Anakin and Luke sat side by side in the Nabuian bar as they each sipped a glass of Coruscanti beer. The two had left the Naberrie home just a few hours after dinner to speak to one another alone. The bar was virtually empty much to their delight and they had chosen seats in the back corner of the room.

Luke glanced at his father thinking of how shocking it was for the two of them to be alone and on speaking terms after so many years. Luke thought back to the nail that had been placed in the coffin of their father/son relationship so many years earlier. The discovery of the Death Star had permanently ended their relationship or so Luke had thought. Luke had doubted reconciliation as his father was far too one sided to see things from any perspective besides his own. It seemed as though his father was going to prove him wrong.

Luke broke the silence as he spoke, "Mara will get over you letting Ben run loose like you did."

"I suppose so. There are bigger things that I have done that she seems willing to let go of. How you convinced her to do so is beyond me. She seems too strong willed to sway. It's part of why I picked her as your wife. She's got a will like your mother's."

Luke shook his head, "To be honest giving you a second chance was her idea. The thought of us having a normal family for once never seemed possible to me. She convinced me that inviting you to rejoin the family was the only way for it to happen."

Anakin looked at his son in disbelief, "You're saying that she was the one that chose to make peace with me?"

Luke looked at the beer that he held as he took a sip. He could sense that his father was somewhat disappointed. It had taken his wife to convince him to even forgive his own father. Luke probably would have never sought reconciliation with his father had it not been for his wife. He knew that is father was more than taken back by Mara's attitude. He knew that his father also was still ashamed of all that had happened between them in the prior years.

"It was her idea after you saved her and Ben. She said that after seeing you with Ben on the ship you had her convinced that you were changing."

"If I wasn't changing this wouldn't be possible would it?" Anakin asked.

Anakin thought back to Rodia as Luke nodded. As he thought back to his scheme that had insured Mara and Ben's safety. He remembered Mara asking him to return to the family. Yes Mara had convinced Luke to forgive him after all that he had done. Had it not been for his daughter in law he might just not have a second chance with his son. He looked at his son in silence for a moment before reaching for the glass and taking a sip of his drink. He shook his head, "It looks like I just did favors for the entire family by arranging your marriage."

"I think Mara will thank you for it. Even Reina will."

Anakin nodded as he spoke, "So what is the nature of my daughter's relationship with Solo? They seem rather close."

Luke took a sip of the drink as he spoke, "I cannot say they are an orthodox couple. Leia did just fine without me in her life for twenty years and Han has been my best friend and protector since I was ten. I haven't told them what to do or not do."

"So you're saying that you have allowed them to..."

"It isn't my place," Luke replied.

Anakin said nothing as he looked back towards his drink.

"Solo has always been exceptionally loyal to you. During the war I found myself regretting the fact that I assigned him as your personal bodyguard. He is one hell of a pilot and fighter and also one hell of a tactician."

"He's been my right hand man for the last few years. No one in the Alliance has what he has or what I have."

"It's why they joined you they didn't have a fighting chance before you."

Luke smiled, "No they didn't but because of my part the Galaxy is now free."


Padme looked down at the desk that she stood over as Mon Mothma entered the room. She looked towards her longtime friend and smiled. "You look burnt out," Mon said.

"I just want the day that I can step down to arrive. I want to retire from all of this."

"After all that you have done for the New Republic let alone the Galaxy you deserve a long and happy quiet remaining life."

Padme nodded as she noticed a buzz from her comlink. She casually answered it as she spoke, "Yes?"

"Fett has returned with the prisoner. Shall we pay him?"

"Send him in here and I will hand him a credit chip. I have some in my desk. I would like to have a word with him."

"Very well," the secretary replied.

Mon turned as Padme spoke, "Just sit down you can remain here."

The doors opened as the battle hardened bounty hunter walked into the room clad in his armor. The doors hissed shut behind him as Padme waved towards the stormtroopers at the door," You may leave us guards."

Fett chuckled as he removed his helmet and slung his rifle onto his back. He looked Padme in the eyes as he spoke, "They seemed rather uneasy about me having my weapons but one of the older officers said it was acceptable to you."

