Story TITLE: Dark Desires
Chapter Title: How It Began
PART: 01 of
AUTHOR: Red Jacobson ( )
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters You Recognize belong to me, they all belong to JK Rowling and her publishers.
SUMMARY: What if There was more to the Horcrux than anyone suspected, and Harry were influenced by it?
FEEDBACK: Of course! It Makes Me Write Faster
CATEGORY: Harem/Lots of Women
WORD COUNT: 15,265
SPOILERS: None – If you don't know what happened in the books, why are you reading this story?
WARNINGS: This is a very dark Harry, he is NOT the hero in this story. He is, to put it bluntly, a sexist misogynistic arse. There will be Mind Control, sexual slavery, violence, non-consensual sex, torture and various other actions in this story. This is very different from my usual stuff, so Proceed with caution. Also, quite a few characters, especially Hermione, will seem out of character, trust me, I'm aware of that, and will be explaining things as the story progresses.
Additional Warning/Comment: I realize that this chapter is heavy on telling and not showing, but it's just to establish background, things will change when Harry gets to Diagon Alley later in this chapter.
IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE: To Avoid the Under age Sex issue, Hogwarts students start the September 1st after their 16th Birthday,
From the outside, the Dursleys', of Number Four, Privet Drive, seemed to be a perfectly ordinary family. Vernon and Petunia had lived in the same house for the last 18 years, give or take, and there was never any hint of trouble or scandal about them. In fact, the most noteworthy thing about them was when they had taken in their orphaned nephew, Harry 15 years ago. The neighbors were concerned, at first, at the way Harry was dressed and the occasional bruise, but that all stopped when Harry was nine years old.
Nobody really knew what happened, but soon Harry was spotted out and about wearing clothes that fit properly and he had put on some weight, so he looked just like a healthy boy should look. Of course, it was about the same time that Vernon and Dudley started to lose weight, so it could just be explained as the family deciding to take better care of themselves. Naturally, it wasn't quite that simple. Everything changed the day that Harry turned nine, and started making changes in his home life.
You see, Harry wasn't an ordinary child, he was a wizard, just like his father before him. On the horrible night when Harry's parents were murdered, their killer had left a large part of himself behind when he attempted to kill Harry as well. That piece of himself contained all of the killers memories and skills, and, as Harry's body grew, Voldemort started teaching him everything he knew about magic, and finally, when Harry's magic reached the stage where he could consciously manipulate it, the boy knew exactly what he wanted to do.
Harry's first inclination was just to kill his aunt and uncle. He didn't really blame Dudley, his cousin was just doing what his parents taught him to do, but wanted his aunt and uncle to die in agony, but Tom convinced him that he still needed a place to live while he developed his abilities, so Harry settled for using Compulsion Charms on the three of them. Naturally, that didn't mean he didn't make them suffer for a while before putting the charms on them. After sending Dudley to bed, with a mental command that he wouldn't wake until the morning, Harry turned to his now terrified aunt and uncle. Harry experienced a thrill that he couldn't identify as he forced Vernon to strip Petunia naked and rape her before whipping her with his belt, and then when Petunia did the same to Vernon. It was a few years later, when Harry's body hit puberty that he branched out to using his magic to explore the pleasures of the female body, that he was finally able to identify the thrill he received that night. Harry never repeated that particular lesson on his relatives, but the unspoken threat was still there. He still enjoyed inflicting pain on those he hated, but started using mental pain instead of physical, because it lasted longer and didn't cause scarring. He also got quite good at Memory Charms over the years.
When Harry and Dudley were eleven, they both were accepted at Smeltings, Vernon's old school, where Dudley soon distinguished himself on the athletic field, and Harry's academic achievements were regarded with awe. The two of them also earned places on the school debate team, and were good enough to represent the school at the Regional Competition for 3 years in a row. The staff was impressed by the easy way that Harry and Dudley gathered friends from all the years and social classes, although a few of them were disturbed by the strain of cruelty that Harry and his friends could show to those who weren't part of their circle, as well as the blatant sexism they displayed, but none of the students ever complained, so the teachers couldn't do anything about it, and eventually just seemed to forget their concerns.
Time went by, just like always, and Harry was amused to discover that he didn't need to use the compulsion charms on Dudley and his parents as much, the behavior he had conditioned into them was now their natural personalities. Of course, he still had to use his compulsion charms on Petunia the day that she came home and found him on the couch with the next door neighbor and her daughter on their her knees in front of he and Dudley. He had deliberately brought the women into the house, because he knew that Petunia wasn't going to be out for very long, and he had something he really wanted to do. Just because they were behaving themselves now, didn't mean that Harry didn't still have a lot of anger towards his Aunt and Uncle left, and one of the things that Petunia absolutely hated was lesbian women.
It was with greatest pleasure that Harry forced Petunia to strip naked and have sex with the neighbor woman while he and Dudley shagged the daughter. The neighbor had no problems with the idea, she had admitted, under Harry's questioning, that she had been known to play around with other girls when she was in college and didn't even hesitate when Harry told her to have sex with Petunia. After Petunia made the neighbor cum with her mouth, Harry locked eyes with her, and she saw the amused contempt on his face, and sobbed inwardly, knowing that he did it to her deliberately, and would probably have other degrading plans for her in the future. She was right.
Harry never touched her, but he had her come into his room certain mornings and strip naked, masturbating while he and Dudley watched, making rude comments about her body. He also made her suck Dudley on a regular basis, and even watched at Dudley buggered her in the master bedroom. The only thing that gave Petunia any comfort at all was the knowledge that, as bad as it was for her, for Vernon it was even worse, because he had to go into London every weekend and perform in pornographic films with other men, giving Harry the majority of the money that he made. Harry took obvious delight in making the two of them watch the movies that Vernon 'starred' in, and she cried watching his pain as her husband was forced to perform un-natural acts with a variety of rough looking men.
Harry made it clear that the actions would continue until he felt he had paid the two of them back for all the years of abuse they made him suffer, and only then would he allow it stop. What made it even worse was the effect he had on her precious Dudders, from a sweet boy who was the apple of her eye, he had become even worse to her than Harry was! Not a week went by that she didn't find herself being used by him in some way, and Harry wasn't even in the house for most of it.
She was glad that Harry never touched her, but he had no problem making her have sex with the women in the neighborhood while he watched, especially after he had finished shagging them. She was surprised that none of them said anything to her when they were outside the house, but figured it was just more of her nephews freakishness. She wondered what would happen when he left for Hogwarts, would the torment end, or would he just find another way to punish them?
Harry watched Petunia and Vernon's despair happily, he knew that they hated him, but had learned something important, it didn't matter if they hated him or not, he was the one who held the power, and when he felt they had suffered enough, he would let them die. By that time Dudley would be old enough to live on his own and gathering allies of his own in the muggle world. Those allies would be
important when the time came, because there were just too many muggles to try and conquer. In a way, it was a good thing that his spell had backfired so many years ago, because he was starting to attract too much of the wrong sort of attention and it wouldn't have been much longer before the muggles got involved in the war.
Harry paused when he realized what he was thinking. It wasn't his spell, it was Tom's spell that had backfired on him, he certainly wasn't able to cast spells at under 2 years old! After so many years, it was kind of hard to tell when Tom ended and Harry started, they seemed to merge together more and more, and even the distinctive lightning bolt scar on his forehead seemed to have faded over the years. He shrugged, it really wasn't important anymore, their plans were one and the same, to see Dumbledore and his allies defeated, and himself in a position of power in the Wizarding World. He didn't need Dumbledore dead, just discredited, and if he never realized just who was behind his fall from grace, so much the better!
Tom had come to realize, after all the time that Harry spent in the library, that it would be better to gain power legitimately, and to keep the terror and killings to a minimum, although there were those who would insist on attacking the muggles and the muggleborn, and if they couldn't be reigned in, they would need to be removed. Harry had no problem with removing those that would cause problems, because he had his own ideas of who needed to die, and, if it could be managed without attracting attention to himself, the first to die would be Severus Snape, who had pointed Tom at his family to start with. Tom agreed, knowing that Severus would never be able to be trusted after so many years under Dumbledore's thumb.
