Guess what, this adventure is finally over :-)
Thanks for everything.
She giggled and turned her head away a little.
"Please, stay still," he begged her for what seemed like the millions time and pulled her earlobe gently.
"I know, I know, but it tickles," she complained, still laughing, turning her head back towards him. His face was close, his eyes looked like precious stones and his smile was still the warmest thing she had ever seen in her life. When their noses touched briefly, he propped himself on his elbows and raised his head to get a better look at her face.
She tried to stay still, lying on her back, looking up at him above her, but it his closeness alone made it really hard. She took a deep breath when he lowered his head and his lips grazed hers.
"My-my dad is downstairs," she stuttered bashfully.
"Yeah, right…" he agree, moving his mouth over hers before he deepened their kiss with a newly discovered hunger. He only finished when their lips started to swell and they ran out of breath. Then he lay back on his stomach, right next to her, still holding a piece of parchment in his right hand and a charcoal pencil in his left.
"Ahem, excuse me," interrupted them a harsh voice from somewhere downstairs, "you are too quiet," added Astrid's dad in a stern voice, but the two teens didn't take the warning too seriously, not anymore.
"We are almost done, Mr. Hofferson" shouted back Hiccup while he took the pencil down and turned Astrid's head away from him to get an easier access to her ear. She swallowed a giggle and pressed her lips together firmly when he carefully pinched her earlobe between his thumb and forefinger and lifted it.
Using his free hand, Hiccup smoothened the parchment out in front of him and grabbed the pencil again, while he lowered his head and took a closer look at the small tattoo on the back of Astrid's earlobe.
When Ashild first told him about the map that was tattooed on Astrid's earlobe by the Rune Reader, he had his doubts, but now, while he was busy copying the tiny lines to the paper in front of him, he started to recognize the location. The ragged shore, the lone mountain and the stars above it were familiar; they far up at the northern edge of their known world, right where the barren fields of ice started their endless journey to nowhere.
"Aaand I'm done," he said a few moments later, dropping his pencil that rolled off the bed, but he didn't care about it. They both sat up quietly and wondered at the map for a brief moment.
"Was this all on the back of my ear?" Astrid asked curiously.
Hiccup nodded. "Mmm, and I think I know where it is; small as it maybe, it is surprisingly well detailed."
"Is it far?"
"6-7 days on dragon back. Depending on the weather. I'm afraid, it's quite cold up there."
Astrid didn't react for a few long seconds, she was silently evaluating. He looked at her face and his heart sank, because he knew they had to go on separate ways once again. But this time at least, he knew where she was going.
"Well," she said a while later, "I think it's time to pack my winter gear then."
The fourth day of their journey was the hardest so far. A snowstorm prevented them from flying as far as they had originally planned for the day, but luck was on their side: they found a small cave before the storm fully kicked in.
At first, she didn't want him to escort her on the journey, but he insisted on going with her just to make sure she safely arrived to that mysterious woman who was supposedly waiting for her. Now, she was glad that he was with her, cuddling her from behind in their shared sleeping back next to the hastily made fire. The dragons were fast asleep, but they were up, trying to make good use of the little time they still had together.
Hiccup moved his head behind her and pushed his cold nose to her warm neck. It was strange for her how quickly sleeping in each other's arms became so natural, but it was, and it felt nothing but right.
Their relationship was still very innocent; apart from the warm kisses and a few shy touches (which neither of them could really feel because of the thick layers of clothing they were both wearing), they were in no rush. As of now, enjoying each other's closeness fulfilled all their needs.
On the seventh day of their journey, it was Astrid who spotted the ice buildings from the air. Hiccup immediately felt a jolt of sadness running through him; part of him hoped that they wouldn't find the Rune Reader and they could go back to Berk together, but it seemed that fate had different plans for them.
When they were just about to land, a person dressed in all white furs appeared at the doorway, followed by a dragon Hiccup had never seen before. It had the physical attributes of a Night Fury, but it was covered with thick white fur from head to tail.
"I'm glad you found me," greeted them a kind voice, "I bet you are chilled to the bone, so come into my humble home, dinner is almost ready."
She turned around and went inside. The travelers followed her.
Hiccup was surprised how chatty and friendly the woman seemed, but then again, she probably didn't have human company for the last decade. He had to admit for himself that the cold environment didn't make the Rune Reader a bitter old woman. She was neat and kind, which was comforting, but it still didn't feel right to just leave Astrid with her.
