
No one chooses the life that they receive, at least, as far as we know. Whether we are humans, angels or demons, we always have a path to follow and usually one we may alter to our liking. Thus the term 'free will'. Most all beings are the same to their race, angels are angelic, demons are demonic, and humans are..well, curious. No one knew these things better than a certain small child, he had night for hair and deep red wine for eyes, pale alabaster skin, and a smile that could bring in any creature of innocence.

Today the boy sat in a stair well, in a town in Brazil. He usually enjoyed the coast, looking out at the calm waters. He couldn't understand humans, in fact, he hated them, but for some reason they were so interesting to him. The characteristics of humans were what kept him here. Instead of going back to that place. He thought about humans as he looked up at the sky, and watched the white clouds float by. Humans, they were liars, lovers, haters, saviors, royals, slaves, worshipers, protectors..the list went on. He thought humans to be incredibly foolish but still, intriguing.

The boy decided to go for a walk, not that there was anywhere to go, he'd been almost every where the last 800 years. Yet, even so, his age didn't do him justice, he only looked to be about ten years old. He supposed he would go to the local library and read something, he was fluent in almost 5 languages so there wasn't much of anything that would be challenging.

As he walked up to the steps of the library he noticed screaming, it sounded like a small child but he ignored it, until it started screaming help. He didn't really care much for humans, they were only good for their souls, but what did he have to lose? Besides, he would have no part in the consumption of souls, he hated the idea. He had nothing better to do right now so he turned on his heel and ran off towards the voice, but to his dismay, when he arrived, it was too late. A young girl laid in an ally way, beaten and raped. She had blood all over her, as he sighed and turned to leave he heard a voice however, the boy turned and looked back. She was reaching up to him.

"Please..c...come here." She said. He was in shock that she was still alive, let alone able to talk. He obliged and went over to her and kneeled down.

"W..What is it?" He said to her.

He looked confused when she smiled at him, even in her state, she managed it.

"I'm not going to make it, but can you..." She paused for a moment when she coughed a few times extremely hard and vomited a little. The boy grimaced when she did but didn't move.

"Can I what?"

"C..Can you please...please stay with me?" She asked. " I know what you are, but I'm not afraid, I've been good and loyal to God my whole life. I know I'll go to heaven." She smiled. "But...I just want someone close by.."

He for the first time in his long, yet short life was wanted. This was a strange feeling. He wondered if this was what it felt like to have someone need you, and actually care for you. He shook his head, demons could never care. At least, for nothing other than souls.

"I..guess I could stay for you..."

"W..what...is...is your name?" She stuttered, a trace amount of blood leaking from the corner of her mouth. Her dark brown locks rested around her in a messy array.

"...I don't have one.." He said honestly. He'd never been given a name.

He blushed a little and watched as she smiled, her eyes were growing darker as the energy she had left her body.

"Hmm...My name is Lita..." She winced and coughed up some blood. "C..Can I name you?"

He looked at her with curiosity and nodded, figuring it would be something lame.

"Everyone deserves a name, it gives them dignity, and even if one has nothing, they can own their name, and it will forever be theirs, and no one can take it..away."

He listened and wanted almost for her to stay alive with him. The first person who had ever said anything kind to him.

"Sebastian..." She said after a few more moments. He looked up at her, and rolled the name around in his head. "Sebastian...Michaelis..."She smiled.

He jumped a little when a man jumped down from somewhere unseen.

"Hehehe, poor thing this one. I guess you just didn't make it in time..we were making bets on whether or not you would hehe.." The man said to the boy. He had long grey-silver hair which hung in his face only reveling his shark like grin. His robes were dark and he carried a very large scythe.

"Who are you...it's obvious you're a soul reaper.." The child said.

"Hehehe, they are intelligent arent they..hmhm.." The reaper laughed his insult. " They call me undertaker..it's a pleasure to meet you..but might I also have the pleasure of your name young demon?" Undertaker chuckled. The boy glared and looked down.

