Let's see how this works out...

Read on!

Osgar's POV

The dragon in front of the throne looked almost identical to Toothless except a bit smaller. Its scales were also brighter, glistening a faint blue light as the sunlight reflected off them. But the most obvious thing about this dragons was that it was injured. I've seen many chickens who have broken their wings before and this dragon's wing looked exactly like that.

The left wing of this sleeping beast looked strangely out of position, pointing oddly to the side like a pole was holding it up. Whatever it is, it must be painful, That is not a normal position for a wing.

I slowly approached the dragon, feeling extremely nervous but excited at the same time. This was the first dragon I've met without Hiccup. As I got closer, I could see a slight bulge on the front side of the oddly twisted wing and from that I immediately knew what was going on. The wing was broken, no doubt of that. And on top of all, there was also trails of blood coming down the dragon's side, dripping from the massive open wounds that could have only been caused by something extremely sharp, like a shard of glass or a... claw.

The only thing that kept me closing in for the dragon was the fact that it was sleeping and injured and also my ever-so-growing curiosity of this beast. In normal conditions I would've never done something like this but seeing how helpless the beast was, I could help but to feel a little sad for it. "What could have caused this..." I quietly muttered to myself, reaching my hand out to touch the broken wing but as my hand got closer, the wing suddenly moved.

I looked down and found myself staring into the most beautiful, yet the most fearsome eyes I've ever seen. The eyes of the black dragon were deep blue just like the color of the ocean. They even shimmered like the surface of the water on a sunny summer day. It was a magnificent sight but in a way magnificent that it made your blood freeze. The eyes were narrowed to slits, signaling of the raw power and fury of the creature that possessed them.

I was scared stiff. Although this dragon looked a lot like Toothless, from a close distance I could now tell it still had its own distinctive features. The body was overall slightly slimmer and the muscles on its legs didn't look as bulgy but the lack was replaced by a row of razor-sharp claws on its front paws that looked like they could tear apart a good chuck of iron in one single sweep.

The dragon kept staring at me, slowly opening its mouth to reveal its pearl white teeth. The dragon growled loudly at me, waking me up from my trance. I was still standing right next to the dragon, not wanting to move a muscle in fear that the dragon would pounce on me and instantly bite my arms off. Or at least I thought so as the growl the creature had let out sounded exactly like the growl that Fishlegs had used to describe the I'm-going-to-rip-you-to-pieces gesture of the dragons.

"Oh why was I so stupid to come so close... why do I have to be so curious!"

I took a deep breath, and started to back away. There was no doubt of it, I had disturbed a sleeping wild dragon and it wasn't happy. The best thing I could do is to run away as soon as it was possible. Even in the condition the dragon was in, I thought it could still easily kill me with a single bite.

To my great fear, the dragon slowly stood up and started following me, still holding the deadly gaze in its eyes. I could see the dragon limp slightly on the left side and that it was only dragging the broken wing on the ground but otherwise the movements of this dragon looked relatively good compared to the condition of its side.

My eyes grew wide and my heart started pounding the speed of sound. I could feel beads of sweat form on my forehead and arms as I made my way slowly to the exit. Too bad the dragon also appeared to notice my fear as its movements got more confident and it picked up its pace.

I was too afraid to move my eyes from the dragon's as I knew if I did so, I'd be extremely vulnerable to it's attacks. That's why I was backing off instead of running away with my back turned to the creature.

I was already half-way through the hall, the dragon still following me with its steady, yet limping steps that each made me quiver in terror. I know that Toothless had been really friendly towards me earlier but this dragon was much different from the one Hiccup loved like a brother. This dragon was wild, untamed, filled with a lust to survive and protect itself from anyone that possessed a threat to it... Too bad the threat happened to be me right now.

Wait a second... A threat... That's exactly what Hiccup had told me earlier. The dragon must not feel itself threatened in any way.

This piece of information soothed my mind a bit but even the tiniest bit of that hope was lost after I took a better look at the dragon's posture. That brief moment I had wandered in my thoughts the dragon had adopted a new, crouched position.