Padme grinned, "You never change Fett. And after all the years that we've worked together I know that you would have anyone dead that you truly wanted dead with or without qualified security."

She sat down at the desk and opened the drawer as she pulled out a few valid credit chips.

Padme noticed Mon uneasily looking the legendary bounty hunter over as Fett spoke, "So what are your plans Lady Thule?"

Padme paid Fett as she spoke, "Retirement. The next time you're in this room you will be dealing with a chancellor and not me. I plan to go live out my days watching my grandchildren grow up."

"Without war," Fett commented.

"A whole generation grew up with war. Now it's time for one to grow up without it like I did."

"Another one will come in twenty five or thirty years. It always does, and with it comes plenty of jobs," Fett wryly stated.

Mon glanced at the man as she spoke, "I hope it doesn't last as long as this one. And hopefully less of you mercenaries fight on the wrong side." Fett regarded Mon with a look of amusement as he let out a gruff laugh. He looked back at Padme as she gave him an all knowing smile.

"Men like me fight for the employer that will last the longest. Thanks to your Empress your New Republic is going to be that employer. Had I not known what I had known I would have continued to fight for the Emperor."

"But you didn't because you knew?" Mon asked in disgust.

"I am a practical man Senator. And I also know what is best," Fett replied.

Fett looked at Padme as he spoke, "I'll be leaving now. I have a potential job from the Corellian Senator Garm Bel Iblis. He wants me to track down the atrocious regional Governor of that sector for a fair trail for his actions."

"Wasn't he removed from power by Luke?"

"Actually by Anakin. He's been on the run but intel has info on where he is. Anakin and Luke have just been too busy to chase war criminals in the last few years. He jumped ship when he heard that Anakin wanted his head."

Padme shook her head as Mon spoke in disgust, "Good luck with Iblis he's an ass."

Fett raised an eyebrow as Padme spoke, "They don't exactly get along. It's why Iblis wasn't a part of the Alliance that Luke had."

"Ah," Fett replied.

Fett replaced his helmet as he looked at Mon Mothma and nodded his head before turning towards Padme. He casually unstrapped his rifle and lowered it as he spoke, "It was a pleasure working with you for the last twenty years Thule. I wish you good luck in your future retirement with your family. I have a feeling that our paths will cross again one day."

"Thank you Fett the pleasure was mine as well my friend."

The notorious bounty hunter then turned and left without another word.

As the doors closed Mon looked back at Padme with a look of unease. She waited a moment before she spoke, "You spent twenty years in that industry."

"Yes," Padme replied with a grin.

"Would you say that men like Fett are good or bad?" Mon asked.

Padme frowned for a moment as she contemplated her friend's comment. She looked back at her and shook her head, "Neither."

Mon raised an eyebrow as Padme continued, "They don't support ideology or politics. They don't take sides they take jobs. Some have morals some don't. Fett for example does turn down jobs that don't meet his harsh definitions of justice. They all have their own style as Fett also has."

"So what kind of jobs would Fett refuse?" Mon asked

"Jobs that involve killing children or pregnant women or hunting families based on their DNA or species."

"So you're saying he has morals?" Mon asked.

"In a way. He never has tortured a being even if he or she deserves it. It's always one quick kill. He may leave no trace of your existence left but he isn't a sadistic killer. I've worked with him plenty it's why he gets jobs from me. And he takes pride in honoring his contracts no matter how much more the other party may offer for him to bail on them."

"That is tremendous in the mercenary world correct?" Mon asked

"Yes as there are those who do not honor them. It's why I recruited him to work with me in my insurrection against Anakin."

"He has to be wealthy enough to retire as well."

"He is but he's still only in his late thirties. It also is a sport to him at this point and what famous thirty nine year old can you think of that will ever retire just because he could live comfortably on the millions he has?"

Mon shook her head, "No one."

Naboo: months later:

Padme stood at the edge of the large grassy meadow as she watched her husband catching the rubber ball that Ben had thrown. She noticed Han rushing up behind his nephew and picking him up before tossing him in the air. Leia stood at her side as she spoke, "Like Mara said dad is too much of a kid to be one on one with a kid."

Padme smiled as she looked towards Han and Anakin who were playing with Ben. She glanced at her daughter as she spoke, "Your husband is just as bad. I still can't believe you two married a month ago."