Things went by smoothly for the next couple of years, with Harry pocketing the money that Vernon made from his movie career as well as the occasional money his playmates would give him for use of Petunia. It made Harry laugh to realize that Petunia had never figured it out. He could have, and did, shag his playmates at their homes at anytime, it was only when one of them expressed an interest in getting Petunia that they met at his house. Most of the women he didn't even have to use his charms on, other than ensuring they didn't talk about what they did with Petunia, because they knew it was in their best interest to keep quiet about shagging him, since he was still underage.
Dudley still played with Petunia when the mood struck him, but mostly contented himself with a girl that he started dating at school. He and Harry had several conversations over the years at Smeltings, they were sharing a room of course, and the two of them agreed that it would be better for Dudley to get girls on his own, without Harry's help, because eventually Harry wouldn't be there to use his magic, and Dudley needed to get used to doing things without it. Fortunately, as the Striker on the Smeltings Football team, Dudley had no problems getting girls to go out with him, and more often than not they were eager to drop their knickers for him as well, especially once the word got out that he was diligent in using protection so they didn't have to worry about the pudding club, as well as very attentive to their needs so the girls enjoyed the experience as much as he did. It would have surprised Petunia to learn that Dudley was considered an exceptionally gentle lover by his girlfriends, because he was always extremely rough on her mouth and arse whenever he used her.
Eventually Harry's 16th birthday arrived, and with it came his long awaited invitation to attend Hogwarts. He had been planning for this day for quite a while, so he told Petunia that she would be driving him to Charing Cross Road that morning, but he would be staying the night in London, so she didn't have to stay with him. She just nodded and went back to making breakfast.
After finishing breakfast, and watching Vernon limp out the door (he had been filming this weekend), Dudley went up to shower before going to see his girlfriend, and Harry and Petunia left for London.
Petunia didn't say a word the entire drive, which was fine with Harry, he was busy going over his plans for the day and didn't really need the distraction. The first thing he needed to do was get to Gringotts and get his key, and find out how much money he had to work with. He had several thousand pounds in the bank from Vernon and Petunia's services, but he preferred to leave that untouched as much as possible, in case of an emergency.
After that, getting a room for the night, preferably one that had companions available. He had broken up with the most recent of his 'girlfriends' the week before, knowing that he was going to be leaving, and didn't want her asking questions. This past week was the longest he'd gone without sex in the last 5 years, and he refused to lower himself to allowing Petunia to touch him! Forcing the thought down, he concentrated on the next steps of his plan. He needed to get as much information on recent events as he could, because Tom's memories of the Wizarding World stopped the night he attacked Harry's parents, and a lot can happen in fifteen years. He needed to know who the current movers and shakers in society were, so he could make the proper connections for his plans.
Harry was pulled from his thoughts when he felt the car stop and pull onto the side of the road, and he saw that he was right across from the Leaky Cauldron. Unbuckling his safety belt, he opened the car door and turned back to Petunia, telling her that he would see her the next day before getting out of the car. He shut the door behind him and started walking, not looking back to see her drive off.
Pushing open the door to the tavern, he was pleased to see it was still relatively quiet at that hour of the morning, and got the barman to open the way to the Alley for him. Tom had seen it before, of course, but Harry had to force himself not to gawk like an idiot at the different sights. Walking quickly down the alley, he saw the marble steps of Gringotts Bank in front of him and went inside.
Once he was inside the bank lobby, he paused to let his eyes adjust to the different lighting, and glanced around taking in the crowds. He joined the queue and was pleased to see that directly in front of him was an extremely attractive oriental girl. She was, at first glance, a little older than he was, and from the blue and bronze ribbons she had threaded through her hair, he would figure she was a Ravenclaw. This pleased him because he intended to join that house when he was sorted. Tom already taught him everything he needed to know about cunning, and he had plenty of ambition. He moved as close as he could politely manage to the girl, and waited for the line to move forward.
He could hear the girl humming quietly to herself as she waited, and Harry could almost make out the tune, he knew he recognized it, but couldn't quite make it out! He didn't even notice when he started humming the tune as well, trying to figure out what song it was, until the girl stopped humming and turned to look at him in question. Harry opened his eyes and looked directly into the girl's brown eyes, twinkling with amusement. Clearing his throat, Harry grinned and said, "Sorry about that, I heard you humming, and it bugged me that I couldn't make out what song it was, so I was trying to figure it out. Care to enlighten me?"
The girl grinned in return and said, "It's 'Head over Feet' by.."
"Alanis Morrissette! Thank you, I knew I'd heard the song, and it drives me crazy when I can't remember things like that. Oh, by the way, I'm Harry Potter." Putting out his hand toward her, "You are?"
He was a little surprised that her eyes widened when he introduced himself, but she smiled widely and said, "My name is Cho, Harry, Cho Chang, and it's nice to meet you. Getting ready for Hogwarts?"
"Got my letter this morning, and I'm going to mail it when I get done here, I saw the Owl Post Office as I came in. How about you?"
"I got my book list for the year, and needed to get some gold for shopping, I'm going to be a second year, Ravenclaw House, of course."
Harry smiled, pleased with his observation earlier, and said, "I guess that explains the blue and bronze hair ribbons then? Showing some house pride during the holidays?"
Cho grinned and nodded, but didn't get a chance to answer because they had reached the front of the queue and the goblin was gesturing for her to move forward. Harry wasn't able to get a teller next to her, unfortunately, so he was going to make it a point to shop for his books first, Cho was far too interesting to let get away so easily. Hopefully her brains lived up to her house standard, if not, she was still worth a quick shag or two. He mentally shrugged and moved to the next open window.
The goblin looked at him impassively, "Key Please" the beast demanded, his clawed hand outstretched.
Fortunately Tom had explained how the bank worked, and Harry was prepared. "Unfortunately, I don't have my vault key, I believe it was lost when my parents were killed. Is there another way to determine my identity?"
The goblin looked at him suspiciously, and grumbled a bit under his breath before reaching down and pulling out a parchment and a knife. "Give me your hand wizard," the goblin growled, and Harry put his left hand out, not even wincing when the blade sliced his palm and blood began to well up. The teller twisted Harry's wrist so the blood dripped onto the parchment, and soon writing started flowing from where his blood hit the paper. The goblin gave a half smile that looked more like a grimace when Harry's name appeared, as well as three different vault numbers on the page. Tapping one of the vault numbers, it looked like 687 from what Harry could make out, a heavy metal key appeared in a bowl on the counter.
Handing over the key, the goblin said, "Don't lose this one! There's a 20 Galleon fee to replace additional keys."
Harry didn't bother arguing with the teller, he just nodded and took the key and joined the line to the carts. He was disappointed that Cho was nowhere to be seen, but still planned to catch up with her after mailing his letter.
After enjoying the cart ride (and laughing internally at Tom's complaining) the cart stopped at Vault 687 and Harry climbed out. Putting his key against the door, he waited while it unlocked, and went inside. He was happy to see that he had quite a large amount of gold at his disposal if needed, and grabbed the money bag off the wall hook and pulled a couple of the stacks of Galleons into it.
When they got back to the surface, Harry tucked the money pouch into his trousers pocket and hurried out to the Post Office. Paying the clerk to mail his Hogwarts reply, he found Flourish and Blott's, and pulled out his book list. He looked around and saw that there were several tables loaded with books, and there were signs above each table, 'First Year', 'Second Year', etc. He was glad to see that Cho was in line for the second year books, so he waited until she finished getting her books and walked over to her.
"Hi Cho, I'm glad you're still here, I could use some help picking out some books if you don't mind?"
"Sure Harry, I've got some time, what books are you looking for?"
"Well,I really need information on the Wizarding World, you see, I was actually raised by my non-magical relatives, and they couldn't tell me anything, and I don't want to make a bunch of foolish mistakes at school. Are there any books you know of that would help me out?"
"You were raised by your relatives? Everybody was told you were safe, but we all thought you were in one of your family manors or something. But that would explain you knowing Alanis' music, I just never figured that 'The Boy Who Lived' would listen to muggle music!"
"I'm sorry, but the what? What do you mean, 'The Boy Who Lived' what's that all about?"