I was almost at the door but the dragon was about to leap. I've only got one chance to do this. I just have to hope that the was a way to lock the door after I got out.

I surprised the dragon by suddenly yelling at it with all the strength I could muster and releasing the air in my lungs to create a shout so loud it even surprised myself.

The dragon experienced a moment of uncertainty and that was exactly what I needed to execute my plan. I turned away from the dragon, slipping out of the great hall with a few steps and instantly turning back to close the door behind me. I could hear the dragon growl and I knew it was coming for me so I quickly slammed the door shut, my eyes already looking for a thing to close the door but for my great misfortune, the large wooden bar that usually kept the door closed was shattered.

I'd like to say I was brave enough to stay and fight the dragon that undoubtedly followe me but the reality was very different. I completely panicked, almost fainting at the spot when the dragon pressed its massive body against the door, opening it with much ease as I could fight against it with my already cramping muscles.

The door opened with such force it knocked me back on the stone floor outside, leaving my body in an extremely vulnerable position as the dragon came out of the hall.

I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. It was like paralysis. The only thing I could do is to accept my imminent death.

The dragon came to me and placed its right paw on top of my chest, my rib cage bending slightly from the weight it was putting on me but luckily not breaking. The long claws were touching my chin and cheeks as the dragon lowered its head towards me, making a few scratches on my skin.

"Goodbye" Was the only clear thought I could think before hearing a loud, crashing sound as something down in the village either fell down or bumped into something else. That voice did it. The dragon's facial expression turned from bloodthirsty to scared and it quickly retreated from me, returning to the darkness of the great hall with a few less graceful pounces.

It didn't take me too long to realize that I was still alive. I touched my cheek, noticing that even though the voice had saved me, it had still caused the dragon to startle so much that the brief graze of its claw had hardened for a moment, tearing apart a part of the skin and flesh on the soft cheek. The wound wasn't too deep and didn't bleed much but I still knew it would leave a scar on me.

I got up, not really feeling any pain as I was still in shock but I still knew what to do so I did it. I started running.

I didn't stop running until I felt I could run no more, which was still quite quickly as I still hadn't completely recovered from the shipwreck.

As I finally stopped next to a tall building with a green-painted door and a decoration that looked like it was made of dragon teeth. I leaned myself on the wall, panting heavily as my mind raced on the scene that had just happened. No matter how I think of it, the dragon was injured. It was purely my fault to step in its territory and get punished for it.

"I must get back there..." I thought. The dragon needs help. No matter if it could tear me apart, I need to help a noble creature in that condition. I just can't let something like that die to blood loss or infection of any kind. I must help it!

The depth of the thought was even more emphasized as I thought of Hiccup and the teens with the dragons. Just looking at them made me feel so... jealous, yes, that too. But the biggest feeling I had was respect. I respected the teens for riding the dragons but even more I respected the power of the beasts themselves. And I felt that respect couldn't be truly expressed if I didn't help one of their kind in a problem like this, survival.

But how to gain the respect of the dragon before I could express mine by helping it? I guess I'll need to ask Hiccup for that.

But asking Hiccup might also be a risk as the dragon in the hall seemed extremely stressed out so I guess it couldn't handle many persons and dragons at the same time, trying to tend its wounds and bones.

I need to be careful with this. I don't want it to go on rampage because of my lack of caution. I need to be subtle.

As I had thought of the problem on hand for a moment I could feel my stomach grumbling, hinting that it might just be time for lunch. I pushed myself off the wall I was leaning to and started making my way towards Stoick's and Hiccup's house.

As I opened the door to the house, I was immediately greeted my three pairs of eyes, two of them belonging to humans and a single pair belonging to a dragon ever so similar to the one I had just met. But this dragon was kind and intelligent, I knew it, you could tell it from his eyes.

"Aah, Osgar, welcome! Have you had a nice morning?" Stoick asked, flashing a fatherly smile to me and making me smile in response. I knew I had to lie and it hurt my conscience but it was a must if I ever wanted to keep this village safe. "And what happened to your cheek?"

