A/N How long has it been? TOO FREAKING LONG! Ugh, the struggle is real guys. I mean, writing is fun but it's not quite my forté (well most of the time it isn't) so I get blocked real quick. I need to get in the zone! Ooh but get this, it was so weird but like so perfect, this chapter, or rather the next one, is based off a dream I had last night! it was so crazy and vivid, like I was in Neverland with Peter and all that jazz (I don't want to give it away) but yeah, Im real excited to incorporate that into the story because it actually works with it :3 Most of my dreams are pretty real, so the rare times when I dream about Neverland, I don't ever want to wake up haha! Writing about them gives me a chance to kind of relive them I guess, which is why I love writing this story. Anyway, enjoy. And please, comment and all that good stuff because it really motivates me. I want to finish the story so bad lol, I just get sidetracked so easy. :p
P.S. I'm also an artist and am going to be drawing up some of the characters on my instagram, so feel free to check out that stuff - /cazilia/ or just look me up cazilia cuz idk if that link worked.
Wind whipped through Robin's hair as she soared through the air. The feeling was exhilarating and excitement pulsed in her body. Flying was almost unreal, an experience like dreaming, where she was free and in control. She willed herself faster.
"If you try any harder you might be able to keep up with me!" Peter teased as he sped by, throwing Robin off course.
"Damn it Peter! If you keep doing that I'll never learn to fly properly!" Robin spat
"If I keep doing that you'll learn to control yourself.. Well at least a little." Peter called
"Your smart ass remarks aren't helping!" Robin was obviously peeved that Peter was better than her, of course it made sense since he had been flying longer, but still.
She hurried to catch up to Peter who wasn't looking back or slowing. As she grew closer she reached for his feet and quickly wrapped a hand around his foot.
"Hey, what—?"
Robin jerked Peter back, which allowed her to thrust herself ahead of him. Being caught off guard Peter spiraled slightly before regaining his wits.
"Now you know how I feel!" Robin snickered as she dove into a cumulus cloud.
"You're going to regret that one!" Peter warned with a hint of playfulness.
Though Robin couldn't see very clearly within the cloud, she had an idea of where she was. Peter darted quickly through the cloud creating a tunnel. She chuckled under her breath because he had just missed where she was floating. She peeked her head out from where she was hiding into the tunnel that hollowed out the cloud. Peter was gone. Ha! she thought to herself, I could hide all day and he'd never find me.
Amusement spread across her face in a a sly smile.
Suddenly a breeze came from behind her, and a hand seized her ankle. Robin let out a shriek of surprise as she was hauled around and upward.
"God damnit Peter!" she cursed, but Peter only laughed.
Robin tried to kick him with her other foot, and despite her efforts, Peter only grabbed it with his other hand and spun her around, faster and faster.
"You're going to make me sick!"
Peter released his hold on her ankles, sending her twirling through the sky. Robin tried to regain herself but was clearly struggling. stop! stop! stop! I can do this! She willed herself to slow down. She closed her eyes and thought of flying straight. Within seconds her body relaxed and she doing exactly that, smooth sailing. Robin turned back to stick her tongue out at Peter but he wasn't there.
"Looking for me?" he taunted from behind
Peter was hovering much closer in front of Robin than she realized, so when she turned her head back around she ran into him. Or to be more exact, her face hit his, and their lips briefly touched. It was abrupt but soft. Wow.. Wait! What?!
Her eyes widened with embarrassment and her cheeks flushed bright red. She shoved Peter away from her body.
"Oh god, I uh-" she stammered
Peter's face was a shade brighter too. He bit his lip as a smile spread across his face as he let out a chuckle.
"What's so funny?!" Robin was slightly agitated. She didn't mean to do that! Peter came out of nowhere!
"It's alright, I mean if I was you I wouldn't be able to resist me either." Peter teased
Robin's face grew even brighter "Well I'm me you little imp, and I can't resist you!"
Peter raised an eyebrow
"Wait no! I can! God damn it boy, I meant I can! You confused me." What on earth Robin?! Get yourself together!
"Haha, that's alright girly. You-" before Peter could finish something exploded beneath them sending a shrieking black ball of iron their direction.
"Robin look out!" Peter howled as he snatched Robin out of the path of a canon ball.
"Holy shit!"
Peter let out a crow of amusement and shot down towards the ocean.
"Peter wait!" Robin called as she tried to follow him. Holy shit…
Peter had sped down and was darting around a gargantuan ship like a fly around rotting meat, sending its crew in a frenzy in attempt to shoot him down. Robin slowed down to a stop as she hovered to observe the hilarity of the scene. Was this the Pirate ship of the stories? She remembered seeing a ship this morning in the bay, which must have this one. Wow. she thought, but where… Just as she was wondering where the infamous captain was, her eyes caught sight of a deep scarlet jacket. A man with hair black as night, and eyes so forget-me-not blue she could see them from where she floated in the sky. Hook.
No way! His hair was shorter than it was in the movie she had seen, and his nose wasn't quite as big either. She flew closer to get a better look.
"Poor fools!" Peter jested, "Miss me once shame on me, miss me twice.. Wait that's not it! Shame on you! Ha! You can never hit me! Buncha worthless codfish!"
Robin couldn't help but laugh too, none of the pirates came close to shooting Peter, he was incredibly fast.
She was having such a grand time watching Peter buzz around the sails, she didn't notice a canon being lined up in her direction. BOOM!
She looked towards where the blast had come from and barely dodged the iron in time. This time, however, the pirates were paying attention to both Peter and Robin.
"There's a girly up there Cap'n!" one of the men shouted, alerting Hook of her position.
The captain turned towards Robin, his gaze piercing.
