I hope this is to your liking. :)

~Forever Tormented~

As he watched his loyal butler stride gracefully from his room, he couldn't help but feel like his butler wasn't quite telling him everything about how he felt, having the girl Elizaveta die slowly and painfully before his eyes. The phantomhive boy sipped his tea once again, of course, it's perfection never ceased to impress him, though he would never tell the demon. He had his pride to think about after all, couldn't go around giving too many compliments.

He stood from his desk and went to look out the window, Finnian was trying desperately to reassemble a tree he'd somehow sliced in half. Ciel sighed and thought about Sebastian's story. He would have never in his wildest dreams believed it if he didn't know better. However, his demon was sworn not to lie. His tale was true. The boy almost felt a twinge of heartache for the man. He knew what it was like to lose someone you loved after all. Perhaps the demon understood more than he thought why he wanted so much to avenge his parents. Why he didn't really care who he had to kill to do it as well.

"You fool Sebastian..." He said after a moment. " Letting yourself submit to something like love, although, I almost envy you. For unlike you, I really am unable to love, even if I were to try, I would fail. You tried so hard to save her but even with all the demonic power you possesed, you were unable to hold your end of the bargain and protect her, and yet you act as though you're fine." He smirked after a moment. "Not even a demon could tell the story so clearly and make the emotion come across so prominent if it wasn't still lingering at the forefront of his mind." He said and went back to his desk and sait down in the large chair, he organized the documents a little better. "As if it happened yesterday..." He let his eyes look up and focus the black butler walked back in.

"Here you are my Lord. I've made you a strawberry and almond cluster cake, with sprinkled powdered sugar and whipped cream topping." He said in his velvet tones and set the small plate before the young Earl. Ciel picked up the silver fork and punk it into the dessert.

"If you would allow it young Master, I have quite the schedual of chores to attend to..."

"Go then.." The lapiz eyed boy said and the demon bowed deeply then left the room briskly and closed the door behind him. "You may be every bit the demon you should be Sebastian..but you still hold feelings for that girl. You still love her..." He said as he sunk the piece of cake in his mouth and savored the flavor of his demon's pristine cooking.


The demon wore his devious trademark smirk as he made his way down the hall to the kitchen to help put out the fire Bardroy had started.

"Hmhm...as inquisitive as always my lord. However, you couldn't be more right.." He said as he remembered the face of the beautiful young woman he had served so long ago. Elizaveta. He imagined her last smile as he paused just before the flaming kitchen and a flailing chef. A single tear slid down his pale cheek and he chuckled at himself.

"Even to this day you torment me Mistress..." He commented and wiped the wet drip from his face with a white gloved hand. Just then he heard the light laughter from within him, she was the only soul in his long history that had remained a conscious mind within his own soul. He smiled slightly at the thought and then sighed and let himself into the kitchen to safe the nearly flaming cook.