But then again, it wasn't something they asked him about.
It was also strange to see how quickly Astrid felt home in the unusual ice building, as if she belonged there. Apart from being very white, like everything else around them, the ice home had a cozy vibe. There were dragons inside, small fireworms kept the hearth warm, woolly terrors climbed up and slid down on the smooth walls and the fury-like dragon, who was indeed an Ice Fury, enthusiastically entertained Toothless and Stormfly.
It was almost idyllic, save the fact that the night was coming and Hiccup had to leave early next morning to start his long journey back to Berk. He felt the urge to talk to the woman of the north in private, to make sure she understands that he was about to leave the most valuable treasure of the world with her...
His chance came after they finished eating the fish stew the woman had served them for dinner. She asked Astrid to take a few fireworms to the smaller building - which from now on would be her home - to warm it up for the night.
A little later the Reader went out, too, and Hiccup followed her.
She stopped a few steps away from the building, looking at the vast sea of ice in front of her. It was quite late, but since they were up north, the Sun was still high, as if it hadn't had enough time to wonder at the beautiful white carpet underneath.
"I know you are worried about her," she started without turning back to Hiccup. "I know you don't want to lose her and I know you have a lot of questions about the future."
Hiccup uncomfortably kicked a pile of snow in front of him with his prosthetic. "As far as I know, being a Rune Reader means a life in solitude," he admitted quietly.
The woman turned and locked gazes with him. "Because the dragons and the knowledge must be protected."
"I understand that, but..."
"But you don't want to lose your lady friend..."
Hiccup shook his head. "She is not just a lady friend. She is the better and stronger half of my soul. Without her, I'm nothing, without her the world seizes to exist for me."
The Rune Reader stepped closer to him and gently put a gloved hand on his arm."And from what I have seen, she feels the same way about you."
"I hope so," said Hiccup and blushed.
"You will be a good team, dear. You are already a good team. You have a way with dragons and you are both brave enough to use the knowledge wisely. You will know what to do with the Hidden Class dragons. I trust you. Both of you."
"Does this mean she can come back to Berk? To me?
The woman nodded. "Yes. In time. When she gained the knowledge."
She nodded towards the buildings. "Time to sleep, dragon boy, you have a long journey ahead of you" she said before heading back inside.
Hiccup didn't dare to ask more questions.
The long winter on the island of Berk turned into a sudden spring, and then the flowers dropped their petals and small fruits were forming in their places. Summer was upon them, which usually meant that life became more fun, but one young Viking man wasn't particularly excited about it.
His body was on Berk, but he had left his heart at a faraway rigid land of snow. The passing time didn't make anything easier, uncertainty was the worst foe he had ever had, but in hope of a better future, he kept himself busy.
He usually started his morning on the back of a sleepy dragon, flying away, looking for places and things he might need someday. He was rarely back before dinner, which could have annoyed his mighty father, but Stoick seemed to understand his son's motives this time, and he just let the young man do whatever he felt like doing.
After a quick dinner, Hiccup usually headed for the forge, mending and crafting whatever the villagers needed, and when darkness fell and Gobber left the smithy, he had spent a couple of hours working on his own ideas.
It was no different on this hot and humid night. He was at his table drawing something at the flickering light of an old candle. Every now and then his raised his eyes to look at a picture on the wall. It was a detailed drawing of Astrid, which he made right after he had returned from the north. It was quite accurate and it often melted his heart, but it was nowhere close to the real thing...
There was a little rustling at the door and even though he was normally a lot kinder to late customers, it wasn't a good time; he was tired and wanted to finish what he had planned for the night.
"We are not open," he barked to the opening door. There was a moment of silence.
"It's a pity," said the visitor finally, "I have overused my ax the past couple of days, it is too dull for my liking."
He felt his heart stop. He turned around, jumped up and rushed to the door.
It was her, her, her…
With her hair a bit longer and her body a little more slender, but it was definitely her.
They hugged until it almost hurt.
She woke up the next morning happier and hungrier than ever before. She dressed up and went downstairs and hugged her parents ready to eat whatever she was offered, after months of eating fish, she was so ready for her mother's pies and pastries and all the fresh vegetables and fruits of Berk.
When she sat down to eat, her father poked her shoulder.
"You better hurry up, daughter, someone is waiting for you." He pointed at the window and through the holes on the shutters, Astrid recognized the silhouette of Hiccup.
