assure you, that's all they are. Extra precautions and nothing more. If you follow our instructions, you'll have what you want."

If there was even a sliver of me that liked this woman, it burnt to ashes right there.

"We are holding your father and some of his other soldiers captive until the fire lord has been taken down successfully."

My insides collapse. And it's smart- so very smart of Chan and Gran Gran to hold me back because I would have done some serious damage that I probably wasn't going to regret, "How dare you!" I seeth.

She doesn't seem affected at all by what she said. Instead she stands up straight and looks directly at me. The nerve of this woman, "I'm sure you'll…reconsider your decision. Until then, your Grandmother has gratefully offered us a place to stay. We'll discuss this over dinner."

She pulls aside the tarp in one quick movement and her and her lackey's are gone. Their presence lingers in the room. Only then do Gran Gran and Chan release me. Anger is pulsing through every single vein in my body, I'm afraid I'll explode.

"I'll kill her!"

Gran Gran watches me, "You need to calm down."

I glare at her, "How dare you let her in! Gran-"

"Stop it Katara," Her voice is calm.

I slam my fist on the table, "She took dad from us and you're telling me to calm down?" I whip my head at Chan for some support. He's looking down at the ground, his face pale, strangely quiet. I try to calm my erratic breathing.

"You're not going Katara, if that's what you're thinking." Gran Gran says quietly.

I place a hand to my forehead, trying to calm down, "I have to go."

She looks up at me, "No you don't, we'll- we'll figure something out."

I turn to face her, "There's nothing to figure out, I have to go," My voice sounds hoarse from screaming.

"No you don't." Chan finally speaks up. I look up at him, "What are you talking about? My father is being held-"

"I'll go- someone else will go in your place."

I grit my teeth, "You heard her! I'm the last water bender! They don't want anyone else to go, they want me!"

His face turns slightly red, "You're not going."

"Oh well, than I suppose you have another genius plan to get my father back? To end this war?"

He narrows his eyes at the ground, "You're not going."

I glare at him, "Why don't you guys understand this? Them having dad changes everything! Do you think I would've agreed to this suicide mission for no reason? They have him, and I have to get him back."

Chan clenches his jaw, "If they discover you, they will murder you."

I watch him for a moment, "I know," I say. Gran Gran sits with her head in her hands. I crouch down beside her, "I'll get dad back, I promise Gran Gran."

She stares at me, "No, you won't Katara. I can't lose someone else. We'll think of something else."

I feel my throat begin to close up and frustration filled me, "They're leaving tonight! If we don't give them the answer they want, they will kill dad!"

She shakes her head, confliction filling every part of her, "I can't let you do this."

I stand back up, shaking slightly from the anger within me, "I don't need your permission," I say coldly. I grab my sword and rip the tarp out of my way and storm to my tent. I throw my sword on the floor and collapse onto my cot, holding my head in my hands.

What do you guys think of Jane? Is she good or bad? Please Review if you want the new chapter quickly! There will be Zutara soon enough, I just have to build up the story a bit! REVIEW PLEASE!