Cho's jaw dropped, "You mean you don't know?" she said in surprise. "Oh man, Harry, I can't believe nobody ever told you about what happened." Grabbing his hand, she pulled him into the stacks, and started piling books into his arms. There was Modern Magical History, and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century as well as a few others, until Harry finally said,
"Hold on, Cho, hold on, this is too much! If I start reading these, I won't have time to read my school books."
Cho blinked and looked at the huge stack of books Harry was holding and blushed slightly. "Sorry Harry, I just got carried away. I couldn't believe that you didn't know anything about how the world looks at you."
Harry sat the books down on a chair beside them and put his hand on Cho's shoulder, gently rubbing it. "It's okay, Cho, don't worry about it, I can get carried away at times myself, especially in a library. Why don't you just give me the short version for now, and I'll read over these when I get done with my school books?"
Cho looked willing, but she was interrupted when her stomach grumbled. Harry said, "Tell you what, let me buy these books and I'll take you to lunch, and you can tell me the story then, unless you have someplace you need to be?"
She shook her head, "No, not for a couple of hours yet, I'm supposed to help my mum with the shop this afternoon, but I'd love to have lunch with you."
Harry quickly grabbed the books Cho pointed out to him, as well as the first year course books. He noticed a stack of pamphlets bound together with the title "Muggleborn Information Kit" and picked one of them up as well, figuring it would give him a good guide for the more recent information he needed.
Picking up his books, he met Cho at the doorway to the shop and said, "You know the area better than I do, where would you like to eat?"
"There's a cafe by my mum's shop that's really good, and they have a variety of different foods. We could go there if you want?"
"Sounds good to me, lead the way." He said with a smile, and the two of them walked out into the alley. Harry kept his eyes open, noting the locations of the different shops he would need to visit to finish his shopping, until Cho turned down a side alley, and stopped in front of a shop that had "Chang's Apothecary" and she said, "I'm just going in to see if Mum wants me to grab her some lunch, do you want to come in?"
Harry smiled and nodded, and Cho opened the door. Harry was almost overwhelmed by the different smells that hit his nose, and Cho grinned, "Sorry, I should have warned you, it can be a bit much until you're used to it." Walking up to the counter, Harry saw two women, an attractive blonde who looked to be in her mid 20's, and a woman who could only be Cho's mother, she was an almost exact duplicate of her daughter, only older, and he couldn't help but imagining what the two of them looked like naked. Fortunately, he was able to use the Occlumency skills Tom taught him to keep from showing his immediate reaction to the idea.
His self control was tested the next minute though, when the woman looked up and saw him. The color drained from her face, and she stumbled backwards before grabbing onto the counter. "James? Is that you?" she whispered, a look of shock on her face.
"No ma'am, my name is Harry, James was my father. Are you okay?"
By this time, the woman had gotten control of herself, and laughed lightly in embarrassment, saying, "I'm sorry, it's just that you look just like your father, and it surprised me at first. I hadn't seen you since you were just a baby, before your parents went into hiding. I'm Lin, by the way, Lin Chang."
Turning to Cho, she didn't notice the stunned look on Harry's face, as something else he didn't know about his life was casually mentioned, as if it were everyday knowledge. He had even more questions that needed answers, and, while Tom said he knew some of the answers, especially regarding why they were hiding, he didn't know all of them. Putting the questions aside, he focused on Cho and her mother for the time being, and wondered what it would take to get both of them in bed with him? He knew he could use the compulsion charm, but wanted to avoid that if possible, another wizard or witch would probably be able to tell if it were cast, and that would lead to trouble he really didn't want to deal with. Tom chuckled in the back of his mind, and said 'the Legilimency variation I taught you would do the job, but you need to get them in bed first.' Harry sent back that he knew what his plans for the next couple of days were, to Tom's laughter.
"How did you manage to meet Harry, Cho? You haven't been gone more than an hour, and you don't usually move that quickly." Lin said with a smirk.
"We actually met at Gringotts and spoke briefly, but then we met again a little while ago at the book shop and he asked me for some help."
At Lin's questioning look, Cho explained what Harry had told her, including her reaction to Harry's not knowing anything about 'The Boy Who Lived', and Harry's offer to buy her lunch in exchange for telling him the story.
Lin shook her head in disbelief, and said to Harry, "I'm so sorry you were brought up that way, if I had any idea, I would have taken you in myself. I owe your parents at least that much!"
When Cho and Harry both looked at her curiously, Lin said, "I don't like to talk about it, because it was such a horrible day, but your parents saved Cho and my life many years ago..."
Flashback – July 1981
Diagon Alley
A young family was in Diagon Alley, looking at a store for their Apothecary business. Charles Chang had left his home in Hong Kong five years before, both to find a wife, as well as expand the family's business. He had been more successful in the first than he had been in the second, so far. He had met and fell in love with a daughter of a distant cousin,and they had been married a bit over three years. He and his wife Lin both adored their daughter Cho, who had just turned two years old. Charles was confident that he was about to achieve his second goal, because the property they were looking at was perfect for their needs, and the price was well within their range. They were walking down the Alley toward the property when everything went wrong!
The Death Eaters appeared out of nowhere, and started casting spells. Charles was dead, the Killing Curse hit him even before he realized they were being attacked. Cho started crying as Lin tried to find cover where she could apparate to safety. She would mourn her husband later, at the moment her only concern was getting her baby to a safe location. She was moving, but three of the scum noticed her, and soon had her penned in. She had heard what fate awaited female captives, and reached for her wand, determined they wouldn't take her and her daughter.
Suddenly, the Death Eaters turned as they were being fired on from behind. Lin couldn't see who was attacking them, but was just grateful for the help. She breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted the messy black hair on the man, as well as the flaming red hair on the woman with him. "James! Lily!" she cried as she moved forward out of the alley.
When the Potters saw her, they checked her and Cho over to make sure they weren't injured, before James started asking her questions, she knew he had to do it, as an Auror he was expected to investigate attacks like the one he and Lily had broken up. When he had all the information he needed, he had Lily take her and Cho back to their home so she could recover.
When they got back to Potter Manor, Lily took Cho and gave her some calming draught mixed with some milk, and soon the toddler was sleeping in the crib next to Harry. Then Lily sat with Lin and tried to comfort her in the loss of her husband. They were still crying when James got back a few hours later.
End Flashback
"If it wasn't for your parents, Harry, I wouldn't have made it through the first few weeks after Charles died. They were with me all the time, making sure that I took care of myself, and took care of Cho as well." She laughed weakly, "In fact, I'll have to dig them out, but I still have a couple of pictures from nights when your mum and dad invited me over, and we put Cho in your crib. The two of you were adorable cuddled up together in your crib."
Harry chuckled, glad that Lin lightened the subject, because he really didn't know what to say, especially with Tom's memories of that particular raid, including the fact that he killed all of the death eaters who returned, because the raid had not been sanctioned by him, and it served no political purpose.
"I'd really like to see those pictures, Lin. I really don't have any memories of my parents, and would love to talk to you about them, if you don't mind?"
"Not at all Harry, stop in any time, we'd be glad to see you. But we can talk about that later, I'm sure the two of you are hungry, and I'd appreciate it you'd bring me back some of their shepherd's pie and a large milk when you finish."
Cho nodded, still a bit upset at hearing the story of how her father died. She had heard the story several times before, although this was the first time that her mother had identified her rescuers. But the mention of her and Harry cuddled up together in his crib did make her mind wander in interesting ways, considering how good looking he was, and she could tell he was interested in her, or at least he wanted to shag her. She knew he was trying to be a gentleman, but she'd been aware of him even before he started humming in the bank. She'd felt his eyes on her, and, to be honest, didn't really mind, she knew she was a good looking girl, and if he expressed an interest, she would probably be willing to date him. That didn't mean she was automatically going to drop her knickers for him, but he was the first wizard she'd met who she'd even consider doing it with. She set that aside for now, because there was something else bothering her. Her mum's behavior was off when she met Harry, and she was wondering why?
For as far back as Cho could remember, her mother was absolutely unflappable, but Harry shows up and she almost faints? That was extremely out of character for her, and Cho wanted to know why? Putting the question aside for now, she opened the door to the cafe and gestured for Harry to find a table while she gave Lin's order to the waitress at the counter.