"What's this Pan?! A new toy to pass the time?" Hook jeered
Was every male on this island gorgeous!? Up close Robin could see how youthful and handsome Hook really was. Jesus give me strength!
Robin didn't have time to gawk, Long Tom was shifting her way. BOOM! She misjudged the speed of the canon ball as she attempted to dodge the iron and it grazed her left thigh. Well, maybe grazed, but it felt more like running into the side of a metal table corner at full speed and then maybe jabbing it with a brick for good measure.
"FUUUUUCK!" Robin howled as pain tore through her leg. Peter made dodging look way to easy.
Within ten seconds or so Long Tom was ready to be fired again, but Robin was completely ready, trying to fly in uneven patterns like Peter.
Pirates whooped and hollered with cries of success. "We hit a little birdie!", "We'll make shark bait outta that lassie!"
"Robin fly back, get out of here!" Peter warned as he dove toward the captain.
Bat shit fuck brains! oh god I'm dying! No! Don't be a pussy! Fuck! "I'll do whatever I fucking please Pan!" she scolded. I'll fucking show him!
The pain slightly subsided but a beautiful bruise would swell shortly. Robin's short temper, however, got the better of her as she dove in Peter's direction.
Hook and Peter were battling ferociously already, paying no attention to Robin as she drew closer. The other pirates, however, saw her and began to taunt her and jeer their swords at her. At least thirty crewmen swarmed the deck, either cheering Hook as he fought Pan, or chasing Robin around the ship. "Get 'er!" "Pretty face outta stay out of a fight!" ,"Fights too hard for a lassie", "I'll give 'er a taste o something hard!"
The deck erupted in laughter followed by more taunts, which only fueled Robin's hot head. How rude! She launched herself towards one of the larger pirates covered in tattoos, the one who made the first vulgar comment.
She had learned how to fight here and there at the foster home with the other boys, but add flying to her tricks and she had more leverage. Robin let the force of her weight carry through her body and into her heel as she stopped midair to kick the brute's face. Clearly not prepared for the attack he toppled backwards. Taking her chance, Robin snatched the sword from the tattooed man's hilt and spun it around intensely, sending sparks and blood splashing through the air as it sliced hands and daggers.
Peter noticed Robin now and terror riddled his face. "Robin get out of here! You're not ready for this! Don't be stupid!" he shouted with anger and even a hint of worry.
"I can defend my goddamn self! I'm not some pussy little girl!" Robin howled back, she wanted to show she was tough, as her sword collided with another sending the shriek of metal through the heavy air.
She actually wasn't ready, fighting hand to hand was one thing, but swords were a whole new medium. For a rookie she did alright and dodged or blocked simple attacks. But the pirates were only toying with her now, clearly throwing easy shots, and pushing her to the edge of the deck.
Hook's voice boomed as he laughed, watching both fights.
"Who's this new girly Pan?" Hook mocked, "A pretty face to replace that Wendy thing?"
Peter shoved his blade forward into Hook's pushing him back and shot into the sky, disappearing into the clouds.
"AH HA HA! Looks like Pan has left you girly!" a lanky built man with yellowy skin sneered. He was behind Robin in a flash and wrapped his arms around her tight.
"What the fuck!" Robin struggled, "I'll kill you!"
The crew boomed with laughter at he remark, all touching and squeezing her face. The pirate holding her grabbed her jaw with a grip hard enough to brake it. He smelled her hair obnoxiously to rile the crew, and tilted his head around to her face. "Such a pretty lady," he started, his breath potent with rot and rum. Robin felt like passing out, from his grip around her waist or his breath she didn't know. Before she had the chance, however, in a quick move he licked up the side of her face.
Oh hell no..
The crew boomed even louder with cries of profanity and cackles.
"Ah ha ha! Tastes like-" before he could finish, blood spurted from his mouth as he coughed a vile mix of saliva and red liquid down the right side of Robin's face and body.
I think I'm going to hurl..
The pirate went limp overboard as Robin shook him from her body. The crew took a slight step backward and lowered their eyes. The captain was standing to Robin's side with a stained left hook.
She turned slowly, eyes wide with a mix of fear and appreciation. His blue forget-me-not eyes cut the air with enough intensity to kill. Robin flinched slightly as a soft hand was placed on her left shoulder.
What the hell is going on?
"I hope you all know that is no way to treat a lady." Hook started with a cool superior voice, "Morgan was a pestilent piece of scum that should have been keelhauled a long time ago.. Aye?"
"AYE!" the crew echoed back
"Now get back to work you scurvy bastards! I want this ship spick and shining by dawn!"
The crew scrambled around to their stations grumbling and tripping over another to get away from the captain before he gutted them.
"Now," he cooed, "I must apologize for their behavior and my own miss..?"
Robin eyed him suspiciously, only a moment before he had called her a toy of Pan's as if she were a whore or something.. All she knew is that it was derogatory and that she shouldn't trust Pan's mortal enemy. But he did get rid of that lewd pirate, Morgan, was that his name?
She tilted her head up to appear confident, even though she felt like passing out with disgust and exhaustion from her previous scramble. A drop of blood not her own trickled down her neck, internally she gagged.
Hook glanced her over quickly but deeply and into her eyes, as if he was searching for something within her.
Oh my god, this is beyond creepy …but it's turning me on? Shit balls, stop it Robin!
She bit her lip and tasted salt and more blood. Good grief! Did he explode on my face or something?!
Remembering he asked a question almost too long ago, she managed to cough out, "Robin.."
"Ahh, so you are a little bird." Hook hissed, sending shivers down Robin's spine.
A sly smile cracked his lips as he stepped back to bow, "What a pleasure, Robin. I am the captain of the Jolly Rodger, James Hook. Savvy?"