"I don't wish to give it..now get it over with and reap this girls soul...she's suffering.." He said. Undertaker's grin faded for a moment and he cocked his head, but then he grinned deviously and bowed dramatically, one arm over his chest.

"But of course...hehehe..oh emotional demon.." The reaper said as he looked down at the girl.

"A...are you an angel?" She asked.

"Hmhmhm...I can be whatever you want me to be..hehehe.." He said as he swung his great scythe down and stabbed it into the girl, the boy expected her to scream out as most reaped souls do, but alas, not a sound was made. No more than a slight grunt and a gasp. The boy watched as her cinematic records burst through the air and the reaper caught them. The child demon had never stayed around long enough to see it done. He noticed a light glowing orb bounced out towards him, at first he backed up a little. When he kneeled down to it, he picked it up in his hands gently, as he looked in at it, he saw the last few moments of the young woman's life, all the way up until she saw him go to her, and he felt the happiness she had felt when he had agreed to stay. However, once he caught scent of the small orb in his hands, his eyes glowed, and he winced.

"N...No..I won't eat these..." He refused and noticed that the girls image in the orb simply smiled, as if she were there and could here him and the orb went up and he couldn't resist, he devoured it. Savoring its taste. It was, incredible. He hated it yet he loved it so. How had she managed to detach part of her soul to give to him? Then he heard her voice from somewhere around him.

"Hmhm...it's my way of saying thanks.." She said in a faint echo before the sound dissipated.

He stood there in shock, eyes glowing and shaking a little. He had gone so long without souls, he was becoming weak, and malnourished. He hadn't cared, when his father had told him what he was and what his goal in life was, he hated himself. He didn't get to decide what he was, or get to go back in time and choose not to be a demon.

"You are a curious one...hehe...you're the first one I've seen that decided to try and grow a heart...hehehehe...now, if I were you, I'd scramble out of here...the authorities will be here soon...hehehe..." The reaper said before leaving.

"Sebastian..." The boy said to himself. "Sebastian Michaelis...That is my name..and I shall never forsake it.." He said walking out of the ally. " Thank you, Lita.."


Sebastian was making his way to the royal palace. The pharaoh was an interesting man, ruthless of course, but interesting. His master as of now was a peasant slave, an older man, who'd lost his family to the King's rule. His young son had perished from being over worked building the statue of the Pharaoh, and his second child was a stillborn, following not long after his wife was killed in a tragic incident in which a massive boulder had fallen from the work site and crushed her.

" Master Nakhti...are you sure this is your final order for me?" Sebastian asked, the year was 1324 B.C at the time.

"Yes...Do as I order and you may have my soul." His master ordered, he sat on top of the building as Sebastian kneeled and bowed, hand over his chest.

"Yes, my lord." The demon said as he smirked and left.

"Now you will feel my wrath Pharaoh. This is for taking away my family..." The Egyptian said as he waited. It was twenty after the hour before his loyal servant returned. Lust filled his magenta eyes and a devious smile accented his face.

"It is done?"

"It is done..." Sebastian confirmed and not long after, an outbreak of panic was wide spread through the area. King Tutankhamun was dead. The man's revenge had been fulfilled.

"Are you ready Master.." The demon asked as he adjusted his robes.

Nakhti closed his eyes and sat patiently on the ledge of the building.

"Do not let me fall."

"Hmhm, I wouldn't dream of it my lord.." Sebastian answered as he moved in close and stole the mans soul. It screamed in pain as he swallowed it piece by piece. No one else could've heard, for the mans body was dead, but Sebastian heard it clearly as his previous Master's soul wept.

"Hmm..." Sebastian sighed at the delectable taste. It was the finest he'd had in many years, the man was nothing but hate and revenge, a burning emotion that ate away at him and called him to summon Sebastian.


That's chapter one :) Review and I'll update.