After sitting down and picking up a menu, she made her choice, and when the waitress came over, she and Harry both ordered, and Cho said, "Well, I guess the easiest way to explain the whole 'Boy Who Lived' thing is to start with the story about what supposedly happened the night that 'You Know Who' attacked your family..."
Harry sat silently, listening to the story of his fame, and making appropriate sounds when needed, all the while, his mind was rushing, thinking about how he could make use of this unexpected bonus. Tom was practically chortling with glee in the back of his mind at the political implications of Harry's public reputation. It was only when Cho mentioned that she had actually sent a letter to him several years ago and never received a reply that Harry interrupted her, saying that, until he got his Hogwarts Letter that morning, he had never received any mail from the Wizarding World.
Cho looked at him in surprise, "No mail at all? Not even your Gringotts statements?"
"No, nothing. Why, is that important?"
"Yes it's important! If somebody is interfering with you receiving mail from Gringotts, especially your bank statements, the Goblins would be furious, and it could cause all kinds of problems for the person who caused you not to get them. I think we need to find out if the ward is on you, or your home after we finish eating."
Harry was just finishing up, and he paid for the meal while Cho picked up Lin's order, and they hurried out of the cafe. Dropping Lin's meal off, Cho lead him back to the Post Office, and they went inside. Cho quickly scribbled a note, and took it to the counter, and asked for it to be mailed to Harry Potter. The clerk took it, and came back a few minutes later, shaking his head.
Cho said, "What's wrong? Wouldn't the owl take the letter?"
"No, that's not it, the owl took the letter just fine, and started to fly off, but got a really confused look on it's face and flew back to it's perch. It's like the owl had no idea how to find the person you were writing. Of course, that really shouldn't surprise me, you aren't the first person to try and write him, and the letters never got through."
Cho nodded, "That's what I expected, now we need to find out who is stopping him from receiving his mail, and where all the mail he was sent has gone."
The clerk looked at her strangely, and said, "What makes you so sure that somebody is stopping him from getting his mail, lass?"
Harry spoke up at this point, "Because I'm standing right here, and I've never received a single piece of mail from anybody until I got my Hogwarts Letter this morning."
The clerk looked at him, his eyes automatically flicking up to see the scar on his forehead, which was still visible, even though it was faded, and said, "I'm going to have to get my manager on this, I need his help!" and hurried away from the counter.
Harry and Cho took a seat on a bench against the wall and talked quietly for a few minutes, Cho saying, "I think you might want to go back to Gringotts and ask for copies of your statements, and let them know what you've found out, just in case they tried to contact you for anything else. You don't want them thinking you were ignoring them."
Harry nodded, he was already planning on doing that anyway, and said, "I probably should also contact the newspapers, so I can get some kind of statement out, that I was under mail wards and never got any letters that were sent me, and apologizing for seeming to ignore them. I don't want people angry at me for something I didn't do."
Cho smiled, "That would be a good idea, and I'm sure that the Prophet would love to put an interview with you on the front page of the papers, it would sell through the roof!"
They were interrupted by the clerk coming back with another wizard, an older man who had a full beard and his red hair pulled back in a pony tail. Stepping around the counter, he walked up to Harry and said, "Mister Potter? I'm Pete Sunder, the Postmaster here, and Frank tells me you haven't been receiving any of your mail?"
Harry nodded, and the man frowned, "Would you mind standing up? I need to check and see what's preventing your mail from getting through."
Harry stood and the man ran his wand in a spiral pattern all over his body, and grunted when three different area of Harry's body started to glow a bright green. "Well, you've got yourself at least three wards preventing any sort of mail getting to you, I can't tell who cast them, but I can tell you it was the same person who did them, the signature is the same on all three. I'd recommend contacting the Aurors about it, they should be able to identify the person, if nothing else."
Harry grinned wryly, "This just keeps getting better and better." Turning to Cho, he said, "I hate to ask, because you've done so much for me today, but would you mind coming with me to the newspaper today? I know you have to get back and help your mum, and I don't want to keep you too much longer, but I could really use somebody who knows what's what to keep me from making a fool of myself."
"I'd love to Harry, let me send a quick note to mum letting her know what is going on, and I'll show you where the Prophet has it's offices."
Seeing that he wasn't needed any longer, Pete went back to his duties, although he knew that he wouldn't have to buy a drink for weeks on the story of 'The Boy Who Lived' coming into his Post Office. He did wonder who the pretty Chinese girl was? Did he have a girlfriend already?
Cho walked up to the counter and wrote a quick note to Lin, already imagining the teasing she would get for having a boyfriend. Although, she had to admit, she could do a hell of a lot worse than Harry. He was certainly attractive, well muscled and his eyes were a gorgeous shade of green. And his power? She couldn't wait to see what he did when he got a wand, just sitting next to him, her magic was singing her veins, and it was turning her on something fierce! That didn't really surprise her, she'd had the lecture from Madame Pomfrey her first year, just like everybody did, but she hoped he wasn't that much more powerful than she was, because their really weren't that many girls who she was comfortable with the idea of sharing with. She paused in her writing, 'Oh shite, if he hasn't been living in the magical world, he probably doesn't know about Jeremy's Law, I've got to make sure he's aware of it, or it could really cause him problems.'
Sending the note off, she went back to Harry and sat down, still thinking furiously about how to approach things. Harry saw that she was thinking, and let her figure what ever it was out. Eventually she seemed to come to a decision and said, "Harry, before we go to the Prophet, can we go someplace and talk privately? I realized that there is something very important that you probably aren't aware of, and you really need to be aware of it before you get on the Express on September 1st."
Curious, he said, "Sure, did you have any place in mind?" He was really interested in whatever it was that she had to talk about, especially since he could see her nipples poking through her bra under her shirt. He was even more determined to get her into bed, and from the way Cho was acting, it might not be that difficult, even without using charms. He wondered if she was still a virgin? He hoped she was, because Tom knew several rituals that called for the willing sacrifice of virgins blood to enhance his power and control.
Cho nodded and started toward the door, Harry walking beside her. Asking Harry to wait outside, she stepped into Flourish and Blott's, and came back out with a book in her hands a few minutes later. She didn't say anything as they walked past Madam Malkin's Robe shop, and turned down a side alley. Unlike Knockturn Alley or the row that Lin's shop was on, this alley didn't have any shops at all, and it wasn't as narrow as the other alleys. Harry blinked in surprise when they got further in, and he could see the alley widening, and a small park came into view.
Cho turned to him with a smile and said, "I've been coming here for years when I wanted to relax, not a lot of people know about it and it's really peaceful. There's some benches where we can sit down and talk and not have to worry about people hearing us."
Harry saw the benches she was referring to, and the two of them were sitting down next to each other. Cho cleared her throat and said, "Harry, I know this is a very rude question, especially since we just met today, but there is something that I think you need to know, or else you could end up getting trapped, so please forgive me the rudeness. But, are you a virgin?"
Of all the questions Cho could have asked him, that was quite possibly the last one he would have expected, and it startled a laugh out of him before he shook his head, "Well, that was unexpected, but, no, I'm not. Why is that important?"
"I'll tell you in a minute, but, were your partners magical or muggles?"
"All of them were muggles as far as I know, and again, why is this important?"
Cho gave a sigh of relief, "That's good, and the reason it's important is a rule of magic called 'Jeremy's Law' that has been proven over the centuries to be true. It states, basically, that if there is a vast difference in the magical strength between two magical people in an established sexual relationship, the weaker partner will find themselves changing to be more of what the stronger partner desires in a lover. In a sense, it turns the weaker partner into nothing more than a living, breathing sex toy!"
Harry could see that the idea terrified her, and he could understand why. The idea of losing yourself permanently would be even worse than death for most people, himself included. He was glad that he hadn't been with any of the girls he shagged that often, in case any of them were muggleborn, although it might help him at Hogwarts if any of them were. Looking seriously at Cho he said, "I gather you think that I have that much power that it would be a problem?"