Ashild placed a freshly baked bean pie in front of Astrid. "Yeah, he has been pacing under your window since dawn," she said with huge smirk on her face.
Astrid swallowed the bite in her mouth and chased it down quickly with a few gulps of fatty yak milk.
"I guess, I better be going then," she said and stood up from the table.
"It's alright, I've already packed a bag full of your favorites," said her mom with a wink, while handing over a leather bag to her.
Astrid was so ready leave, but her father stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder. "Daughter, have a wonderful day." Astrid quirked an eyebrow. Her father wasn't the emotional type, but then again, she had just returned back home. He hugged her quietly and then her mother joined in for a family hug.
"Hey, mom and dad I'm not leaving again..." she mumbled quietly.
"Sure, sure," her mother agreed, but she sounded a bit tense.
Astrid still couldn't understand her parents, but whatever they tried to tell her in their weird ways, she was sure, could wait, because there was someone else she didn't want to keep waiting.
Flying together again was like a newly found Valhalla, but it got even better once Hiccup landed on a small island a couple hours from Berk. She was so ready to swim, to tease, to kiss, to do whatever they could do together.
They landed on the sandy shore and the two dragons quickly got bored with the couple who seemed to be glued together from mouth to toe, so they started playing in the water instead of waiting for the humans to finish their weird rituals.
"You don't have to kiss me anymore," he said at one point, teasing her, "I think I got my seven kisses. And a few dozen extras."
She quickly punched his shoulder. "Shut up, I want to kiss you," she replied and claimed his mouth once again while rubbing his shoulder right where she had hit him.
When they were finished, they just sat down on the sand in a quiet hug. She felt so perfect, everything felt so perfect…
"I want it to always be like this..." said Hiccup while grabbing her waist to bring her a little more closer.
"Mmm," she answered pressing her face to his chest, "me too."
"I really mean it," he added, sounding way too serious. Astrid pulled back and lifted her head to look into his eyes. An awkward sensation chilled her.
"Is there something wrong?" she asked worriedly.
He shook his head. "Well... I hope not."
"Then why...?" she started, but stopped when he reached for her.
Gently holding her hands, he started to talk in a soft voice. "Astrid, during the past year we were forced to be apart on many occasions. I don't want it anymore. I don't want us to be separated ever again."
"I don't want that either..." she agreed, but the whole situation still felt a bit odd.
"I want you to be happy and safe and to secure that, I want you to have all that I have. All my privileges, all my possessions, all that I will ever be able to offer you in this life."
Her eyes grew bigger when she started to understand what he was trying to say. "Hiccup, are you suggesting that.."
He cut her off. "Astrid Hofferson, I, Hiccup Haddock III, would like to tie our lives together in a bond that no man can ever break. I want to take an oath that I will love you as long as my heart beats and protect you as long as my hand can hold a sword."
Unborn tears started to scrunch her nose, but this time she didn't want to fight them. She blinked a few times and let them roll down her cheeks.
"I, Astrid Hofferson, want to take an oath, too. That I will love you until I breathe and I protect you until my hands can swing an ax," she whispered through the veil of tears.
He leaned closer to her and kissed her and it was slow and meaningful and so full of emotions. She leaned down afterwards and rested her head on his lap while he raked through her golden hair.
"And when do you want to get married? Next spring probably?"
He didn't answer at first, but looked down at her, then at the dragons, who were still playing in the waves and finally, he just looked at the vast sea in front of them.
"I got a bit, heh, bored while you were away," he admitted embarrassed, "I found this island and I thought it to be beautiful, and it really has everything. It has food, fresh water a nice beach, warm springs and a spacious cave with lots of caverns. I came out here every day and tried to make it as comfortable as possible, hoping that it could serve us as our first home…"
She was wordless. It made him uneasy. His hand stopped caressing her hair.
"Astrid, did I do something...?"
He had no time to finish, she straightened herself so fast.
"Please, show me," she said simply, but her eyes were bright with excitement. He stood up and helped her up too. He took her hand and led her through the sandy shore to where the thick vegetation started to grow. There was a narrow path leading to the cave.
Toothless noticed from the water where the humans were headed and whistled to Stormfly to follow him. With a few jumps, the dragons caught up with the humans.
"Yeah, I know you love the cave, you silly reptile," said Hiccup gently and rubbed the back of the dragon's head. "He helped me a lot..." He said then to Astrid and Toothless let out a proud groan.
