Meh, I know I used to do a chapter almost once a day, but after the large amount of BS that could possibly rival was Danny has to go through on a daily basis, including having to move in with my significant other's overly-religious grandmother, I'm gonna be lucky to get in a chapter a week. I don't even WANT to know what she would think of Danny if she had seen this show. (Thank goodness for headphones.)
Faliara: There's actually only three ghosts Danny's met that Mya Kyani has any real 'personal' knowledge off, and the use of that word is questionable. And in none of those cases is it that she really knows them personally. More like either she has seen them before on a fluke occurrence, or she knew them but didn't know them outside of public knowledge. And no, Vlad isn't one of them, though she has her own reasons for the way she will act around him...
AusllyBeliever: I don't know if anyone noticed this, but Kyani has this habit of off-handed observations. She's still almost as naive as the rest of the town, but sometimes catches a little more than normal. In fact, though this might be my seizures striking here, but I don't recall Valerie even making mention of the fact that Danny has the Thermos, even though I'm sure he's used it in front of her before as a ghost.
False Positive
Chapter 32: Kindred Spirits - Strange Words
He needed a break after all that happened in the past few days, since the new teacher came to Casper High. He needed a chance to finally process all that had transpired and in this early Saturday morning, when he had the Amity Park skies all to himself, it was what he needed to do so.
"Okay, so we get a teacher that has both ghost powers of her own, plus a ghost partner...without getting shot by the GIW... Her bird can see through things and now Kyani knows I also have ghost's nice that someone doesn't weird out about them somehow, though. The whole class knows about me being at least half-alive still...though they don't know about me being half-alive...oh, hey, I didn't know Sam and Tuck were up."
Since he had been looking down as he was talking, he caught sight of the pair playing miniature golf on the local course. Seeing an opportunity to be mischievous, the spirit phased out of public view before diving down, getting close enough to see Sam getting really annoyed after a ball she hit got blocked by the windmill's large fan.
"Darn it," she cried out as she slammed her golf club down, her hands still on the grip. Tucker looked to have a confident look on his face as well as a big grin.
"18th hole, Sam," he started as he began to walk forward. "I beat you here, I win." A growl became heard as the technogeek approached his ball, which was mere inches away from the hole, the grin glued to his face.
Danny decided it was prank time, diving intangibly into the ground. Tucker made his swing and just before the club connected with the ball, Danny spread his intangibility to the white orb, rendering it transparent to touch as well. Because of this, the club moved through the ball, despite being dead on target, earning a gasp from Tucker and a surprised look.
Now Sam was the one wearing the grin, realizing too soon what was going on. "That's one." She counted up to five as Tucker began to hit harder and harder to make the ball move, but despite being right on target all five times, the ball refused to move from its spot. A growl emerged from the boy before he went to grab it, but couldn't as his hand went to an yet-again transparent ball, which was soon picked up by a transparent boy that lifted his head out of the ground.
It was amusing to see Tucker almost launch into the air himself.
"Danny, knock it off," Tucker scolded before Sam joined him, a serious look on both their faces.
"Yeah, you were supposed to be here an hour ago," she shouted at the ghost boy as well before turning toward Tucker, the grin returning to her face. "By the way, that still counts."
Danny, his own grin now on his face, let go off the golf ball and rolled it toward Tucker before diving under the ground momentarily himself, before pulling back out of the ground from behind a large boulder on the course, looking in all directions before returning into view and shifting from his spectral form to his human one.
"Um, sorry I was late," he started off before putting his hands on his hips and holding himself up high. "But you'll be happy to know that the Ghost King" Slowing down his speech upon seeing his two friends look upon him with disbelief and Sam with her arms cross, the smile that had been on his face disappeared before his hand moved to behind his head. "Okay, I overslept."
He sure wasn't gonna tell them he had actually been up for a bit, flying around and thinking about the past few days. There was a lot to process after all...especially, after seeing Ms. Tetslaff and Ms. Kyani get into a literal fist fight over the state of the gym at the start of 7th period. The trio certainly wasn't gonna see the ghostly teacher that weekend.
"Danny," Sam started after sighing, moving her golf club from one hand to the other. "You have got to start being more considerate."
"Yeah, dude," Tucker immediately followed up. "Lately, you've been treating us like sidekicks instead of friends." Shifting his body so that he was partially-looking away from Danny while still facing the ghost boy, the tone of annoyance still in his voice. "And when you get into a fight, we're the ones who take the beating."
Danny threw up his arms at this accusation. "Oh, come on," he shouted before crossing his arms in front of him, closing his eyes as he did. "Name one time."
That turned out to be a serious mistake on his part, because they listed off several instances from the past couple of weeks, including when Skulker robbed a molasses factory and destroyed it, covering Sam and Tucker in the brown goop, when they had to push Cujo the Ghost Dog back into the Ghost Zone and he decided to turn around and lick the trio as well as when the Lunch Lady actually came back for some reason and stepped on the pair with a foot made of expired meats.
"Okay, I get it," Danny yelled out in defeat, throwing up his hands in front of himself to get the two to stop with the various accounts. "I'll try to be a little more considerate." Unfortunately, the word Try was the keyword as his Ghost Sense kicked into full gear on him, a familiar blue mist leaving his mouth as per his usual. "Starting tomorrow."
Thankful that no one was in immediate view, Danny was quick to shift back into ghost form before jumping forward into flight toward the source of the new-found ghostly presence, first spotting what looked like...a bedsheet ghost? He didn't think about that until after he slammed it into a nearby tower on the course.
Several blows were exchanged under the cover of white smoke from the impact before Danny flew backward, landing backfirst into a nearby wall, while thankfully not breaking it this time. He flew forward before trying to swing at the odd ghost, following a general pattern of hit, dodge, hit, before a solid punch sent the ghost flying into what looked like a mini-clocktower.
It was at this point that Danny got a good look at his opponent and started laughing.
"Seriously, a bedsheet," he dared to ask before reaching for the sheet. "What do you got under there?"
Man, did he regret pulling the sheet when he saw a black skeleton ghost underneath it, especially after it growled at him and propelled itself forward. Giving a yelp just before being pinned to the ground, the skeleton spoke two odd words with a spooky echo to it.
"Change back."
"What," Danny questioned in shock before his eyes narrowed at the skeleton. "Get off me!" A well-placed kick from the spirit launched the skeleton off of him before getting back up onto his own feet, braced for another lunge. The bony figured predictably did just so as Danny charged up a sphere of ecto-energy before firing it in a cone toward the black figure, evaporating it and the clocktower behind it.
Panic began to set in as he looked at the huge mess left behind after the ghost was gone, realizing that he would be in a load of hot water if he was caught here. "Gotta get out of here," he muttered to himself before flying off, unaware of the fact that his friends followed after him and would wind up taking the fall for yet another of his escapades...