She gave a bitter laugh, "Harry, I don't think that, I know deep in my bones that it would be a problem. You have no idea just how much you are affecting me, do you? Just being next to you, my magic is singing, and I would like nothing more than to drag you into the bushes and have you make love to me!I've never had that strong a reaction before, to any one, and I've been around some fairly powerful wizards. It's only because of my Occlumency that I'm able to control myself, and you aren't even trying to affect me."
He made sure to keep a serious and concerned look on his face, but internally he was practically chortling with glee at how easy it would be to get this girl naked. If her reaction to his magic was this strong, he may not need to use many 'suggestions' to bring her completely under his control.
Harry said, "Is there a way to avoid the effects? Because, I'll be honest, I'm very attracted to you, and was working up the nerve to ask you if I could see you again before school starts, but I don't want to do that to you!"
Cho nodded, "There is a way, and somehow I don't think you'll have a problem with it, but if the stronger partner has multiple partners, the weaker partners' magic is cumulative, so the imbalance isn't as great, and the partners don't lose their personalities."
Harry quirked a grin, "I'm not going to lie, the idea of several different girls does interest me, but why would you, since we've both admitted we're interested in each other, why would you be willing to share like that?"
Cho sat quietly for a minute, wanting to make sure she gave him an honest answer. Finally she took a deep breath and said, "There's actually a few different reasons, some of them nice, and one of them not so nice, but, you did ask. First off, I don't really have a choice. I know that I want you, and more important, my magic wants you, and I also want to keep my personality, so in order to satisfy both, I'm going to have to share. How many partners you'll need, I don't know, but, just from how your magic is affecting me, I'd say at least four or five other girls. Second, I'm a virgin, but I've done a lot of reading about sex, and there are some things that I think I'd enjoy, and others that I don't think I'd like. With more girls, there is a better chance that one or more of them would enjoy something I don't, for example, I have no real interest in playing with other girls, but I know that it's a standard fantasy for guys, isn't it?" Harry nodded, a slight grin on his face, and she continued, "So if a couple of the girls were interested in playing with each other while you watched, you wouldn't be expecting me to play with a girl. The same with being tied up and spanked, I've read that some people really enjoy that, but I'm not one of them, the idea just turns me off completely. And finally, and this is not so nice, but it's the truth, I've got ambitions, things I really want to accomplish in life, but, because of my skin color, I'm nothing more than a stinking wog to the pure bloods who run this country! It doesn't matter that my family has been magical on both sides for the past eight generations, I'm still less than human to a lot of the pure bloods here, and by being with you, I'll be able to use your name and reputation to accomplish my goals, because they wouldn't dare refuse you."
Harry had been quiet while she was speaking, and she looked over at him nervously. She was relieved to see a smile on his face, and he said, "Thank you for being honest with me Cho, and, I have to admit, all of your reasons make sense, and, as for your final reason, I think we can work together on that, I've got plans and goals as well, and later we can sit and talk about them and see where they mesh. Now, we still need to get to the Prophet and talk to them, but there is something I've wanted to do since I first saw you."
Cho looked at him for a second, before she moved closer and he put his arms around her. Closing her eyes, she leaned forward, and felt his lips touch hers. As soon as they touched, she felt a tingle in her lips, and it soon spread throughout her body, making her shiver in delight. She felt his tongue run along her lips, and she parted them, but he didn't slide it inside her, he just kept kissing her, until he finally pulled back. When he pulled away, she opened her eyes, and saw his green eyes gazing into hers, and she breathed, "Wow!" and Harry just nodded. When his arms dropped, she moved slightly, and glanced down, her eyes widening at the size of the bulge in his trousers. "Oh Harry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you!"
"It'll be okay, just give me a minute." Harry said, closing his eyes. Cho watched as he started taking deep breaths and slowly letting them out. He did this for several minutes, and she noticed that the bulge was shrinking with each breath, until he finally opened his eyes again and grinned at her.
"I learned to meditate years ago, and it helps to get my body back under control." Harry said, not wanting her to know that he was using his Occlumency to do the same thing. She would want to know how he knew about it if he had been cut off from the magical world until today, and the fact that he had been trained for years by the personality in his head would not be a conversation he ever wanted to have with her, or anyone for that matter!
He didn't tell her that he had just suppressed his erection, he still needed relief, and badly! As soon as he got Cho back to her mother's shop, he was heading into London to get a girl. Putting that aside, he stood up and offered Cho his hand, and the two of them walked back to Diagon.
They were able to complete their business at the Prophet fairly quickly, although the reporter was naturally curious about Cho being with him. He just said that her mum was friends with his parents, and she was showing him around, and he seemed to be satisfied with that. The brief interview ended with a picture of Harry smiling and shaking hands with the Editor of the paper, Barnabas Cuffe.
After walking Cho back to her mum's shop, and saying hello to Lin, Harry made arrangements to meet Cho at the Leaky for breakfast, and spend the day taking care of the rest of Harry's errands. Lin invited him to stop back the next day after they finished so he could have dinner with them. At Cho's eager smile, he readily agreed.
Once he was back in Diagon proper, he went back to the Leaky Cauldron where he arranged for a room for the rest of the summer. He already knew, from Tom's memories, that the tavern didn't have girls working there, so he didn't bother asking the barman. Taking his purchases up to his room (including the book Cho had given him about Jeremy's Law) he took a quick shower and headed out into London. Finding a working pay phone, he called Petunia and said that he would be spending the rest of the time before school starts in London, and to pack up his clothes and personal items and he would contact her with an address to send them to. Not bothering to say good bye, he ended the call. Walking down the road to the cab stand, Harry went to the first one and got in. The driver turned to look at him, "Where to mate?"
Harry smiled, using a wandless compulsion charm, "You tell me, where would I go to find some female company for the evening?"
"Depends on what you're looking for. Do you want somebody you can take out to a club and then back home, or just a quick shag?"
"Right now, just a quick shag, but I'll keep the other in mind."
"Right-o! Be there in a few minutes." The driver started the meter and called in on his radio before pulling out into traffic. He was a good as his word, and 10 minutes later was pulling up in front of a brownstone building on Chester Square. Harry watched as a man walked up and knocked on the door, and it was opened by a gorgeous blonde in a skin tight cocktail dress. Harry paid the man, and gave him an extra 20 pound tip, and the driver handed him his card and said, "Tell them that Jake brought you, okay? Otherwise they might not let you in. Just give me a call when you are ready to leave, I'm on all night."
Harry nodded and got out of the cab and walked up to the door. The door opened at his knock, and a different woman opened the door and looked at him curiously. He said, "Jake brought me here when I asked him where I could find some company for a while." The woman looked out and saw the cab still sitting there, and nodded, opening the door to let him in. She led him down the hallway to an office and gestured for him to take a seat. Sitting down behind the desk she said, "You're a bit younger than our usual clients but Jake hasn't made a mistake yet. We both know why you are here, so I'm not going to sugar coat things. The cost of one hour with one of my girls is 100 pounds, that gets you a blow and a shag, if you want anal, it's another 50 pounds, and you need to let the girl know before you get to her room, because some of the girls don't do anal, and once you are in the room, the fee is non refundable and you can't pick a different girl. Do you have any questions?"
"Just one, do I pay you or the girl?"
"You pay me before you leave the room, and I'll escort you to the lounge where you can mingle and choose a girl. The one hour starts when you get to her room, so don't feel like you have to rush in picking out your girl. You are expected to leave a tip when you are finished though, especially if you intend to come back any time soon."
"Fair enough," Harry said, reaching for his wallet. Pulling out three 50 pound notes, he slid them across the desk to the woman. She picked them up, one at a time and held them to the light, as well as using some kind of marker on them until she was satisfied. Putting them in an envelope, she grabbed a metal token and slipped it into the envelope as well, before putting the envelope into a safe behind her. Handing Harry another token, with the number 32 on it, she said, "The matching token is with your payment, you give the token to your girl, so she gets her share of the fee."
Standing, Harry followed the woman out of the room and down a different hall than the one he came in from. Stopping in front of a set of double doors, she opened one of the doors and went inside, gesturing for Harry to follow. He found himself in a large room, with dark wood paneling all around, and thick carpeting under foot. There were a dozen or more women in the room, all of them dressed as though they were at a party, as well as a few men talking to the women, but his attention was drawn to the shining black waist length hair of a girl who had her back to him, talking to another girl at the bar.