It really was something. The first cavern at the mouth of the cave was huge. It had a hearth in the middle with lots of pelts, bowls, containers and everything around it that one would ever need in a kitchen. It also had two sleeping stones for the dragons – from the burnt marks on one of them, it was clear for Astrid that Toothless had already spent a few nights on it.
Then he showed her the smaller caverns, one after the other. The nature-made rooms were fully furnished with sturdy wooden furniture. There was a small smithy for him with all the tools he might need, plus a table that was already covered with various blueprints.
There was an armory full of weapons for her, with enough room to practice with her ax indoors. It had a warm pool of water and a spring, a perfect place for soaking and doing the laundry.
And then there was a bedroom with a massive bed and an opening at the top of the cavern, so one could lie down and see the stars above (and it also head a clever trap door to at the opening to keep the storms and the hails out).
Astrid was mesmerized. "I can't believe you have done all this in so little time..." she said standing in awe.
"Uh, trust me, it felt far too much."
"It's beautiful. Thanks you." She said and placed a quick peck on his blushing cheek.
"It's okay. I did it for both of us..."
"But you still haven't answered my question... when do you want to get married?"
Hiccup became a bit embarrassed. "Erm... yeah... about that. I..."
He stepped closer to the bed and lifted a rolled up parchment from it. Astrid curiously waited for an explanation.
"So... I kind of hoped that you would say yes, so..."
"Huh. Everything is settled with everyone. Parents and parent/chief and..."
She didn't bare it any longer, she grabbed his shoulders and shook him a little. "For Thor's sake what are you trying to say?"
He cleared his throat and unrolled the parchment for. "If we sign this paper, we are married... I mean... I though it would be nice to get married on this beach, just us and the dragons, and no unnecessary hassle."
There was no need for more explanation. Astrid brought him close and hugged him.
"Let's do it," she whispered into his ear.
He grinned. "For the record, I told everyone on Berk to start celebrating if we didn't get back by sunset."
"So they are celebrating our wedding without us?"
"Kind of..."
She laughed up. "It's perfect. I never thought there was a way to avoid all the drunken relatives."
"Thanks," she said softly and placed a small kiss at the corner of his mouth.
"You are still not done with the surprises, are you?" She asked rolling her eyes.
"There is a smaller bedroom to the left. Your mother had made you a dress and a bridal crown... They are there."
He was waiting for her at the shore in his best tunic, nervously watching the setting Sun with the two dragons next to him. Then they heard her steps on the sand…
She was so beautiful in the simple, embroidered dress. She let her hair down and it was floating around her like a golden flag.
The dragons were amazed by her appearance too, they let out gentle, curious coos.
They took their oaths with the kindest words of the language, and then they signed the parchment and shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
They had dinner with the dragons and drank a few glasses of meade, which sweetened their kisses further.
And when the night fell, they became one, first a bit timidly, then with growing passion, every time with the realest love.
She came to the senses when the first rays of the Sun lit through the opening above their bed and caressed her skin.
Oh, right, she got married the other night to the dorkiest, sneakiest most wonderful man on this Earth...
"How long have you been watching me?" She asked smiling, with eyes still shut.
"Couple of minutes..." came the voice above her head and gentle lips placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.
"'s alright, my husband can watch me anytime he wants to," she giggled and crawled closer to him. His body felt warm and welcoming.
He ducked his head down to place a kiss on her neck, it was a sensitive spot, he knew it from experience now...
She let out a discrete moan and snaked her arms around his neck bringing him closer. "So, what's next, husband?" She asked teasingly which made both of them immediately blush. "Okay, I didn't mean next next, but after..."
He pulled away and rolled on his back, pulling her to his chest.
"Well, I told everyone that we might want to enjoy our honey month. Away from Berk..."
"That explains while my parents were so emotional the other morning..."
He looked down at her. "I'm sorry about that."
"Don't be. I loved our wedding the way it was. But still... I like to think I know my husband and I can't imagine him doing nothing but being married for a whole month..."
He laughed. "Hey, I've enjoyed every second of my marriage so far..."
"Alright, alright... I might have brought the dragon book here..."
"It's a lucky coincidence that you married a woman who can actually use that book…"
"So, you can read all the secret runes and everything?"
"Yep..." she hesitated for a moment then lifted her head to look at him. "Oh, for the love of Freya… I can't wait to look for those Hidden Class dragons… with you."
He laughed up and brought her back to his chest.
"I can't wait for our new you adventures, wife" he said smiling into her hair, while he started to draw gentle circles along her spine...