Leia nodded as she noticed her mother smiling. It has been just a month and a half since Padme had vacated the Imperial Throne and the New Republic had made it's debut to power. Padme had returned to Naboo retired and wealthy just in time to enjoy the wedding between Leia and Han. Now they were anxiously awaiting the birth of Luke and Mara's second son. Padme had volunteered Han, Leia and Anakin to babysit Ben while the couple headed to the hospital for labor. Labor for Mara had started just four hours earlier and they were simply binding time by keeping Ben occupied. "You and Han woke up pretty dam early to take care of him and Chewbacca already has done his shift of duty. How about you two go off and get some sleep. It was still dark when we got him. Ani and I can take him."

"Are you sure?" Leia asked.

"Absolutely," Padme replied.

"Han!" Leia called out.

"Looks like it's time for me to go with your aunt and get some sleep," Han stated.

"Why Uncle Han?"

"Because you're wearing your Aunt and Uncle out," Han replied with a smile as he tousled Ben's hair.

Han and Leia left the meadow and soon Anakin and Padme were left with their grandson.

"Come on I have a picnic that Threepio helped me prepare in the speeder. We can eat on the grass," Padme stated.

Padme lowered her hand and felt Ben's tiny hand accepting it. She looked at her husband and gestured towards a large tree at the edge of the grassy meadow where a basket was waiting. "Granddad is there any soda?" Ben innocently asked.

Anakin frowned as he spoke, "No your mom said I'm not allowed to give you sugar anymore without her permission."

"Because you got in trouble for it last time?" Ben asked.

"Yes," Anakin replied with a laugh.

Padme jabbed her husband in the ribs as Ben spoke, "Grandma could you give me soda?"

Padme laughed, "Ben you're talking to the family enforcer."

"What's that mean?" Ben asked

"That she is in charge and no one gets any soda."

"Are you even in charge of mommy and daddy?" Ben asked curiously."

"Well, kind of," Padme replied.

Luke sat in the chair at Mara's side as he looked into her emerald eyes.

"He's coming Luke," Mara stated.

Luke looked towards his mother in law who smiled as the doctors moved around Mara.

"I cannot believe that I am getting to be here for this," Reina exclaimed.

Luke kissed his mother in law's cheek as he spoke, "What is better is that you will get to spend more time with this one than you did Ben. You're retired after all."

Reina nodded, she still could remember the relieving feeling that she had felt when she left the Royal Palace for the last time. She had not had any desire to return to the palace or to Nabuian or Galactic Politics. Her time was done. She was old and she couldn't live forever. Like Padme she had done her time in service to both the galaxy and the Nabuian people. She had bled, cried and suffered for freedom plenty in her life. It was time to enjoy her grandchildren and her family.

She looked at her son in law and nodded as Mara let out another cry. How much of a blessing it was to see her daughter married to such a fine remarkable young man. Luke Skywalker was a Galactic icon. Could she have asked for more for her only child?

Within moments Cade Naberrie Skywalker was in the arms of his father. With his father's blonde hair and his mother's emerald eyes he was the perfect combination of both parents. Luke smiled at his son as he spoke, "May you rise as a beacon of the light my son." He passed his new son to his mother in law who looked down at him with a look of affection as Luke turned to his wife who's eyes were now closed from exhaustion.

Reina kissed his forehead as she spoke, "He has your hair Luke. It looks like this one may have some of your good looks. Hopefully he just has my daughter's brains."

Luke laughed at Reina's joke, "No one deserves the Skywalker brains."

Reina gave her son in law a friendly slap as Mara opened her eyes, "Can I see my son?"

Luke passed his son to his waiting wife as she looked down upon him and kissed his forehead.

"I better call your parents," Reina said.

"Don't bother they are on their way," Luke replied.

"Do you think Anakin sensed him?" Reina asked.

"No doubt, his presence is very bright." Luke replied.

"Do you think that your sons will be as powerful as you?" Reina asked.

Luke shrugged, "I think it's possible they both will be more powerful than me. Not only are they my sons and the grandsons of the Chosen One, they are the sons of another Jedi. Mara is as powerful as Obi-Wan."