From the back, the girl's figure was identical to Cho's, and he hardened instantly.
Walking toward her, the girl turned when her friend saw him approach, and she turned to face him with a smile. He smiled in return, pleased that, while she was obviously Chinese, she wasn't all that similar to Cho facially, because he didn't want to get the two confused in his mind. Stopping in front of her, he said, "Hi, my name is Harry, how are you?" The girl smiled wider, "Hello Harry, my name is Mei-Lien," (which she pronounced 'May-Lynn') it means Beautiful Lotus in Chinese."
"Very pretty name, Mei-Lien, and it fits you." Harry turned his smile into a bashful grin, "I'll be honest, this is my first time here, so I'm not really sure what the polite thing to do is, can you help me out?"
Mei-Lien chuckled, and said, "No problem Harry, you're doing just fine. You pick out a girl who catches your eye and say hello, and the two of you move over to the couch and you can talk about what you are looking for, and don't worry about mincing words, none of us are exactly blushing virgins!"
With a grin, Harry gestured over to the couches and said, "Well then, shall we?"
Mei-Lien took the time to watch him as he walked, and was a bit surprised that a boy as young as he was carried himself so confidently. He was obviously no virgin, and the bashful act was as fake as most of her smiles. She did wonder why he was here, paying for sex, when he had the looks and attitude, as well as a bit of money, based on his clothing, that could easily get a girl out of her knickers just by approaching one at a club. The only reason she could think of, and she hoped it wasn't right, was that he had some unusual kink that most girls wouldn't go for. Oh well, if it wasn't something she wanted to do, she could tell him no, and let him find a different girl.
Sitting down next to him on the couch, she said, "So, Harry, why don't you tell me what you are looking for tonight?" She wondered if this was the point where he told her he was interested in water sports or wanting to tie her up while they had sex or something like that, but was relieved when he said,
"I'm not looking for anything outrageous, at least not tonight, but I am looking for a girl who does anal. I was told that not every girl is willing to do that, so I wanted to check first."
'Anal? Is that all?' she thought, 'I can handle that, no problem.' Looking him in the eyes, she nodded, but wanted to make sure he understood the rules. "That's fine, I don't have a problem with anal, but you'll have to wear a fresh condom, if you don't have any we've got them for sale, and I won't take you in my mouth after your done, agreed?"
"Sure, and I've got condoms, I always carry a few with me."
"That's good, some guys object, but it's a rule of the house, oh, and you can't cum in my mouth, on my tits is fine, but I don't swallow on the job." She wondered if he would object to that, because if he did, she could negotiate a bigger tip for swallowing. She didn't really enjoy it, most guys didn't eat right, and the taste was pretty unpleasant, but for an extra 20 quid, she'd be willing to put up with the taste, that's what mouth wash is for, after all. When he didn't object, she figured he didn't have any other questions, and started to get to her feet, only to be stopped when he took her hand. Sitting back down she looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"This isn't something I'm looking for this evening, but I'm planning on coming back, and wanted to know, are you open to playing with another girl? I've had a few threesomes, and they were a lot of fun, and wanted to know if that was on the menu here? And if so, how much would it cost?"
She gave him a genuine smile at that, she preferred having a girl in her bed most of the time anyway. "That could be fun, would you be bringing a girl with you, or would you like one of the girls here?"
"One of the girls here, at least the first time, but if I start dating a girl who's up for it, who knows?" Harry shrugged, "In fact, the girl you were talking with, the redhead with the curves? I would love to watch the two of you together sometime." Not to mention, he could bring Dudley here for a special treat, and Dudley had a thing for redheads, and they could spend some time making sandwiches out of the two whores, it wasn't like he was short of money. And, if he did, he could just have Vernon make some more movies.
Mei-Lien nodded, "I'm sure that could be arranged, Lisa and I have teamed up before, and, as long as you give me a little notice, to make sure she's not with a guest, we can make it happen. As for the cost, well, the two girl show is 75 pounds, and getting each of us for anal on top of a regular suck and shag would run you about 250, but you get us both for two hours instead of just one, so it's a bargain that way." She didn't mention that as the primary girl, she'd also get a bigger cut of the fee, but that really wasn't any of his business, after all. And as a repeat customer, they wouldn't have to pay Jake his referral fee, which meant more money for her. She didn't realize that Harry was skilled at Legilimency, and was reading her thoughts as easily as if she had been speaking them aloud, but her thoughts didn't bother him, he had no problem with paying for what he wanted, after all, it wasn't like he had to work for the money.
Harry grinned, "That is a bargain, but how do I contact you to let you know when I'm planning on coming back? I can't see you giving me your cell phone number after all."
She laughed, "No, that would be frowned on by the boss, but I'll give you a card with a number to an answering machine, and you punch in my code number and leave your message, I check it several times a day, so as long as you give me at least three hours notice, it won't be a problem." 'And if you keep coming back after that, I'll give you my cell number so we can get together outside of here.' she thought, Sally didn't mind if they set up outside appointments with guests they met here, but the guest had to pay the house fee at least four times before the girls were allowed to give out their outside contact information. Besides, by that time, they generally have a good enough feel for the guy to know if he's safe or not.
Harry nodded, keeping the four visits rule in mind, "That sounds good, just make sure you give me the number before I leave, I don't want to forget."
"I'll give you the card when we get upstairs, now, are there any other questions?"
Harry shook his head, and the two of them stood, and she took Harry's hand, leading him from the lounge up a flight of stairs. The stairs ended at another hallway, with doors all along each side. Mei-Lien stopped at a door about halfway down on the left and pulled a key from a chain around her neck and opened it.
Harry followed her into the room, and watched as she set the timer when the door closed. Going to the makeup table against the wall, she picked up a business card and handed it to him, taking the token from him at the same time.
"Now, let's get things started!" she said, reaching for his trousers. She smoothly opened his belt, and popping the button at the same time. Harry was slipping off his shoes and shirt while she was doing that, and he was soon standing there in just his t-shirt and pants. Once she had his trousers off she said, "Go ahead and hang your clothes up on the hanger there, so they don't get wrinkled." When he finished, she turned her back to him and lifted her hair away from her back. Harry knew what she wanted, and pulled the zipper of the dress down, letting her slide it off her shoulders, exposing her back, with no bra straps at all. She dropped her arms and pulled the dress over her hips, exposing a garter belt around her waist, but no knickers.
She glanced at the mirror against the back wall, and smirked briefly, seeing the look on his face, 'It never fails, I've never known I guy who didn't love seeing my garter belt!' Shifting position slightly, she could see the size of his bulge and her eyes widened, 'Jesus, Mary and Joseph, he's fucking huge! If knows how to use that thing, I might actually enjoy this!'
Harry grew even harder at the sight of her arse, shaped like an upside down heart, with the cheeks firm and tight. She lifted her legs, encased in white silk stockings, and stepped out of the dress, before bending over, drawing a groan from Harry, to pick it up and drape it over a chair in the room. Turning around, she posed for Harry, allowing him to take in her nude body. She had pushed her hair back over her shoulders so she was completely displayed in front of him. He ran his gaze from the proud smile on her face down to her nicely sized breasts, her nipples standing firm and tall, to her waist and the garter belt framing the patch of black silky hair at the top of her pussy. He could see that she was already wet, and her lips were parted and swollen.
Taking Harry's hand, Mei-Lien led him over to the bed, and grabbed a pillow before sitting him on the edge of the bed. Spreading his legs, she dropped the pillow on the floor and knelt down. Grabbing the waistband of his pants, she tugged on them, and he obligingly lifted his hips up off the bed so she could pull them down. Taking him in her hands, she stroked his length a few times, making him moan in pleasure before she lowered her head and licked his sack, putting her lips around one of his jewels, and then the other, sucking gently before releasing. Spitting out the hair that got on her tongue, she licked his shaft, starting from the base to the tip before teasing the slit with her tongue. Looking up at him, she put her most submissive expression on her face before opening her mouth and taking the head inside. She was surprised that he kept his hands on the bed, letting her set the pace. She'd half expected him to slide his fingers into her hair and hold her steady so he could shag her mouth. That, more than anything, convinced her that he wasn't a virgin, he actually knew enough to relax and enjoy the sensations. Moving forward, she took more of him in her mouth, letting him rub over her tongue before pulling backward until just the head was inside.