"I bumped to a man carrying a sword as I made my way through the town. Don't worry, the wound doesn't hurt as much as it seems. I'll get it cleaned later. Otherwise the morning has been great, thank you. I visited the great hall and went to see some of the sights in the town. This place is really great!" I said, noticing that I actually HADN'T lied after all except for the wound part. I did do all those things if you really think of it. "You were right Hiccup, the great hall is a pretty empty and dismal place but I can see why you celebrate thing there, that place is huge!"

"Yeah, it is. Just imagine the place filled with cheerful, semi-drunk vikings and a bunch of dragons. It's fun"

"Semi-drunk?" Stoick asked, pointing a questioning face to his son

"Uhh... Fully drunk?"

"Son, I do believe I've told this to you earlier but we viking never get drunk! We're tough and a simple liquid could never win a battle against our bodies or minds!"

"Not even when you purposely set your beard on fire after Gobber mentioned he saw a mouse in there?"

"Hey! we've discussed this, I saw the mouse myself as well and there was no time to get it out the regular way!"

"Yeah... sure..." Hiccup said and Stoick immediately struck him with a glare. Some of the vikings seem to be a little slow but Stoick surely did understand obvious sarcasm. "So, other than flaming beards, we've been talking about the plan we made up in the morning and I think we have a great idea to get Mildew busy. I'll explain more after lunch. Right now I'm starving" Hiccup stated, referring to a whole pig over the fireplace that was slowly roasting in the gentle grazes of the flames to become pure delicacy. There was also a large basket of fish on the other side of the room, just for Toothless.

After the meat was ready, I hungrily dug into the moist meat, my tongue swirling around the salty meat as my jaws kept chewing on it. The flavor was heavenly and made me forgot about all the trouble I had earlier on the day.. well... most of it.

I gathered up my courage to ask Hiccup something, knowing he'd be in a good mood because of the tasty meat. "So Hiccup, I saw a few dragons today on Berk and they looked a little injured, nothing much though, just a bruise. Should I be worried or something? How fast do dragons heal?" I lied. It felt bad but it would get worse if I had told the truth.

"Well, actually dragons tend to heal much faster that any human ever would. Even if dragon broke a bone, it would still heal up in just a couple of days depending if they're treated properly which means supporting the bone in some way. What did the dragons look like? Were they small and mostly green?" Hiccup explained, giving me the answer I was actually looking for without even trying much. I nodded to reply his question.

"Aah, those are terrible terrors and they are notorious fighters. Always fighting each other. No wonder there was a bruise or two. Anyway, I wouldn't be worried, the bruise might be gone already!" Hiccup said, taking another bite of the meat. I stared at Toothless for a while before having enough courage to ask the next necessary thing.

"But if I ever wanted to help a dragon that looks injured or if I just wanted to pet it, how should I approach it anyway?" I asked, hoping that I didn't sound too curious or reveal anything too important.

"Well, the Dragons on Berk are all tamed so you can just go to them and do whatever you're intending to but if you were ever meet a wild dragon, you'd better call me. The wild dragons are tricky as they need to know 100% sure that you are a friend and mean no harm. That's a skill one learns after experience and that's why I'd recommend you'd always get me" Hiccup said, again giving out the answer I was looking for... well... sort of.

"Ok, thanks, I'll make sure to call for you then" I replied. I guess I had shaped the questions pretty well but I still couldn't help but to wonder if they suspected anything.

I looked at Toothless, who was still enjoying his fishes, sometimes throwing the high up n the air and then catching them with his mouth, making a strange sound as he swallowed them whole. Then I looked at Hiccup and Stoick who were both peacefully enjoying their food, not caring about my gazes.

I relaxed a bit and took a mouthful of meat. Maybe, just maybe this would work.

So, Osgar has a secret and he pretty much wants to keep it to himself for now. Will the others find out? What if he tries to help the injured dragon? Will it tear him apart? And most importantly, how did the dragon get in the great hall?

I hope you liked the chapter and as always, please review and give me feedback, it helps me to make it to the next day :)

Also vote on my poll if you haven't already and tell me your opinion on if I should write an Inheritance cycle fic as well :D