Reina's jaw dropped, "She is?"

"Yes, and only becoming more powerful with each day. By the time she is your age she will be twice as powerful and wise as she is now."

A few minutes later the hospital doors opened as Anakin and Padme rushed into the room followed by the overly eager Ben.

"Where is my brother?" Ben asked.

Luke laughed," Let your grandparents see him first son and then we will let you hold him if you sit down."

"Let's let Ben be first," Padme stated.

Luke raised an eyebrow as his father pulled up an extra chair.

"Sit down trouble."

Ben obeyed his grandfather as Mara passed her son to Luke.

"Ok Ben you have to support his neck, Once you have him you cannot let go."

Anakin then assisted his grandson in positioning his arms properly as little Cade was lowered into his grandson's tiny arms.

Ben looked down at his baby brother with a smile as he spoke, "Hello, I guess we're gonna be brothers from now on."

Laughter filled the room as Han and Leia entered the room. It was obvious that they had heard the statement.

Padme took Cade next as her sister and parents entered the room behind her daughter and son in law.

Happiness was within the once shattered Skywalker family.

Luke held his wife as they sat on the back porch of their house that overlooked the custom Nabuian Garden. Ben was resting on the lawn as Mara cradled Cade in her arms. Luke and Mara looked one another in the eye as their lips met. The sun was setting. The young couple was enjoying the sunset together with their two sons and the joy that was a significant part of their lives because of all that had happened to bring them together.

"I cannot thank your father enough for forcing me to marry you Luke."

Luke smiled, "We owe all of this to him don't we."

"I love what you told me back then. You had no choice but it didn't mean we couldn't make the best of it. You said that we should just do our best to be happy."

"We certainly have done more than that," Luke admitted.

Mara laughed, "Vader had no idea what I was going to do. I freed you from the darkness but in the end I also forced Vader out of Anakin."

"My father is a very different man because of it," Luke replied.

"Our family is one now. The Naberrie's, the Skywalker's and what's left of the House of Jade, my mother and I. Now we have our sons and our friends but most importantly we have our love. We have everything Luke."

Luke nodded in agreement as he captured Mara's lips one last time. The young Jedi had indeed been freed from the darkness. One woman had been able to drive a wedge between the darkness and Skywalker and in the process she had changed the future of the Galaxy.

Luke looked at Mara with a look of affection and devotion. He owed his life and soul to this woman. He was hers and she was his. They were bonded together by marriage. A marriage that had changed him forever. He would cherish and serve her as a good and faithful husband for the rest of his days as they raised their children and contributed to the New Jedi Order. Two future great Jedi Masters overlooked their sons who would grow to become even greater than their parents.

So It has taken me since February to update this fic. What are my excuses? I am very sorry it has taken so long first of all Darth Real Life took over. Where it begins. In the last 11 months I have completed 35 units in college and am currently enrolled in 12 for this semester. I am hoping for a break this winter since I took a summer term. Through it all I am also working and job hopping as well as the intensely demanding lifestyle of CrossFit. I was introduced to CrossFit last January. I have always been into Fitness but CrossFit has only radicalized my fitness life and changed me for good. In fact I am going to do my first competition this month. Other than that there are some pieces of various fics that I have. I am just debating what to put up next. I have a couple of Anakin/Padme fics. I have some Vader/Luke Fics in which there is some Luke/Mara. Regardless of the new Force Awakens. I still will be using EU/Legends characters more. That is unless I like how the Force Awakens pans out. I do know one thing. JJ Abrams is at the helm for the new movie and JJ Abrams did a phenomenal job with the Star Trek Movies. And I don't think anything can be worse than the Phantom Menace. I am somewhat optimistic about the Force Awakens although if you talked to me about it a year ago I was extremely skeptical. The previews and footage that I've seen look promising and Andy Serkis is in it. My biggest gripe with EU was them killing of Chewbacca so Im hoping Chewie isn't killed off. But if JJ Abrams is involved it will probably be done with good style if it is the case.

Thank you for Reading and Reviewing and you the Readers let me know what you want to see next please! My updates won't be as frequent as they used to be but I will do my best.

-Fallen Jedi 79