Harry looked down with a smile, enjoying the sight of the gorgeous girl on her knees before him, and wondered if Cho realized just what she would be getting into when she joined him? She may think she doesn't have any interest in having sex with other girls, but that would change, after all, he was able to get his neighbor to happily 69 with her daughter while he and Dudley were buggering the two of them senseless, so he didn't think he'd have much problem convincing her that she really wanted to lick pussy, just because it would please him. Of course, she did have a good point, he was sure that at least a couple of the girls would be interested in playing with other girls, he would make certain of that using his Legilimency before he approached them about joining him in bed. He let Cho think she had a choice in what she did in the bedroom, but eventually she would learn that her primary purpose was to be his plaything. Granted, she did have knowledge that he could use, and he would find out what her plans were, and, if they fit in with his goals, he had no problem with helping her achieve them.
The feeling of the whore's mouth on his cock pulled him back to the present, and he moaned, enjoying the suction of her mouth on him, and the way she was pulling back and teasing the tip with her tongue. He had been without for so long, it didn't take long for him to feel the boiling in his balls, and he growled out a warning to the girl, so she pulled back and he pointed himself at her tits, splashing her with his seed. He had to admit, the sight of her tits covered with his cum was a nicely erotic view, although he thought it would look better sprayed across her face, but he could save that for another time. He'd already decided that he would be back, although he may take a different girl next time, just so she didn't get the idea that he had any attachment to her. Since he was away from his usual bed partners, he wanted a regular source of variety.
Setting his plans aside for now, he reached down and helped the girl to her feet and stood up himself. Wanting to start training her properly, he pulled a little of his magic up into his voice and said, "After that, we need to clean up, go get the shower started, I'll be with you in a minute."
The girl didn't even blink, she just turned and walked to a door in the back of the room and he soon heard water flowing. Checking the timer, he saw that they only had about half the hour remaining. Deciding that next time he would get the girl for a longer period, so he could really enjoy himself, he decided to cut things short with her. Getting his wallet out of his trousers, he palmed one of the foil packets and the tube of lubricant that was sitting on her table and walked into the bathroom. He was pleased that she was standing outside the tub, waiting for him. He smirked, she was still wearing the stocking and garter belt, and he said she might want to take them off as well. The girl started, and then slipped them off and setting them on the floor. Stepping into the tub, he grabbed the washcloth and handed it to her. She took it without a word and climbed into the tub with him, and held the cloth in the water before grabbing the soap.
While she washed him, Harry let his mind wander, considering how he could use these whores in his plans. Considering that it was getting Dudley laid on a regular basis that cemented his loyalty, it might be useful to have a steady supply of available pussy for people who he wanted to curry favor with, especially in the Ministry. Tom remembered the current Minister, Cornelius Fudge, from before he was the Minister, and the man was easily controlled if you put some fresh tail in front of him. He wondered if it would be feasible to buy a bunch of whores and put them up in one of the Potter properties in London?
He was distracted once again, by the girl, she had moved behind him and was washing his arse, including rubbing the cloth between his cheeks before rinsing him off. Deciding to see if his mental command had taken as well as he thought, he pushed his arse back slightly, and smirked when he felt her hands pulling him apart and her tongue running along the crack. He waited patiently, and soon enough he felt her tongue licking his ring. Nodding, he knew she was truly under his control, so he moved forward and turned around, laughing inwardly at the confused look on the girls face. Eventually he would tell her exactly what happened, but not tonight. He had other things to do tonight, and he was fully erect again. Leaning out of the tub, he picked up the foil packet and handed it to her. She started to climb to her feet, but he shook his head slightly and she froze, before lowering herself back to her knees. Raising the foil packet to her mouth, she used her teeth to tear it open and she pulled the condom out. Shaking it slightly to start opening it, she gently placed in in her mouth before moving forward.
It took her some maneuvering, but eventually she got the condom unrolled all the way down and pulled her head off of his cock. Looking up, she smiled happily when he nodded at her, and he gestured for her to stand. Turning her to face the wall of the tub, he said, "We've used up too much of the time, so I'm going to skip straight to your arse. Brace yourself on the wall while I get you ready, okay?"
She nodded automatically and moved into position, spreading her arms and pressing her hands flat against the tiled wall. Harry reached out and picked up the lube and spread some on his fingers. Using his foot to nudge her legs apart, he moved closer and worked his index finger into her arse. She moaned at the penetration, but he wriggled the finger around, loosening her ring of muscle until she was able to take a second finger. Leaning in, he said "Finger yourself girl, it will make it easier to relax."
Mei-Lien was in a fog, she didn't really understand why she was acting this way, a small part of her mind was screaming that something was very wrong, that she wasn't submissive at all, but her body was yelling it's pleasure too loudly for her to concentrate, so she just followed the instructions her master gave her and lowered one of her hands to her pussy and started rubbing herself, working one finger inside and brushing against her nub. He was right, the sensations spread out into her body and she felt herself relax, and she sighed as he worked a third finger inside her. It was a good thing that she couldn't see behind her at that moment, because the contemptuous smirk on Harry's face would have had alarm bells going off in her mind.
'So easy, just like every other girl. I really hope that the witches provide at least a little bit of a challenge, or I'm going to be very disappointed. I didn't even use a trickle of my power, and she's already putty in my hands!' Focusing on what he was doing, he judged that she was stretched out enough to take him without hurting her, so he pulled his fingers out and wiped them off in her hair. Holding her open with one hand, he gripped his cock with the other and lined up the head with her rosebud and pushed forward, popping the head inside. He moved his hands to her waist, holding her steady as he slid deeper inside her. She groaned as he buried his eight inches in her bum, and he leaned in, and whispered, "Do you like this my little whore? Do you enjoy taking my cock all the way inside your tight little arse? I'm going to come back and buy you plenty of times in the future, and I'm going to be fucking your arse every time! In fact, I'm going to bring my cousin with me sometime, and we're going to make a sandwich out of you, fucking your pussy and arse at the same time, and you're going to love it, aren't you my little whore?"
She couldn't help herself, she knew her reactions were wrong, but the way he was talking to her, the pictures he was putting in her mind, it overwhelmed her, and she started moaning in pleasure, and the biggest orgasm she could remember crashed through her body, and she cried out, "Yes, I will! I'll love it!" before she lost the ability to speak and she started babbling incoherently, tossing her head from side to side as she fell forward against the back wall.
Harry paused in his movement, allowing her the brief respite to recover from her climax. He didn't mind giving her this break, she was skilled at her job, and was providing what he paid for, so he figured she should get something out of it, besides the tip he was planning to leave her. He chuckled, picturing Vernon's reaction if he was to tell him that some of the money the man earned by getting fucked up the arse by some of the rough trade and sucking them off went to a whore who Harry did exactly the same thing to! He decided not to tell him, he didn't want the man to have a stroke yet, he still had a few more years of punishment to endure before he was allowed to die.
Seeing that the girl was recovered from her climax, he started pumping her arse again, and moved his hands off her waist and moved them up to her breasts, cupping them in his hands and rubbing his thumb over her erect nipples, causing her to shiver in enjoyment. He pinched the nipples lightly, testing her, and she gave a sigh of pleasure, making him smile. 'Good, she's still teachable. Tom was right (of course I was!), it's so easy to get people to respond the way you want in a one on one situation, she's already accepting that I give her pleasure, and soon she will come to enjoy the pain as well!'
Speeding up his thrusts, he felt his balls tightening, and knew he wasn't going to last very long, so he moved to the next step of the training and pulled out of her arse. Removing the condom, he stepped back and said, "Kneel girl, and close your eyes!" She was in position immediately, and Harry stroked himself quickly, pointing at her face. It only took a few strokes before he released, painting her face and hair with his cum. Turning around, he stepped back into the water and rinsed off before getting out of the tub and grabbing a towel to dry off. He watched as she moved forward, her eyes still closed, until she was under the water and cleaned off her face and hair. When she stood up, he held out a towel and she took it with a grateful smile, no trace of the confusion on her face.
