"Have you found anything yet?" Batman asked Flash through the comm link, eyes glued onto the screen before him.
"Yeah, and I don't think you'll like it, Bats. This whole place has a reading of teleportation photons that would make any scientist fall over in joy." Flash informed him, his voice sounding worried even with the crackles in the communication.
"But science was not the only method used in Bialya, Batman." Dr. Fate cut in, "The level of magic used in this one spot to move the Team... It is almost god like. Only the most ancient of magic races even have an idea of what this power could once have been. Whoever used this much magic could be quite a threat to the Justice League."
Batman nodded at this, "And they clearly did something to the Team. We need to start working on a solution as fast as possible. We cannot allow whoever took the Team to continue in their evil endeavors. We have to figure out where they were taken."
Atom agreed fully with the Bat and stood up from his chair, "I'll run over to the lab real quick and get some of my notes on teleportation. They may not be much, but it's something more than nothing."
Lex Luthor looked down at the young girl he had helped an hour ago, calmly delighted to find her bandages changed for fresh ones and her breathing much less shallow than when he had found her. He had been stuck in a small business meeting for about half an hour, which was time that Mercy used to get this girl to the infirmary in Lex Corp.
The girl's bright red hair was cut short and wild but it now had a bandage wrapped over it to try and stop the bleeding from a head wound she had received, while her usually dark skin was mottled with dirt, blood, and sweat. Lex wondered if this was a girl that had tried to act like one of those Justice League dopes and had gotten hurt while trying to 'save the day'.
"Where you able to find anything about the girl out?" Lex asked the nurse that came into the room with a chart in her hands.
The red haired girl now lay on one of the six cots separated for any person that suffered a medical emergency while working- not that they were used much because his employees weren't complete idiots- and the nurse placed the chart at the bottom of the bed with a small sigh.
"She has been unconscious since she arrived, Mr. Luthor. There were no signs of internal bleeding, but I think that's the only good news I can give." With a shake of her head, the nurse walked towards her boss. "Fractured ribs, a head wound a hair breadth away from a concussion, multiple cuts around her body, and inexplicable scorch marks. Aside from that, her ankles were lucky to not have been broken in whatever fall she suffered, and she has two fist shaped bruises that would scare even Superman."
Lex took all the information in stride with a composed face. But inside, he was trying to think up of a way for this girl's misery to help his cause.
"Anything else, Ms. Reynolds?" Asked Luthor, only to receive a shaken head from the woman. "Okay. I shall leave the girl with you until the day is over. Maybe after she has rested up, she'll be able to tell us just who she is and what happened to her."
The black haired woman nodded in agreement at those words, then turned to go back into her office, "I'll alert you if anything else goes wrong, sir."
Luthor nodded with his emotionless face and walked out of the infirmary, thinking up of a plan to use this girl to further his standing. If she really was a victim of her own stupidity, if the girl really had tried to fight off a group of muggers to save an old lady- as highly unlikely as it seemed, he had heard stories of children trying to do just that in hopes to amaze the heroes in the Justice League- then he could use her to further his stance on getting someone down here to control the Justice League.
With a small smile at the thought, Luthor went up to his office and closed the door, Mercy waiting for him to be able to take him to their next meeting.
"Have we gotten any closer to finding the children that took the javelin?"
Hal Jordan turned around with a grim frown as soon as he heard Batman speak to him, ring shutting off its glow as he finished his first analysis of the javelin. The Bat stood a few feet away from, looking with an emotionless face at the ship.
"Not at all." Hal Jordan sighed, as Shayera stepped towards them.
"Batman, I have a bone to pick with you." She tried, only for him to glare at her.
"Not now, Shayera. The kids have been missing for a day now. They spent a night without shelter and are facing a day with newer difficulties." He told her, making his way into the ship to inspect the damage. "If we do not find them now, I am not sure we will find them at all."
Shayera's demeanor immediately changed from one of confrontation to one of worry, but Hal was nice enough to place a hand on her shoulder and try to comfort her, "That's the Bat for you. Caring in a completely worrying manner. I know you want to tell him he was out of line with the magician girl, but we won't get anywhere if we try to argue now. Let's just help him find those four kids before they get themselves killed in the Slums."
The red headed woman's mouth opened and shut, as if she were unsure of herself, but shut up and nodded. Then she walked into the javelin behind Batman and began to check the log books while the Bat inspected the damaged locator.
"Was that enough food for you?" Robin asked with a smirk as he looked at his best friend, who breathed out in relief as he gave the twentieth plate of food he had consumed back to M'gann, whom looked like a crippled old woman.
They had managed to get food at the Lex Corp founded food shelter, but because Wally was a speedster and needed much more food than either of his friends, M'gann had changed her looks twenty different times to be able to get him more. The portions at this shelter were much bigger than what they had expected, but still Wally had been running on empty and had needed a lot more food than any shelter would be able to give one single person.
"I'm finally full." Wally smiled broadly, patting his flat stomach. "What are we going to do now?"
Both of his less hungry friends looked at each other, Robin with a slight frown. "We have to go back for Dani. We shouldn't have left your sister alone in a hospital overnight. That was wrong of us." Robin told him.
"Half sister," Wally corrected, only to have M'gann continue as if he had never butted in.
"She could feel like we betrayed her." She said, looking at both boys, "Besides, I'm sure the doctors have a duty to report what seems like child abuse. If that doesn't seem like abuse, then I don't know what does."
Wally's frown made both his friends look at the situation with further severity and he said, "Believe me, she would know what it looks like... Still, even though she doesn't live with my family, Dani shares half of my blood. It hurt to leave her there without anyone with her. We have to get her back."
His friends nodded, then they all began their walk back to the hospital.
As Batman finished inspecting the javelin, his frown deepened, "There's blood all along the cockpit. That girl was seriously injured."
Hal and Shayera looked at each other for a moment, then the man asked, "They would have taken her to a hospital, right? The closest one must be Mercy."
"It's not." Batman growled, "But it's also the one with the best reviews. The kids wanted to throw us off their trails by making us believe they would still be somewhere in the Slums. But I'm sure they're not."
"And how do you know that, Batman?" Shayera asked, taking one step towards the Bat as he made to get off the ship.
"Because that's exactly what I would do in a situation like theirs."
Then he was gone, already on his way to Mercy General Hospital. And Hal Jordan and Shayera followed after him in hopes that his never wrong intuition would keep up its reputation.
Okay, I know the whole story with Dani is confusing, but I'll give you a small overview. Dani is Wally's half-sister, they share a mom but not a dad. Mary was raped about a month after having had Wally and so had a child a little less than a year later. But she was given up for adoption because the West's could not care for another kid so fast, which landed her in various different orphanages. She jumped around from orphanage to orphanage- where she was abused and treated like a general degenerate- until she landed in Wyoming, where she met Greg Saunders, who adopted her.
A year or two later, Greg went to Keystone City for a concert, which is where Dani met Wally and his family. After quite the grandiose adventure, Mari found Dani was the child she had given up as a baby. Even though Dani isn't a part of Wally's female, she's related to them by blood and she acts more or less like Wally's younger sister. She doesn't share Greg's name because when she signed the adoption papers, she told him she would like to keep West as her last name; even before having met her family.
So, yeah, she's an OC and I hope you don't mind her inclusion in the story.
Please review.