After they were dry, Harry lead her back into the room, and got dressed, pulling out his wallet. She got dressed as well, and sat down at her makeup table to fix her face. Her eyes lit up when she saw the stack of cash he placed on the table next to her, and he turned toward the door just as the timer buzzed, signaling the end of the hour he had paid for. Turning back, he said, "You did very well Mei-Lien, and I'll see you again soon, but I'll make sure to pay for more time the next visit."
She looked up at him with a smile, and he looked into her eyes and saw that she was really looking forward to seeing him again, and not for the mercenary reasons she had less than an hour before. Harry could see that he was already achieving a place of importance in her thoughts, and he knew that it would only take a few more times together and he would become the ultimate authority in her life, and at that point she would belong to him, body and soul!
Checking his wallet to make sure he had her card, he saw Jake's card, and said, "Is there a phone I can use to call for a cab?"
"Just go down to the lounge, one of the girls will call for you if you have the number." She said, before turning back to the makeup. Harry was smiling as he walked out the door and headed toward the lounge. There were different girls in the room this time, and he took a seat at the bar and waved the bartender over. Ordering a glass of Orange Juice, he asked the girl if she or one of the others could call for his taxi? The girl nodded and took the card and stepped to the phone. Coming back, she said that Jake would be there in 15 minutes and would meet him out front. Harry thanked her and enjoyed the scenery while he finished his juice. About 15 minutes later, the girl glanced at a television that was sitting on the bar and said that his ride was there. Looking over, Harry saw that the screen showed the street in front of the building with Jake sitting in his cab. Getting up, he tossed a tip on the bar and walked out, a wide smile on his face.
After a short ride back to Charing Cross Road, he paid his fare and walked back to the Leaky Cauldron. Stopping in the dining area to have dinner, because he'd been in too much of a rush to eat earlier, and did use up a lot of energy with the girl, he was soon digging into a large dish of stew with fresh baked bread. Finishing up, he grabbed a bottle of butterbeer and took it up to his room to drink while he was reading.
The Chang's
Same Time
Cho wiped her face with the cloth napkin and sat back with a contented sigh, which was echoed by Lin on the other side of the table. Picking up her glass, Cho took a sip of her drink and said, "Okay, now that we've eaten, it's time for an answer. Why did you react to Harry that way? I understand he looks like his father, I've seen pictures of James Potter, but that doesn't explain the way you almost fainted, mum."
Lin took a swallow of her wine, and blushed, "You're right, it doesn't explain it, but, what you didn't know is that James and I, and yes, Lily too, were lovers at Hogwarts. This was long before I met your father, of course. It started during our 6th year, and I joined them several times over the next two years, and enjoyed it tremendously. In fact, before I met your father, I had talked to Lily about becoming James' consort after they married, if I was still single. Lily was in favor of the idea, and promised to talk to James when the time came. I would have been more than willing to keep seeing them even without the formal Consort position, but wanted the recognition because it would have given me the same sort of protection that you are after with Harry."
At Cho's surprised look, she laughed, "Oh come on Cho, don't tell me you didn't think I'd notice? You want to shag him so badly you hurt, and he wants to bed you as well, it was obvious by the way he was looking at you. But we can talk about that later, you asked me about James and Lily. Your father and I met not long after graduation, and we fell in love, naturally I told him about James and Lily, and he was very understanding, especially since I had stopped seeing them when we started dating. After your father was killed, I was a wreck, and James and Lily comforted me the only way they could, by taking me to bed and showing me that there was still joy in life. It was a few weeks later that Lily broached the subject of the Consort position, saying she had spoken to James and he was agreeable, but hell, that's no surprise. What man would turn down the idea of two warm and willing women in his bed? We agreed to wait for a year, to show respect to your father's memory, even though I knew Charles well enough that he would have been cheering me on, before making it official. Unfortunately, they went into hiding and couldn't contact me not long after that, and, well, everybody knows what happened then."
Cho wasn't sure what surprised her more, the fact that her mother openly admitted being lovers with both of Harry's parents, or the idea that she could have grown up in the same house with Harry. She wasn't surprised about her mum sleeping with James, but it was the idea that her mother had slept with another woman that was hard to understand. She had to admit, from pictures she'd seen, that Lily was a very pretty girl, but she felt no attraction at all to her, but could understand why Lin had been with her if she was interested. Putting it aside as not important at the moment, she took a deep breath and said, "Well, you are right, I'm very attracted to Harry, and we talked about it this afternoon, because he's just as attracted to me. But there is a complication. He had never heard of Jeremy's Law, and I had to explain that my magic was reacting to his, but I was afraid of losing my own personality. Fortunately, he was understanding, and just asked questions about ways around the problem. I'm sure you won't be surprised if I tell you that he had no problem at all with multiple partners, but he wanted to know why I would be willing to share him? I told him my reasons, including the fact that I wanted the backing of a powerful house in achieving my goals, and he agreed that we need to discuss what my goals are, and see if they can be worked in with his."
Lin smirked, "Have you decided who the other girls are going to be?"
"No, we hadn't gotten that far, and, truthfully, there aren't that many girls in Ravenclaw that I'm that close to, and I don't really know any girls in the other houses that well. I'm going to suggest to Harry that we go around on the Express meeting the girls, and if any of them catch his eye, we can talk to them later."
Lin nodded before draining her wine glass and leaning forward, asking seriously, "Who's going to make the final decision? Because, let's be honest, Harry is likely to be thinking with his little head, and if he runs into a good looking girl, he's going to be interested, but if she's an absolute bitch she would just make all of you unhappy, and you won't want that."
Cho paused, considering what her mother was saying, before nodding as well. "True, I've got to make sure we talk things through before approaching the girl, I would hate to have somebody like Melissa Turpin around all the time. She's a very popular girl, with the guys anyway, and they consider her attractive, but she's mean as a snake to other girls. But it would take a lot of time, and I'm not sure I can wait that long! I had a hard time not saying 'To Hell with Jeremy's Law!' and dragging him into the bushes this afternoon." Looking up, she saw the expression on Lin's face and said, "What? Do you have an idea?"
Lin poured another glass of wine and took a drink before saying, "I do, but I'm not sure how you are going to take it." At Cho's impatient gesture, she said, "There's a ritual that can determine compatibility, but your magical core has to be fully settled to cast it, and that won't be for another few years yet for you. The other problem is that the person who casts it has to be a member of the group, because the magic takes into account if the subject is compatible with the caster as well."
"Wait a minute! You want to be one of Harry's lovers? Why?"
"Simple, I'm lonely and it's been far too long since I've had a man in my bed, and this way I'll still be close to you. Now, I don't mean that we would share a bed, I know you aren't attracted to other women, and besides, it would be too awkward for both of us. But, I'm sure that some of the girls that are compatible would enjoy it. Besides, you weren't the only one that Harry was looking at this afternoon, he wouldn't kick me out of his bed, I could tell."
Cho shook her head in disbelief before reaching for the bottle of wine and a fresh glass, pouring herself a drink, she gulped the wine, coughing as it went down before looking back at her mother. "How in the hell am I supposed to bring that up with Harry? Just say, 'Hey Harry, I know we just met yesterday, but my mum wants to join your harem?'"
Lin laughed, "No, I don't see you needing to do that, in fact, why don't you come back here in the morning after breakfast, and I'll explain things to him. I think he'll be open to the idea if it's presented properly."
Cho shook her head, "No, I'll explain it to him, I think he'd take it better from me. But how will that help once we go back to school? You're still going to be here, and Harry can't just pop out of the castle every couple of nights."
"That won't be a problem, I was offered a chance to work a few days a week at Hogwarts in the Hospital Wing, seeing how the remedies I developed work in practice. I just got the letter yesterday, and I was still thinking it over, but I think I'll take it, especially since part of the offer is rooms in the castle for the nights I stay there."
Seeing her last objection dealt with, Cho sat back and took a smaller sip of her wine and said, "Alright, I'll let Harry know what's going on when I see him for breakfast, but you aren't going to get to shag him before I do, is that understood!"
End Chapter One